kidney diseases.ppt

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of kidney diseases.ppt




- 20 million people had impaired kidney function

- 3 million people were told they had kidney disease

- Cause more than 95,000 deaths a year

Why are your kidneys so vital?

- Remove waste products and excess fluids from the body

- Maintain a critical balance of salt, potassium and acid

-Produce a hormone—erythropoietin EPO--that stimulates the production of red blood cells.

- Other kidney hormones help regulate blood pressure and calcium metabolism

- The kidneys even synthesize the hormones that control tissue growth


- Inherited kidney disorders- Congenital kidney diseases- Acquired kidney diseases

Inherited kidney disorders

polycystic kidney disease (PKD) genetic disorder marked by the growth of

numerous cysts in the kidneys These PKD cysts compress functioning kidney

tissue, eventually replace much of the mass of the kidneys

Medical professionals describe two major inherited forms of PKD:

Autosomal Dominant PKD Autosomal Recessive PKD

Autosomal Dominant PKD

-"Autosomal dominant" means that if one parent has the disease, there is a 50-percent chance that the disease will pass to a child

- Many people with autosomal dominant PKD live for decades without developing symptoms.

-The disease is thought to occur equally in men and women and equally in people of all races

What are the symptoms?

People with autosomal dominant PKD can experience the following:

urinary tract infections hematuria (blood in the urine) liver and pancreatic cysts abnormal heart valves high blood pressure

How is it diagnosed?

ultrasound imaging computed tomography (CT scan) and

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) genetic test

How is it treated?

Although a cure for autosomal dominant PKD is not available, treatment can ease the symptoms and prolong life.

Pain -pain medications, such as aspirin or Tylenol -surgery to shrink cysts can relieve pain in the

back and flanks

Urinary tract infections -antibiotics

Auotsomal Recessive PKD

Only one parent carries the abnormal gene, the baby cannot get the disease

The symptoms of autosomal recessive PKD can begin before birth

How is it diagnosed?

Ultrasound imaging of the fetus or newborn baby

Ultrasound examination of kidneys of relatives (e.g. father)

What are the symptoms ?

Children with autosomal recessive PKD experience the following:

-         high blood pressure -         urinary tract infections -         frequent urination.

How is it treated?

-Medicines can control high blood pressure in autosomal recessive PKD

-Antibiotics can control urinary tract infections.

-Eating increased amounts of nutritious food improves growth in children with autosomal recessive PKD.

-growth hormones are used -dialysis or transplantation

Congenital kidney diseases

There are two types of congenital kidney diseases.

1) Muscles of the bladder fail to contract

2) Malformations present at birth blockage

Disrupts the normal flow of urine Causing it to back upExert increasing pressure on the kidneysPermanent damage of kidney!!

How is it diagnosed?

- Early diagnosis: injecting dye into the bloodstream & taking X-ray

-Specific diagnostic procedures: intravenous urography & retrograde pyelography

-Non-invasive diagnostic techniques: renal scans, ultrasound, and CT scans

Acquired kidney diseases

1)      Nephrotic Syndrome Though not a disease in itself, this

condition is often the result of other kidney disorders or more generalized diseases

1) Kidney Stones Hard masses appear when certain chemicals in

the urine form crystals that stick together The crystals can grow into a stone as small as a

grain of sand or as large as a golf ball. Small stones are passed out of the body with the

urine. The larger ones can block urine flow or irritate

the lining of the urinary tract

2) Chronic glomerulonephrit a term used for a wide variety of diseases

that cause progressive scarring of the kidneys over a long period of time, often without any initial symptoms.

3)Acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis More common in children Most people recover fully ,but the few who

don't may develop chronic kidney failure within months.

4)Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN)

a decrease in urine output and progressive decline in kidney function

appears suddenly, and can quickly lead to kidney failure

Treatment of Kidney Failure

       hemodialysis: an artificial kidney machine carries out the vital functions the kidneys can no longer perform

       peritoneal dialysis: waste products from the blood are flushed from the body with fluid instilled and drained through a catheter

       Kidney transplantation