King Richard III Presentation

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of King Richard III Presentation

Josh Wilson - graphic Design

The Client

mATT Wilkinson -Graphic Design, lighting AND volumetricS.

Tony Truman – aUDIO, 3d Design

daNIEL SChreiber- Graphic Design, Motion graphics, 2d animation.

The group The group The Client

Richard III Visitor Centre

Initial Idea Initial Idea Our initial idea, was to create a 2D animated cartoon. This cartoon would tell in detail the rise and fall of King Richard III, including the dig to uncover his remains. We formed the group based on our skills sets, which we think would be well suited to this design concept. We decided to that our target audience would be the Year 5 Junior School Students Group. After conducting some research, we thought a on-screen narrator would improve our communication with our target audience.

Early Design concept

Initial Idea Initial Idea

Primary Research

Battle of Bosworth

Richard III Centre Primary Research

Primary Research Primary Research During the Q&A session at the Richard III Centre, we found out some valuable target audience information. The attraction is consistently popular with the mid-older generation, FAMILIES AND SCHOOLS. The audience they struggle to attract is the student and young person demographic. This was important information, because our ambition is to attract a demographic who would not normally visit THE Richard iii center.

secondary research secondary research To gain further insight, we WATCHED THE channel 4 documentary ‘the king in the car park’. THIS DOCUMENTARYWAS informative, and not only documented the dig, but gave a n historical insight into Richard III’S life . The documentary also brought into question whether he was the villain that Shakespeare portrayed, or whether he has been misrepresented throughout history. in ADDITION the documentary gave an insight into the numerous international Richard iii societies, WHICH WE WERE PREIVIOUSLY UNAWARE OF

Problems Wrong target

audience Not

enough content

Time restraints

Problems Initial Idea Initial Idea

New Idea New Idea We now knew that we needed to adapt our concept to a new target audience. We decided that the mid teens (14-18 years old) audience would give us the biggest scope to work with. As most of our group are graphic designers, we decided to keep our new idea in the same digital design field. After some research we came across a German motion graphics company called ‘kurzgesagt’, which in German means ‘in a nutshell’. This company uses motion graphics and 2d animation to visually explain subjects such as history and science. Here is an example of there work  

New Idea New Idea From the previous video, you can see this DESIGN APPROACH will be visually appealing to a mid teens target audience. from Looking on their official website, WE FOUND OUT THAT ‘Kurzgesagt’ Has a small team of designers. TWO motion graphic designers, TWO researchers and one sound editor. each video from start to o finish takes roughly A MONTH. We believe this will GIVE US ENOUGH TIME TO CREATE OUR OWN SIMLIAR VIDEO. one ISSUE I THINK WE WIL L HAVE IN THE VIDEO’S CREATION W ILL BE FINDING A VOICE ACTOR, to narrate over the edit. One way we could find this person, is to register our project on STARNOW.COM. This is A FREE site that finds newactors work to add to their portfolio. we could also approach Nottingham Trent's drama society. this may be quicker, but both options should be explored.

Group roles Group roles

Josh Wilson - graphic designer

mATT Wilkinson – Character dESIGNER

Tony Truman – audio DESIGNER, EDITOR

daniel Schreiber- animator, SCRIPT WRITER

Communication FB Page

Weekly Meeting


Communication gROUP group

Project Management

Project Management


Technical Spec

(2D & Audio)

Technical Spec

5 KEY Words Promotional





5 KEY Words



Conclusions Conclusions Our project is designed to entertain and educate young adults about the life and discovery of King Richard III. This project does first appears to be feasible in keeping to its deadline. Certain precautions need to be followed to ensure the project stays on track we must be prepared for project setbacks. Ensuring the Kanban regularly gets updated, will be key to the projects progression. Regular meeting will also be key to the success of the project. This will help the group track each group member progression, and will help prevent project setbacks.