KMI Newsletter-June 2014

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Transcript of KMI Newsletter-June 2014

Community Events Chronicle

Juneruary 2014

Community Events Chronicle

June 2014

Annual Volunteer Lunch

Kennebec Manor

Giving Purpose and Meaning to Every Life

Volunteers are an integral part of any non-profit

organization. We celebrated our Volunteers at

Kennebec Manor with a delicious lunch.

The atmosphere was jovial and fun with our Leadership Team making

everyone feel welcome and appreciated.

Volunteering brings together a diverse range of people with varied

backgrounds. Our most junior volunteer started with us when she was

in high school, coming in after school, on weekends and for special

events such the Family Fun Day. In addition, our most senior volunteer

just turned ninety and enjoys various activities with the residents.

It takes a community to raise children and also to enhance the lives of

elders who were once active participants in our society.

We thank you for all that you do and the smile and love you bring to our


If you like to have fun, socialize, bake, read, do crafts, garden or enjoy

participating in events in the community, please give us a call at

632-9628 ext 109 or drop in to see us!

Party is June 1st at 1:30pm in the Party is June 1st at 1:30pm in the Party is June 1st at 1:30pm in the Atrium with DelbertAtrium with DelbertAtrium with Delbert

Shirley Hanson June 1st

Barbara Hall June 5th

Floyd Marks June 9th

Gertrude Lank June 10th

Isobel Young June 14th

Elizabeth MacGowan June 20th

Ronald Corbett June 23rd

Brenda Cunningham June 25th


Staff Appreciation

The leadership team held a bowling party for the staff of

both Kennebec Manor & Kings Way Care Centre and their

families, at the Bowlarama, to show their appreciation for the

“labor of love” the staff demonstrate throughout the year.

Fathers Are Wonderful People

Fathers are wonderful people Too little understood, And we do not sing their praises

As often as we should...

Father struggles daily To live up to "HIS IMAGE" As protector and provider

And "hero of the scrimmage"…

And perhaps that is the reason We sometimes get the notion, That fathers are not subject

To the thing we call emotion

But if you look inside his heart, Where no one else can see You'll find he's sentimental

And as "soft" as he can be...

Fathers are just WONDERFUL In a million different ways, And they merit loving compliments

And accolade of praise.



Celebrations in MayCelebrations in MayCelebrations in MayCelebrations in May!!


Tribute Cards Tribute Cards Tribute Cards Tribute Cards

Tribute Cards are an attractive and efficient way to send caring messages to family and friends, and at the same time support our Foundation. A lovely, personalized message printed on a special card is sent to the recipient, and a tax receipt is issued for your kind donation, for a

minimum donation of $10.00.

For more information please visit our website or call the Foundation office at 847-1131, ext. 1124.

Also, a gift set of 8 cards & envelopes are available from the Foundation office for $20.00.

Do you like to have fun, decorate, connect with people and most

importantly LOVE CHOCOLATE??

The Foundation is in the early stages of planning a signature event to

fundraise for Kennebec Manor and Kings Way Care Centre. This will be a

“multi-course chocolate tasting” from various restaurants and bakeries from the Greater

Saint John area.

This event will be on Saturday, October 25th at the Saint John Trade & Convention


If you would like to participate in the planning of this “One Of A Kind” event in New

Brunswick, please contact Kim at 847-1131, ext. 1124

Happy Birthday to Martin Forrest celebrating his 88th birthday on May 5th.

Madeline O’Leary received a hug from Heather Mason on her 87th birthday, May 29th

Elsie Reid turned 85 on May 6th, here she is celebrating with her son, daughter & son-in-law



Kite Flying BBQ Party

On May 29th, we had a wonderful visit from the children of Lakefield Elementary. Since September

our residents at KWCC have visited the grade two class of Corinna LeMontagne to do Art History.

As a thank you for their hospitality, we invited them to build kites and bring them to our home to fly

for our residents. Our sister home Kennebec Manor became involved in this great event as well

and even brought their own kites! They were thrilled to see their hand-made kites touch the sky

with the help of their new young friends. After the kite flying was over, everyone went upstairs for a

BBQ. The Nutrition staff went above and beyond to provide a wonderful meal for both residents and

guests alike. Special thanks go out to Don Sherwood and Don Cameron who manned the BBQ’s!!!!

It was a day filled with laughter and smiles from people of all ages! A day that will be remembered

for a long time!!



Shirley saying farewell to Joyce

Hazel Fulton and Linda Comeau enjoying “Mexican” food with Hazel’s son Kevin.

Who doesn’t enjoy a good meal at Pizza Delight - there is no doubt here!!

Too bad Roy but Sue won the crib tropy from you for May - better luck next month!!

Hilda Cuthbertson, Sharon Mills and Diane Vautour on their way to the movies!!

Pastor’s Corner

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,

and whose hope the Lord is.” (Jeremiah 17:7)


Anglican Communion - Friday, June 6th at 10:30AM - Atrium

Bible Study - Monday, June 2nd, 9th & 26th at 1:00PM - Activity Centre

Protestant Communion - Monday, June 16th at 10:30AM - Atrium

Catholic Mass - Wed, June 11th & Mon, June 30th at 10:30AM - Activity Centre

Sunday Worship - June 29th at 2:30PM - Atrium


June Events

June 7 Sat 1:30PM Birthday/Tim Maloney Atrium

June 10 Tue 8:00AM Fort Howe Cafe Bus Outing

June 11 Wed 9:30AM Huntsman Aquarium Bus Outing

June 20 Fri 10:00AM St. Martins Bus Outing

June 21 Sat 1:30PM Country Norm Atrium

June 24 Tue 1:30PM Music Therapy Atrium

June 25 Wed 9:30AM Kingsbrae Gardens Bus Outing

June 26 Thu 4:00PM BBQ Courtyard

June 30 Mon 1:15PM Pumpkin Patch Bus Outing