Key Issues and Applications of Social Networking Technologies in Libraries

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Transcript of Key Issues and Applications of Social Networking Technologies in Libraries

Key Issues and Applications of Social Networking

Technologies in LibrariesMeredith Farkas

September 12, 2007

What is social software?

My definition: To be defined as social software, a tool must meet at least two of the following conditions:

1. It allows people to communicate, collaborate and build community online

2. It can be syndicated, shared, reused or remixed, or it facilitates syndication

3. It allows people to easily learn from and capitalize on the behavior or knowledge of others




•Social networking sites (MySpace/Facebook, etc.)

•Social bookmarking sites

•Other online communities

• Instant messaging/VoIP/Webconferencing


•Video blogging/screencasting

•Multi-user virtual environments and games

What can social software do for the library internally?

Share timely information

Capitalize on the collective intelligence of your


Capitalize on the collective intelligence of your


What can social software do for our


Disseminate Information

Disseminate Information

Disseminate Information

Disseminate Information

Highlight Collections

Highlight Collections

Get Feedback! Start a Conversation!

Get Feedback! Start a Conversation!

Get Feedback! Start a Conversation!

Build Community

Build Community

Provide Services to Remote Users

Making Learning Engaging

Making Learning Engaging

Provide Services Where our Users


Provide Services Where our Users


Provide Services Where our Users


Provide Services Where our Users


Provide Services Where our Users


Capitalize on the Collective Intelligence of

our Users

Capitalize on the Collective Intelligence of

our Users

Capitalize on the Collective Intelligence of

our Users

Capitalize on the Collective Intelligence of

our Users

Capitalize on the Collective Intelligence of

our Users

Issues in Implementing

Social Software

Avoid technolust

Will it improve library services?

Involve staff at all levels in planning

Encourage staff to play (kick the tires!)

Consider barriers to use and break them


Consider barriers to use and break them


Seek out strategic partnerships

Consider maintenance and


Must be able to integrate into staff workflow

Training for staff and patrons

In marketing focus on the functionality

Be willing to experiment

Start small and keep it simple

Questions? Just Ask!

mgfarkas@gmail.comAIM: librarianmer