Key to test on law and crime

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Key to test on law and crime

TESTON UN .TS 8 • 10

O Name each person in the list: C9a) Thisperson takes control of aplane or boat by force: ti 1J"Ac.KéQ..

'-------------ISTH VEAR 01-02 ~

~ b) Thisperson brings goods into the eountry ilegally: SMUG&tElZ~--- e) Thisperson takes people and demands money for their return: KIDNt\l>~tR


~ d) Thisperson gets money from others by threatening to tell seerets: BLAGKMA ILER'->:l. e) Thisperson damages other peoples property: _V_A---'--'----N_D_A--=-L _

e Finisheach sentence by adding a porficle to moke a phrosol verb ond a suitoble phros

a) As it was Shellos first offenee she was let ~ ~.t~.~ ~ ~ ~~.~~·.~ .

~ b) After climbing over the prison wall, the eonviet managed to get .A~A'f..~ ~t~~.;.,..~.caA:; e) The bank at the end of the street was held J)f...ko ..t.'1.?.~.M...~ ...J~t~~.K~l d) The politician owned y.e ..!.<? ~.~.~~~~~j..~~.~ ..r..~f..~~.~...i.~.~~.~.~ ,{-.~ e) Nobody saw Jaek stealing at the supermarket so he got ..A-.~1-.iW.l.IIi.J .

@ Complete eoch sentence with a word formed form the word in copitols. cVa) Ishe T(?~~.T.w.Q.~T.H.'1 enough to be let in the seeret? (TRUST)


roS b) Jesús Gil should be senteneed to a long )!.'{.f.~.!;??~M~.~·LI (PRISON)

• e) Do you think that the death penalty isa real ?~~~~~.~T ?¡DETER) .

d) The poliee found .J.~~.!!~:\I.Ñ.I1..UN.§.....evidenee in the suspects house. (CRIME)

~ e) lrn afraid Jenny is totally JJN.IRV..rH..f..~.b. (TRUE)

e Choose the most suitoble word or phrose to complete the sentences: 0~ a) Jane was asked to leave the examination after she cOPied/~/tricked and was

caught.~ c.o",J.; . ~(o'¡¡6\tM",l~ b) Jesús Gil was yesterday released on orole robotion oil ser- 't)vt.sIo ~ ~~tc.J~ f'AA~5.. I

j e) I was eomPletel~fronklhonest when I said I liked her dress.~67 d) In a trlol. a(n) occusotionldefencelQ[§jecuJi?9lawyer tries to eonvinee the court that-.SJ the accused person isguilty.-c

~ e).,.-.::;,.c:::c

The woman was €.cus~charged/convicted of shoplifting .'\/



e).:::rQ d),wJ~

e)--•..~1G f)c.:J

o Change the following sentences into reporfed speech using the words in brackets. @)a) , Dont toueh anything until weve dusted for fingerprints' (detective/his men)

-rk Jetcc:tve.. WMwuJ. h'~ J1.UM. ~o t to 1-ouc~~~+h¡,"'-S VVt-ce .ftu've du¡;feJ. ".b) , Do report the theft to the poliee' (friend/me)

AlMo rONJ (Nrff~ ~ -to ('e-r'~ -}k ~ ~ 1~ fA6-c.e ., Open the safe and put the money in the bag' (thieves/shopkeeper)

Tle.. f¿lI'¡z,vV) ~WtW\o..vthd/dYv.(t-(e~ -I'k bp~ t; ·~fke ócJe a~ pu,1- " ., Loek your bieycles when you leave them anywhere' (poliee offieer/students)Tl.... p~"-1far o..Jvi~J. h S;~.r -to P..Jc.k ...b:.c.(fcko, u4.... ~ ..., Please dont shoot!' (bank clerk/gunman) .

ti: bJ<. clerk ~ci -It.e- 3uV\r\Á:a.I-\ Y\..o+ ~ $~t-.'It' s quite clear that you are unreliable' (boss/employee)

Tkt. boss cv:-c~~d ~k~ f k'o lfVl('~~.

o Rewrite each sentence so that the meaning stays the same. Wa) Experts think that the treasure dates from the thirteenth eentury.

It ..i2..*h~~ ..j'.~.t +~~*~.'!.r:.~h~ ::.~..-: .b) Aman snatched Jeoris handbag. (HAD)

d .0~ ~0 k ..b~~.~.~~?.~.~t.~~ .1-2 e) The manager isdealing with the problem.'"ct. ' ~ kcJ21:: .~ h .-r~. The problem ...l5. ~ ~~ 4:. ~~ .

..§) d) The poliee knows that eertain dealers are selling drugs to youngters.

1 Certain dealers ..9:{~....~~.~~ ..~ ...k...~.'j ...&~~f..~ ...F-~5s e) I urgently need to find someone to repair the roof. (REPAIRED)~

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