Kindred Tribune 2.2

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Transcript of Kindred Tribune 2.2

  • 8/6/2019 Kindred Tribune 2.2


  • 8/6/2019 Kindred Tribune 2.2


    Contact info:


    Web Site:

    Editor: Melissa Brown

    Contributing Authors and Artists:

    Atlanta Vampire Alliance (AVA)

    Michelle Belanger

    William BlumbergMelissa Brown

    David Goddard

    Vincent Grisanti

    Vampire kittenLady CG


    Yara Nightshade


    Angela PearsonSanguinarius

    Copyright 2007, Vein Press and Publishing. All rights reserved.

    All content, unless otherwise noted, is copyrighted by Vein Press and Publishing

    No part of the Kindred Tribune may be reproduced in any way shape or form, by any means, electronic, mechan

    otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher, except for review purposes.

    The material published in this paper does not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of the editor or the Kindred Tribua whole.


    This magazine can and occasionally does

    deal with adult topics and themes.

    So we recommended this for those with a

    mature mind.

    The information provided here is for

    educational purposes only.

    The authors and editor will not be heldresponsible for the actions of the readers.

  • 8/6/2019 Kindred Tribune 2.2


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    From the Editor

    Here we are half way threw the year and the Kindred Tribune is still going strong. A

    we have YOU to thank for that.

    In this issue we address the issues and difficulties of awakening. Be it to your nature

    otherkin, vampire or to the world of paganism and magic. In this issue members of

    communities will share their own stories and offer tips and advice to help those who

    just beginning their walk down these paths.Know that you are not alone and that even though it may seem hard now you wi


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    Table Of Contents

    Awakening: Learning to Believe . . . . . 1

    What is Awakening? . . . . .3

    How I came to be & What I've learned... . . . . .4

    Tips For Awakening . . . . . . 6

    Red Letters of Love . . . . .7

    Awakening - Whats wrong with me? . . . . .13

    Issues with Awakening Today . . . . . . 14

    News, Events, & Announcements. . . . .15

    Cover ArtworkProvided By Jesse Peper

    For any of you Kindred Tribune readers interested in

    knowing; I am a painter, mostly. Although, I also

    work with sound-related projects, sculpture, intaglio

    and anything that looks useful for me to bring my

    ideas and imagination out into the physical world.Whenever I attempt to describe my work as a

    painter, I find myself engaging in a process that

    interferes with the actual paintings as individualentities. Currently, I feel as if painting is a

    language of sorts. One day my paintings will have

    to live without me and speak for themselves. Titles

    and sometimes inscriptions are as far as I usually

    incorporate the use of words regarding my visual

    ideas. Symbolism has a very strong impression on

    my work. A great deal of what I use or see as such

    are thusly incorporated with some degree of

    personal association and interpretation. If youwould care to view my works or correspond with me

    please visit my website:

    Thank you! - Jesse

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    Kindred Tribune Volume-2 Issue-2


    Awakening: Learning to BelieveBy. Michelle Belanger

    When I was in second grade, we were flying kites in

    the schoolyard, and I was disappointed because my

    kite would not fly very high. I was a very

    competitive child, and so I naturally decided to calla wind to make it fly higher than everyone elses. I

    closed my eyes and sort of reached up into the wind

    to pull a stronger gust my way, and I startedchanting quietly to myself to help focus:

    Thunder, lightning, wind and rain,

    Blow the clouds in, storm again!

    Thunder, lightning, wind and hail,

    Lightning flash and thunder wail!

    It is a chant I use to this day whenever I do storm


    Now, no one had taught me anything about magick

    at that point in my life, and I know I hadnt learned

    the chant from anyone - it just sort of came to me.The really funny thing about this is that not only did

    it work to call a really strong wind, but one of the

    teachers on recess duty apparently noticed me

    chanting and yelled at me to cut it out - as if she

    knew that I was calling the wind. I was so

    embarrassed for getting caught doing something I

    obviously shouldnt have been, that I didnt doanything like that for quite some time.

    After that, there were a lot of little incidents that

    hinted there was something a little strange about

    me: lights going on and off, other electrical devices

    like TVs and radios not working right around me,

    circuits and things blowing out. I didnt start

    connecting all this to me until fourth or fifth grade,

    and then I started studying what I could find on

    psychic phenomenon at the time.

    At that point I knew I could do things, but I stilldidnt understand how anything worked or what it

    meant. And of course, I wavered back and forth,

    because anytime Id talk about the things I could

    do, people got really weird about it and were either

    scared of me afterward or told me I was crazy.

    Swimming in Denial

    It was hard at first to accept that it was me doingthese things. It was even harder to accept that it

    wasnt just accidental, but that I could learn to do

    these things consciously. I was a pretty rational /

    scientific-minded kid growing up, so of course I

    fought to fit everything into a paradigm that agreed

    with what I was being taught about what was

    possible and impossible.

    Coincidence was my favorite excuse, or that it was

    somehow all psycho-somatic Sometimes this would

    be my mantra when something strange was going

    on that I really wanted to stop, but couldnt control

    any other way. Its all psycho-somatic, its all

    psycho-somatic Id say over and over again, until

    the unwanted phenomenon would just go away.

    Gifts from Heaven or Hell

    Sometimes other kids and adults would connect

    these strange happenings with me, and their

    responses would vary, as did my responses to their

    responses. Some folks at my church, for example,

    seemed to think I was some kind of little angel

    come down with great gifts from God. The way they

    went on about what I could do just plain scared me,

    because it seemed like a terrible responsibility to be

    walking around with miraculous gifts. Heck, Id gone

    to Sunday school - I knew what theyd done to that

    Jesus guy, and I didnt want anything like that

    happening to me!

    Then there were the folks who would be afraid of

    me, or decide it had something to do with Satan.They made me feel scared as well, or ashamed of

    what I could do. Their responses also made me

    want to be pretty secretive about things, so I talkedless and less and usually tried to pretend I had

    nothing to do with anything weird if things

    happened around me.

    If someone confronted me about these

    coincidences I usually claimed innocence, saying I

    had no idea what they were talking about.

    Although, to be honest, there were times when,

    being a kid, I got really pissed off at someone and

    tried to make things happen to them. It usually

    scared the hell out of me when something finally

    did, and if I was pretty sure Id done it, Id feel

    guilty for a while. I usually escaped the guilt withthe same excuse I used for so many years: it was

    just a coincidence, so what was I worried about


    The Balance of Belief

    There is no single, specific incident that finally

    tipped the balance of belief for me. Rather, it was a

    whole lot of little things that piled up till I couldnt

    ignore them anymore. I could have explained one

    or two away, but five, ten, or fifteen weird things all

    happening at about the same time with no good

    explanation just couldnt be coincidence any more.

    And Ive seen this in others again and again - the

    really big, reality-popping incidents dont do it for

    them. Those they can somehow turn a blind eye to,

    or maybe trick themselves into forgetting about.

    But the day-to-day incidents, the endless string of

    little intuitions and coincidences and luck are

    what finally prove it to people. Eventually, all those

    little incidents build up into a huge pile of crushing


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    Kindred Tribune Volume-2 Issue-2


    Reality is not always what it seems,

    And we can alter it through Will and through



    2003 Michelle Belanger

    Sentiments I write once more

    So soft did my window openI stall my breath, a sharp inhale,

    Quietly hoping to see you,To feel your warm heart against mine.

    Let dark wings occlude our bodies.

    Have dominion over my eyes.Let lips collide, ecstatic purrs

    Run slender arms across hot skinTime, finally, you lay with me.

    Thine darkest wings of onyx stone

    Do they so take captive weak meMoaning sighs, heated lust from us

    Your hands now slide downward, lower.Your wings provide a heated dark

    Have dominion over my heartLet precious tears fall from my eyes

    These dark, pooling, kind emeraldsTake swiftly away, sweaty kiss.

    Our love now heralds high above

    Aphrodite now envies our sightRaging angrily from our lust

    Dark wings unfold and morn is here.

    You place a loving sentimentA rose, a ring, a kiss on me

    Standing on the sill you there areYou smile from the spot you grace and

    Before you realize it I wakeI dont want you to go, ever

    Why must you? But before you do

    I cling to your arm, crying nowTake me with you away from pain

    You smile, take my hand and lead meAway and far from worldly pain

    David Goddard2007

    You can find Lady CGs Book at the following Websites:

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    Kindred Tribune Volume-2 Issue-2


    What is Awakening?By. Michelle Belanger

    There is more to the world than just ordinary,

    physical reality. There is not just body. There is also

    spirit. All of the material things around us have a

    vital, spiritual component that our current cultureencourages us to be blind to.

    However, for some of us, it is impossible to remainblind. Those who we term "Awakened" have their

    eyes open and are able to see all of those things

    that make the universe a richer and more profound

    experience than one of just the material senses.

    Awakening comes at various points in people's lives.

    Some of us are born Awakened, and we have

    known nothing else. Others come to their

    Awakening later in life. Most often, we are born withthe capacity to Awaken, and latent talents and

    abilities manifest in early childhood. But as our

    parents, teachers, and all other authority figures in

    our lives repeatedly reinforce the notion that oursubtle senses are just our imagination, that spirits

    aren't real and that magick doesn't exist, we start

    to block off this aspect of our experience.

    These self-imposed mental blocks often do not start

    to come loose until the onset of puberty or later

    adolescence. Sometimes latent abilities manifestwith renewed strength as puberty comes upon us,

    and then our sensations and perceptions become

    something which we cannot deny. More often, as we

    go through that period of individuation in

    adolescence wherein we question the rules and

    boundaries set by society and by our parents, we

    start to also question those boundaries that tell us

    what we can and cannot believe.

    It is very common in this stage of Awakening to re-

    evaluate the experiences and beliefs of childhood in

    an attempt to discern what was real and what wastruly imagination. At this stage it is also common to

    experiment with different belief systems in an

    attempt to understand what is really going on with

    a reality that does not seem to conform to the

    accepted rules. A person at this stage has a lot of

    unanswered questions and a lot of experiences that

    seem to defy the very rules of possibility.

    It is not uncommon to have spontaneous numinous

    experiences at this stage as well -- episodes of

    precognition, strong moments of empathy or

    telepathy, visual perception of auras or spirits, and

    other feelings which cannot be explained.

    The challenge with Awakening is breaking through

    those barriers imposed by your parents, your

    society, and your birth religion. This is not an easy

    thing to do. It takes a strong personality and a

    profound belief in yourself to be able to reject the

    accepted paradigm and seek to define one of your

    own. This is one of the reasons so many Awakened

    people are such egoists -- it takes a strong ego to

    survive the process of Awakening without buckling

    under the pressure to just disbelieve.

    Belief is the crux of Awakening. There is usually a

    critical point at which a person who is Awakening

    makes a decision to believe or not to believe. If

    they choose to accept that there is more to reality

    than they have been told, then the process

    continues and, with work, they will eventually come

    to understand and even master the latent abilities

    that they have. If they choose not to believe, those

    latent abilities do not just go away. Instead, the

    Awakened person enters a period of deep

    repression that can continue their whole lives.

    Either way, the road before the person is not an

    easy one. On one hand, they must work their whole

    lives to believe in something most other people

    regard as fantasy. On the other, they must worktheir whole lives to forcibly keep their spiritual eyes

    shut when seeing and experiencing things on that

    level are as natural to them as breathing.

    We've been there. We've seen people go either

    way. And we know how hard it is to keep going,

    even once you've made the decision to believe.

    That's why this page has articles on Awakening --

    what it's like from people who have been there, tips

    for getting through it, and encouraging words that

    will hopefully make you realize that you're as not

    crazy as you think you are.

    The world is changing as are the people in it. There

    are more and more Awakened in every generation

    now. Together we are pushing the boundaries, so itbecomes easier each time someone new gives them

    a push. This is the time and the place for it, and if

    you have the courage and the perseverance, there

    is something wonderful to be achieved.


    2003 Michelle Belanger

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    Kindred Tribune Volume-2 Issue-2


    Broken Wings: A new ability?

    Those eyes....*his* eyes. The dark warm eyes I had

    always subconsciously avoided are now staring back

    at mine. They suddenly became cold and pupils a

    piercing white. I can't break the connection. But oh

    how desperately I want to. Its as if he sees right

    into my very soul. It feels as if he's telling me

    things about myself that I don't even know. I lost all

    sense of time, direction and sound into his eyes. He

    was in complete control. All I remember was those

    eyes. He awakened something within me that night.Something...weird, that I don't quite understand.

    * * *

    This is the story of my 4th awakening, not how I

    awakened to my vampirism or therianthropy or how

    I found the Goddess. This is the awakening of a new

    ability. One that apparently no one's heard of. I

    don't know how I do it or why... I just know I can. I

    call it "Broken Wings".* * *

    From that moment on something was different. I

    noticed things and experienced things in new ways.

    I suddenly knew *he* was 'kin. I could feel it. Icould now sense otherkin by scanning their energy

    and could also see phantom limbs. That was

    normal. Within days of that night I began to develop

    something else, something different. It started with

    a dream...

    * * *

    Im in my Arctic Wolf form, am walking down a long

    road. The wind howling, cracks of lightning easing

    me into my walk. The stone of the path is cold tothe pads of my feet. I trail on into a cave. *THE*

    cave, the one where I found myself for the 1st time.

    I enter cautiously... it gets cold...very cold. I walk

    on slowly...carefully. Then I reach it the silvery

    pond at the end of the tunnel. I call it the "Mirror of

    the Goddess". I take a look at myself long and hard.

    Then I see them. The scars on my back. They're

    odd, placed exactly where one may have once had

    wings. I take the image in and all at once I snap


    * * *

    That dream never left my mind... I was constantly

    reminded of it...especially when I was around*him*. Then it happened... at rehearsal one night.He poked me lightly and told me to "pass it on".

    Silly I know but I did so anyway. What's wrong with

    having a little innocent fun every now and again? I

    look back at him... I get cold again, that same

    unbearable cold, that cold that tells me that 'kin are

    near. I look at him. His wings are fully visible,

    yellow at the time. At that moment I could feel

    them on me as if they were mine! I was in physical

    pain... that's how intense his wings are. I can't

    really explain what it was like but it's an amped up

    version of feeling my own phantom limbs.

    (Ears, paws and tail). I then realized what my gift

    was. I could feel other people's phantom wings.

    Only wings though nothing else. I knew these wings

    were not my own. This really fascinated me. I tried

    to research it but to no avail. I posted on boards

    and web sites and nobody knew. I have a gryphon

    friend who's wings I can also feel, hers are very

    different from *his*. They're very bird-like and

    twitchy. My dragon friends are large and sturdy.

    Everyone's wings were different but I could feel

    them all. A few weeks later I came to the realization

    that I also experienced the mental shifts of the 'kin

    who's wings I was feeling. I become hyper sensitive

    and have the most amazing feeling. I can see, hear,

    smell, touch and taste EVERY little thing. Along with

    experiencing the rapidly changing mindset of my

    fellow 'kin It's almost as if I speed up while theworld slows down. I can now control who's wings I

    feel and when, at first it was spontaneous. I'm

    learning to control it more an more. With every stepI take my gift sharpens and unfold itself. I become

    closer and closer to finding out exactly what it is I

    can do. I've only slightly begun my journey!

    Again we learn new things. With this gift I can feel

    things behind me pass through the wings of the 'kin

    around me. I can feel the wings of the otherkin

    without being near them now. I focus on their

    energies and say a word that relates to their wings.

    I can also feel their moods now. Whenever I pick up

    their belongings I automatically feel their wings.

    This is developing to be a very powerful ability.

    ~Nox The Wolf with the Broken Wings- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Its been five years. Five years of dealing

    with vampirism, five years of learning, five years ofemotion, and five years of pain. In January 1999, I

    awakened as a sanguinarian. For 3 years before

    that, I went through the process of awakening, and

    I suffered a great deal of emotional and physical

    pain. And on a cold January day in 1999, I cleared

    my mind, cleared away the pain for a moment, and

    decided that I was a vampire.

    A flood of memories saturated my mind, and I knewthat it was blood that made me feel better.Did it

    make sense? not really. Was it real? you bet your

    ass it was. So there I was, a vampire...the long

    sicknesses, the sensitivity to sunlight, the rage, the

    thirst. It all became a part of life, and I became

    numb to it. I went through the denial stage, the

    angry stage, and the bizarre stage. Even at this

    stage I did'nt really know what being a vampire

    meant. I did'nt know what a "sanguinarian" was, or

    what "Psi vamps" were. In 2002, I got on the

    Internet for the first time, and stumbled across this

    whole world of real vampires. As I read everything,

    How I came to be & What I've learned...

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    Kindred Tribune Volume-2 Issue-2


    it all started to make sense. So, here I am, in 2004,

    still learning, and now helping others who are

    feeling the same pain, and asking the same


    I spent a lot of time questioning our condition, and

    researching, trying to grasp something real, trying

    to find the answers. Its been one hell of a ride the

    past two years. I've made a lot of good friends, and

    even some enemies. There's a whole world out

    there who despises us, who puts us down, who calls

    us psycho. And even some vampires think its all in

    our heads. However, I believe there is a hidden

    condition within us, just like there are plenty of

    other things science does'nt know about the human

    body. On the other hand, there's plenty of people

    who support us, befriend us, donate to us, and help

    us understand our condition. Vampirism has

    become such a big part of my life, that I could

    never dare think of denying it ever again. That

    would'nt be fair to everyone here, to all of thepeople that will awaken, or who have just

    awakened. It would'nt be fair to the seekers who

    are genuinely interested in learning about us.My life as a vampire is good right now. I have one

    best friend who knows what I am (outside of the

    Internet). The other friends are'nt mature enough

    to understand yet. Maybe they will be someday. So,

    do I damn myself 5 years later? no. I have learned

    so much about people. I have gotten to know some

    of the smartest, funniest, and friendliest people

    here, and thats the best I could ask for.

    I thought that it was time to reflect on where i've

    been for the past 5 years, and where im headed.

    Whatever I decide to do with myself, I live with

    vampirism. Its here with me every day, and I havelearned to accept it.


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    Kindred Tribune Volume-2 Issue-2


    Tips For Awakening : How do Iknow I'm on track?

    By: Yara Nightshade

    Awakening is simply defined but not easily handled.

    It is a range of emotions, memories, senses,

    abilities, karma, realizations and more.

    Also contrary to popular belief, it has no set time

    line. It never stops.

    Most of the vampires and other-kin I know are

    awakened now.

    I have come to understand however there are two

    phases of awakening.

    The basic awakening, and the deeper awareness.

    Basic awakening is simple things, one to a few past

    lifetimes, a few abilities,

    being able to energy siphon for vampires, feeling

    phantom limbs for some kin,

    being able to astral project.

    The deeper awareness is the wicked tailspin one is

    thrown into that uncovers more lifetimes, intricatedeeper abilities, and the insane quest to learn more,

    know more and become more, not out of greed, but

    because it is the destiny of the soul to rejoin with

    True Source in this manner, and most importantly

    because we are who we are.

    Only a handle of vampires and kin find their deeper

    awareness, because so few are comfortable with the

    depth, commitment and interesting theories and

    truths one forms, the deeper one goes.

    Either way for either path, you must learn to not

    envy others progress, and learn there is no set timeframe for you to remember how or what. You

    control your own awakening. You hold the joystick.

    You will see what you're meant to when you are

    ready to see and know. It can't be rushed. If you'restill saying "Oh! but that's so cool! I wanna do

    that!" You're not ready.

    Spirituality helps it doesn't really matter the path.

    Meditation helps, Energy and Chakra work helps

    and most of all your acceptance of what you are,

    who you have been, what you may be, what you're

    capable of both good and bad is very key to when

    you awaken what within. Remembering what we areand have been is not only a gift, and sometimes a

    curse, but is responsibility. Source and ourguardians know when we can handle something,

    and when we can't. You may think there's nothing

    out there that guides us, but the more you'll

    awaken, the more you will become aware

    2007 Yara Nightshade


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    Kindred Tribune Volume-2 Issue-2


    Red Letters Of LoveBy - Angela Pearson & William Blumberg

    Chapter Nine

    Aine rose to look into Wynters eyes. She blinked

    like she was confused.

    She was silent so long, just blinking, Wynter askedher again, Aine, do you wish to join me in this life?

    Aine growled low in her throat, cupped Wynters

    face, and pulled him into a passionate embrace.

    Her hands were as wild in his hair as her tongue is

    in his mouth.

    Wynter groaned and crushed Aine close to him.

    After a few moments, he fought Aine, roughlypulling her hair, so her face, at least, tipped away

    from his.

    Both were panting heavily.

    Aine, Wynter gasped. Mi carus, as much as I

    would like to continue this, I have to know if this is

    adrenaline or if you want this, if you want me. He

    gave Aine a quick shake to stop her roaming hands

    and to focus her attention.

    Aine, Wynter couldnt keep the anguish from his


    Aine slowly closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

    She opened her eyes and cupped Wynters face

    again. Yes, Wynter. I want this. I want you.

    Wynter kissed her hard before clutching her close.

    As much as I would really, really like to continue

    this, I think it if best we go home.

    Home? Aine looked at the dead man at her feet.Yes, it probably would be better if we left. Aine

    slipped slowly out of Wynters arms. What do I do


    Wynter gave Aine quiet directions as he set to work.

    With minimal words exchanged, they hide any sign

    of their visit before slipping out the way they had

    come in.

    At the entrance to the alley that would lead them

    back to the bar, Wynters cell phone announced he

    had a text message. He paused under the feeble

    glow of a streetlight to read it. Aine stood at his

    side, trying to look and act normal even though she

    jumped at every sound, sure it was the police.

    Wynter glanced at Aine before he flipped open his

    phone to read the message.

    I have document you are looking for. Call me to

    discuss details and payment.

    Wynter was stunned. Information he had spent the

    past several decades of his life searching for may

    now be his. There had been many mistakes made

    over the years and many false leads, but this time

    Wynter felt sure he was on the right track.

    He sent back his message.

    Cannot call now, in an urgent meeting. Call me

    with details in three hours or when you have a


    Pleased, Wynter closed his phone with a click.

    Tucking the device into his pocket, he took Aines

    hand in his. Together, they walked back to where

    Wynter had left the car in the shadows.

    A man had been watching them from the overhangabove the bar door. Staying many feet behind the

    couple, he followed them and paused when they got

    into the car. After they drove off, the man pulled aphone out his pocket and made a phone call.

    Master Damek, it is done. She is one of us. He

    paused and listened. No one was alerted to what

    happened. Yes, she took the man Wynter had been

    stalking, sir. He listened again. The only thing

    that happened was he got a message. I wasnt

    close enough to hear anything, but I think it was

    just a text message anyway. The man nodded to

    the voice he was listening to. Yes, sir, he took the

    car and appeared to be returning to his place Yes,

    I will take over the watch tomorrow night. Thank

    you, Damek.

    The man ended the call and slipped the phone back

    into his pocket. He sauntered back to the bar for a

    drink to celebrate, but only one. Damek would kill

    him if he were hung over on the job tomorrow.

    The return trip was a quiet one. Aine thought over

    everything that had just happened, staring with

    unseeing eyes out the car window. Wynter had

    shown her how to use a knife and make the wounds

    created by her teeth look like an attack and less likea bite. Together, they rummaged through the

    apartment, leaving the place looking like it had

    been robbed. Wynter had discovered some papers

    that the man had listed everything he had stolen

    and people he had cheated over the recent years.

    Wynter made sure to place them where the police

    would easily find them.

    Aines thoughts shifted to what had brought her tothis point.

    She had taken a life.

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    Kindred Tribune Volume-2 Issue-2


    It was a monumental event that should have left

    her wracked with guilt, yet, Aine was filled with

    satisfaction. The man whose life she had ended

    deserved to die. While she had been draining his

    blood she had been able to touch his mind. The

    things he had done through his life had nearly made

    her wretch and toss him away like a rag doll.

    Instead, she focused on draining his life essence to

    provide herself with energy she needed to survive.

    Wynter, is it wrong to feel satisfied at ending a life

    or should I feel like a monster?, Aine demanded


    Wynter flinched at her sudden question, lost as he

    was in his own thoughts of the message he had just

    received. Wynter was not sure how to answer her

    question. It was complex.

    The light turned green and he used the time it tookto negotiate the intersection with people turning in

    front of them to think.

    How do I tell her it maybe that we are both monster

    and victim?He thought.

    His mind went back to the text message he had

    received and what it meant; the possibility of

    answers to so many questions he had.

    The answer may be closer than ever before, he

    thought, stopping for another traffic light. Perhaps,

    it is fate that we are together for the last part of my

    quest. The quest for the answer to the very

    question Aine just asked.

    Instead of sharing his thoughts with Aine, he said in

    a quiet voice, I am not sure.

    He saw in her face the same doubt he had felt when

    he started down the path to the life he now lead.

    He knew Aine needed to walk down a much

    different path than he had.

    I will not lie to her nor will I continue the lie we

    vampires have told ourselves for centuries, the

    same lies I was told.

    Wynter told her, brushing the back of her hand

    briefly, We may be monster, but I do not think thatis true. Well, there are some who really are

    monsters, but that kind of being exists in all

    cultures and realms.

    Then tell me what you think and what you know,

    Aine said, the beginnings of understanding

    shadowing her words, chasing away the doubt that

    had hung heavy in the car.

    It is difficult. Much of the truth has been lost to

    us. What is left is hidden in myth and legends. It is

    hard to say what is true and what is embellishment

    and fable. What I do know is we must drink blood

    to survive; just not as much as some vampires

    would have us believe. I also know vampires were

    made this way and did not evolve to be homo lamia

    from some branch of modern humans.

    Wynter paused to turn the corner into a generic

    industrial park before continuing his answer, I

    know that was not a satisfactory answer for you,

    but it the only one I have. When I was in Scotland,

    I discovered information that has set me on a quest

    to find the truth of who we are as vampires. I have

    spent the last several decades of my life searching

    for the answer to the question you asked a few

    minutes ago.

    He stopped the car in front of a bland building with

    a roll-up door on the side. While he waited, the

    door began to open.

    Aine looked with interest because Wynter hadntused a clicker or pushed any buttons to activate the


    Wynter drove into the dark space. As they got out

    of the car, the door began to close of its own


    Aine had been lost in thought and didnt recognize

    where they were. Wynter lead her to a door near

    the roll-up one and stopped her.

    Gathering Aine into his arms, Wynter told her, I do

    not know if this path, my quest, will lead us to

    despair, but I must see it to the end. He held her

    close for a moment before brushing his lips over


    Stepping away from Aine, he fished keys out of his

    pocket and opened the door. He took Aines hand

    and, together, they walked along the road between

    the buildings and onto the main street.

    Aine recognize the street as the one Wynters office

    was on. Thinking quickly, she remembered a listing

    of a storage property near the office in her

    accounting work. She wondered what else was in

    the unobtrusive building. She was about to ask

    when the hair on the back of her neck stood on end,

    sending goose bumps over her body and awarenessinto her senses.

    Wynter, I think we are being watched, Aine spoke

    in a quiet voice.

    Wynter never broke stride. I would not be

    surprised if we are. I will protect you, if there is a

    need, but I do not think that anything will happen.

    Wynter continued to walk to the building he owned.

    He passed by the front door and lead Aine to the

    security door they had left the building through

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    earlier. Under the glare of the overhead light,

    Wynter removed the keys from his pocket.

    He fiddled with the keys, like they had become

    tangled in the ring. Looking at his hands he asked

    Aine, Do you still feel like we are being watched?

    Um, Aine shifted a bit.

    Dont look where you feel it coming from. Tell


    Toward the front of the building, Aine said.

    Wynter dropped his keys, squatting down, he

    looked to where Aine had said, but could see only

    shadows. Picking up the keys, he smiled to Aine.

    Let us go inside. I wouldnt want you to catch

    cold, not after being so sick recently, Wynter said

    in a loud voice.

    After Wynter opened the door, Aine forced herself

    to walk normally into the building.

    Locking the door, Wynter said, I couldnt see

    anyone or anything but shadows, but as I said, I

    wouldnt be surprised if we were being watched.

    Damek? Aine asked.

    More likely one of his mercenaries. Wynter took

    her elbow and started up the long flight of stairs.

    Wynter, can you tell me more about being a

    vampire? Aine asked at a landing.

    Is there something specific you want to know?

    Not really, just more information, please. Tell me

    about blood. Do people taste different, like wines?

    That is a good analogy. Yes, blood can taste

    different from person to person. Sometimes

    depending on what the person has just eaten or

    their diet or their mood.

    Mood? Aine asked.

    A person who is afraid or excited, has adrenalinepumping through them, will taste much different

    than a person who is relaxed. There are some of

    our kind who will scare or excite their prey just so

    they can have that adrenaline. It makes them feel

    stronger, more invincible.

    That gives me a whole new meaning to adrenaline

    junkie, Aine said to the window.

    There are some of our kind who live their lives to

    extremesin dress, manner, activities. Wynter

    stopped to unlock the stout door to the apartment.

    Aine, how are you feeling? he asked gently.

    Ambivalent. While I am satisfied about ending that

    mans life, Im restless, like there is something I am


    Oh, my dear Aine, I understand, Wynter pulled

    Aine into his arms and kissed the top of her head.

    That is why so many who become vampires put so

    much into the idea of being the hunter. Wynter

    paused, resting his cheek on her hair.

    Being ambivalent is what has lead so many of our

    kind to ruin. What should I say? I want her to

    know all of the truth I know, but I am afraid of

    loosing her if I take away all the mythos

    surrounding our kind, leaving her with nothing.

    His mind went back to when Aine opened the

    curtains and burned them both and decided to tellher the truth.

    She is bright and asks excellent questions. Shewould only see through anything else I tell her,

    even half truths.

    Releasing her, he stepped back and pocketed his

    keys. You are not missing anything, he told her.

    All that I can offer now is my longing for you to

    join me in this life. That meant taking a life. I will

    not claim that it is right or that we are somehow

    entitled to do so. I only wished for you to be with

    me. Sadness welled up in Wynter.

    I made her this way; yet I can give so little comfort

    to her in her time of need. I am just reminding her

    that I forced this life on her, too.

    Wynter sighed heavily and looked down at

    his feet. Even though I think we were made with

    magic and blood, I believe there is more to us.

    More than any of us, even those who are old for

    vampires, even remember. Aine, he looked up at

    her with his head down and shoulders hunched, I

    know I did not give a choice and I do regret that. I

    do not regret having you at my side, no matter

    what the future holds for us.

    It was Aines turn to offer comfort. Saying

    nothing, she slipped her arms around Wynter andrested her cheek against his. They stood that way

    for a long time before Wynter lightly kissed her and

    opened the door.

    Walking into the darkened apartment, Aine still felt

    restless. She toed off her battered sneakers and

    socks near the refectory table and padded barefoot

    on the wood floor. She wandered, looking at

    various objects, but not seeing anything.

    Her questions had been answered, but she felt as if

    there were more she should know. Not that she

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    thought Wynter was keeping things from her, but

    more like she wasnt seeing the whole picture.

    In his letter before taking her first prey, Wynter had

    told her about her senses being heightened now.

    She would be able to hear that mans heart stop,

    just as she had. She had already noticed how

    improved her sense of smell was. She could still

    even smell the orange she had shared with Wynter

    before they left. Aine heard Wynter close the door

    somewhere behind her and worked at using her

    senses to follow him. She heard the sound of metal

    jingling and clink as Wynter set his keys on a table.

    She inhaled slowly and could smell the lingering

    scent of him in the room. Inhaling again, she could

    smell the warmth of his cologne as he moved closer

    to her. The desire she had felt after draining that

    man of his blood had settled into a smoldering heat

    after taking care of the body and during the drive

    home. As the smell of Wynters cologne grew

    stronger as he came closer to her, that smolderingdesire flickered to life once more.

    Wynter stepped up behind Aine and slipped hisarms around her. He lightly nuzzled her neck.

    What is it you would like to do? Wynter whispered

    in her ear.

    Aine shivered and leaned her head against his

    shoulder. Mmm, I think I would like to take a


    That can be arranged. Wynter scooped Aine up in

    his arms and walked to the bedroom, Aines

    laughter filling the air around them.

    Chapter Ten

    Wynter, why do we have to drink blood? I mean,

    seriously, what is it that creates a vampire? Do you

    know? Aine asked, settling onto the floor between

    Wynters knees.

    Wynter was quiet for a time before speaking, There

    is this world, the one we live in and were born to

    and another world where magic rules. Separating

    these two worlds is another realm, one of shadows,

    he began, as if reciting a tale so old, it had becomeembroidered in the mists of time. There were

    creatures from this shadowed realm that were very

    powerful and wanted to rule the magical world. You

    could call them demons. Their true names have

    been lost to the mists of time. The battle escalated

    and spilled over into this world. The beings from

    the magical realms wanted to join forces with the

    humans of this world. Unfortunately, many of the

    humans proved to be intolerant and distrustful ofanything magical. Wynter fell silent, staring into

    the flames leap among the logs in the fireplace. He

    gathered Aines wet hair and began combing it. He

    was organizing his thoughts, deciding what to tell

    Aine and what could be left to a later time.

    It was becoming a blood bath for all sides with the

    demons destroying humans and magical beings

    alike. Atrocities were committed by all sides.

    Finally, after a strong hold that had been sheltering

    children of all the races and those too old or weak

    to fight on any side was attacked. I am not sure

    which side was responsible, but none survived who

    were being sheltered. Hundreds of beings died

    horribly. It appeared the demons would win the

    battle and conquer both realms. Then, things


    During the night, the most powerful of the

    remaining magical beings joined sides with the

    remaining humans and performed a ritual to make

    warriors that were able to heal quickly, who were

    physically stronger than any other being, who were

    able to blend into the night, and cloud the minds oftheir prey. Forty of the most intolerant, self-

    righteous of the humans volunteered to be created

    into twenty of these new warriors. Through magic,these warriors, saviors of humans and magical

    beings alike, were able to all the things their

    creators wanted them toto blend into the

    darkness, to confuse the minds of their prey, to be

    the swiftest and quietest of hunters. They created

    these warriors to drain the blood of their victims,

    thus a silent death. By draining the blood of the

    demons, they became the strongest of beings and

    conquered the demons of the shadow realm,

    destroying all the demons that could be found, but

    some fled to the darkest reaches of the shadow

    realm, never to be seen again. At the dawn of

    recorded history, vampires were created.

    Wynter paused and looked at Aine.

    Vampires were first created with magic, correct?

    Aine asked, gazing at the sluggish flames in the


    Yes, Wynter answered.

    So, why the blood? Aine pressed for more

    information. Why didnt the original vampires die

    after the demons were gone? Couldnt the

    vampires be changed back? To their original form?

    Wynter smiled briefly at Aines determination for the

    answer. So many questions. I will answer your

    last question first. There is so much misinformation,

    that the truth may have been lost. I am not sure

    what happened after those first warriors came back

    from battle. Yes, a vampire could be returned to

    their original form, be it human or magical being,

    but only by a necromancer. It is not an easy pieceof magic, even for the most powerful of

    necromancers to perform. The few necromancers

    that were alive then would not have bothered to

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    even try. Even today, those few necromancers feel

    it is beneath their skills and a waste of a vast

    amount of energy to return a vampire to their

    original form. It is also very costly and I am not

    talking about money either. I do not think those

    were the reasons the first vampires were not

    returned to the original forms, though.

    For your second question, I do not know the

    answer of why vampires did not die when the

    demons were conquered, either. One historical

    document stated that at the moment of death,

    those twenty who became vampires drank the blood

    of the other twenty. That explains the need to drink

    blood, and possibly, why the first vampires did not

    die at the end of the battle. The spell that made

    the vampire virus ended the physical life of the

    body, Wynter touched his chest absently. Only

    through the consumption of another life force, the

    Chinese call it ChI, He paused in his combing,

    letting the red locks curl around his wrist.

    Aine nodded in conformation tugging her hair from

    the comb.

    Only through the intake of anothers life essence

    staves off the bodys natural decomposition.

    Aine was silent as she thought on this new


    Wynter continued, When the body ceases to live

    according to medical standards, the blood begins to

    coagulate. Once coagulation sets in, decomposition

    begins in earnest. The spells that were used have

    been lost to the ages, but the magic that created

    vampires still exists in the virus and keeps us alive.The magic that forces us to take anothers life is

    also the magic that allows us to live. The fresh

    blood we ingest replaces the decomposing blood

    inside of us. That new life essence energizes the

    magic that allows us to live. If we do not have that

    blood and life essence- Wynter snorted in sudden


    Life essencethe Force. That Jedi thing from the

    movies, Wynter looked at Aine.

    Aine looked over her shoulder with a raised

    eyebrow, but said nothing.

    Anyway, as I said, the natural decomposition of

    our bodies begins. Our awareness, our essence, is

    connected to the body for as long as the body

    remains whole.

    So, as the body, the brain decomposes, madness

    sets in, Aine said. What you told me about my

    options makes sense now.

    The snap and crackle of the fire was the only sound

    in the room for a long while.

    Will that man become a vampire now? Aine asked.

    No, Wynter said. In a sense, it is easy to create

    another vampire. The steps are simple and

    straightforward. In reality, it is not as easy as it

    would appear. Mistakes are made, both in the

    creation and the being chosen to be the new

    vampire. Were it that simple, there would be so

    many vampires, not only the human race would be

    wiped out, but the vampires as well. No food

    source, no vampires.

    Is that why I am the only vampire you have made?

    Because it wasnt easy? Aine asked, studying

    Wynters hand where it rested on her shoulder,

    gilded with an artificial tan by the glow of the fire.

    No, that is not the reason. Wynter sighed. He sat

    the comb on the stark pew he had been sitting on

    and slid to the floor next to Aine, close enough totouch, yet, not touching her. I have never wished

    this life on another. Not all vampires are killing

    machines, as the creators intended. Many of usretain our personalities, who we were in our other

    life. The morals we had then are usually carried

    over into this life. This is not always true. There

    are some who revel in the power being a vampire

    gives to them.

    Like Damek? Aine interrupted.

    Yes, very much like Damek. Wynter began to

    absently flick at the edge of the towel Aine wore

    where it pooled between them. Damek chose me

    for my vanity and devotion. He felt he could appeal

    to the vanity, giving me what he thought I wouldwant. He thought my devotion to my beliefs would

    be transferred to devotion to him.

    He was wrong, Aine said with certainty.

    No, he was right for many years.

    Really, Aine looked at Wynters profile. What


    I will tell you some other time, Wynter said. He

    looked at Aine. Now, I have something to ask of


    More questions? Aine flashed Wynter a saucy

    smile. Should I be flippant or concerned?

    Well, neither really. Wynter brushed Aines drying

    hair over her bare shoulder and adjusted the huge

    bath sheet around her. I need you to go to China

    soon. Do you think you will be able to do that?

    With me?

    Im not sure. Am I ready to travel, as Aine

    gestured to herself.

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    There are some precautions you will need to take,

    but things have actually become easier for vampires

    to travel. The more restrictions the airlines set

    down, has made it clear what needs to be done and

    what will draw attention to one of our kind while

    traveling. Unfortunately, one of the ways we used

    to travel has become hampered. Before September

    eleventh, a vampire could wear a burka to travel.

    Now, you would have difficulties with this. You look

    too obviously American for security to believe you

    could be Muslim. I am not saying there are no

    caucasian Muslims, just that many people believe

    the stereotype that Muslims are dark haired and

    dark skinned. That could cause problems and

    delays. I have a doctor who will write

    documentation for us to travel, covered, as if we

    were going to China for medical treatment for a rare

    skin condition. I will contact him as a part of

    preparation for the trip we need you to make. I

    could charter a private plane for that, but for this, Ithink it would be best if you fly more traditionally.

    Wynter plucked a curl from Aine shoulder and

    brushed it against her cheek. We are beingwatched and I do not want to draw any more

    attention than necessary to you, this trip, and the

    beings you will be meeting with in China.

    I think I can understand that, Aine broke her gaze

    away from the dancing orange flames to look at

    Wynter. What do I need to know?

    Wynter opened his mouth to speak when the phone

    in his shirt pocket began to ring. It was a tone Aine

    had only heard once or twice in the time she had

    been working for Wynter.

    I need to take this, he said, pulling the phone out.

    Aine studied Wynters profile, half listening to his

    conversation. The change in his voice ended her

    daydream of returning to the bedroom.

    Really? Are you certain? Wynter paused.

    No, I am not doubting you. It has just been so

    long. There have been so many false leads that

    ended badly. Wynters voice trailed off and Aine

    could hear a male voice coming from the phone, but

    not understand the words.

    Excellent. I will be bringing my assistant as soon

    as I can make arrangements. No, I want her to be

    apart of this. Wynter said. I trust her explicitly

    and I know she will be discreet as your people will


    Aine cocked her head and wondered what Wynter

    had not told her.

    She is very capable. I would not bring her

    otherwise. She speaks fluent Chinese, Wynter said

    looking in confirmation at Aine.

    Aine nodded.

    Excellent, Wynter said again. Yes, as soon as I

    can make the arrangements, I will let you know.

    Thank you for being so prompt and discreet with

    this delicate matter, Wynter said before ending the


    He slipped the phone back into his pocket as he

    said, Things are proceeding much more quickly

    than I had planned or expected. This will work in

    our favor, I think.

    How so? The element of surprise? Aine asked.

    Exactly, Wynter said with a note of satisfaction


    Copyright 2007By Angela Pearson & William Blumberg

    Stay tuned for the next installment of:

    Red Letters of Love

    See what awaits Wynter and Aine in China when

    Angela and William bring you the next installment of

    Wynter and Aine's story.

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    Kindred Tribune Volume-2 Issue-2


    Awakening Whats wrongwith me?

    By. Lady CG

    The conversation went something like this...

    Newbie: "Whats wrong with me?"

    Lady CG: "Have you been to see a doctor?"

    Newbie: "Ya...I checked out fine. Blood work

    was fine. I still feel like crap"

    Lady CG: You tried the vitamin


    Newbie: "Ya, but only the B vitamins and

    the Calcium seemed to help much. I'm

    sleeping better now"

    Lady CG: "Did the bloody steak help at all?"

    Newbie: "For a while. But I haven't had one

    for three weeks now."

    Lady CG: "Then I know whats wrong with

    you."Lady CG: "But we talked about this before."

    Newbie: "I'm sure I'm awakening"

    Lady CG: "Then, as I said before, there is

    NOTHING wrong with you. everything you

    have described is perfectly normal. For aSanguine vampyre"

    Newbie: "Is that why I feel so crumbie?"

    Lady CG: "No. You feel crumbie because you

    haven't fed. A normal person wouldn't

    starve themselves. You have to learn not to

    starve yourself too. Being a vampyre

    doesn't' hurt. Being a Hungry vampyredoes."

    I have conversations similar to this every month or

    so. Some person will write to me or meet me on IMwanting to know if they are a vampyre. I have the

    same response every time. I can't and won't even

    try to tell someone whether they are or are not an

    awakening vampyre. Only YOU know the answer to

    that. There are however things you can do to help

    yourself decide.

    Most people don't notice the physical symptoms

    first. They call it "awakening' because the very firstsign is an awareness of things and currents around

    you, that normal people don't seem to notice. Youfeel different, out of place. You feel like you know

    things you shouldn't' know and somewhere just on

    the edge of your consciousness is an awareness of

    greater things you feel you can almost touch.

    You start to take an interest in occult. You're

    attracted to darker subjects and you start to notice

    an affinity with the night. Youre more comfortable.

    Moonlight doesn't' hurt your eyes.... and you realize

    you see better in the dark than lots of people.

    About this time you realize you are having problems

    with depression, and apathy. Its hard to get out of

    bed in the mornings. You want to sleep too much.

    You start to become angry and irritable on a regular

    basis. People call you high strung, hyperactive, your

    attention span can suck. Sometimes you get angry

    and unstable. Your weight becomes a concern.

    You're always hungry, and your metabolism sucks.

    Or you go exactly the opposite direction and

    nothing appeals to you, even though you're


    Eventually you're driven to look for answers. You

    NEED to find whatever it is you're craving. You need

    to find whatever it is you know is out there. You

    want to know what the hell is wrong with YOU.

    The first step is to see a doctor. Its smart to ruleout any physical illnesses or diseases.

    Try a multi vitamin. IF you happen to be a vampyre,calcium and B vitamins will help stabilize your

    emotions a bit, and settle your stomach.

    If you aren't, a One a Day isn't' going to do you any


    If you can rule out anything physically, medically

    tangible, but you are STILL craving, TRY a rare

    steak. Millions of people eat their steak with blood

    running out of it. It wont' hurt you. IF you really are

    a vampyre it will give you what you need to feed

    on. Try a steak a week for a month. Do you feel

    better? What changes do you feel? Have the

    cravings gone away?

    The need to feed is one of the single most basic

    facts of being a Sanguine Vampyre. Sangs NEED

    blood. Without it we are sick, emotionally unstable,

    apathetic, hungry, disagreeable creatures. With it

    we are stronger, quick to mend, smart, fast and we

    have the ability to nurture other very cool skills,

    with our affinity with energy.

    Once you KNOW you are a vampyre, you should

    definitely study Safe bloodletting, get a blood test

    and if you a re over the age of 18, start on the

    endless search for a lifetime worth of donors, or agreat sympathetic butcher in your neighborhood.

    The next step is to learn to survive and thrive as a

    developing Sang. But THAT is for another article.


    2004 Lady CG

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    Kindred Tribune Volume-2 Issue-2


    The Vampire Ritual Book

    Projected release: Fall 2008

    Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide

    Michelle Belanger is currently seeking submissions

    for the upcoming collection, "The Vampire RitualBook." This will be the second installment in the

    "Vampire Voices" series, spotlighting the work of

    various houses, groups, and individuals within the

    worldwide vampire community.

    What to Submit: a fully developed ritual, including

    stage directions (where applicable), a list of items &

    roles needed for the ritual, and one or two

    paragraphs that introduce the concept of the ritual,including its relevance to your particular tradition.

    You should also submit a short biography (up to

    500 words) on yourself as well as a short

    description of your house, group, or tradition (alsoup to 500 words). Rituals can be RHP, LHP, and can

    take whatever form you please. The only hard

    guideline is that the ritual must be relevant to the

    vampire community.

    Rights & Payment: If your ritual is selected for

    inclusion in the collection, you will have to sign andsubmit a release form granting Vampire Voices the

    rights to reproduce the ritual in the anthology. They

    are not buying exclusive rights to these rituals, just

    the right to reproduce them in the anthology.

    Payment reflects this. Everyone whose work is

    accepted will receive as payment one contributor's

    copy of the final ritual book.

    How to Submit: Michelle prefers to receive

    submissions as .doc or .rtf files, directed to

    glenarvon -@- with "Ritual Book" in the

    subject heading.

    Formatting: So the book has standard formatting

    throughout, she asks that you follow these

    formatting guidelines:

    When someone (such as the High Priest) is speaking

    in the ritual, please put the title of the speaker

    (High Priest) in bold followed by a colon before the

    words to be spoken. When giving stage directions(such as "High Priest lifts the chalice before the

    bride and groom") please italicize these stage

    directions and put between parentheses in a

    paragraph of their own.

    The book will be divided up into several categories.

    You can submit rituals for more than one category.

    Categories are as follows:

    Seasonal Rituals (rites for holidays like Samhain

    or the Winter Solstice; or rites for the seasonal

    holidays your particular group observes)

    Rites of Passage (initiatory rituals,

    handfastings/weddings, or other rites that mark a

    significant change in a person's life)

    Personal Rites (rituals intended for one person to

    perform, for magick, personal growth & wisdom,

    and so forth)

    A secondary part of the book will involve setting up

    ritual space and/or creating an altar appropriate for

    a vampire tradition. Material submitted for this

    section can read more like an article, although ritualmaterial is also acceptable. Michelle is also seeking

    photographs of actual altars and/or ritual space.

    Photo Guidelines: Submit photos in .jpg format.

    They should be at least 4x6 inches, saved at 300

    dpi. Photos can be color or black and white. Photos

    can only be used in the final collection if the

    photographer submits a release form *and* if any

    living person who appears in the photos also

    submits a release form for the book. Photos of

    actual vampire rituals will also be considered for

    publication, providing they meet the same criteria.

    Deadline: June 28th, 2007.

    Please note that if you are submitting more thanone ritual, you only need to submit one bio and one

    write-up about your tradition.

    News, Events, & Announcements

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    Kindred Tribune Volume-2 Issue-2


    Sanguinarius Book Project

    Working title:

    How to Act Stupid Around a Vampire

    Do you have a tale to tell?

    Did your brother do something really DUMB whenhe found out you were a vampire? Did your boss

    set a trap to try and "out you"? Are rumors goingaround, but nobody can prove anything, but they

    treat you funny, anyway?

    Sanguinarius is collecting stories and anecdotes

    about stupid things that real vampires' bosses,coworkers, friends, family or anyone else they

    know, have said or done because they suspectedor found out the person was a real vampire. If

    you would like to contribute your story forconsideration to be included in a future

    publication, please submit it along with the

    completed and signed Copyright Release Form.Read below for the requirements.

    Submissions should be in .txt, .doc, or .rtf

    format. The text needs to be black on awhite background, and an easily readable

    font, such as Arial, Times, Verdana,Georgia, etc.; nothing fancy or decorative.

    The text size should be in a normal sized

    range (i.e., no really, really tiny or largefont sizes!), preferably size 10 or 12.

    Proofread! Please check your submission

    for spelling, capitalization, punctuationand grammatical errors before you submit

    it; submissions may be edited for theseerrors, clarity and brevity.

    Do not submit in ALL CAPS.

    Completely fill out, sign, and include theCopyright Release Form along with your

    submission. (Tip: You can print out acopy, fill it out and sign it, and then scan

    that as a graphic to attach with your


    If sending by postal mail, your submission(and Copyright Release Form) must be

    included on a floppy disk, or typed orprinted out on plain white paper.

    If sending by email, submissions and

    Copyright Release Form should be sent asemail attachments.

    ** Personal information you submit via theCopyright Release Form will remain confidential

    and will be used only for copyright records andcontacting you in relation to the publication.**

    To find out more information and to obtain theCopyright Release Form please visit:

    Orange County Vampire Meet up

    This is a group for vampires,donors, and all those interested in

    vampires and the vampire culture.This is a place for you to seek helpand guidance, support, and to justhave a place were you can meet

    with other people like yourself andwho have like interests.

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    Kindred Tribune Volume-2 Issue-2


    Vampirism & Energy WorkResearch Study

    The Vampirism & Energy Work Research Study is

    officially a year old and the formal process of

    accepting surveys will come to an end in a few days

    on March 31, 2007 + a one month grace period

    through April. While we code both the VEWRS &

    AVEWRS into the SPSS data analysis program and

    review all qualitative (written) answers we will

    accept surveys at the same e-mail through the

    month of April but will no longer be openly

    encouraging participation or sending any reminders

    past the official deadline of March 31, 2007. Over

    370 self-identifying vampires and/or energy

    workers have participated in this study that began

    on March 22, 2006; a response far in excess of

    what we had ever expected to receive. We've

    collected volumes of information that we hope willdirectly aid the better understanding of our

    Community, abilities, and state of being or

    condition. At present we have over 232,000

    individual data points and hundreds of pages of

    written information representative of virtually every

    path, belief, age group, geographic region, and level

    of experience within the Community. In order for

    detailed anthropological, medical, psychological, or

    phenomenological research to be properly

    conducted on a community a foundation must first

    be established and this is one of the primary

    purposes of this research study. To be able to firmly

    grasp and understand the elements of thisCommunity, there needs to be an exploration into

    the shared commonalities, differences, and

    developing trends in a concise and centralized

    format. It's our sincere hope that everyone has

    benefited from participating in the VEWRS &

    AVEWRS and that our final analysis will be useful to

    our Community.

    If you would like to view the preliminary raw data

    samples please visit the web addresses provided


    VEWRS Preliminary Sample Charts:

    Questions: 001, 004, 006, 008, 030, 037, 137, 155,

    172, 236, 246, 262, 285

    AVEWRS Preliminary Sample Charts: To be released

    on/about March 31, 2007:

    Questions: 392, 398, 413, 479, 549, 557, 573, 669,

    794, 827, 831, 871

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  • 8/6/2019 Kindred Tribune 2.2


    Kindred Tribune Volume-2 Issue-2