Key Vocabulary Ellis Island Angel Island Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) Gentlemen’s Agreement (1907)...

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Transcript of Key Vocabulary Ellis Island Angel Island Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) Gentlemen’s Agreement (1907)...

Key Vocabulary

• Ellis Island

• Angel Island

• Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)

• Gentlemen’s Agreement (1907)

• Nativism

• Xenophobia

Immigration during the IR

•Why did people leave their native countries?

•How did “Americans” react to the new immigrants?

•Where did people emigrate from during the IR?

•Where were the immigrants processed?

Industrial Revolution Immigration—East Coast

1870—1920: 20 million Europeans came to US

“Old” = people who came before 1890, mostly from Western & Northern Europe

“New” = people who came after 1890, mostly from South & East Europe

1880—1920: 260,000 people from Latin Am and Caribbean.

Reasons for Emigration from Europe

People came to US to escape:

•Extreme poverty (ex: Irish Famine)

•Too many people, not enough jobs

•Religious/political persecution (ex: treatment of Jews)

•Forced military service

IR Immigration—West Coast

1850—1883: 200,000 Asians came to US

•Came during California Gold Rush (1849)

•Worked on Railroads and in new towns in the West.

•Faced discrimination because of job competition and different culture

Reasons for coming to US

1. JOBS and economic opportunities of the Industrial Revolution

3. Chance to own land in the West

2. Religious and political freedom

Ellis Island (NYC)

•Processing station in East.•Checked for disease, literacy, ability to work, etc.

•2 % turned away

Angel Island (San Fran)

•Processing station in West.•Dirty, crowded, prison -like conditions

•Much more severe than Ellis Island—longer time, harsh questioning


Nativism = native born Americans belief that immigration should be restricted and that jobs should go to Amer 1st. (based on racism, jobcompetition, etc.)Increased feelings of Xenophobia

•Led to: -- Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)--Gentleman’s Agreement (1907)--Racial conflicts across US