· ketball...

Post on 02-Nov-2019

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Transcript of · ketball...




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THE 195 ADRANGLE ·: .. .

THE 19 5 5 Q U AD R A N.G L E







Bounce 11 ••• break h.

FRESHMAN PARTY \\hat s your nam<'? 0 0 0

ThE' purpo•c of thts party was to hE'Ip the frE'shmE'n g<ot acquatntE'd wllh one anoth<'ro Recreat10nal Council mem­b<>rs led the freshmen tn many get acquatntt•d ~amc,, and later hght re­fre ... hment~ v.-C're ~crvcd.


rooper.atton ts the keynote .•.

All-SCHOOL TALE NT SHOW Tal<'nt~d uppt•rcla~smen ...• Dunng tht· first "'""k of ~chool, the upp<'rclas~m<'n gave a talent sho"' for th" henl'fll of the freshmen. The talent ,ho.,., spon,or"d y tht• S.C. A., "'as (ollo"'cd by thl' annual \\atermel­ov. fel'd "'est of thl' gyrnna<rum.


!\Hnncsou.n h.lrntont •..

FACULTY RECEPTION How do ~ou <'o Both n w

re( etvccl (acuity

veteran tudents ""ere y ti'><' m<'rr b<'rs th<'



Uon unp.e.on. . sing u, man,

FRESHMAN TALENT SHOW \ t.•r Qt .. c ·• t'"" •, t::r •• ,

The freshwcn began onentation 1010

coll<•g•· hfe t•a rly by pre~•·nung " tdlt·nt show to the rc't of ~he student bod}. Tht• frosh dtsplayed some enter­tau tng talent


I>on .., tWld n . , . The Tl" t.J e Heart"'

h ... llem nt s pcnse. Jrama.

Ke th,

ll<~ume• •.• <iecpy"

Food ••. 10 keep us gotng.

All ktn~s ••. plai~s. plain>. chec k1, .and polka dots..

Pep yells fl11 the t:.tfeteua ...


Hip, htp, hooray .•.. Through the street, down the alley, winding through ~lore<, the cheer­leaders led paJama clad football en­thusiats on the annual pajama parade. It aroused mtere't and pep for the first game of the season. The parade was punctuated by pep yells and con­cluded with a movie at the Manor Theater.


nre·engme red flannels .. . AlntO\l ume to uce down the nreeu .

Rigorous physical recrcauon ... so tiring.

All-SCHOOL PICNIC Sun and water .... Early last tall, the entire student body spent the afternoon and early evening 1n fun and fellowship on the north shore of Kanapolis Lake. Many students participated m a variety of games, and later en ­Joyed adehc10us meal and the in­spiration of a campfire expenence.


l'm starved . ..


A rndtilf't, bhte -ey<"d blonde, £t~\a ~\al' MurreY• ,.a chosen to retgn o, t),e \ o'\4 home omtng {estwttte~. H<" r at­

tendants ,.ere RaLh \ Ann'" Bro"n' sophomor<". and June McDanid. {re~hman. Anne\tt"S<' Koc\, sentor retiring queen. c ro"''Tled t;u\a Mac at the Queen's Banquet •tv''" tn her honor and \alc r she ..,,ev;ed the homecomtn {ootuall gan'e [rom her




1 he h1g mom nt . . . I uown vou lfomel·ommg Quet=n.

HOMECOMING Prl"scnllng the royalty . . .. Many of the homecoming festivi -ues wt•rc focu!)ed on the c r owning of the Queen and her royal attend ­.tnl~ at the banquet. The following night the royalty watched t he game from the throne 1n front of the stands.

Royalty relgnj . ..

CAMPUS DECORATIONS Eat 'em' up ... Homecoming saw the campus gayly decorated. Each organt7.allon had a spectftc plot of ground on whtch they v.;ere to erect ,, ~talionary float. The sophomore class, the cheer ­leaders, and the S. C. A. took first, second, and third places, respectlvely.

Che(·rh.:aJen' chcclc.erbo.ud ... h:cond raung.

<r A loothall held . •• !if ·,goal lines.

Breu . . • We're on the s..ame side.

PreJUdice lo,ks "" as Howard, a Northerner,

comcs to Brett's rutuc.

Ctu1atn c.Jil .•• weeks of hard worl\ comt 10 a

ciO<i ~;tth a rcall\t\C: p rformance,

"DEEP ARE THE ROOTS " \\ell ,·as! and welt done .... Thos was a play about preJudice, and the t"ruel and orrational things that JHCJU<iln•lcads people to do. The play, by Arnaud D'llpseau and James Gow, "a• dir('Ct('d and <upervi5ed by Mrs. \\ ilbur Yod<"r of th(' English Departm<"nt. Max Parmley playtd the part of Brt·tt Charles, a n<•gro, who had received honors in tht" war and returned to h1s

hom(' in the south.

Honey Turner . B('lla Charles .


. La Faughn Hubbard Irene Shull

Senator Elb"'orth Langdon. G<·nevra Langdon

. Leon Albert Jo Ann Silv('r Peggy Hoef<: r

Duane Hoover Allee Langdon Roy Maxwell Brett Charles Ho"ard Merrick Sh('rtff Serk1n Chuck \\arren Bob lzay .

Max Parmley Leland Lengel Dale Sh('nef('lt . Joe Reeves

Billy Joe Hildreth



Christmas tn song and drama .. . . Both faculty and students coopt> r ated to ma~e a r evemng long to be remem­bered. Tht• gyrnnas1um "as gavly decorated for th•• students "ho came to enJOy 11 tn thrir formal aui r e .

Candfe~ frothy gowus. slivery sue:amen. strprise announcements . • .

"THE INTELLIGENTSIA " Formals, food, fun for everyone . . .. Almost Z50 students and faculty members attended the faculty's "Intelligentsia" on February 19. All of the guests enjoyed a five course meal whi<.h was prepared by the Dames' Club and se rved by the male members of the faculty. The evening 's entertainment 1ncluded several musical numbers, and two skits. Two engage­ments of college students also were revealed during the evening.

C . B. Y.F. group diSCUSSions ..


The better things of life .... Religion plays a vital part in the lives of Macollege students. An active organized group is the Student Ministers . A large number of future ministers have pastorates at various churches in this section of Kansaa. Members of this group also take turns wnting editorials for the Spectator.

Bed rame . • • devouoru.

B.\CK ROW: Dr. Metzler, Brown, Sherred, WtJHams, Albert. Thomas, Ke.nchcru.letne.r, Baldner. SECOND ROW: DeLauter, Long. Evans, Fraz1er, 8t!OIOll, Gauby, Parmley. FRONT ROW: S1ern, Puce., Brton, Shtncfclt. Berg, Saunders •


Gt nc Myus .•. ~ampus upkt:c p.


To help pay the wa) The cafete'rla, dCJrmitOrtes, hbr:.r), offtccrs, grounds­In fact almost every area of can1pus life-tn'\olv~ ... tu ­dents v. ho have can>p<» JOb• Avatlable for both n•en and women students, they help the student e:.rn p;,r ot then collcg<' expenses.

Vera, C.~ro, M.ny ,cJ(«.:tc.:n.t cr w.

Have to h~v.: books . .. mouey money. money.

StuJenu tmpty rhapcl after .uscrnbly . ..

Fre~hman ~tudent• wlll not have to climb the creaky stairs to Room 30 for Fresh­ml'n English much longer. Th.- <"Ollege expan"on pro ­gram Include~ the tearing­down of old Sharp, and the butlding uf a ne-w, larger, and better facilitated struc­ture.

R1ght off che ~uembl) line ... for a pep sku .


Th" ad butldtng .... Sharp Hall, the cent r.d building on Macolll'llC campu,, holds fond memo­ru.•s for several gtneratlons of !-.tud­ent". Th1s .,.tructnre: hou5es admini!; -t ratlvc ofhccs, a chapl'l for both "'ptritual and t..•ntt~rtillnlng programs, a Student Unton Room wtth tclc,·ision, a Dog Hous•• v.htch turn"hes refresh­nu.•nt .tlong wlth rt·laxation. and clas~ ­


Juke: boa: Co~cs, JIO.JII to~tk ..• :tn the Dog House.

umy, Lo1~. BMIJ, .1nJ !\otncy uop to sml e from th ttps of the adm1n1 tr.tuon buildin~ .

Lt. S. lh~tory ... tening mnet N' 4;:c1tn~r • .. .a necr~uty.

Besides various clp~srooms, all the laboratones are housed 1n thts structur.,. A vocaliztng soloist or a conscicntiou~ p1anist rnay be heard practinng on th" fourth floor. The college museum ts also located on the fourth floor. Indeed, all students are aware of the bulldmg's tmport­ance on Ma<ollege campus.

tudtm ;adnm wond' largt!U •ynthettc daarnonloi made tn Mac's cht>m .1b b)· ex·prof.


A busy place ••• llarnly Hall sees more students tn and out her doors than 4t.ny other bu>ldmg on tbt• Cdtnpus. Th" d>!(n>fied structu re, o n e of the rno't b~autlful buildtngs on Lht- ~rounds, rnak.t•s a vital con­tnbution to h>ghc r lcarn>ng.

Phy~tcal education butlding offers pracuce splice and equlpme.nt for faculty and nudrnt recreation.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION BUILDING Excerc1 e and re.creatton The phy•ical education buildmg, known to the var~tty athlete as well as to the ~tu­dent through phy~ical educat10n classes and the intramural program, atds the student tn building a strong body as wl'll a, a sound mtnd. Both volleyball and bas­ketball intramurals as wdl as varsity basketball practtce provide opportunitie' for healthful and sportsmanltke develop­ment for many on campus. Last winter the medieval banquet was held in the game room, whtcb 1s the scene of many extra­curricular activities.

It's .1 tO'IS up.

FRANTZ HALL Learning by do1ng .•.. Wielding paintbrushes on easels, welding, and learning about rural life are a few of the varied ac­tivities going on 1n the Frantz lndustnal Art~ Butld1ng. Besides classrooms, this uuilding boasts of a woodworking lab, ceramics and drawing and painting depart­ments, and the Dell Laboratory wh1ch gives Macollege an opportunity to ll'arn wcld1ng and n'cchanics.

ocdt. ch:wo tbout anl)lnmerm

The rooms arc rqu•pped,.lth blond modt.•rn furntture The neat, un­duttcrt•d rooms and helpful h rar­tans gt'" the hLra ry a restful e!t,.et as w' II as provtdmg a <plendid at­mospht• re for 'HlciCnt studysng


rtme (or •tudy •.. Hceghley t 1hrary, form<"rly named the Carnrjlte Ltbrary, 1s .tn old bulldmg "'''h a modermzed mterior. Here 'tudcnts may be s<"en doing rcs••arch for a t"'u thou•and "'ord thcrn(•. rclaxtng v.1th a n1agaztne or fi<'Wspapt•r, or studying for the next dass.

he hbrJry •.. .1 qut t piJte to uudy.


fht• llr't tloor of Arnold houses tht· tollcge caf<'t<'ria. Here stu ­dents mt•ct to eat, relax. and "i ... u v.hlle- the aroma of food pcnrlrat~s their no~trilc;;. Here, al•o, qudent• cope with what S<'l"m< to be thl" nt"ver-cndtng 11hnc.'

Prestnting ... Mr. Joe Collc~e


For boy' now ...• Arnold Hall took on a ncv. look when the \.\.Orncn -.tudcnt5'. moved into Dot7.ou r Hall over a year ago. Tht:< ncv. look ts the male ~tud<'nt~ that hav<· been tnhabit­ing thE' dormitory. Former stu­dE'nts anrl alumni <till an." not accu<lonu·d to seeing men climb th~ st.u rs.

Teeth, dhhes. cloth., get Jerubbtng •..

Gllls gather for after·hours mediu.tions.

A •hon-lived fad ... dally exerclseJ

In the hall.

Cleaning today • .. vuuou tomorrow.

Each room ts equipped with twin beds, built-in desks, closets, a dresser, a loung­ing chair , desk lamps, and waste paper baskets. A rec­reation room, an infirmary, and plenty of storage space ts also provided. However, both sexes are acquainted with the beauttful and spa­cious modern lounges whtch are located on the first floor.

Preny klny .•• a visitor one day.

Tbe night before O.rtsun.ts v•carl 1Urted

DOTZOUR HALL Our ne"' home. Dotzour Hall. the pnde and JO)' of all tbt." women students, g1ves a refreshmg new­roe~• to tht." atmospht•rt• of the campus. I he one hund rc·d •••ght g1rls and lht• hou •·­motht>r, Miss Neher, truly are enJoymg tht> dorm so g•·nt•rousl) &"en to 115 by Hoyer and Edna Dotzour.

Bca tofu! , mod<rn ••• Dotzo._ B II house luck) a<:d ,

Rlilh 10 rdnger.ttor ... anJ M;aOonna tn cozy Kline ap;utmc-m.

KLINE HALL For gals and marned ~ouple< •.•. Kim<· Hall •lands as proof that marriag .. anrl "ducation can go to­gether. The ftrst t\\O floor< are made up of t"'o-room apartment< to whtch many hdpptly mar rierl toupl .. s look hack a< thetr itrst home. Thl' thtrd floor has the d1sl1nc. tion of hou .... tng il number of collq;e <·oeds. I'h<"se g~rl< are convl!lc~d that Klin<" ts ,, good plnce to hvc.

FAHNESTOCK HALL Fanny to us. . .

F ahnt tock Hall IS hom•· to Sixty n ale stud• nt and the head resi­dents, th< \ltlhms fam1ly, who abtd<' th• rc. The trree-story structur 1 the headquarter• for many bull s•· 1on and gen,•ral mcrr,makmg a "'dl a thl' -er<­ous bus me s of tudymg

PRESIDENT'S HOME Wekorn.-.•.• This b<"autiful <lructure stands wtth opt."n doors to all the <lu­dents of McPherson College. They have learned that they are welcomt: to ust: both the basement and home .tt anyl!me for informal parlt<'~ and gatherings. One ­thousand East Euclld truly is our "home away from home" with a

wondt.•rful "mom 11 and "dad 11 as host and hosl<'ss.

Cleanm~ up the crumbs .


Church away from home ... . The stately college chur ch with its many statned glass windows provides the place of worship for many students. The base­ment ts the scene of social events and the chapel adjoining the sanctuary is used fo r early morning and evening meditation. The pipe organ is used almost every hour of the day by organ students. Many former and present students are endeared to this chur ch as the one that started them on their marital road together.

Ed and Bob


The governmg body of McPherson College .•. This year's Student Councli is made up of sixteen mem­bers which includes four faculty representattves. Besides acting in the usual spheres, whtch include the Spectator, Ouadrangle, Dog House, the budget, S. U. R., and the Growl; the councll arranged for several exchange Chapel programs, purchased two new love seats for the S. U. R . , acted on the Sadie Hawkins Day contro ­vc rsy, and tried to promote good will between international students and the towns people.

BACI: ROW· Don Moeller, Galen <tucky. AI Blocher, Arlene Merkey, MMy Elizabeth • winger, <. M. Dell, Dr. James M. Berkebile. Dr. Raymond Flory. FI!ONT ROW: £d Frantz. Robert Wise. Joan McRoberu. Paul Coffman, Dorothy Blough, Kathy Albin, ~arab May Vancil.

STASDING: Rol>ert Wise. Ed frantz. <a<ah May Vancil. SEATED: Kathy Albin, Ruth Sutckler, Irene C.hull. Lots Stmneue. Don Colberg

Ruth Groontdle.


Comm1ttee of the Student Council •• .. Presided over by the treasurer of the Student Council, the Board of Publi­cations was formed to a1d the staffs of the Sp<•ctator and Quadrangle and to give continuity to the publications. The editors and bu•inl'ss managers of the publlcations and five Council members compnse the Board.


Plan the pa rlies .. . . Thts committee of five students and two faculty members plans for many impor­tant annula events on campus. The events include such thtngs as homecoming, queen's banquet, Christmas formal, and many weekend movtes and special parties.


t-oUt game pany . .. tnform .. t fun.

CoW1cll In session .. dunng chapel time.

BA< I\. RO\o,: Don t: I om, veorgt~ [t IC', BHI Goering. Kenneth [\'.tm. FRONT ROI{ <, '.!, Dell, adv\ ot, Don Goodfet ow, lel<nd leng<l, Paul Coffman, v.llen ~1...:ky, Eug ne Lupn. Ed Fraotz,


Provi.dt"s (hrcct contact with men ,lud<'nls, ... Th<• Council sponsors a f<·<'d m the Dog House each fall m honur of the freshmen men. Thi' group also cliscusses such problems as stud<·nt <'tnployment, campus relationships, student loan, and other adJu,tm<'nls.




For women studentc; .... Thi• group sponsors the Campus Sister Plan and the Women's Tl'a to hdp new girls bec-ome acqualnl­<'d and adjust<'d to coll<'g<'. Each February thi< group sponsors the Ht'i\rt S>stl'r Week whi~h j, followed by a party.

STUDENT COURT The JUrtsdtctional orgamzation .. .. The Court •s responsible for the green hats that the freshmen are compelled to wear. This group also has cha r~l' of the Tug -0' - War de ­tl'rmtning wheather or not the fresh ­men have to wear their caps unttl Thanksgivmg. The official function IS that of taking acti on on minor disctpllnary problems that arise on the campus .

. . but "fre~h1es" win at last in the long. hard wg

Rurb Grossnzckle . .. Business Manager.


Memortes .... To you, the students of McPherson College, the Quad staff presents the 1955 Quadrangle. We hope that it will help b r ing back the pleasant memories which you have of the past school y<!ar.

Phil, Ann, Don, Ginny •.. handy wllh the p•per culler, Eypewrher. ~d brush,

hull .1nd !1\unnctu.· ..• ednor~-in-chid.

Colberg and Mt:)'Cn p.1y the bills. .

SPECTATOR I~ he Spec out? .••. Ead friday tht~ ques­Cion 1c;. heard as the students pour from thetr classes and head for the cafete na. The Spectator ts the offietal school paper and a sub ­sc rtption for all regu­la rl y enrolled students is provided for 1n the tuition charge.

Don, Enher, OwiMht. Kathy, Rtchard ... cabmct,

C.B . Y. F.

Sunday evemng church group .... Di~cus~1on, guest speakers, and s1nging are varied to make the meetings of this group truly mspi­rallonal. Early 1n the year, lt was decided to h<'lp finance the Indus­tnal Work Camps in Spnngfleld, M1ssoun, and Corpus Christl, Texas.

fll)rlde to and from camphr~ ...

Medllatton• In Memory Chapel ...

S. C. A. Whol<-soml', stimulating fellowship., •. Th'" organtzatwn is responstble for all the chapel sen•1ces and m<'mory chapels. This group, whtch meets every Thursday eventng, also <ponsors the all-school talent sho._., watermelon feed, and the box social. A spec1al prOJeCt this vear was thE' ''rnilf' of hose" sent lO Germany for the "omen to use 1n making flowers during thc1r leisure time.

~.C. A. mec:u C\'try Thunda)' ...

box social.

Ru1h and Btny •sbJve '" bJIIoom at Penmylv~ni.l B. . ( M. conf« renee .


The "Barking Bulldogs " . . •. War of words, retaliahon, and rebuttals are fundamental principles of both these organizattons. Th"' debat"' squad with this year of expertencc behmd them should prove to be a strong challenge to other

squads in future years. Those who have attamed certain standards 1n forensics are ehgtble for membership in Pi Kappa Delta.

DebAIOn await resulls a1 tournamem.

BACK ROW: Un~ Yoder, spontor; D<~le DeL,itttcr, Joan <llvor, Norma Goering. Lafaughn UubbanL


Both acting and product10n. Membe r ship tn the Players Club ts open to all interested tn the various phases of play production. Thts year's maJor pro ­dllction wa' ''Deep Are the Roots" gtven during Re~iona l Con ference. The cast is invited to present it in Junl' llefore the annual Conlerence of the Church ol the Brethren m Grand Rapids, Michigan. Members of the P layers C lub may ll"come members of the Alpha Psi Omega, national honorary dramatic soctety, by meeting rigid requi rl'ments tn both acttng and producuon.

P~ll.a ..• "'It's my 100 I hold 10. N01 )OLI, old man.

BACK RO"-': smckle.r. Oe:Lo~:.~t r, Krusch'oO'lt.z, Le~el. ~enefeh, Rte\el, Moore. ~he. \ancC'. ~rCOl\0 ROW A, Kc1m, E. M rkey,

McE1waan, Kesler, Coffman, 1 reloar, <:hull, H ildreth, Fikc:, Myers, ~. !'elm. Mohler. THIRD Rll\o.' 1\. uoerang, Wile, tannene HOC'fer, Hubbud, Bowman, lkC"nberry! Hoo\er, FR~o.lf'.."T RO\.Y '-11-.:er Andrew$, 0.1\ldton, llot.ow;ay, hendclt, Albert, Parmley.

Yoder, sponsor,

LEFT T\1 RIGII1: Phil Radatz, John Thorms, Lafaugbn Hubbard, tugrn lut-1. Art Remon, l'rof. F ory, Jpon50r, Ca.rol Tro1tlt.

<EATW: Keonty Blo•·n.


History hurries br ... Phi Alpha Theta, nattonal h"tory fraternity, made tt• appea ranee on Macampus late last sprtng. The little group nearly tripled the active mcmbershtp during this year, plus digging np a few choice tidbits of histor y. The hi-light of the year was the Medieval dinner m January.


For those preparing to teach ...• Thi~ is one of the larger organizations on campu• wllh ftfty members Thi> newly organized club acquaints students with the teachinll: profession. The monthly meetlns.:s con.,sted of talks by a school superintendent. a NEA representative, a lesson on parliamentary procedure, and various others.

Nadene, .Anha, MarJlyn, N'orma, Ed. Gcn~:, Ruth, .tnJ J o.m . . • le.1d~.::rs.

8.\CK RO\'t: Ocidms, Lup·, Atkinson, C~rney, Sams, Fr.tntz, C. Kmg, SU!cklcr, Bro ... '11, Or. Fee, s ... COND RO\\: Correll, Swin~er, Bt.:m,torf, ~h;U~cr, BJrr, Grossnickle, McRohl:rtr, C. Tro~lk, M. Krchbtt!l, Randle, Blough. THIRD ROh-: J. Flory, Gocrmg, McSpJddon, Murre)', Holdwca~. Reynolds, McEiwam, Hobson, C. Lunkd. FRONT ROW: Boll.lrd, Hubbard, Mom, E senb sc, Spohn, Hall, lltn't, Williams, Gayer.

Correll, Bor\J, uro\bach, Roesch Broa~oho;ater, Emmert D. Ha.)et t.'1DDLL henefelt. 0, ;mzer FRI.lto:T RllW bbett, M)iers E. But cr. D. IJutler


For the tnl< rt sts of agrll dture .• 1 hts dub • xtsl to prOrnOil' tntert"~t tn rural hfe dnd the farn-. Tall'nted speak­ers, such as 1 rm Icadt:r!--, exchange sti.ld\•nt , and t•xt.. nston servHl' h: a de rs, he-lp t'' nulkt. Lht c.lub ml'ctlng~ 1nlt.•rest-

1ng and wnnh v..}Hle.

He)' • . • ct go my u t

HOME ECONOMICS CLUB Btttt;cr l.vn1t , Ut·tttr lutu r es •.•. Orgam1.o:d only tv.o yt•ars ago, tho: HOIT'l'

EconornH·s Club has sl<·adtly grov.n tnto a sl rong club. In tht• monthly mcettng,, membt•r learn flu~(·r arrar:gt•n t:nt~. the llrL of applymg mak•• - L.p, table <elttng,, h.ur "tyhng, and o•ht:"rs, from bu ... tneo:;.­and profc:sstonal womt'n of the cuy. The dub ts aHtha•t'd wuh both the State and Naltonal Home Ec-ononitcs As ... a<:tattorh .

Irene. M.utne 1. Albert&, Antra, £1outse, Kathy •• confo~b In from of I lome fc bulletin bo.ud.

BACK ROW O.av1J on, IUJOJde, tfford \ i e s. • J\rt.:hble ~age. ro\ , Moote ~t. jdm SOil, trlt:klcr, t ooJen. Bro ... ·n. J. Her, [ O~ORl \~o Rodr1gu z ~·.~un. P. J1.1m ltun, Dmc, Bullard. Bowman, A. f'~lm. B.arr, P. MUler Jrum.:m. Rolf. Cotn. A TEO· ' c pl,hJ n, Pouacr, .rosbJ h, M Johnson, tlamrn, hull, \ i hid:,

, R u Ev.uu, lee Oaolum3n. FROXT ROW: P•t


Men and woml'n on wheels . . Thts newly organtzcd club ext~ts for the purpose of P"'ovidtng rec r eation and fellowshtp All-school and private out-of-town parnes are frequently orgamzed . !'he College skaters have spent enjoyable evenings with skaters from the South West Kansas Church

District skaters


Lcarnmg to play .... Recreational Council member. led Cub Scouts, Y. M. C . A. members, and young people at C. B. Y. F. rallies and college part1es in recre­ation through thls year. Two \!oeek­end retreats h•ghhghted the year's acttvittes.

AI, Mary Ah~.:~. and \'on . .. ideas £or good llmt$.

LEFT TO RIGHT c. M. Dt>l1, John Burkholdtr, spon\Ots; D. Reynolds, Oltm~n. Romero. B. flotderrtad, Moats. Kaufman T. Vance. E.

Ketm, c. Zunkel, BIO<'htr. M, mlth, Jones, "chechter, Treloar, V. Hall, D. BowrtUin,

M CLUB Ftghllng for the red and whtte •... An athlete who earns an 'M" tn any varsity sport 1s digtble for m~:mbership in the M" Club. l'ev. membt•r• are brought 1n the club by a day long init1ation at the expense of the apphcant. fhe club sponsors the Penney Carnival, a Homecoming luncheon honoring all n•turmng lettermen, and a formal banquet in the spring. Rewards include sweaters, blankets, and Jackets.

W. A. A. ptovldes football sp<ctatou whh coffee and hot dogs •.• plus!

W. A. A. Strong bodies , strong m1nds .... Before breakfast hikes, softball, and basketball practice, and jumping on the trampoline were all part of 1he Women's Athletic Association's pro­gram. New members were put through the rigurs of initallon, and the annual formal banquet wa• held.

PEP CLUB Go, team, go . . . • Membrrs public>zc the Pep Club with their new off- white Jackets which have "Mac- Pep Club • in red on the back. They plan ned and served a chili supper the evening of the football homecoming; they aJqo sold mum• at the game. During ba•k<'tball sea•on members sold c-onccs.,ons at home games.

C. ar E.

BAC~ RO\<v• Rtynolds. Rccvu. likhtte. Van Bl.tricum, Hoc)\er, K. Coffman, uldcler, L. Landhuu. Jones, E. Butler M . Landhuu.

ECO-.:U ROW· Holderread, Ebb<rt, Roesch, <tern. Ullom. G. <nydn, f.mmcrt, C•rn•) Roytr , lhoreen, THIRD ROW: Guenmer, \\'Hierru, Gooden, !'l.i. Keirn, Reane-cker, Etsenbtce, Glotfelty, locdde, M. Jan11son, ~'ohltr. fRONT ROW: CoiTman E. Lucore J..,:ang,

.~. Keirn, B. lamuon, Bull.rJ, tuck)', <mlth. D. Blough, A. Goodfellow, D. lucort.

CHAPEL CHOIR During Chapeb and on Sundays .... These t"'o groups take care of the overflov.; of good vo1ces. Bt'~idt'~ s1ng1ng during chapel programs, the Chapel ChaiT toured parts of Kansas and Missoun during Easter vacation. The Lad1e• Cho1r offered mspirational num ­bers for service~ on alternate Sundays.


A CAPPELLA CHOIR \•oH ~.·s 10 harn ony .•• Und<>r the direction of Donald R. Frederick th<> A Cappella Choir mcluded 1n 1t~ reper­tOlre both secular and sac red numbers. The lortyhve vo1ce choir parllClpated m school, church, and community programs and also sang 1n the northeast Kan~as, nothern Missoun, and nothern Iowa churches during their Easter vacallon tour.

8:\C.'-: ROW· flrooJ..( , ltolderread, Grone, Coffman E. T~ylor, D. Blough CooJfcllo· .... . Mollhag.en. len~el. J. <-n~der, Scou, ~. tlamtlton Ford, Albin, Till lJ f,:(H" fJO':"fer. 1re!o r. E. l\e1m. Albc!n, long, lo:ruschwuz, F;anchtr, Oltman, Colberp:. 10 tmpson R. trtckler, \\atkan•. c::rco~U RO\~ ttubbard. Go-nna R. Gro b.ach, ~C;Jtfer, D. ~·tlltr Det~l.ler, Pnmtey Mytu ~.Blough, A. GroWach. FRO!\T

IW\\' Moat. C.Zun"t:l E. \'o'allfarru, Mcrkc), E. "-Inger Berry, Jo..:nackncdt, Ikenbe-rry.



VOCAl ENSEMBLES Beauttful music .... The four vo,al ensembles are some ot the busi<>st groups on campus. Each took both a fall and a spnng tour to various churches of the region. The seventeen students tn the groups traveled to seventy-four churche'l on their dt>putation trips. These ensembles also pre•<"nted \'anous chapel programs ... hich were enjoyed by all.


LaFaughn Hubbard Evelyn Wilhams Donna Berry Kathy Albin

First Soprano First Alto Second Alto Second Soprano


Galen Sliter Norman Long l.eland Lengel Dwight Blough Max Parmley

First Tenor Second Tenor Second Bass Baritone Pianist

LADIES TRIO Alma Goodfellow Birdene Jam1son Marlene Jam• son JoEva Reinecker

Alto Pianist Second Soprano First Soprano


Forest Kruschwitz. Ketth Coffman Eugene Snyder Kenneth Fancher

First Tenor Second Tenor Baritone Second Bass


Pep Band aids chccnng st.cuon ...

CONCERT BAND The no,.en akers ••• Football fans sa" the McPherson College Band perform ar football games for the frrst till e tn «•ver ­al years. The Pep R.tnd took over rts usual dutres ,It Pep As«·m­blies and durrng bnskPtball games. Students were prrvil•·g<"d to hear the saxophon<" q.rartd durmg a chapel program.

Pep Band pro\tdes mwtcal It de . , . homecoming.

Alilli~C. D•duman, <trickier Prof. Freder >. ACK ROW· M. mnb, D•vod>OCI llocfcr, Shcndelt Knocksredt. < uney, ~·rtll•ms. Re)'nolds. Hollson Grove, \'anBIIricum. fanch r l. Llndbuti, Goodfellow, N. lrotlle "'Lnger, MaLin.<. Hamtlton. ~ECOXD ROW M, LanJ"Iuu, &rmtorf, Euenb1ie. Corr~ll tmpson. ~·ohler, E. Lucore, Coppock, Reeves, Krusc:hwnz 11om, Retneck..:r, GrO\snickle, Glotfelty. FR1)N7 RO\\• Hintz, B. Jamhon, R. Royer, Albtrt, Brook~ C:, Trostle, <aylor.

otlcnbergo:r. ~rCOI\0 RO\V· L tarson. c.lemcn~. Hintz, D. <ollconherger Mullen. rRONT RU\•,;· \\'atkins J. Ford,

SYMP HONETTE Strings and "'oodwmd•.. . Th<· str>ng qn.lrtl"t, under the direct\On of P.wl Sollcn erg••r , who also playt>d ftrst \'tohn, preca·nterJ n1ne pro~ran1s. 1n the churches ofnorll ern lov.a and M1nnesota durwg th<•lr tour 1n the fall. The symphonettc, former!) the orches ­tra, rlC.'(Ornp3ntc l tht· rhotrs for lht. Rt•g100til Conft.•r<"nce n)u•qcal and al'o present<•d a chap,•! program.

Pt~y thot.e ftddtrs •. • ~uum tha.t bah.


Co.1ch td ~muh .and hlt ~suunr Gco~e K~1m p.tu'e ah..::r an ~'.:nln3 wor)(oul,

FOOTBALL SCHEDULE McPherson Kearney State

McPherson Bethel

McPherson Baker

McPherson C. of Emporia

McPherson Kansas Wesleyan

McPherson William Jewell

McPherson Ottawa

McPherson Bethany

McPherson Friends

6 52

13 18

38 20

6 47

25 44

0 44

12 14

44 13

13 6










!"he battling Bulldogs •.•. Thts fall th< !lnlldog' fac~d a gtganttc rt'bllllding task. 1 h<· JOlt taken care of by such dble l odH·s as Coac-h Sis Smtth, Asststant G••org<' Keun, and Dick Wareham, tratncr .. \\1th a 3-tl won - lost record, the Bulldogs dtsplayt•d mu,·h po" er at ttmes, and out -gamed tbl'tr oppOnt'nts m all cate­gortc" oth<·r than tor a! potnts.

St<·v•· lkrsuch, !ltll Sm11h, and Bill Goermg rl"c-cl\ •·d spec tal honor Ly bemg chosen on the All-K.,n .. ;uJ C'unter(•ncl' ... ectnd team.

'Yttth only four nH·InUl·rs gr.tduattn~ trom the tean"l, the cdnHlt'~ hnvt: l.Jnght pro~pec t s for

th•• m•xt ancl lollov.tng years.

Ed Frantz Forv.ard

Bill Smith Center

Ron Sams Guard

Gary Pigoll

J>m llershbergc r r orwar<l

Dwtght Oltman for"ard

Merle Rolfs Guard


• McPh••rson 61 Bethany n McPherson ';8 Tabor 60

McPherson 65 :-.terhn11 63 McPherson 70 St Marys 78

McPherson So Ph1lhps 81 McPherson 75 Phillips 78

~1cPhcrson 63 Uaker 52. McPherson 76 K \\ esleyan 09 ~lcPherson 6-1 c of Emporia 7b l'.tcPht·rson 63 c of Fmpona 82. !-.tcPhe rson 73 Bethany 81 McPherson 71 Bethd 80 McPherson -Ill St. Benedict" 70 McPher~on &5 Ottawa 85 McPherson 80 K. \\ esl eyan oS McPherson 75 Friends &7

McPh<'rSon 5'; Baker 74

McPherson 38 C. of Emporia 63

McPheTson 77 Bethany 85

~lcPherson 58 Bethel bO 1-.tcPherson I 5 Ottawa 77

McPherson 03 K We,leyan Il-l Me Pherson 81 Fncnds 76 McPherson 61 Baker 70


Practlc" and phystcal•ss .... Tt·am 'Pint and< o-oprration "'rre displayed by th<' 1954-55 B.Jlldog team. Many Lim<~ they out•cor"d thetr uppont·nts tn held go.lls but lost gam"s dut• to fouls. Btll Smith Lrok" tht• st hool n·cord of 30 putnt• fur a gil me to 5<'1 a nev. one nf 41. V.tth Ed Frant~ betng •he on!~ semor on th< ream and \<tth t•tght fre,hnlt n, the •chool look• forward to a succt..·s~ful season nt"'xt year.

CHEERLEADERS Chl't>rlt"aders ..•. Tht" job of promoting cnthus1am and pep at both football and basketball games lies on the shoulders of tht" capable cheerleaders. The fre•hmen cheerleaders \!.ere elected by th<' freshman class late 1n the fall to h•ad cheers at the' B' team ba<ketball games. Both groups of chcer­lcadl'rs help with sk1ts and lead yells in pep assemblies

\anuy Ch(erleaders . .. Frcdln1.1n Clctrle.aders

Gl RLS ' VARSITY CompetitiOn and fun .. The Girls' Var<ity 1s a selected group to represent McPherson College in competi­tive basketball w1th other colleges.

McPherson 33 Central 26 McPhcr~on -17 Bethany 35 McPherson -13 Bethany zo McPherson 42 Tabor 40 McPherson -lZ Tabor 17 McPherson 31 McPherson Z-l

(Freshmen) (High School)

BACK RO\\': M.arltne MO.iU, ~e Bowman, Nancy fn,.man, Coach Dori' Coppock. Arlene Merkey, fo.Urleen l.Jndhuh, Mary Alice ~muh. fRONT RO\o.' LlZ '-wmger. Darlene Trelo.:u, Marilyn Mclsktr, Harriet Grove, c:ara Ann Coffman, Joyce Miller fvel)·n Jarboe






A frtendly atmosphere .. • • under the autumn sky

Squareheads of the Round Table .. . . Should We !lave Heart Brother Week?


• Faculty and Rtudents gettmg acquainted

With clock-like preci•ion .. until •ome got other ideas

' ,...

DR. D. W. BITTINGER, PRESIDENT OF McPHERSON COLLEGE. .. . His belief 111 McPherson College as a fam1ly is ijhown by his interest 111 each indiv1clua l student


While upholdmg academ1c standards at McPherson College, h<' puts concern for student we !fare f1 rst.



• J.L. IIOWMA~ Mathem.utc~


DORJ <.:OPPOC K Phyilc•l Education


\ERDA DcCOL'RSEY Home [conomlcs

S.M. !lEU. Dean of Men lndusttlal Aru

MARY FEE Dean of Women


RAYMO~D FLORY History Pollttcal Science




Gt.:Y HAYES Ruul Llf<

E.'· HER'! mERGER An



GEORGE KEIM Physlcal Educuion



AUCE MARTIN Reglsuar Commerce

MAX McAULEY Alumni Stcr<u.ry


R.E. MOHLER Museum Curator


0. A. OLSON Commerce Economics


t~an and Piano

• MilDRED ,1£1' Home Economics


Mustc Educauon

Gl£~' ~ \otl~CER

Public Relations



J. RICHARD 1\'AREHAM Religious Life Director


Rural Life

l ndu~tnal Arts

R. GOIU)Of' YODER Busineq M;mager

REI'. HARRY K. ZELUR MtnHter of the Chwch of the Brethren,




J.K. cw•E BuildlnRs and (.roundt

~URI,\M DEll

~cret.ary I ll tbe

President and Ot·an

lEE Kl:\DAlL

But ldmg• and C·roond•


Housemother of Ootzour Hall


Manaqer of the ("a(eteru




ecretary to the: Bu\tneu Manager

! ~ I •

CLASSES ••• ..

Jun1ortt, of cour~<- . .

. . !l.larlcm·. v.rgmla, dob, Norann, and Bob

Frosh gctt1nll acquamted . . . Marlon, Mar1an. Van, and Charlene . . •

Rt•laxatlon t1• c [or son e ttt:nlOrtt . •. Tom, Joan. Lo1~. lh·tty, and B1ll ...

Happy-go-lucky sopho­mure::; Chuck, 1\ancy, Kathy, J 1m. and Norma ..



KARL BALDNll! Phll<10phy ond Rehgloo

ARTHI:R BE:->SON Ph1l01 ph) and Rehg~on



GEORGE SO\ D Rural Llf<


JEAN BULLARD EducohCIIl and Psjchology


Rural L fc




• KENNETH EVANS lndusu tal Aru

00:-I!>A FORD EJuca~ on and PS)Chol \~)

ED\\ \RD FRA!>T l 8uJ1rl[U AdmmtHuu~n

LOREE:> GAYER Elluc.J,UOO. an~ Ps~tcbotogy

1\IILLIAM GOERIKG Buuncu Adminasttauon



Al&RTA GRO~BACH Home Economics

G~NE IIEWETT Bun ness Admmaaatwn

LOWELL IIOCH Industrial Ans





H story

MARINlLL JOlt~ SON Home Eoonomta

KEITH I<IPP Educauoo and P•ycholobf

ANNALIESE I<OCil Educalion and P•ychology



VINA YA Lll<tiiTE ChemiSay

DOROTIIY LUCORE Educat1on and Ps~eholt gy






JOAN McROBERTS Educatoon >nJ P•ychology


tndusu,al ArU

IDA ZUNKEL Sociology

)OH1'; THOMAS 1-tutory

TED VANCE Biol<>gy



IJ.llS ROLFS Hom..: EconomJcs

• RITA ELL£); RllYER Educauvn •nd PS)Ciwlog)

~E.--~ETH SLABACH lnd Utllal Aru




Charles Atktnson Beverly Barr

Steven Bersuch Dwtght Blough

Norann Blough V1rgtnia Bo\\er

Robert Bnner

Robert Burge Margaret Corn

Karl Dalke Dale DeLauter

William Enborg Martin Gauby

Ruth Grossnickle

Von Hall Shirley Hamtlton

Donald Hawley Carmon Heidebrecht

Luctlle Hobson Betty Holderread

Gary Jones

Theodore Kaltsounts Edward Kerschenstetner

Carole King Arnold Kugler

Leo Landhuis Leland Lengel

Norman Long

Arlene Merkey Harvey Miller

Marlene Moats Donald Moeller

Wdllam Mollhagcn Eula Mae Murrey

Stanlt>y's Rothrock's Grocf'ry

Max Parmley 100

Ph1l Pulliam Laurence Rakestra"'

Ronald Sams

JoAnn Silver Galen Shfer

Bill Sm1th

Dwight Spence Lois Stinnette

Mary E. Swinger

Elwyn Taylor Carol Trostle

Don Ullom

Robert Vance Evelyn W11liams

Robert Wise


Nancy Andrcv.;s Kathleen Albin

Donna Berry Lucy Blou~h

Galen Bretches Connie Brooks

Rachel Brown

Gary Button Richard Carney

Don Colberg Nadene Correll

Ruth Davidson George Etsele

Ruth Eisenbtse

Harry Ensmmger Roger Fick

Ronald Freed Norma Goermg

Barbara Gooden Bea Grone

Ronald Grooback

George Grove Beverly Hall

Kathy Hamm Delbert Hayes

LeRoy Heidebrecht Dave Hershberger

Carol Hintz

Willis Hoch Peg Hoefer

Alan Holman Birdenc Jamtson

Marlene Jamison Evelyn Jarboe 104


Dwight Johnson Nancy Keirn

Edith Ke3ler Carilyn Krehbiel

Marilyn Kr.,hbiel Shtrley Knackstedt

John Lenz

Sonja Mar!< Robert Marttn

Manlyn Metsker Darius Mlller

Ronald Miller Gene Myers

Marian McElwain

Royce McMurray Anita McSpadden

Eva Navarro Harvey Pauls

Charles Petty Elouise Postier

Deane Ann Randle

Norman Reed Cltfford Reeves

JoEva Reinecke r Ivan Ri che rt

Louts Roberts Bill Rodrick

Merle Rolfs

Max Royer Gerald Sampson

Delmar Senger Dale Shenefelt

Jeane Shively Irene Shull

CARL'S CASH MARKET Mary Alice Smith 106

James Snyder R1<hard Spllzer

Robert Sptl.t:er

Manlyn Spohn Galen Stucky

P.1ul Stucky

Ina Swttzer Darlene Treloar

Charles Vance

Jtm Walker Carol Watktns

Gary Wtlliams

Edward Wolf C.lara Zunk('l

Howard Andr<•ws Eldon AI .. ra

Nancy Barra~ree Melvm Behnke•

Garner Berg Addt• Bernstorl

Jacquitta Blackwell Dorothy Blough

Jack Borth

Robert Bower Deloro:s 13owman

Phyllis Boyd Phillip Bradley

Curtis Broadwat<•r Jerry BrookshLre

Edith Bucl<mgham LeRoy Buskir!<

Edward Butler

Gordon Carls~n George Casebeer

Keith Coffman Sara Ann Coffman

Dale Corrc•ll Jeanine Cotton

Lee Dadtsman Kelly Day

Lyle Denny

Da reid DeSelms Jane Dine

Gerald Doughty Mary Ann Eckman

Charles Ebbert John Emerson

Edward Emmert Nancy Ensman

Rita Evans

Kenneth Fancher Duane Fike

Rowena Finckh Lenore Flandermeyer

Joyce Flory Phyllis Flory

Joan Ford David Fraz er

Joyce Glotfelty

Alma Goodf.,llow P hylhs Gnmm

Dale Grose Wayne Grossnickle

Harriette Grove Harold Groves

Earl Guiot Mardt•lla Gut.'nther

Phyl11s Hamilton


Robertine Haney ~orris Hartns

James Her•hbcr~er Billy Jo Hildr.,th

Gaye Hmk le Donald Holderr.,ad

Betty Hollov.ay Duane Ho.:>ver

Don Hunmcutt

Dv.ayne JeCfne' Herbert John.,on

Norma Jean J:>hnson Ruth Kauffman

Ann<> Keirn Elizabeth Keirn

Kathryn Kendall Barbara King

Verlin Kolman

For re gt Kruschwi tz Marle~n Landhuis

Marlon Landhui~ Delaine Lar•on

Jani ce Loccklc Elsie Lucore

Barbara Maul Nona Maus:

Joyce Miller

Patricia Miller Vera Mohler

Mtnnie Monk Earlene Mullen

Carolyn Myers June McDaniel

Phyllis Nagel Jesste Newton

Vivian Oliver

Dwtght Oltman Fri t z Pampus

Gary Ptgott Wayne Price

Jack Reed Joe Reeves

Charline Reynolds Dean Reynolds

Shtrley Rhoades

Ana Rosa Rodriguez Royce Roesch

Mary Romero Virgtnta Russell

Warren Sanger Wtnona Satterlee

Donald Saunders Donna Saylor

Pat Schechter


Phyllts Schrock Vernon Scott

Neva Shenefelt Lyall Sherred

Marian Sifford

Donald Stmpson Edwin Sink

Marlin Sittner Bonnie Smith Sidn~y Smith

Eugene Snyder Roy Stern

John Strickler Mary Lou Stucky

Lynn Swinger Edwin Switzer

Ter r y Thoreen Nancy T r ostle

James Van Blaricum Mary Ellen Waters

Arlene Watts Gerald Wedl'l

Ellen Wtllems Rodney Wtlloughby

Mary Lou Wise Israel Zayas


DIRECTORY SENIORS .. . 1~ t' c:oa H·. t~ A\e, . ~·,nn•apo h. tttnnc .. ota

B~tdner l\arl O.JII.u Cent r I0"'-.1 8<JLOO, Arthur 11 F. rtr I, Mcl'h:non. Kans•• B'Ot:~cr Allen- h rd A\t. ~. ~ inn-.a?<Jh , ' Ot.l

BoyJ, Gto'lic Pop'~r. Monuna Brown, Ken1:th 16-43 ~. .ro\C Wlch11.1 1 ~. Kana Bull.ud, JcJn RoLtte . \ • 10 C.rar.t P.t s. Oregon Bu!l r Don•ld £hJorJ., Jo.,. a (offm3n, PoAut South Enblhh, low• Oa\ sson. Wilbur In <~~n "ansa

d r, Ru.!1arJ 61-1 .11 llanco.:-k ~ cPh r<.Q.t. ~an~s {\.lOS, ~Cillt:U'l ~30 52, pnr lit>h.l, ('\n.:go:l FonJ. Po1...,a Prc:ston, M1nn ou f'rantz. lJwaui Con~a\ '-prm~, ',l

Ga~ r, I ore en Conwa)". )-.:an .u Geotln~, \oJllli.101 I 1• t\. MJplt: Mt:Phl'r,on, l'a0$3\ (.ol)dft>l)O\Io, [)QlJid J.y;J.I<, Jo.:.lmJoi C.ullo, h.11c l~ B ddcy 1 .. L!!.go,, l"•gcrtl Gro bach. Alho.•rt.l FnJ..:-r,, Schr.Hkl llcwl.'tt, Grne \1 rn.: ru, 1\a~'Uili tllll. J.lo~n 1315 [. Imp oo ~kf1ttr,o:t. Jo.:ansa~

Hod1, lQwcll Owtght, t-;.1 t Ho~flc, Ro!l rt 17 o~ £. Goru -, M .. Pher..on. Kan'a~ llubb.ud, Ulr:~ t)hn Hu~o1o.t. sat Jltenbc.n). fsth r ur 1\0JlC: .J, l ub :-.:c .... ~ ·u~o Jo••n~. Jo;cph c. alp Le\d, 1\!nns)han J

Jo!Jnson, l'o.'auncll ~0'1: -U lZ @ ( reKent LaM" t.. fberson. Kan .u K1pp. Doroth) 1 1 £. Euchd \ .,·P.Jcrtot1. Klru.u ~app J(coth 1010 E. fucltJ McPbtrl«<. Kanso; to:och. AMalie!<' llochh< m. G rm>n~ Lcntl, \\'cnJell 85:"J7 Blc 1101 A\enue Lo An~ des, Cahfornta Llkhll<, Vinaya 570 P•rk 'IIC<I Elgin I lanou Lupct. Eug nc Grrm•ny Mrr~t), E>aher Clo d l haef. <ll<lahoma ~~oor~. lktt)' J~lS \oJ, t\Jam" Chtcago. llltnOI.S ~kRo'l< rtt, Jo:~n C rC't ne, Iowa Radau. Phtl!p l ,aha. Kouuou R1chanhon, J,~<.k L ttlc Rner Kan ~" Rolfs, lOll GcneicO, .1\ Ro}cr, Rltd Illen Daltat <.enter Jow.t "-lahacb 1\enn th W1ndom. Jo:ani.t~ ~trickier. Ruth ~.lmO!l.l, 1\,m,.l\ c::w,rzer, M,;trth.:a tla)(lun, ( olorar.Jo Ta)·lor, homou 1. John, K.arna1 Thom.n, John 1722 £o1H Gon.lon Md'her-;on, 1\an,at Vance, TcrJ Twm. Fdlt~. ldo~ho Walt n, M,ultn l .. t • thh t Md~1erson, J..:Jnus Zun~e ldJ ~ 1 .u!, l>cn\C'r • Coloudo

JUNIORS . \tldnM.J c tr' t.'cPh uoc, Kan~as Barr. Bc.\ .. rty t Gr.10d Junc1lon Co Benu , lt\ n 4-4 :.:. Charest-. cPbeucm, I' an :u B'o "h, D.,nght Ro t t '' ~~ rloo. to ... · a 8 1o1.16h. ~r.;mn ~out ol \._:arcr oo, to"'~ Bow~r, \ lti!mla • 1\eul: r. W tchha, Kamas Brmer, Robtrl 5 1 Embrt'y Dru 0 l1a\, Texas Burgt:, R~rt 51 Lad1.1e t, rcenHlle lllinou (ourtne)' ~hrg.art1 Bo\ 2 1 lnJ [" mJenc , KanSAli Dane. l..:::u lehlglJ, Kansas Del~ ter, Dale Brtds'""u r, \ H'tinta

Do Ktl, \ernors 1112 X. Fanvtew Fold :O.kPb .. ·~o:l, Ka~u EntY.rg. \~tl1io1m 5:1G F. 1arh11 ~'cPher~n. }..:an~a\

f,cl\ td II Fr.tnkhn Gro,·e. lll•nou Club). !\.larnn 81 E. Bono\ t. F,alrurrt.u, T xa~ f.t les, OOn~ld H~xtun. Colorado C.hhn, Docutd Gypn••n. 1\ .;mu.t Gro~mic:t1e, ~nth l.Juct"nce 1owa ll,al1, \o\l, College f,um. !\'cPhcr;an, !\ans.a1. lbnuhon, hale~ 70 lo~""r~;nce Ao.,:e Elg•n, Illinois H~...;le\ DonJid t 14 £. lllz.sbrth McPherton, r;:ans.u lle1d hre ht, c armo.t t~ ~. v .. atnur, McPtanon, Kanws 1tobso.1, tuctlle Pint:} \\ooJs. Mthiutppt lloldcrrcad !lett\ 1ip1<), O>t•hom.t Jon·'· t .ny o~hool, :-.·u~oun f..ah~o·Jnu, 1heodore II(OlHTlt'nll'e, Greece Ker~chc!Uic\ller, ldward 1!)1 If. Go~Jon McP:l:-:r~on, Kansas Kmg, Carole 1b'l I 1::. ran1a\ McPhenon, Kansas ~u~rtler, Arnold Rnctto:t, t\ebr~hka L.1nJhut\, Leo t lams. I owa Len~cl. LclanJ R')dtc 1 Wand\Or, Colorado Lo:1,.:, R..::athng. ~11nne~ot.l

Mer~ )· Arlen.! Cf.l)tOn. i\;an,:as ~11lltr, fl'r\ ~ Box .t H a, auace. ~ braska !'.totu. Mo&rkne [ldO"J, Iowa ~ 'oeller, ()O:lil d Richl.:tnJ • Mollh.tgen. \o.'1l•1am lorr.JIIl'!. I\ ;anY• Murrey, Eu'a Mac C.o'~"".l'i, 1\:.JR•.l\ P.umle\ \~.Jx tJl f. l'lth A\e, 1-hachinson. Kansas Pull••ni. fhthp Do" H1 Bushton, l- o~ruas fbkeltc:.w LaLirt.;fiC.:: U ~. Dou~l,as L)·onoo, Kanus o,;;anH, Ro:uld lmpK~n, l<ans.t~

1hcr, JoAnn 143 E. A\e4 ~. E. Ct•da.r Rap1ds, lowa ~lifer, G.1len Gruady C't:nter, lo .... ·a

mlth, \•dlhan1 12 £. £udtd McPht:r..on, Kansas c:P'!o e-, D"'lg1a411 !".Elm McPh uon, Kansa"

liMC"ttc, Lou Q~~ • II won Oen"er ~'l. Colorado wm~u. Mar)· Eltzahdh qoute 1 f\5C X, ~H,\oart

T.t)lO~. llwyn \''inona, K~mils TroH1c. carol John~on, I'Jonus Ullotn, Dou.1ld \\'11tV, Colorado \.;~nlc, t{Ob<"rl Routc.'2 l win Falh, Jd1ho h'dU ttm, £\c:lyn h'orthln~ton, ~hnne~ta Wt c, Roht rt Sc\'.ld.l. 10"'"'

SOPHOMORES. "'.nJ• ws, !\an~\' U4 , Mam ~h AI r~on, lo:ans:n ~lb1n. lo..o.Jth1ltn \lfUnJy < enter. l0\1.'1

Bnrc11, L.twrcn e Route 1 GJ.l\a, Kant3~ Rtrry Donna Ottum..,.· a, 1owa Blough, lUC) ~ampJ, Idaho Br.tmmell. 1'\orm.Jn 6 £A :"\, Asb ~ cPher'it'n, to.: ansa• Br.:tc:' a, G.afrn o~1e .. McPheuon, KJm.u Broo5u, C'onn1e 1'\~t.::icenon, 1\~n:.a• Bro..,n, Ra hd Anile' Ro;.~lc: 3 ttann1bal ~·ISto.UI

B non. Eldon Iowa r.ame\ R1ch.ud '-.;(< ~erson Jo:ansas

hlhon fl•ro1d .. $E. ~tJ.rlm t!cPh r•on. J.:ansas (olb<r~ l)o:uld L) ""'· Kall'a Conell. !\ad ne Ot'trott, J\JruJs Oa\ldiDn, R 1h Ann Ro t l Me< 1nc 1\:tn'.n [~sele, George 17 Euc'td lincoln • .Sebra,l..a Elsenhlte, Ruth Morrill 1\Jru,u


ElrocJ. fugen.: 11)5 N, 13th Kansas Cll)' 2.!;tS Elwood, Jeantn~ W111dom, 1-:.Jn~" £mmtOAU, lt.any I J lf fiiC\tew Mcp;ae:rson, 1\.trU.a'l Ftd<, ROMer Fran1dtn Cro•t. llllnou Freed. Ronald tlomc.,ctatl, (lkbhoiThll uoerang. ~Dfm.t tilt;. t\. ~t.aple ~1cPher,on. K,ama\ GOOI.Itn,,a Ma,wdl. IO\tlo/J Grone. Bea OJ\tnporc, 1'\rbra•h Grosb.a<.:l-., Rould £nd:n, ~ebruh Gro ... e, George ' £nglt•b. IO\o.'.l H•ll, &<' rly828 Elm't. Twin F•l:•. ld•ho ll.tmm. Kathennt Rocky FOld, Cotoudo Ha)"es. Delbert Gtneteo. to.:o~n u Heidebrecht, LeRO) lnm~. K.anuc lltf'hl>:rger. Oavtd Cupho~• F•lls. Ohto thntz Cazol Canton Jo,

Uoch. Wtlhs Owhtht. Hoefer, Marg1r t Worthutgron, :.Ohnnesota Holeman. Alan f. 7.)9 S. Oltrry MC'Pherson, 1\..ansu Irons, J rrr :;)16 Ea•t Euclid McPherson, 1\aru.u Jamhon, Bmiene Qulnttr, Kansas Jamison, ~I arlene Quinter, Kansas Jarboe, hetyn NevJda, Iowa Jo. Gw.m seoul, Korea Johmon. Owtght 121 N. Oak Mt.Pheuon, K.anus Krlm. 1\ancy Rouct.> 2 Nctth Manchester, l ndtana Kesler, Edtth ~o,, K0101as Krehhtet, Carilyn Conway. ;.;anus Krehbiel. M.ui1yn Conw3y. lo;.ansas Knacluh~dt ..,hlrley Conwa)', lr\ansat Lchnt-r, John < .tnton KaMas Lenz John Uox 517 McPhcr'iOn, Kansas tt.Luk. <onJa L21! fast McPherson, K.ansac Marttn, Robert 534 N. GrO\oc Ave. Etg1n, ltlinoi~ Meuller, ~1ilrtlyn '1'.:1 ~ • .t\mC) Denu:r. Colorado Mttlcr, O.trtus ''· John. ~-\.anus MHier. Ronald <t, John, K~nsa, M)·tn. Gene Dexter. Mn10url McElwatn. M.artan ~lcCune, rama.J McMurray, Roy..:e Wtndom. l\an•.tS Mc"'padden, Anu~o Ltmar, Color.1do Nauno, Evafatfwr tAJ, Tcx.u Pauls, t1.1ncy Hutchtmon, 1\J.n\.tt Petty. Chutes Dexter. Mtuourt Posticr. Elouhc Inman, Karuu Randle, O.:ane Ann 70£ f.ut Marhn McA1erson, Kama.~ Reed. Norman Little Rl\·t:r, t< Reeves, Clifford Albtl. lo._.a Re~neckcr, Jo lva Qutntc.r. Kansas Richert, han 221 fast Sk.anchc Mr.:Pher~on. Kansa1. Roll·:rts, t.ouls Govc, K.tntas Roblnton. George College Courts McPherson, Kansas Rodrack , Rill '.k12 N, Wheeler McAlerson, Kansas Rolfs, Merle Genesro, KanHU Royer. M;tx Mtnburn. Iowa sampson. Gera ld Waweon, Oh1o "chmtdl. Robert 1638 Woodland Wltc.hna, Kansas Schnorr, Jimmie 521 ~. Chestnut McPhtr,on, Kansas Senger, Delmar !'-outh English, Iowa

hendelt, O~le McCune. KanuJ Shl\·ely, Jeane Cheuw, Colorado c;b d I, Irene Colo. low .a ~mlth. Muy Ahce lka\t't, low.t '>nyder. Jamt:tl York, Nonh Oa\(ota ~p~tzc:r, Richard Wt1t). Color.1do '>pnzer, Robert Wtley, Colcw.tdo ~potm, MarUyn Inman, ~an,.a• Steffy. Del \Ill Ozawkte, i(.ant.a) Stucky, Galen Rou~ 2, McPherson, K,ansas Stucky PJul R. Colleg-e Couru. ~'cA1erson. Kanus ~w1tzet. Ina Untun. Colorado


1 homa~. Rohcrt Canron. r.:an-sat rcelo.u , Darien"" umncr, lowil Van • Charl~s Route ... T""'" f .t1h-. \•talk~r. lam Anthon)'. Ko~nsu \\' ,atkim CJrol OtUWl t: J.JUJ1 • \>.' llh.ims, G.ary £nJfn, ~t-bc'at1c.l Wdllanttl Robrrt 5 8 Read treet Clo\ts, f\:eW' "• cxico Wolf fdw.trd OulDtC'r ~.tnt.lS zu1 tllc~. ( au S4 u t. UeCI" r Colorado

FRESHMEN "ndrc.:w Howud -H4 . Mall \1cPhuson. J..:anu~ A.,cn, t.ldon c..:onway.> Anderton, RO.'l<~ld 3U \\. tcoJd trtet "1cPtu·uon, Kansa\ Buker, Rohert 3 4 Lehmer rrec t McPbenon r.:an.. ... .u S.tru~reC', !'o:.tnq 309 <o:Jth ·'-'.aple ~'cPh~uon, h.IIWI Becker, Manon Route Z McA1tuon, 1\anta\ ftchnkco. '!el\in D'.l'hton, ~.1nus Btrg, G.trner .U ln. \''oo .. htde ~td'henon t-::ans.u Berntlorf. Adt"lr ChaS~e, Kansas BIJckwtll, Jac~~llta Z(ll I 2 4::outh ~tam McPher~n . Jo • .lni.'H Blough, Dorothy Route. 4 Wau·rloo, Iowa Borth, Jo~ck ~o~tc:1 McPht•uou. Kanu~ Bowt!r, Robert 200 c. Kcnlcr, \o/itchu.a. Kansas Bowman, Oelorc t S•)OU Ouet.n~blll) Rd. lhverdale, Maryland Boyd. Phyllis '151·~nth t, • f., Cedar Raptd<, Iowa Bradley, Phillip 1511 Jcancn~, l-:.tns;u Breon, latJdtc ~muh Cent r, K1nsu Broad\o.'.ttcr, Curtu FoJntain, ~linTl'!mta Brookshire, J rry 1 ~ ChJ.rles Mc-~1crson, K30s.t$

Bucktngham, £d1th 8o1ll\ 111, IO..t.t Bu4irk, J. Lt-Roy u;21 [an Mc:A•t.rson, Kanw.s Buder fdward Eldora, Iowa Carl tOO, Gordon Route I ~1C~ICHOO. ~ Jn~;n

Coupc.ntcr, Rob rt Co! lege Court• McPh'!"!'son, Kansa' C.uebtcr George 31}~ "·Grand Av:nu McPhrrson, Chaney, l'a) Jt.axt1n CoiCI'ado, h:c1th c:outh EnA,lhh, Iowa Coffm.1n, ara 1\nn Ef~Alhh, low.t Corr~ll. Dale ~uou, Kansa\ Canon, j('antne 1 9 • W.tln~.o~t McPbeuoo. Kan~.u Dadum.1n let ~evJd.t Iowa Oanytuk Fcrl 1.. Galv~. D.ty, Kelly W.tft'eruhW'g, Musom tknny. l) te '205 • Che~m~.n ~~c~1enon. Or!'Cinw, 0Jreld tH2 M1mnrl1 Wichua. Kan~.u Otne, J.a~ Flagler, Colctado Doughty. (oer.tiJ 170J fJ,t c...ordon McPherson, Kan~as £ckm.1n Ann H.ntun, Ebbert, Cho~rles nu1ntcr, J<.;ans.a• (m~tSOO , John ·1lJ \'Yt~l ll.tfght Ctreet \1cPherson, 1<\an'-&~

Emmett, Edward Redfield , IOWit [nsm•n. f'<,:ancy ~.atrvie.w, Mlnourt Evam. Rlt.a Ol.a II , !\ebradca Fancher. t\cnneth "qod:y ford, Colorado Flk • Ou.ane Ramon.1 ..: .ansas Ftn(kh, Rowen,) \-lonlun.~ton. MIMtM>ta Flani.Jcrmeycr, taffocd KJ.n1as f lory. Joytc Clart'm e. Joo,·a flor) . A1)11u Ctarc:nc~. lo""'" ForJ, Jo:an 210 £o~n Mulln McF\.euon, Kam.A\ Fraz1er, Davtd 1 4 COW't 40 trect Ch.1rle• Cuy, Iowa Glotfelty. Joyct• Route 3 8.1t.a\ l.t, IOW'J Goodfellow, Alma Lyons. l-:an.a1 Grimm. ftlylth 92 5th A\enue De\•t1u. Iowa GrOSC', O.ate Prlhale, Jo:ansa\ Gros1n1<~klc, Wa)ne L.tun·ns, low.a Gro\,., H.arrtctt~ K •w1ch, Iowa Groves, Harold \\-.1t..a, Gutot, [a.rl GlaKo. ; .anws


Guenther, t-.tard tlal r~;d .. nckst'lurg. Iowa U.)m,lto;l, Phyllis 2 .. \\'. Jack$0:1 "itrt:er \ uden, Jlhnou Hane). Ro~..rune t.)rtehta, OJdahom~ Harm', 'orrts H.uwn. \.olof.ldo Ucnh"turg r. James I-t) S, Olh tte McP.Jeuon. K.msas lhldrcrb, 9111) Jo Anktny, Iowa lhn! lc: C..l) ... C ntoo, I\ ,;an on lfoldtrread Llonald Ro·•'- I Rlplt). OUahom• Hollow>). S.:ny Lee 9o> 211 Quonq, "'allnn<;ron Hoonr, Duane (hcrbrook, ~.1n .u lfunntlUU, non ~Jbttb.3, Kans..u Jeftn s, Owl) nO Ron0woo-J. Oklahoma Johmon, Hcrbtrl -.1 t, c.o 1th rongreu Polo llhnou Johnson 'orrua Jro1n Fo 1te I ~'cAreuO"l, Kanias Kaufrman. Rt~th 111 8LI'1 r Yorio, PC'nnsvlvan1a Kcom, Anno £lox C9 ~•mpJ, Idaho · K '"'· El!ubeth Ro":< 5 ~ampa ld•ho Kcnd.J\1, J.-'athr)n I tZ".! Ean £uclid ~·cP:l~uon, Kansa~ Ktng, Ba bora 314 !'orth Cuyler Pampt Texa< f(olman. \erlin .No1r~a. Kan~Js Kolstad Ole Po1m" 5 Viroqua, Whc~.1nn Kur,chwttz rorrest GrunJy Centu, IOWJ

I.JnJhuis, r..larleen llarrh, to,o~a

Landhut'. M.ulon Harrn, Jo...,·a Lilr~on, Dd.11nt' Route 2 Haxtun, Colorado Lat!dde, Janie~ t; Jb !liellz Mcf'tu:uon, Kansas Lu(.ore. [Jqe Arnba, < olorado Lutz. Dou1ld 522 l~u 1lli LO\da.nd, r.otorado Maul, Barbara li:oute 1 Plmpa, Texas Ma.uu. Non.:a CanJo, North Dakota ~Hller, JOY· ... Johncron. low,a Miller. P•trocia RoJre Rocky Fllfd, CoiOfado Mohltr "era McCune, ~.uuat Moilk. Mmme Box 11 M<:~ed, Arkama5 Mullen, [.ulcn~ 1)9 Porter, \\'1th1ta, Jr\an~s ,,yen, Carolyn \\ mdom, ~an~\ McDantcl. June Poute: 1 Eucx, Mtuo<..~n i"agel, Phyllis Prc•ron, ~llMcoot.t

!'eh r, Edward 7 .~Bollard Lmcoln, Sebra•ka t-:cwton. Charles, lt. 1ratlcr, N. Uhelman ~!c~crson, Kansa' ~ wton, Jeuie l'rJgh Tro~iler, K. tshelma~ McPherson, Kansas Olhd, \i\ian ·clrrta, loft'a Oltman, Dw1ghr fndcrs, Ne~ra!ka Pilmhtrg, Gwnhcr lesun~~tr 2G. Ahlen Germany Pompu•. httz Wiley, Colorado Perl<.uu. Robert 15>9 l'orth Mam McA1er~on. l\3mas P1gott, GJry 111 North Main Me P!ltnon, "Kan~.u Price, \..:ayrw Route 3 Abtlcnt•, }.:dnsa! Rc:.ed,< 1Z3 Crynal P.lrk Ro1d Manttou, Color.ldo Reevt~, Jo Cko 'prmg•, Oklohom• R ... y,toldt, Charline 22'lq Oes Motne' !-U~et Oet Molnes, Iowa Rc:ynolc.h., Oean Ankt!n)', Jo...,·J Rho1do1, <htrley 119 Maple A\·enue Rocky Ford, Colorado Rodngu z, Ana Roo;~ C.uuner, Puerro Rico Ro sch, Ra:;cc Q1.1lntc.r, Kamu Rorn<ro, Mar> E 3 !'onh 13th rreel Rocky Ford, Colorado Ro~ebrou~h. Gordo~lc:~ 4 1 ~orth Oli\ nc McPhenon, Kansas R,a~1I. \lfgtnla ~8 flamltton -\\lnue: £1gtn, llhnots 'lin;~u. "'J.n\:n (,)ulnt~r. K~mas c.-.auerl e, Winon~ ROJte 3 lr.dependence, Iowa

aunJeu Don.ald 129 • Ou.awa ~·tnntoapolu, Kan;as a) tor. Donn.t ~13 Bertch Waterloo, Iowa

<chechttr, Patt) Poute 1 Wcr.thln&ton. ~·mnesota chrotdtr, Buhler, l\an~a5

Ccbrock. Ph\'llu Greene. to ... :. cott, \'ernOn Raul£: 5 \\'arremb,ug, MlDOtl"l

hendelt. ~c\·a !-.lcCune, Kansas <;herr<d Lyall 81 oudr ltt~h ocn.-er, Colorado .. :fforJ, Man an Ro>JtC l r St=X, MtUOI.I"t 'impsoa. Donald Rox ~2 Fa•n .,onh. 1' xa, <mk, ~dwm ~11'7 Pf:nr! .\vcnuc Toptka, K01nsas


>;tuner, Marlin Ellinwood, 1<aruo1s 'mtth, Bo:1me ROIJte 2 Grand Junction. Colorado 'mnh, Ro:uld 3~4 Wen (ocltd MrPherson, Kansa\ smuh, 4i-ldne}· 1221 [a)t Eudid McPllenon, Kans .:u <n)J<r, Eugene Yllf~. :"llfth Dakora St\:rn, FO)" Fred uclu:hurg, Iowa !iirttc-klu. John R.an1on:s, Kans.a .. 'lUCky, Mary l.ou 51'.11 We~l rtm acet McAterson. Kama "'WUI6tr. Ly,m KcM.n. Mu,o'JI"ti 'Witu r, £dwin Haxtun, Colorado Thor--en, Terry ILl~ /He, fl., Council Bluffs, Iowa Troule, !1-;ancy Johtuon, K an!.a~ Van Bl~ric-um, James Minneola, Kan~a~ Water, Mar)' Ellen Sr. John. Kan<u Watts, Arltnc ~2S (.outh Grand McAu:non. Kan\.ls Wedel, Gerald Route: 2 Go1ha., Kamas \iillems: Ellen 1125 ~onh ~taple McPheuo~. f(amas Wlllou,;hby, RoJn<)' 31~ :"orrh Lehmer McPher•on. Kamas \Vilt'. Lou Routt' 1 !\ '·ad.,, Iowa Zaya~. lvacl Cauan.:r. Pu•.rto Rico

FACULTY ... B~chtd, K<Metll 1514 E. GorJon 9erkehllc, James ~1. 321 N. Ol!voue BotiiOSet, D. W, 1~00 [. Euchd Bowman, J. l. 1·11 N. Carne Burkhold.r, John 127 N. Charle1 Cline, l. K. 1715 E. Slmp<on Coppock, DllfiS 160" E. Kama• Der.our"'), Wesley 51 1'1. L<hm r DeCoursey. Verda 51 N. Lehm<r Dell, S. M. 1123 E. Euclid Dell , Mmam 1123 l. Eudrd Fe<, Mary II l2 I 2 E. Euchd Floey, ~aymond ~21 ~. C:arrte Fran•z. Merlin II 0 lby Freden<k, Donald R, 120 N. Clurl<s Uarrh, Vlr~tnia 15U3 1/2 f. Euclid Hay«, Guy 117 !". Ol•vell< Her<hbcrgcr, [, <, H5 N, Oh\clte Hess, Maurice A. ·l'>l N. Co~rnt: ~enJall, Lee 142: f. fuolid Ke1m George I 722 E. Gordon T<rehbi<l, Anne 100 I 2 r. r uchd Lehman. Della 130 1> Moxwell MJntn, Ahtc 123 ~ . Carnes McAuky, ~lax IUlO f. ruclrd Mt:lzler, RurtO'l 1222 tuclld Mohler. R, I. ll4l r. Eud1d Mugler, Mannie IOC '· Maple Neher. (dn• Dorzour ltall Olson, ll, ,\, WH GOl'dOII San Romano, Audrc).lOI [, Euclid 'lek, ~llldrtd 426 N. Oli\elle <hf<r, llh.l 15 ~E. Euclrd <mnh, <,dne) 1213 r. Euclid Sol tnbforger, Paul SOl !\. E•helm•n S.,m~rr. Glenn 31S !". ame T1pton, Lorn: no~ R. R. •..; \an.: 11, <au!> Ma,· I I 0 £. Euc rd Wareham, J. Rl<hard 121 '1, Orarle1 \\'tlltm!, AI \In fahnc>toc~ 11•11 Yoder, R. Gordon 11-1 f".i. Carn<;; Yoder. l'na 6 I E. Euclid Zeller, Rev, Harry K. 1322 E. EucliJ


• \\ e wish to thank the follow1ng churches, who helped us in the publication of our annual. .•.

Church of the Brethren Worthington, M1nne~ota Pastor - D. Edwm Rodabaugh

So. \\"ate rloo Church of the Brethren Route I , Waterloo. Iowa Pa,tor - Cia renee Sink

Lone Star Church of the Brethren Lawrence, Kansas Pastor - Leland Wilson

Granada Church of t he Brethren \Vittmore, Kansas Pastor - John Thomas

First Church of t he B rethren McPherson, Kansas Pastor - Harry K. Zeller, Jr.

Church of the Brethren 6236 E. 16th Terrace Kansas City 26, Missou n Pastor - Floyd E. Bantz

Central Church o f the Brethren I 03 N. 13th Street Kansas City, Kansas P astor - James H. Elrod

Church of the Brethren P.O. Box 47 Fruitland, Idaho Pastor - Arthur M. Baldwin

PrairH' \'iew Church of th<> Brethren Curlew, Iowa Pastor - L.A. Whittaker

Des Memes Valley Church of th<' Brethn•n Elkhart, Iowa Pastor - R. Dale Ferris

Church of the Brethren Ende r ~. Nebraska Pastor - '.' ilbur Hoover

Ivester Church of the Brethren Grundy Center, Iowa Pastor - Charles A. Alb1n

Panora Church of the Brethren Panora, Iowa Pastor - Albert Rogers

First Church of the Brethren 3538 Emerson Avenue, North Mmneapol", Minnesota Pastor -Earl Snader

Bethel Church of the B r ethren and Bethel Fellowship Arriba, Colorado Pastor - Henry Mankey

Stover Memorial Church of the Bre thren 6th Avenue and Shawnee Des Mo1nes, Iowa P astor - Dale W. Brown

The Prince o f Peace Church o f the B r ethren 2025 W. Mississippi Avenue Denver 23, Colorado Pastor - Kurtis Naylor