Khaitan Public School, Sahibabad Winter Holiday … · Holiday Homework Worksheet: Canterville...

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Transcript of Khaitan Public School, Sahibabad Winter Holiday … · Holiday Homework Worksheet: Canterville...

  • Khaitan Public School, Sahibabad Winter Holiday


    Class VIII


    1. LETTER OF PROTEST On 13th of April 1919, a peaceful public meeting was held at Jallianwala Bagh. A group of British soldiers, led by General Dyer blocked the only exit of the park and opened fire. Thousands perished and many more were injured. Write a letter of protest against the above mentioned ghastly incident. Word limit- 100-120.Student can refer Ch-11 & 12 NCERT History book Material to be used: A4 ruled sheets. (4 marks) 2. Do Ascend worksheet no. 9 (5 marks)

    Social Science Rubrics

    Criteria Details Marks

    Neatness (1 mark) Clear and legible handwriting

    No scribbling or overwriting

    1/2 mark

    1/2 mark

    Content (3 marks) Should be relevant to subject matter


    Timely Submission (1 mark) Submitted within the first two S.St periods

    Submitted in the third or fourth period with repeated reminders.

    Any later than fourth period

    1 mark


    0 mark

    Ascend (5 marks) All right answers written with correct spellings

    1-5 mistakes More than 5 mistakes or

    incompletion of worksheets

    5 marks

    4 marks

    3,2,1 mark(accordingly)

  • Khaitan Public School, Sahibabad

    Session 2017 18

    Subject English

    Class VIII

    Holiday Homework Worksheet: Canterville Ghost Ch- 4 to 7

    Q 1. Give the synonyms of: 1

    a) canopy - __________________________ b) rattle - ________________________

    Q2. Give the antonyms of: 1

    a) accuse - ________________________ b) awake - ________________________

    Q3. Write True or False: 1

    a) Lord France Hilton was the grand uncle of Duke of Cheshire ___

    b) The ghost gave up all hopes of frightening the Otis family. ___

    Q4. Fill in the blanks: 1

    a) __________________ told the Otis family when they first came to the house that the Canterville Ghost

    had killed his wife.

    b) __________ was the real name of the Canterville Ghost.

    Q5. Answer the following questions: 4

    a) Why did Lady Barbara break off her engagement with Lord Canterville's grandfather?



    b) What happened when the ghost went towards the library to find traces of bloodstains?



    c) Why was the Canterville Ghost tired?



    d) What was the name of the room which was occupied by the twins?


    Q6. HOTS Question 2

    a) According to the Canterville Ghost, why is death beautiful?



  • English Rubrics

    Criteria Details Marks

    Neatness (1 mark) Clear and legible handwriting

    No scribbling or overwriting



    Format (1 marks) Senders/ Receivers Address

    Date Subject/Salutation




    Timely Submission (1 mark) Submitted within the first two English


    Submitted in the third or fourth period with

    repeated reminders.

    Any later than fourth period

    1 mark


    0 mark

    Expression (1 marks) Vocabulary Tense Sentence


    mark mark mark

    Worksheet based on The

    Canterville Ghost (5 marks)

    8 questions (MCQ) R.T.C. Long Answer

    mark each 4 marks 2 marks


    1 (10) - |

    2- - - |

    Criteria Details Marks

    Neatness (1 mark) Clear and legible handwriting

    No cutting or overwriting

    1 mark

    Content (3 marks) Should be relevant to the


    Grammatically correct.

    2 mark 1 mark

    Timely Submission (1 mark) Submitted within the first two


    Submitted in the third or fourth


    Any later than fourth period.

    1 mark


    0 mark


    Do the Enrichment activity: Books and links to be referred for Activity are NCERT Pg No 180

    Paste the net of below mentioned cuboidal box on A-3 size sheet and find its total surface area. (in cm2)

    Shapes are as follows Roll No. wise:


    1-18 Toothpaste box(Carton of any

    toothpaste box can be used)

    19-36 Soap box (Carton of any soap

    box can be used)


    1. Activity should be done on A-3 sized sheets. 2. Colour of sheets should be light on which answers are readable. 3. Draw margins of 2 cm using pencil colour and finishing line after each question.Use blue and black

    pen to do worksheet.

    4. Content in worksheet should be written by colourful sketch pens/ Blue Black Gel Pen . 5. Collect all sheets and staple them (vertically). 6. Show the working of Total surface area on A-3 size sheet only along with the pasted net of

    cuboidal shape.

    7.Do Worksheet on register pinned sheet .

    8.Mention the dimensions on A3 sheet after measuring them correctly.

    9. All calculations to be shown and units should be mentioned.




    1.The diagonals of a rhombus are 14 cm and 10 cm. Find the area of the rhombus.

    2.Ajay is painting the following box. If he painted all surfaces except bottom side of the box, find the area

    of surface painted by him.

    3.The perimeter of a trapezoid of 5 cm height is 29 cm. If the sum of non-parallel sides is 19 cm, find the

    area of trapezoid.

    4.Some workers are painting a hall with length, breadth and height of 50 m2,25 m and 8 m respectively. If

    they can paint 50 m area from one liters of paint, find the amount of paint required to paint the walls and

    ceiling of hall.

    5.One of the diagonal of following polygon is 20 cm long, and length of perpendiculars dropped on

    diagonal are 8, 8 and 12 cm. Find the area of polygon.

    6.If diagonal of a rhombus are in ratio 2:3, and its area is 108 cm2 . Find the larger diagonal of the


    7.Find area of following parallelogram (All measurements are in cm).

    8.If a rhombus is re-shaped such that one of its diagonal increases by 4%, while other diagonal decreases

    by 4%. Find the percentage change in the area of rhombus.

  • 9. Find the area of a rhombus in which each side is equal to 15 cm and one of its diagonal is 24 cm.

    10.The diagonal of a quadrilateral is 30 m in length and the length of the perpendiculars to it from the

    opposite vertices 6.8cm and 9.6cm. Find the area of the quadrilateral.

    7.Marks Rubric Serial



    3-4 parameters present: 3 marks.

    1-2 parameters present: 2 mark

    Work is handwritten 1. Maintenance (3 marks)

    Legible handwriting 2.


    Name,Class,Sec,Date ,day


    Choice of right pen/pens (preferably

    gel pen) while writing.

    Use of sharpened pencil .

    Use of margins wherever instructed

    by the teacher

    Choice of right sheet(A-3) for HHW


    1 mark for each parameter. 1.Choice of right cuboidal


    2.Calculation of area is


    3.Correct unit mentioned.

    4.Correct measurement of

    length,breadth and height

    5.All the dimensions are to be

    mentioned on the A3 sheet




    Enrichment activity

    (5 marks)

    1 mark for each correct answer Correct answer Worksheet(10


  • 2 mark Submits in first two Maths


    1. Submission (2 mark)

    1 mark Submission in third and

    fourth Maths period


    0.5 mark Submits after repeated

    reminders and follow up by

    the teacher



    Watch the flipped video of Chapter- 17 STARS AND THE SOLAR SYSTEM and answer the

    following questions.

    1) Differentiate between: Stars and planets (4) Meteors and meteorites

    2) Why does the pole star appear stationary? (1)

    3) Explain why the Earth spins like a top and Uranus rolls like a ball. (2)

    4) What is comet? (1)

    5) Complete the worksheet: WORKSHEET

    Ques.1 In the given Fig.1 out of the position A,B,C,D which will indicate the position of the sun .


  • Figure 1

    Ques.2 In Fig.2 marks the arrows and shows the direction of the sunlight (2)

    (a) In addition to this, if the direction of the sunlight from right to left, in which part of the sky would, you see the full moon in the evening. (1)

    (b) In which part of the sky would you crescent moon in the evening. (1)

    Figure 2

    Ques.3 Write two distinguishing features of a constellation. (2)

    Ques.4 In which part of the sky and at what time of year is the following stars and constellations seen, a)

    Great Bear, b) the pole star and the Orion. In addition to this mention the season of the year also.


    Ques.5 An astronaut standing on the surface of the moon throws the ball upwards what would be the

    behaviour of the balls?

    (Hint behaviour of the balls (go up and come back to the surface, never come back, hang in space , directly

    fall down from the point from its released and else) (2)

  • Ques.6 Suppose a new planet is discovered between Uranus and Neptune. What would be its time period?

    (Hint compare the time period with respect to the Uranus and Neptune (means more than less than or equal)



    1. Do all the questions in Science notebook. 2. Diagrams should be drawn neatly with the pencil and well labeled. 3. Paste the worksheets in science notebook. 4. Use black ink to write the questions and blue ink for answers.



    No. Rubric Marks


    (3 Marks) 1

    Legible handwriting

    (Proper space between the words) 3 parameters present - 3 Marks

    2 parameters present - 2 Mark

    1 parameter present - 1 mark

    2 Choice of right colour of ink as


    3 Use of sharpened pencil for



    (8 Marks) 1 Correct answers

    Full mark as assigned to the


    2 Incomplete answers Half of assigned marks.

    3 Incorrect answer Nothing will be awarded


    (12 Marks) 1 Correct answers

    Full mark as assigned to the


    2 Incomplete answers Half of assigned marks.

    3 Incorrect answer Nothing will be awarded


    (2 Marks) 1

    Submits in first two Science

    periods 2 marks for each correct answer

    2 Submits in third and fourth

    Science periods 1 Mark


    Submits after repeated reminders


    follow up by the teacher

    0.5 Mark

  • -









    Q1 . Create a program to display all the prime numbers within the range given by user. (Remember the logic- Prime no. is not divisible by any no. except 1 and itself so set the start and end values carefully).


    Comment(1),C structure (1),Logic(3).

    Q2. Create a program to accept two strings from user Happy and Holidays and display it as one

    Happy Holidays. (5)

    Comment(1),C structure (2),Logic(2).

    Proper organization, Formatting and alignment of the given task.

    Task to be submitted on Project Sheet or A4 sheets by 15 Jan 2018.


    Read and comprehend L-9 Passage. Do the Passage Exercise in Notebook.

    Do page 30 to 33 in Grammar book.

    Do French Ascend worksheet 2 and 4.


    Neatness (1 mark) Clear & legible handwriting

    No cutting or overwriting

    1 mark

    Content ( 3 marks) Should be relevant to the question.

    Grammatically correct

    2 marks

    1 mark

    Timely Submission ( 1 mark) Submitted in first week

    Submitted in second/third week

    Submitted in fourth week

    1 mark

    0.5 mark

    Zero mark