Kester’s Plant Propagation Principles And Practices ...

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3/25/2017 Hartmann & Kester’s Plant Propagation Principles And Practices, Eighth Edition - Ace Recommendation Platform - Hudson T. Hartmann, Dale E. Kester, … 2/5

Hudson T. Hartmann, Dale E. Kester, Fred T. Davies, Robert L. GenevePublisher: PH Professional BusinessISBN­13: 978­0­13­501449­3ISBN­10: 0­13­501449­2Published on: 10/21/2010Copyright © 2011

Textbook: Hartmann & Kester’s Plant Propagation Principles And Practices, Eighth Edition28 Premium Item(s) |Part One General Aspects of Propagation|1 How Plant Propagation Evolved in Human Society|2 Biology of Plant Propagation|3 The Propagation Environment|


3/25/2017 Hartmann & Kester’s Plant Propagation Principles And Practices, Eighth Edition - Ace Recommendation Platform - Hudson T. Hartmann, Dale E. Kester, … 3/5

Part Two Seed Propagation|4 Seed Development|5 Principles and Practices of Seed Selection|6 Techniques of Seed Production and Handling|7 Principles of Propagation from Seeds|8 Techniques of Propagation by Seed|Part Three Vegetative Propagation|9 Principles of Propagation by Cuttings|10 Techniques of Propagation by Cuttings|11 Principles of Grafting and Budding|12 Techniques of Grafting|13 Techniques of Budding|14 Layering and Its Natural Modifications|15 Propagation by Specialized Stems and Roots|16 Principles and Practices of Clonal Selection|Part Four Cell and Tissue Culture Propagation|17 Principles of Tissue Culture and Micropropagation|18 Techniques for Micropropagation|Part Five Propagation of Selected Plant Species|19 Propagation Methods and Rootstocks for Fruit and Nut Species|20 Propagation of Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines|21 Propagation of Selected Annuals and Herbaceous Perennials Used as Ornamentals|Plant Index: Scientific Names|Plant Index: Common Names|

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3/25/2017 Hartmann & Kester’s Plant Propagation Principles And Practices, Eighth Edition - Ace Recommendation Platform - Hudson T. Hartmann, Dale E. Kester, … 4/5

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3/25/2017 Hartmann & Kester’s Plant Propagation Principles And Practices, Eighth Edition - Ace Recommendation Platform - Hudson T. Hartmann, Dale E. Kester, … 5/5

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6Techniques of SeedProduction and HandlingINTRODUCTIONMore plants are propagated for food, fiber, and ornamentals from seedsthan any other method of propagation. Seed propagation is the corner-stone for producing agronomic, vegetable, forestry, and many ornamen-tal plants. The production of high-quality seeds is of prime importanceto propagators. In the production of any crop, the cost of the seed is usu-ally minor compared with other production costs, yet, no single factor isas important in determining the success of the operation. Most cropplant seeds are produced by companies that specialize in both plantbreeding and seed production. Growers expect these companies to intro-duce improved cultivars, as well as to produce high-quality seeds thathave good germination characteristics and are true-to-type. To producehigh-quality seeds, companies must not only pay close attention to theenvironment where seeds are produced, but must also have the means totest the quality of those seeds. This chapter discusses various aspects ofseed production, testing, and storage. The steps taken to produce, clean,and store seeds for commercial crop production are summarized for avariety of crops in Table 6–1.

learning objectives• Determine different sources

for seeds.

• Describe harvesting andprocessing of different seeds.

• Explain seed tests and their uses.

• Characterize different seedtreatments to improvegermination.

• Describe principles andprocedures for seed storage.

SOURCES FOR SEEDSCommercial Seed ProductionCommercial seed production is a specialized intensive industry with itsown technology geared to the requirements of individual species (Fig. 6–1,page 164). This section on sources for seeds will be separated into herba-ceous and woody plant seeds.

Agricultural, Vegetable, and Flower Seed (35, 50, 98) Historically,seeds for next season’s crop were collected as a by-product of production.Although some seeds may still be produced in this manner (e.g., some

Third World production), modern seed production has become avery specialized industry (32, 134). A scheme for producing qual-

ity seed is included in Figure 6–2 (page 165).Some agricultural seeds—such as corn, wheat, small

grains, and grasses—are produced in the area where thecrops are grown. The advantages for producing seeds intheir production area include reduced transportation andhandling costs as well as reduced potential for genetic shift(see Chapter 5). These are important considerations foragronomic crops where large amounts of seeds arerequired to produce a crop. However, crop production

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Crop Production practices Seed conditioning Seed storage Seed treatments

Sweet corn Hybrid seed production fromtwo inbred parents by windpollination. Female parentrequires detasseling beforepollen is shed and isinterplanted with rows ofthe male pollen parent.

Corn cobs are harvested whenthe seeds are between 35and 45% moisture to avoidmechanical injury duringharvest. Cobs are force-air–dried to about 12 to 13%moisture where the seedsare mechanically removedfrom the cob. Final moistureis removed in a drying oven(35 to 40°C).

Stored at 10%moisture at 10°C.

Usually treatedwith fungicideand/orinsecticide.Often appliedin a polymerfilm coating.

Tomato Hybrid seed from inbredparents by hand pollination.Seed parent may be male-sterile, or handemasculation of anthers isrequired.

Fruit pulp is separated from theseeds by juice extractingequipment. Extracts can befermented for 2 to 3 daysuntil the seeds separate fromfruit gel and sink. Treatmentwith HCI acid (5%) is alsoused to extract seeds afterseveral hours. Excessivefermentation or chemicaltreatment reduces seedquality. Seed drying shouldnot exceed 43°C.

Stored at 6% moisture at 5 to 10°C.

Can be treatedwith afungicide or, insome cases,primed.

Onion Hybrid onion seed is producedby insect pollinationbetween inbred parents.The female seed parent ismale-sterile. Plants flower(bolt) after the secondseason. It is common toplant seed at close spacingthe first year to producesmall bulbs that arereplanted at the appropriatespacing for seed productionthe second spring.

Seed maturity can vary becauseflowering umbels are not allinitiated at the same time onthe plant. Harvest the entireumbel when the firstindividual fruits begin tocrack and show black seeds.Umbels are naturally air-dried for 2 to 3 weeks onopen benches. These arethreshed and seeds areseparated by screens, air,and gravity separation.

Seeds of onion areshort-lived instorage. Stored at6% moisture at 5°C.

No special seedtreatments.

Impatiens Hybrid seeds are produced inthe greenhouse by handpollination between inbredparents. Seed parent ispollinated as soon as thestigma is receptive toprevent self-pollination.

Fruit of impatiens explodeswhen ripe, expelling seeds.Therefore, fruits areharvested prior to expulsionand placed on frames forseveral days until seeds areshed. Seeds are then air-driedor dried under gentle heat.

Stored between 3 and 5% moistureat 5°C.

Impatiens are ahigh-valueseed crop.Seeds may beprimed,pelleted, orpregerminated.


Pawpaw understocks areproduced from seeds. Handpollination between treeswith different geneticbackgrounds will increasefruit and seed set.

In most cases, seeds are a by-product of fruitprocessing. Pulp can beremoved by fermentation andwashing.

Pawpaw seeds arerecalcitrant andcannot withstandseed moisturebelow 35%. Seedscan be stored moistat 5°C for 2 years.

Stratification(moist, coldstorage) for 8to 10 weeks torelievedormancy.


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areas may not provide the best conditions for produc-ing high-quality, disease-free seeds. Therefore, largeamounts of high-value seeds such as forage, vegetable,and flowers are produced in specialized growing areas.

The major considerations for selecting areas toproduce seeds are environmental conditions and costof production (34, 94, 143). Large quantities of grass,vegetable, and flower seeds are produced in areas char-acterized by low summer rainfall, low humidity,and limited rainfall during the seed harvest season (11, 144). These conditions provide good seed yieldsand reduce disease problems, especially during harvestwhen seeds must dry before being handled. There arealso crops that require special environmental condi-tions to flower and set seeds. These include the biennial

vegetable and flower crops that require vernalization (aperiod of cold tempera-ture) to flower (143).Examples are onion andcarrot seed production.One-year-old biennialplants used for seedproduction have beencalled stecklings (65).Plants may be chilledby overwintering in thefield, or in some cases, stecklings are brought into acooler (5°C, 40°F) to satisfy vernalization requirementsand shorten the seed-production cycle.

Major production areas for high-value seedproduction in the United States that meet these impor-tant environmental conditions include grass and forageseed production in the Pacific Northwest and vegetableand flower seed production in the Pacific Northwestdown to the central, coastal valleys of California (Fig. 6–3).Increasingly, seed production has become an interna-tional industry. For example, the United States,Netherlands, and Japan provide over half of the world’sflower seeds (61). Hybrid seed production that requireshand pollination has moved to areas of the world withreduced labor costs. These include Central and SouthAmerica, Southeast Asia, India, and Africa. The advan-tages to producing seeds in the Southern Hemisphereinclude a reduced cost of production, and seed produc-tion in the season prior to planting in northern crop pro-duction areas, which reduces storage time and cost.

Regardless of the country where seeds are pro-duced, there are several important considerations that

Figure 6–1A majority of important agronomic, horticultural, and forestrycrops are propagated by seeds that come in a large diversityof seed size and shape, resulting in diverse requirements forseed production, extraction, and conditioning.

Table 6–1 Continued

Crop Production practices Seed conditioning Seed storage Seed treatments

Pine Seed orchards areestablished with elitetrees with superiorgrowth characteristics.Seed production takes 18months and trees takebetween 2 and 10 yearsto bear a crop.

For some species, seed iscollected on nets under treesafter the cones naturally shedseeds. For most, cones areharvested and placed on wirebenches where the cones airdry and shed seeds in 2 to 8weeks. Some cones requireoven drying at about 50°C to open cones. Seeds arecollected and mechanicallydewinged, followed byflotation or gravity separationto get viable seeds.

Stored at 6% moistureand 0 to 5°C.

Stratification(moist, coldstorage) for 2 to12 weeks torelievedormancy.

Source: Adapted from Desai et al., 1997; McDonald and Copeland, 1997.

vernalization A periodof cold temperaturerequired by plants toinduce flowering. Innatural systems, thesecrops grow in latesummer, are chilledover winter, and thenflower in early spring.

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Figure 6–2Procedures for producing and handling a commercialseed lot.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 6–3Seed production fields (a) Mallow produced as wildflower seed in Oregon. (b) Wildflowers (coneflower in forefront and grassesbehind) production in Wisconsin. California production of (c) cucumber and (d) sunflower with bee hives for pollination.

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must be satisfied when selecting specific sites for seedproduction (143, 144):

1. Appropriate soil type and fertility for good seedyields.

2. A detailed cropping history to avoid disease orherbicide carryover.

3. Adequate soil moisture or availability of supple-mental irrigation.

4. A dry environment during seed harvest.5. Ability to isolate open or cross-pollinated crops.

For example, self-pollinated tomato plants requireonly 50 feet of separation between varieties, whilesome insect- or wind-pollinated crops require up toa mile of separation between varieties to avoidunwanted cross-pollination (65, 98).

Additional requirements for high-quality seedproduction are the selection of planting density, pestcontrol, and availability of insect pollinators (144). Inmany cases, conditions for seed production and cropproduction are very similar.

Woody Plant Seed A number of commercial andprofessional seed-collecting firms exist that collect andsell seeds of certain timber, ornamental, or fruit species.Lists of such producers are available (36, 88, 90). Suchseeds should be properly labeled as to their origin orprovenance (see Chapter 5). Some tree seeds can beobtained as certified seeds.

Seed Exchanges. Many arboreta and plant societieshave seed exchanges or will provide small amounts ofspecialty seed.

Seed Collecting. Propagators at individual nurseriesmay collect tree and shrub seeds (77, 119, 128, 148).These may be collected from specific seed-collectionzones or from seed-production areas (see Chapter 5).Seeds may be collected from standing trees, trees felledfor logging, or from squirrel caches. They might becollected from parks, roadways, streets, or wood lots.Seed collecting has the advantage of being under thecontrol of the propagator, but requires intimateknowledge of each species and the proper method ofhandling. Most important, the collector should beaware of the importance of the selection principlesdescribed in Chapter 5.

Seed Orchards. Seed orchards or plantations are usedto maintain seed source trees of particularly valuablespecies (23). They are extensively used by nurseries inthe production of rootstock seeds of certain species orcultivars and for forest tree improvement. The majoradvantage to a seed orchard is that it is a consistent

source of seeds from a known (often genetically supe-rior) parentage (90). They also allow the seed producerto maximize seed harvest by reducing loss due to envi-ronmental conditions or animals. Such seed orchardsare described in Chapter 5.

Fruit-Processing Industries. Historically, many of thefruit tree rootstock seeds were obtained as by-products offruit-processing industries such as canneries, ciderpresses, and dry yards. Examples include peach andapricot in California, as well as pears in the PacificNorthwest. The procedure is satisfactory if the correctcultivar is used (see Chapter 5). In some cases, seed-borne viruses might be present in certain seed sources.

HARVESTING AND PROCESSING SEEDSMaturity and RipeningEach crop and plant species undergoes characteristicchanges leading to seed ripening that must be known toestablish the best time to harvest (35, 91, 147, 149). Aseed is ready to harvest when it can be removed fromthe plant without impairing germination and subse-quent seed vigor. This is called harvest maturity. Inmany cases, a balancemust be made betweenlate and early harvest toobtain the maximumnumber of high-qualityseeds. If harvesting isdelayed too long, thefruit may dehisce(“split open” or “shatter”), drop to the ground, or beeaten or carried off by birds or animals. If the fruit isharvested too soon when the embryo is insufficientlydeveloped, seeds are apt to be thin, light in weight,shriveled, poor in quality, and short-lived (34). Someseeds that are mechanically harvested (i.e., sweet corn)can be damaged if the seed moisture at harvest is toodry. Therefore, developing seeds are sampled often todetermine their stage of maturity. Seed moisture per-centages are used as an indicator of seed maturity todetermine the proper harvest time (see Box 6.1). Earlyseed harvest may also be desirable for seeds of somespecies of woody plants that produce a hard seedcovering in addition to a dormant embryo. If seedsbecome dry and the seed coats harden, the seeds maynot germinate until the second spring (146), whereasthey would have germinated the first spring if har-vested early.

harvest maturity Thetime during seeddevelopment when theseeds can be harvestedfor germination withouta significant reductionin seed quality.

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Harvesting and Handling ProceduresPlants can be divided into three types for seed extrac-tion, according to their fruit type:

1. Dry fruits that do not dehisce at maturity2. Dry fruits that dehisce at maturity3. Plants with fleshy fruits

Type 1: Dry Fruits That Do Not Dehisce at MaturityPlants in this group have seed and fruit covers thatadhere to each other at maturity. These are dry fruits thatdo not dehisce (open), and the seeds are not dissemi-nated immediately upon maturity. This group includesmost of the agricultural crops, such as corn, wheat, andother grains. Many of these have undergone considerableselection during domestication for ease of harvest andhandling. This group also contains the nut crops like oak(Quercus), hazel (Corylus), and chestnut (Castanea).

Field-grown crops (cereals, grasses, corn) can bemechanically harvested using a combine, a machine that

cuts and threshes the standing plant in a single operation(Fig. 6–4). Plants that tend to fall over or “lodge” are cut,piled, or windrowed for drying and curing. Low humid-ity is important during harvest. Rain damage results inseeds that show low vigor. The force required to dislodgeseeds may result in mechanical damage, can reduce via-bility, and result in abnormal seedlings. Some of theseinjuries are internal and not noticeable, but they result inlow viability after storage (3, 66, 109). Damage is mostlikely to occur if seed moisture is too high or low, or ifthe machinery is not properly adjusted. Usually lessinjury occurs if seeds are somewhat moist at harvest(i.e., up to 45 percent for corn).

Nut crops usually have an involucre covering(i.e., the cup of an acorn) that should be separatedfrom the nut at harvest. Floatation is a commonmethod for separating viable from non-viable seeds(Fig. 6–5, page 168). Floating seeds are more buoy-ant usually because of insect infestation and arediscarded.



Moisture content is found by the loss of weight when a sam-ple is dried under standardized conditions (40). Oven dryingat 130°C (266°F) for 1 to 4 hours is used for many kinds ofseeds. For oily seeds, 103°C (217°F) for 17 hours is used,

and for some seeds that lose oil at these temperatures (e.g., fir, cedar, beech, spruce, pine, hemlock) a toluenedistillation method is used. Various kinds of electronicmeters can be used for quick moisture tests (22, 35, 98).

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 6–4Corn seed is actually a fruit(caryopsis) and is an exampleof a crop with dry non-dehiscent fruits. (a) Corn seedis harvested with a picker,leaving the kernels attachedto the cob. Although cornused for grain is combined(harvested and shelled in oneoperation), corn for seed isusually not shelled until it isallowed to dry further toprevent mechanical injury. (b) Corn dehusker. (c) Dehusked corn cobs. (d) Shelled kernels (seeds)ready for storage.

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begin to open and seeds have turned black, whichcorresponds to about 50 days after flowers first openand begin shedding pollen (52).

In addition, many tree and shrub plants also havefruits that fall into this group and are handled with similarprocedures. The steps for handling these types of seeds:

1. Drying. Plants are cut (sometimes by hand) or dryfruits may be windrowed in the field (Fig. 6–6), orplaced on a canvas, tray, or screen (Fig. 6–7) to dry for1 to 3 weeks. If there are only a few plants, they can becut and hung upside down in a paper bag to dry.Some crops may need the benefit of forced air dryingunits for quick dryings, especially in harvest areas withhigh humidity at the time of harvest (Fig. 6–7).

2. Extraction. Commercial seeds may be harvested andextracted in a single operation (Fig. 6–8) with a com-bine or dried fruits may be passed through threshingmachines that extract seeds by beating, flailing, orrolling dry fruit followed by separation of seeds fromfruit parts, dirt, and other debris (Fig. 6–9, page 170).Seeds from small seed lots are extracted by hand.

3. Seed Conditioning (Cleaning). Further cleaningmay be required to eliminate all dirt, debris, weed,and other crop seeds. Commercial seed condition-ing (91, 86, 139) utilizes various kinds of special-ized equipment, such as screens of different sizes(Fig. 6–10, page 170), seed shape (Fig. 6–11, page171), air lifters (Fig. 6–12a and b), and gravityseparators (Fig. 6–12c and d). The basis for thesetypes of separation is that there are differences insizes, shapes, and densities between good seed,poor seed, and other debris.

Figure 6–5Non-viable oak nuts (acorns) float in water, while viable seedsare more dense and sink.

(a) (b)


Figure 6–6Cole crop (Brassica) seed production is also from a dry dehiscent fruit. (a) Turnip at full harvest maturity. (b) Cabbage seed fieldmowed and windrowed. Windrowing is done before the fruit shatters, and windrowing allows additional maturation and dryingbefore being combined with a windrow pickup unit. (c) Cole crop fruit is a silique, which is a dry, dehiscent fruit that opens alongtwo suture lines, exposing the seeds attached to a papery septum.

Type 2: Dry Fruits That Dehisce at Maturity Theseplants produce seeds from fruits that dehisce readilyat maturity. This type includes seeds in follicles,pods, capsules, siliques, and cones. Crops of thisgroup include many annual or biennial flowers (del-phinium, pansy, petunia) (94) and various vegetables(onion, cabbage, other cruciferous crops, and okra).In most cases, these fruits must be harvested beforethey are fully mature, and then dried or cured beforeextraction. Consequently, some seeds will be under-developed and immature at the time of harvest. Forexample, in onion seed production there is a differ-ence of up to 20 days between the opening of the firstand last flowers on a plant. From a practical stand-point, onion seeds are harvested when the first fruits

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(a) (b) (c)

Figure 6–7Seeds with non-dehiscent and dehiscent fruits often require additional drying after harvest. (a) Portable field drying wagonsalongside a permanent bin dryer used for drying prairie wildflower seeds. (b) Open wire screen racks used for air drying woodyplant seeds. (c) Forced-air dryer.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f )

Figure 6–8Purple coneflower (Echinacea)seed production is anexample of crop requiring thedry seed harvesting method.It has a fruit that shatters atmaturity. (a) Seed productionfield in full bloom. (b) Field atharvest maturity before headsshatter and release seeds. (c) Combine for harvestingand threshing seeds. (d) Thecombine must be calibratedfor cutting height andmaximum seed retention. (e) The reel rotates and thepaddles force plant stems intothe (f) blades of the cutting bar.

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(c) (b)

(d) (e)

Figure 6–9Sandersonia seed removalfrom a dry dehiscent capsule.(a) Hand-cut fruiting stemsare cut and windrowed under protective cover foradditional drying. (b) Podsare passed through athreshing machine to removeseeds. (c) The threshingcylinder with a rasp-bar is themost common thresher. (d and e) Proper threshingcaptures up to 90 percent ofthe available seeds, butadditional conditioning isusually needed to removefruit debris.

(a) (c)(b)

Figure 6–10Seed conditioning based on seed size and shape. (a) Hand screens manually sift seeds from plant debris; (b) Mechanical cleanerand seed sizing units use aspiration (air movement) combined with screens of various shapes and sizes to remove seed debris andseparate seeds into various size classes. (c) Close up of screens in a scalper unit that separates good seed from plant debris and other unwanted material.

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(a) (b)

Figure 6–11Seed conditioning based onseed shape. (a) An indentcylinder that separates seedsbased on seed size (length).(b) A spiral separator usesgravity and centripetal forceto separate round from flatseeds. Round seeds movefaster down the separator.These are useful for cole cropseeds like cabbage andbroccoli.

(b) (c)(a)


Figure 6–12Seed conditioning based on seed density. (a) The wall mounted air separator uses a vacuum to lift seeds. Seeds are separatedfrom lighter plant debris. (b) Standalone movable air separator. (c and d) Gravity tables have a tilted platform that uses vibrationor air flow to separate seeds. Denser seeds walk toward the higher edge of the platform. Both types of units can be used toupgrade seed lots by directing seeds into bins based on density (weight).

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Conifer cones also fit in this category of drydehiscent fruits, but their cones require special proce-dures (119):

1. Drying. Cones of some species will open if driedin open air for 2 to 12 weeks (Fig. 6–13). Othersmust be force-dried at higher temperatures in spe-cial heating kilns. Under such conditions, coneswill open within several hours or, at most, 2 days.The temperature of artificial drying should be46 to 60°C (115 to 140°F), depending upon thespecies, although a few require even higher temper-atures. For example, Jack pine (Pinus banksiana)and red pine (P. resinosa) need high temperatures(77°C to 170°F) for 5 to 6 hours. Caution must beused with high temperatures, because overexposurewill damage seeds. After the cones have been dried,the scales open, exposing the seeds.

2. Extraction. Seeds should be removed immediatelyupon drying, since cones may close without releasingthe seeds. Cones can be shaken by tumbling or rak-ing to dislodge seeds. A revolving wire tumbler or ametal drum is used when large numbers of seeds areto be extracted.

3. Dewinging. Conifer seeds have wings that areremoved except in species whose seed coats areeasily injured, such as incense cedar (Calocedrus).Fir (Abies) seeds are easily injured, but wings canbe removed if the operation is done gently.Redwood (Sequoia and Sequoiadendron) seedshave wings that are inseparable from the seed. Forsmall seed lots, dewinging can be done by rub-bing the seeds between moistened hands or tram-pling or beating seeds packed loosely in sacks. Forlarger lots of seeds, special dewinging machinesare used (Fig. 6–13c).

4. Cleaning. Seeds are cleaned after extraction toremove wings and other light chaff. As a final step,separation of heavy, filled seed from light seed isaccomplished by gravity or pneumatic separators.

Type 3: Plants with Fleshy Fruits Plants with fleshyfruits include important fruit and vegetable species usedfor food such as berries, pomes (apples), and drupes(plums), as well as many related tree and shrub speciesused in landscaping or forestry. In general, fleshy fruitsare easiest to handle if ripe or overripe. However, fruitsin the wild are subject to predation by birds (45).

For extraction of small seed lots, fruits may be cutopen and seeds scooped out, treaded in tubs, rubbedthrough screens, or washed with water from a high-pres-sure spray machine in a wire basket (Fig. 6–14). Anotherdevice that removes seeds from small-seeded fleshy fruitsis an electric mixer or blender (Fig. 6–15) (122). To avoidinjuring seeds, the metal blade of the blender can bereplaced with a piece of rubber or Tygon tubing. It is fas-tened at right angles to the revolving axis of the machine(147). A mixture of fruits and water is placed in the mixerand stirred for about 2 minutes. When the pulp hasseparated from the seed, the pulp is removed by flotation.This procedure is satisfactory for fruits of serviceberry(Amelanchier), barberry (Berberis), hawthorn (Crataegus),strawberry (Fragaria), huckleberry (Gaylussacia), juniper(Juniperus), rose (Rosa), and others (122).

For larger lots, separation is by maceration, fermen-tation, mechanical means, or washing through screens.The basic procedures include:

1. Maceration. Vegetable crops such as tomato, pep-per, eggplant, and various cucurbits are produced incommercial fields and may utilize special maceratingmachinery as a first step in seed extraction (126).



Figure 6–13Seed extraction and conditioning in pines (a) Drying oven used torelease seeds from pine cones. (b) Winged seeds extracted fromthe cones. (c) Seeds are tumbled to remove the wing attached tothe seeds.

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Figure 6–14Small seed lots of small, fleshy seeds canhave the fruit pulp removed by rubbing fruitsagainst a screen and washing away the pulp.


(c) (d)


Figure 6–15A method for small batch extraction ofseeds from fleshy fruits uses a blender (a) or food processor retrofitted with a rubber or plastic impeller formaceration followed by floatation (b and c) to remove seeds from the pulp.(d) Commercial macerators (i.e., Dybvig)use the same principles of water andflailing impellers to extract seeds. Theywork well for fruit crops like cherry,peach, and plum.

Cucumber and other vine crops, for example, arehandled with specially developed maceratingmachines (Fig. 6–16, page 174). Maceration crushesthe fruits and mixes the pulverized mass with waterthat is diverted into a tank releasing the seeds, but

additional handling is often required to separateseeds from the macerated pieces of fruit.

2. Fermentation. Macerated fruits can be placed inlarge barrels or vats and allowed to ferment for up to4 days at about 21°C (70°F), with occasional stirring.

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If the process is continued too long, sprouting of theseeds may result. Higher temperature during fermen-tation shortens the required time. As the pulp sepa-rates from seeds, heavy, sound seeds sink to thebottom of the vat, and the pulp remains at the sur-face. Following extraction, the seeds are washed anddried either in the sun or in dehydrators. Additionalcleaning is sometimes necessary to remove driedpieces of pulp and other materials. Extraction by fer-mentation is particularly desirable for tomato seed,because it can help control bacterial canker (35, 89).

3. Chemical Treatment. Alternatives to fermentationare various chemical treatments. The advantage ofchemical treatments is that it takes less time (less than24 hours) to separate seeds from macerated pulp.Like fermentation, overexposure to the chemical canreduce seed quality. Chemical treatments includeacid treatment for tomato seed extraction (98), and

digestive enzymes—like pectinase used in orangeseed extraction—for understock production (12).

4. Flotation. Another alternative to separate seedsfrom fleshy fruits is floatation, which involves plac-ing seeds and pulp in water so that heavy, soundseeds sink to the bottom and the lighter pulp,empty seeds, and other extraneous materials floatto the top. This procedure can also be used toremove lightweight, unfilled seeds and other mate-rials from dry fruits, such as acorn fruits infestedwith weevils, but sometimes both good and badseeds will float. Small berries of some species, suchas Cotoneaster, juniper (Juniperus), and Viburnum,are somewhat difficult to process because of smallsize and the difficulty in separating the seeds fromthe pulp. One way to handle such seeds is to crushthe berries with a rolling pin, soak them in water forseveral days, and then remove the pulp by flotation.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(f )(e)

Figure 6–16Watermelon is an example of a crop that requires the wet seed harvesting methodfor seed extraction from afleshy fruit. (a) Field ready forharvest. Withholding waterknocks down the vines priorto harvest. (b) Custom seedharvester for large fleshy fruit.(c) Fruit is crushed and thepulp is separated from theseeds. (d) Seeds with a smallamount of adhering pulp. (e) A washing unit providesfinal separation of pulp andseeds. (f) Large rotating dryersreduce seed moisture to itsstorage level.

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After seeds are thoroughly washed to removefleshy remnants, they are dried (Fig. 6–17), exceptseeds of recalcitrant species that must not be allowedto dry out. If left in bulk for even a few hours, seedsthat have more than 20 percent moisture will heat;this impairs viability. Drying may either occur natu-rally in open air if the humidity is low or artificiallywith heat or other devices. Drying temperaturesshould not exceed 43°C (110°F); if the seeds are quitewet, 32°C (90°F) is better. Drying too quickly cancause seeds to shrink and crack, and can sometimesproduce hard seed coats. The minimum safe moisturecontent for storage of most orthodox seeds differsby species but is usually in the range of 4 percent to15 percent.

SEED TESTINGIn the United States, state laws regulate the shipmentand sale of agricultural and vegetable seeds within eachstate. Seeds entering interstate commerce or those sent

from abroad are subject to the Federal Seed Act,adopted in 1939. Such regulations require the shipperto use labeling (Fig. 6–18) of commercially producedseeds that includes:

1. Name and cultivar2. Origin3. Germination percentage4. Percentage of pure seed, other crop seed, weed seed,

and inert material

Regulations set mini-mum standards of quality,germination percentage, andfreedom from weed seeds.Special attention must bepaid to designated noxiousweeds for a particular grow-ing region. Laws in somestates (117) and in mostEuropean countries regulateshipment and the sale of tree


Figure 6–17Various drying units for seeds.(a) A spinning centripetaldryer. (b) A large rotatingforced air dryer.

Figure 6–18State and federal seed laws require testing seedlots prior to sale. Information for a seed lot includesstandard germination percentage according toaccepted seed-testing rules, purity of the seed lot(percentage of seeds that are the desired crop andits trueness to type), percentage of weed seeds,and the amount of noxious weed seeds in the seedlot. Noxious weeds are designated as weeds thatare particularly undesirable, and tolerances maydiffer for a crop or region of the country.

noxious weedsWeeds that varyfrom state to state,but that have beendesignated asweed species thatmust be identifiedin the seed lot andmay cause thewhole seed lot tobe unsaleable.

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seed, but there are no federal laws governing the treeseed trade.

Seed testing provides information in order to meetlegal standards, determines seed quality (39), and estab-lishes the rate of sowing for a given stand of seedlings(37). It is desirable to retest seeds that have been instorage for a prolonged period.

Procedures for testing agriculture and vegetableseeds in reference to the Federal Seed Act are given bythe U.S. Department of Agriculture. The most currentversion of the Federal Seed Act can be found at the U.S.Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (53). TheAssociation of Official Seed Analysts, Inc. (, (5) publishes the “rules” for seed testingfor the major edible food crops as well as many orna-mental plant species. International rules for testing

seeds are published bythe International SeedTesting Association( (73).The Western Forest TreeSeed Council also pub-lishes testing proceduresfor tree seed and other

useful information in their online woody plant seedmanual (

A high-quality seed lot is a function of the follow-ing characteristics that are routinely tested by seedcompanies or private and state seed labs (116):

1. Germination (viability)2. Purity3. Vigor4. Seed health5. Noxious weed seed contamination

Sampling for Seed TestingThe first step in seed testing is to obtain a uniformsample that represents the entire lot under considera-tion (Fig. 6–19). Equally sized (usually measured byweight) primary samples are taken from evenly distrib-uted parts of the seed lot, such as a sample from eachof several sacks in lots of less than five sacks or fromevery fifth sack with larger lots. The seed samples arethoroughly mixed to make a composite sample. A rep-resentative portion is used as a submitted sample fortesting. This sample is further divided into smaller lotsto produce a working sample (i.e., the sample uponwhich the test is actually to be run). The amount ofseed required for the working sample varies with thekind of seed and is specified in the Rules for SeedTesting (5).

Viability DeterminationViability can be deter-mined by several tests, thestandard germination,excised embryo, andtetrazolium tests beingthe most important.

Standard GerminationTests In the standardgermination test, germi-nation percentage is deter-mined by the percent ofnormal seedlings pro-duced by pure seeds (thekind under considera-tion). To produce a goodtest, it is desirable to useat least 400 seeds pickedat random and dividedinto lots of 100 each. Ifany two of these lots dif-fer by more than 10 per-cent, a retest should becarried out. Otherwise,the average of the fourtests becomes the officialgermination percentage.Seeds are placed underoptimum environmentalconditions of light and temperature to induce germina-tion. The conditions required to meet legal standards

Figure 6–19A sample from each seed lot must be tested prior to saleusually by a state-certified seed lab. The seed analyst uses aseed sorter to randomly select a seed sample for testingfrom the submitted seed lot. A portion of the seed lot will betested for purity, while an additional subsample will beevaluated for standard germination.

seed testingassociationsOrganizations that setthe standards for seedtesting and can alsotrain and certify seedanalysts.

standard germinationThe most commontest for seed quality. It is performedaccording to standardsset by seed-testingassociations, often by certified seedanalysts. It representsthe percentage ofseedlings in a seed lot that germinatenormally. In a standardgermination test, onlyseeds that are normalare counted asgerminated.

normal seedlingsSeedlings describedfor the major crops(often in pictures) inthe rules for seedtesting. In general,normal seedlings haveelongated radicle and hypocotyl and atleast one enlargedcotyledon.

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are specified in the rules for seed testing, which mayinclude type of test, environmental conditions, andlength of test (5, 73).

Various techniques are used for germinating seedsin seed-testing laboratories (127). Small seeds areplaced on plastic germination trays or in Petri dishes(Fig. 6–20). The most common substrate used by com-mercial seed technology labs for germination tests areblue blotter or washed paper towels, available fromcommercial suppliers. These products ensure unifor-mity and reproducibility in their tests. Containers areplaced in germinators in which temperature, moisture,and light are controlled according to the establishedstandard germination rules. To discourage the growthof microorganisms, all materials and equipment shouldbe kept scrupulously clean, sterilized when possible,and the water amount carefully regulated.

The rolled towel test (Fig. 6–21a, b, and c, page 178)is commonly used for testing large seeds like cereal grains.Several layers of moist paper toweling, about 2.8 by 3.6 cm(11 by 14 in) in size, are folded over the seeds and thenrolled into cylinders and placed vertically in a germinator.

A germination test usually runs from 1 to 4 weeksbut could continue up to 3 months for some slow-germinating tree seeds with dormancy. Usually a first

count is taken at 1 week and germinated seeds are dis-carded with a final count taken later. At the end of thetest, seeds are divided into (a) normal seedlings, (b) hardseeds, (c) dormant seeds, (d) abnormal seedlings, and(e) dead or decaying seeds. A normal seedling shouldhave a well-developed root and shoot, although the cri-terion for a “normal seedling” varies with differentkinds of seeds (Fig. 6–21d). “Abnormal seedlings” canbe the result of age of seed or poor storage conditions;insect, disease, or mechanical injury; frost damage; ormineral deficiencies. Any non-germinated seeds shouldbe examined to determine the possible reason. “Hardseeds” have not absorbed water. Dormant seeds arethose that are firm, swollen, and free from molds butdo not germinate.

Under seed-testing rules, certain environmentalrequirements to overcome dormancy may be specifiedroutinely for many kinds of seeds (5, 73). These mayinclude chilling stratification or hormone treatmentwith gibberellins or potassium nitrate.

Excised-Embryo Test The excised-embryo test is usedto test seed viability of woody shrubs and trees whosedormant embryos require long treatment periods torelieve dormancy before true germination will take

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 6–20A standard germination test isrequired for seed lots prior tosale. The two most commontest procedures include the(a, b, and c) Petri dish and (d) rolled towel tests. Thetests and the procedures used for standard germinationare detailed in acceptedpublications like the rules for testing seeds from theAssociation of Official SeedAnalysts (4, 5). Included in these rules will be thepreferred test (i.e., Petri dish orrolled towel); the environmentfor the test (i.e., 20/30, thisindicates daily cycles of 16 hours at 20°C followed by30°C for 8 hours); whetherlight is required during thetest; any seed pretreatmentsfor dormant seeds (e.g.,treatment with gibberellin orpotassium nitrate); and thenumber of days for the firstand last evaluation (counts).

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place (5, 44, 67). In this test, the embryo is excisedfrom seeds that are soaked for 1 to 4 days and germi-nated following standard germination conditions (seeFig. 6–22).

The excision must be done carefully to avoid injuryto the embryo. Any hard, stony seed coverings, such asthe endocarp of stone fruit seeds, must be removed first.The moistened seed coats are cut with a sharp scalpel,razor blade, or knife, under clean but nonsterile condi-tions with sterilized instruments. The embryo is care-fully removed. If a large endosperm is present, the seedcoats may be slit and the seeds covered with water, andafter about a half-hour, the embryo may float out or beeasily removed.

Tetrazolium Test The tetrazolium test (6) is a bio-chemical test for viability determined by the red colorappearing when seeds are soaked in a 2,3,5-triphenyl-tetrazolium chloride (TTC) solution (Fig. 6–23).

Living tissue changes the TTC to an insoluble redcompound (chemically known as formazan); in non-living tissue the TTC remains uncolored. The test ispositive in the presence of dehydrogenase enzymesinvolved in respiration. This test was developed inGermany by Lakon (87), who referred to it as atopographical test since loss in embryo viabilitybegins to appear at the extremity of the radicle, epi-cotyl, and cotyledon tips. The reaction takes placeequally well in dormant and nondormant seed. Resultscan usually be obtained within 24 hours (see Box 6.2,page 180). The TTC solution deteriorates with expo-sure to light but will remain in good condition for sev-eral months if stored in a dark bottle. The solutionshould be discarded if it becomes yellow. A 0.1 to 1.0percent concentration is commonly used. The pHshould be 6 or 7. In the hands of a skilled technologist,this test can be used for seed-quality evaluation and asa tool in seed research (101).

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)

Figure 6–21Commercial seed labs process a large number of seed samples. They must keep accurate records ofeach seed lot and must be efficient to process samples in a timely manner while maintaining highreproducibility from seed lot to seed lot. (a) A seed analyst uses a template board to place a standardnumber of seeds in precise locations on the germination paper for the rolled towel or Petri dish tests.(b) Rolled towels are held upright in the growth chamber. (c) After the number of days indicated in the testing rules, the seed analyst counts the number of normal seedlings. (d) The seed analyst mustdetermine if a seedling is normal and can be counted as germinated. These seedlings are “abnormal”because either the shoot or root has not developed normally after the final count for this seed test. (e) Results are recorded in a computer database.

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X-ray Analysis X-ray analysis of seeds (80) can be usedas a rapid test for seed soundness (2). X-ray photo-graphs do not normally measure seed viability butprovide an examination of the inner structure formechanical disturbance, absence of vital tissues, suchas embryo or endosperm, insect infestation, crackedor broken seed coats, and shrinkage of interior tissues(Fig. 6–24).

Standard X-ray equipment is used to assessseeds. Dry seeds are exposed for 1⁄2 to 3 minutes at 15-to 20-kilovolt tube potential. Seed with dimensionsless than 2 mm are too small to show details. Since X-rays do not injure the seed, further tests for viabilitycan be conducted on the same batch (2). Prototypemachines that provide fast, automatic, online sortinghave been proposed (140). These procedures have thepotential to remove nonviable seeds as well as seedswith morphological characteristics that are linked topoor vigor.

Figure 6–22The excised-embryo test is a quick evaluation method usedfor dormant seed. Eastern redbud (Cercis) seeds require at least four months of moist chilling to satisfy dormancy and another 2 weeks for a standard germination test. Incomparison, isolated embryos removed from the seedcoverings will germinate in 5 days.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Endosperm Scutellum


Figure 6–23Tetrazolium chloride (TZ) is used totest seed viability. Portions of theembryo will stain red (an indicationof respiration) if they are viable. The seed analyst must determine if vital portions of the embryo areliving, which would indicate positivegermination potential. (a and b) A positive TZ corn seed test showingthat the embryo and scutellum areviable while the white endosperm is non-living at maturity. (c and d) A poor TZ test in gasplant(Dictamnus). White embryos arenon-viable and the embryo (d) although generally red-stainedwould probably be abnormalbecause the shoot area (arrow) didnot stain.

(a) (b)

Figure 6–24Examples of the X-ray testsfor the 1999 (a) and 2005 (b) harvests of Gaura bienniscapsules. Note the number of filled and empty (aborted)seeds in the capsules. Courtesy

of the Ornamental Plant Germplasm

Center, The Ohio State University.

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Purity DeterminationPurity is the percentageby weight of the “pureseed” present in a sam-ple. Purity determina-tion requires a trainedseed analyst, usuallyfrom a state or privateseed lab. In the UnitedStates, the Society of

Commercial Seed Technologists provides training andtesting to certify Registered Seed Technologists (116).

There are two aspects to pure seed: a physicaland a genetic component (4, 116). Pure seed must beseparated from other physical contaminants such assoil particles, plant debris, other inert material, andweed seeds (Fig. 6–25). Seed standards list tolerancesfor levels of pure seed in a sample. They usually arebased on the seed type and seed class (i.e., Certifiedvs. Registered seed—see Chapter 5). References areavailable with detailed seed anatomy to help seedtechnologists to identify crop and weed seeds (18).Special care must be taken to document the occur-rence of noxious weeds in a sample. Noxious weedsare identified as being particularly bad weeds for aregion of the country and can vary by state.Occurrence of a single seed of some noxious weed

species in a sample can render an entire seed lot unac-ceptable for public sale.

Purity testing also identifies the genetic purityof a seed lot. The seed analyst determines if the sam-ple is the proper cultivar and identifies the percentageof seeds that are either other contaminating culti-vars or inbreds in a hybrid seed lot (see Chapter 5).Genetic purity can be difficult to determine andrelies on an assortment of tests that include fieldvisits by regulatory personnel, seed color, seed andseedling morphology, chemical tests, isozyme(characteristic seed proteins) separation by elec-trophoresis (4, 116), and DNA fingerprinting (99)(see Box 6.3).

Vigor TestingAlthough state andfederal seed laws cur-rently require onlypurity and standardgermination tests forseed lots, seed com-panies and many cropproducers are perform-ing vigor tests prior tosale or use (95). TheAssociation of Official



Details vary for different seeds, but general proceduresinclude (6, 73, 127):

1. Any hard covering such as an endocarp, wing, or scalemust be removed. Tips of dry seeds of some plants,such as Cedrus, should be clipped.

2. First, seeds should be soaked in water in the dark; mois-tening activates enzymes and facilitates the cutting orremoval of seed coverings. Seeds with fragile coverings,such as snap beans or citrus, must be softened slowlyon a moist medium to avoid fracturing.

3. Most seeds require preparation for TTC absorption.Embryos with large cotyledons, such as Prunus, apple,and pear, often comprise the entire seed, requiring onlyseed coat removal. Other kinds of seed are cut longitu-dinally to expose the embryo (corn and large-seededgrasses, larch, some conifers); or transversely one-fourth to one-third at the end away from the radicle(small-seeded grasses, juniper, Carpinus, Cotoneaster,Crataegus, Rosa, Sorbus, Taxus). Seed coats can beremoved, leaving the large endosperm intact (some

pines, Tilia). Some seeds (legumes, timothy) require noalteration prior to the tests.

4. Seeds are soaked in the TTC solution for 2 to 24 hours.Cut seeds require a shorter time; those with exposedembryos somewhat longer; intact seeds 24 hours or more.

5. Interpretation of results depends on the kind of seedand its morphological structure. Completely coloredembryos indicate good seed. Conifers must have boththe megagametophyte and embryo stained. In grassand grain seeds, only the embryo itself colors, not theendosperm. Seeds with declining viability may haveuncolored spots or be unstained at the radicle tip andthe extremities of the cotyledons. Nonviability dependson the amount and location of necrotic areas, and cor-rect interpretation depends on standards worked outfor specific seeds (127).

6. If the test continues too long, even tissues of knowndead seeds become red due to respiration activities ofinfecting fungi and bacteria. The solution itself canbecome red because of such contamination.

purity A determinationassessed in a seed lotby a seed analyst who iscertified for purity tests.It involves meticulousevaluation of a seed lotfor any foreign materialincluding seeds.

vigor (of a seed lot) An estimate of the seed’sability to germinate when the environmentalconditions are not idealfor germination. Seed lots with high vigor showa high germinationpercentage and uniformseedling emergence.

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Figure 6–25Purity of seeds is determined by visual examination of individualseeds in a weighed seed sample taken from the larger lot inquestion. (a) Impurities may include other crop seed, weed seed,and inert, extraneous material. In this seed lot, several differenttypes of impurities were discovered in the seed lot. (b) Each wasplaced in a small dish and will be weighed. (c) Purity is alsoevaluated in field or greenhouse trials. This petunia seed lot showsa percentage of white variants reducing its purity. White plants maybe from self-pollinated plants from the female inbred parent thatshould have been removed during production.



Details for cultivar identification are published in theAssociation of Official Seed Analysts’ handbook for puritytesting (4). These can include:

Chemical Tests There are a number of chemical treat-ments used to separate cultivars of specific species (31).Examples include a fluorescence test for fescue andryegrass (Fig. 6–26a), hydrochloric acid for oat, andperoxidase for soybean. The chemical reaction usuallygives a characteristic color that identifies the seed.Chemical tests are usually used in association with othertests, like seed shape and color, to help determine purity.

Protein Electrophoresis A more sophisticated evalua-tion for cultivar identification uses differences that existin seed proteins or enzymes. Some plant enzymes arepresent in different forms (isozymes) that can beseparated by electrophoresis to give a pattern that ischaracteristic of a cultivar. Electrophoresis is a form ofchromatography that uses an electrical current to sepa-rate proteins on a gel. Isozymes migrate to differentlocations on the gel to form a pattern that identifies thecultivar.

DNA Fingerprinting This technique also uses the basicprinciple of electrophoresis but separates fragments ofDNA such as RAPDs (random amplified polymorphicDNA), RFLPs (random fragment length polymorphisms)and SCARs (sequence-characterized amplified region)rather than proteins (99). Since these techniques useamplified DNA, the test is very accurate and canidentify a larger number of cultivars than can isozymeanalysis. DNA fingerprinting is the same process beingused by law enforcement to identify suspects in criminalcases.

Strip Tests for Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)The presence of specific GMO seeds can be detectedusing commercially available strip tests that identify thepresence of an antibody for the genetically modified trait(Fig. 6–26b). For example, Bt corn is genetically trans-formed to produce Bacillus thuringiensis proteins (Cry1Aband Cry1Ac) that are toxic to caterpillars. The strip testcontains antibodies to the Bt proteins. If the extract fromthe seed sample contains these proteins, they will reactwith the strip’s antibodies and produce a double-linedcolor reaction.


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Figure 6–26Biochemical and genetic tests for purity. (a) Fluorescence ryegrass tests. Underultraviolet light, perennial ryegrass can beseparated from annual ryegrass (red arrow)because of the characteristic white fluo-rescence of the annual ryegrass radicle. (b) A genetic strip test for the presence ofgenetically modified seeds. Each striprecognizes a different genetic modificationusing antibodies for traits such as insect and herbicide resistance. Similar to apregnancy test, the white portion of thestrip produces a single line for negative anda double line for a positive identification.

(a) (b)

Figure 6–27Here is a good example of theimpact of seed vigor on standestablishment. In both cases,all pansy seeds have germi-nated in each plug flat, butseedlings on the left (a) are allat the same stage of growth,while the plug flat on the right(b) has numerous seedlingsthat are less developed thanthe majority of seedlings.

Seed Analysts (7) states that “seed vigor comprises thoseseed properties which determine the potential forrapid, uniform emergence, and development of nor-mal seedlings under a wide range of field conditions.”Standard germination tests do not always adequatelypredict seedling emergence under field conditions(Fig. 6–27). Seed vigor tests can provide a growerwith additional information that can help predictgermination where conditions may not be ideal(110). For many vegetable crops, there is a positiverelationship between seed vigor and crop yields (38,85, 135). Various vigor tests have been developed andcertain tests are applied to different species (49).Vigor tests include accelerated aging, controlled

deterioration, cold test, cool test, electrolyte leakage,seedling growth rate, and seedling grow-out tests (5, 58,73, 116) (see Box 6.4).

Seed Health (1)Seed companies usually have the personnel and facili-ties to evaluate the health of a seed lot. Seed healthcomprises the occurrence of diseases, insects, ornematodes in the seed lot (70, 93). Detection of theseorganisms requires specialized equipment and trainedpersonnel. Seed health is integral to the performance ofthe seed lot. It has also become increasingly importantas international trading agreements (like the WorldTrade Organization and the North American Free

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Details for procedures used to conduct vigor tests arefound in the Association of Official Seed Analysts’ hand-book on seed vigor testing (7). The more commonly con-ducted vigor tests include (Fig. 6–28).

Aging Tests Controlled deterioration and acceleratedaging (AA) are established vigor tests for agronomic, hor-ticultural, and forestry species. Both tests are based onthe premise that vigor is a measure of seed deterioration.Hampton and Coolbear (60) concluded that aging testswere the most promising vigor tests for most agronomicspecies. Both methods are described in detail in theAOSA vigor testing methods (59).

Seed deterioration The loss of vigor and viability in aseed during storage.

Controlled deterioration (92) exposes seeds to high tem-perature (40 or 45oC) for a short duration (24 or 48 hours)

after the moisture content has been raised to approxi-mately 20 percent. Seed moisture is raised prior to exposureto high temperature and maintained by keeping seeds insealed watertight packages. Germination is usually assessedas radicle emergence, but normal germination improvesresults in some cases.

Accelerated aging is similar to controlled deteriora-tion but differs in the way seed moisture is increased and,therefore, modifies the duration of the test (133). It is atest commonly used for agronomic and vegetable seeds.Prior to a standard germination test, seeds are subjectedto high temperatures (40 to 45oC) and high relativehumidity (near 100 percent) for 2 to 5 days. This is done bysuspending seeds on a stiff nylon frame suspended abovewater in specially designed boxes (Fig. 6–28a). This par-tially hydrates the seed without permitting radicle emer-gence. Higher-vigor seeds tolerate this stress better than

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 6–28Various seed vigor tests. (a) Impatiens seeds in accelerated aging boxes. The frame inside the box keeps seedssuspended above water or a solution of saturated salts. (b) Sweet corn seeds sprouting in the cold test. Seeds areplaced on moist towels or Kimpack and covered with field soil. It is easy to see that the seed lot on the left has highervigor (seedling emergence) compared with the seed lot on the right. (c) A thermal gradient table provides numeroustemperatures to simultaneously test germination of a single seed lot, which is useful for determining seed vigor byevaluating germination at minimal and maximal temperatures. Breeders also use thermal gradient tables to evaluate agenotype’s tendency for producing seed susceptible to thermodormancy (like lettuce). (d) For many horticultural crops,standard germination and seedling vigor is evaluated in a seedling grow-out test. The environment for this test isstandard greenhouse conditions where the crop will be commercially grown.


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low-vigor seeds, as shown by higher normal germinationpercentages in the standard germination test conductedafter the aging treatment. For smaller-seeded species, likeflower seeds, lower relative humidity is used to reducerapid seed hydration. This variation is called the saturatedsalt accelerated aging test, because it uses saturated saltsrather than water to control humidity in the acceleratedaging boxes (150).

Cold Test (59) This is the preferred vigor test for corn seed(Fig. 6–28b). Seeds are planted in boxes, trays, or rolledtowels that contain field soil and held at 10oC for 7 daysbefore being moved to 25oC. The number of normalseedlings that emerge are counted after 4 days.

Cool Test This is a vigor test that uses proceduresidentical to the standard germination test, except thetemperature is lowered to 18oC. A similar tool beingused to evaluate vegetable and flower seed vigor is thethermal gradient table (Fig. 6–28c). This provides a rangeof temperatures by circulating warm and cold water tothe table. This determines the range of germination for aseed lot. Higher vigor seeds germinate better at theextreme temperatures on the table.

Electrolyte Leakage Seeds tend to “leak” electrolyteswhen imbibed, and the amount of electrolyte leakage

usually increases as seeds deteriorate. Electrical conduc-tivity can be measured by using a conductivity meter.Conductivity measurements have been correlated withfield emergence, especially in large-seeded crops likepeas and corn (94).

Seedling Growth Seedling grow-out tests can be con-ducted under greenhouse or growth-chamber condi-tions, and vigor calculated based on seedling emergenceand uniformity (Fig. 6–28d). An alternative to plug andflat germination includes evaluations like the slant-boardtest that uses similar conditions as the standard germina-tion test for percentage germination. After a period oftime at a controlled temperature (this varies betweenspecies), shoot and root length or seedling weight isdetermined (Fig. 6–29a). This permits a determination ofstrong versus weak seedlings in a seed lot. Measuringindividual seedlings can be tedious, but advances incomputer-aided image analysis offer an alternative tohand measurements (Fig. 6–29b) (71, 105). Ball SeedsInc. (West Chicago, IL) has introduced the Ball VigorIndex that employs computer analysis of video images ofseedlings in plug trays after a predetermined number ofdays. The index is suggestive of seedling greenhouseperformance.

(a) (b)

Figure 6–29(a) A slant-board test forlettuce. Seedling must begrown in an uprightorientation to get straightseedlings. Radicle length is then measured by hand.(b) Computer-aidedmeasurements of digitalimages of petunia fromPetri dish germination.

Trade Agreement) require clean seed be made availablefor international sale.

Specific procedures to standardize seed healthtests are available (137). Three types of tests for seedhealth include:

1. Visual evaluation of a seed sample for characteris-tic structures like spores or sclerotia of pathogens,or the presence of insects.

2. Incubation of seed on moist germination paper oragar and inspection for disease growth.

3. Biochemical tests, such as ELISA tests, whichdetect the presence of specific disease organisms.

SEED TREATMENTS TO IMPROVE GERMINATIONPresowing seed treatments has become a common prac-tice in the seed industry. Seed treatments may beapplied by seed producers or on the farm. The objectiveof seed treatments is to either enhance the potentialfor germination and seedling emergence or to helpmechanical seed sowing (75, 120, 132). Types of seedtreatments include:

1. Seed protectants2. Germination enhancement

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3. Inoculation with microorganisms (nitrogen-fixingbacteria)

4. Coatings to help mechanical sowing

Facilities that treat seeds must consider the fol-lowing aspects for quality seed treatment (56):

1. Seeds must be treated uniformly.2. The material must continue to adhere to the sur-

face of the seed during sowing.3. The treatment should not reduce seed quality.

Any physical damage due to high temperature ormechanical injury must be minimized and moni-tored by seed testing.

4. The treatment should be safely applied and allowfor safe handling by the seed consumer.

5. Treatments to help mechanical sowing must pro-duce a uniform size and shape for each seed.

6. All seeds treated with a pesticide must be colored toavoid accidental ingestion by humans or animals.Color can also enhance the appearance of the seed.

Modern seed treatments require specializedequipment and facilities (30, 56, 57). The equipmentvaries depending on the type of seed treatment.Historically, the first seed treatment incorporated pesti-cides in simple powders (74). These are still used today,especially for on-site farm application, because theyrequire the least specialized equipment. However, pow-ders and the dust from them present a problem for safehandling. Most commercial treatment of seeds is fromliquid slurries. These are preferred because they treatseeds more uniformly, are safer to apply and handle,and are relatively cheap.

Recently, polymer film coatings have become apopular seed treatment because the pesticide can beincorporated into the polymer that is applied in a thin,uniform coat or film (57). The advantages of film coat-ings are the ability to incorporate chemical or biologicalmaterials into the coating for safe handling (this mate-rial does not rub off when handled), uniform coatingsize, and an attractive appearance. The cost has beenprohibitive for general use with many large-volumeagronomic crops, but film-coated seeds have becomemore widely available on high-value flower and veg-etable seed.

Seed ProtectantsSeed protectants can be grouped as

1. Chemical treatments against pathogens, insects, andanimals.

2. Heat treatment against pathogens and insects.

3. Inoculation withbeneficial microbesagainst harmful fungi.

4. Safners, to reduce her-bicide injury (19, 120).

Chemical Treatment Aseed stores food reservesto provide energy and car-bon for seedling growth,which makes seeds aprimary food source forhumankind. However,insects, pathogens, andanimals also target seeds asa food source. Strategiesto protect seeds probablydate to man’s earliest useof seeds as a food crop(74). Chemical treatmentsfor seeds can be seen in the1800s with the use of cop-per sulfate against a varietyof cereal diseases (120). In the 1900s, mercury com-pounds were very effective against seed and seedlingpathogens. These were banned in most parts of theworld in the 1980s because of health risks. The 1940sand 1950s saw the introduction of the first broad-spec-trum fungicides (like captan and thiram), starting themodern use of seed protectants for diseases.

The most common and important seed treat-ments are the chemical and physical treatments againstseed-borne pathogens (20) and insects (79). It is impor-tant to understand that these treatments will notimprove germination in seeds with a genetically lowpotential for germination or in mechanically injuredseeds. These treatments are especially beneficial wheregermination is delayed due to poor environmental con-ditions such as excessive water in the field, or cool soils.Under these conditions, seed leakage stimulates fungalspore germination and growth. A chemical seed treat-ment can protect the seed until the seedling emerges.

Seed treatment may be designed to protect seedfrom soil-borne pathogens, disinfest the seed frompathogens on the seed surface, or eliminate pathogensinside the seed (20). Chemical seed protectants can beapplied as powders, liquids, slurries, or incorporatedinto a pellet or film coating (57, 75).

Biocontrol Although chemical treatments dominateindustry seed treatments, the novel use of treating seedswith beneficial microbes presents an interesting alter-native to chemical treatments (100, 112, 118). Various

seed protectantsSeed treatments usedmost often for field-seeded crops that areprone to insect anddisease attack. Earlyseason plantings thatare slower to emergebecause of cool soilsbenefit from seedprotectants.

geneficial microbesAn alternative tochemicals for seedprotection againstsoil-borne diseases.These microbescompete withpathogenic microbesto help seedlingsemerge before theyare attacked.

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biocontrol agents provide protection to seeds by pro-ducing antibiotic substances; decreasing competitionfor space and nutrients; and reducing parasitism(63, 100). Common biocontrol agents include bacter-ial strains like Eterobacter, Pseudomonas, Serratia, andfungal strains like Gliocladium and Trichoderma.Several studies show disease prevention with biologicalsto be as effective as chemical treatment with fungicides(27, 129). A second approach is to treat seeds withmaterials extracted from fungi or bacteria that activatethe plant’s natural defense system (145).

Heat Treatment (Thermotherapy) High temperatureto control seed-borne diseases has been in use since1907 (74). Dry seeds are immersed in hot water (49 to57°C; 120 to 135°F) for 15 to 30 minutes, dependingon the species (10, 11). After treatment, the seeds arecooled and spread out in a thin layer to dry. To preventinjury to the seeds, temperature and timing must be reg-ulated precisely; a seed protectant should subsequentlybe used, and old, weak seeds should not be treated. Hotwater is effective for specific seed-borne diseases of veg-etables and cereals, such as Alternaria blight in broccoliand onion, and loose smut of wheat and barley.

Microwave and UV radiation also can be used todisinfest seeds (121). Aerated steam (see Chapter 3) isan alternate method that is less expensive, easier tomanage, and less likely to injure seeds than hot water.Seeds are treated in special machines in which steamand air are mixed and drawn through the seed mass torapidly (in about two minutes) raise the temperature ofthe seeds to the desired temperature. The treatmenttemperature and time vary with the organism to becontrolled and the kind of seed. Usually the treatmentis 30 minutes, but it may be as little as 10 or 15 min-utes. Temperatures range from 46 to 57°C (105 to143°F). At the end of treatment, temperatures must belowered rapidly to 32°C (88°F) by evaporative coolinguntil dry. Holding seeds in moisture-saturated air atroom temperature for 1 to 3 days prior to the steam-airtreatment will improve effectiveness.

Hot water is also used to kill insects in seeds. Forexample, oak (Quercus) seed is soaked in water at 49°C(120°F) for 30 minutes to eliminate weevils commonlyfound in acorns (149). As with heat treatments to elim-inate disease, precise temperature and timing must bemaintained or seeds will be damaged.

Seed CoatingSeed coating uses the same technology and equipmentused by the pharmaceutical industry to make medicalpills (82, 131). Seed coatings include pelleted andfilm-coated seeds (26).

Pelleted Seeds Theobjective of coating seedsas a pellet is to provide around, uniform shapeand size to small orunevenly shaped seeds inorder to aid precisionmechanical sowing (Fig.6–30). Pelletized seeds aretumbled in a pan whileinert powders (like clay ordiatomaceous earth) andbinders form around seeds to provide a uniform, roundshape (Fig. 6–31). Recent advances in coating materialsand processing using rotary coaters has allowed seed pro-ducers to produce thinner pellets (Fig. 6–30b). These areusually termed encrusted seeds for very thin coatings(1 to 5 times the seed size) or mini-pellets (10 to 25 timesthe seed size). Compare this with a traditional pellet thatmay be 50 to 100 times the seed size (Fig. 6–30c and d).Encrusted seeds are similar to film-coated seeds but areless expensive to produce. Pellets can be distinguished byeither “splitting” or “melting” when the coating is wetted,with many growers preferring the split-type pellets(Fig. 6–30e). Many ornamental flower seeds are com-monly pelletized for precision sowing one seed per cell ina plug flat (see Chapter 7). An increasing number ofdirect-seeded vegetable crops are also being pelletized. It iscommon for lettuce seed sown in Florida and Californiato be pelletized to provide uniform spacing and sowingdepth that reduces the need to hand-thin the crop.

Polymer Film-Coated Seeds Film coating (Fig. 6–32,page 188) uses a thin polymer film to cover the seed(82, 114). Film coating only adds 1 to 5 percent to theweight of a seed compared with more than 1,000 per-cent for pelletized seed, but this can still aid in precisionsowing by improving flowability. Fungicides and benefi-cial microbes can be added to both pellets and film coat-ings (see seed treatments, p. 184) and is the major bene-fit to film coating (57). Novel films are being employedthat allow seeds to imbibe only when the soil tempera-ture has warmed to prevent imbibitional chilling injuryin sensitive plants (103).

Germination EnhancementCommercial practices that provide germinationenhancement are seed sizing, priming, andpregermination (48, 57).

Seed Sizing Seed lots sold as “elite” seeds have beensized to provide larger seed. In addition, seed sizingeliminates lightweight and cracked seeds (Fig. 6–33,

pelleted seeds Seedsthat have a round,uniform shape thatmake it easier formachine sowing.Pelleted seeds aremost commonly usedin greenhouse beddingplant production andprecision-sownvegetable crops.

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(c) (d) (e)

(a) (b)

Figure 6–30Seed Pellets (a) Pelleted seeds showing the uniformly round shape to help in mechanical sowing. Colors may indicate seeddifferences (primed vs. untreated) or just be cosmetic. (b) A collection of encrusted pasture legume seeds. Notice how the seedshape is still evident with the lighter pelleti coating; the arrows indicate non-encrusted seeds. (c and d) Seed pelleting addsconsiderable size to a seed as well as a uniform, round shape. (c) On the left are raw seeds versus pelleted seeds on the right.(d) A cross-section of a pelleted seed showing how the coating (light blue) adds significant volume to the seed. (e) Pelletsshowing the split-coat habit as it hydrates. Splitting allows easy penetration by the radicle of the germinating seed.

page 188). This can provide seeds with a higher potentialfor germination viability and vigor. Elite seeds also may

be the seeds selectedby seed companies tobe further enhancedby seed priming.

Seed Priming Seedpriming is a con-trolled seed-hydrationtreatment that canreduce the time ittakes for seedlings toemerge. It uses basicprinciples of waterpotential to holdseeds in an imbibedcondition, but pre-vent germination

Figure 6–31Pan type seed coater for pelletizing seeds. Seeds tumble inthis seed coating machine while layers of a bulking materialand binder build the pellet around the seed.

seed priming A controlledhydration seed treatmentthat induces faster, moreuniform germination. Thiseffect is most noticeablewhen seeds are sown inless-than-favorableenvironments. Primedseeds are most often usedin greenhouse beddingplant production to shortenthe time to produceseedling plugs, and incrops like pansy and lettuceto avoid reducedgermination due to hightemperature.

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Figure 6–32Film coating is used to improve flowability of seeds duringplanting and as a carrier for pesticides. Several examples offilm coating on corn seed. Seeds on the left are untreated.

(radicle emergence) (24, 97). After being hydrated for anextended time, seeds are dried back to near the originaldry weight. These seeds can be handled as normal rawseeds or pelleted prior to sowing (82). Growth substances(28) or biologicals (termed biopriming ; 20, 27) also can beincluded in the priming solution for added seedenhancement.

Primed seeds will usually show higher seed vigorcompared with raw seeds (97). The physiological basisfor seed priming is discussed in Chapter 7. Priming canprovide faster, more uniform seedling emergence forfield and greenhouse crops, especially when environ-mental conditions for germination are not ideal. Thegrower must weigh the additional cost of primed seedwith this potential for improved seedling emergence. Itis common to prime crops like lettuce (106) and pansy(29) to overcome problems of reduced germination dueto conditions of high temperature (thermodormacy, seeChapter 7).

Pregermination The goal of each grower is to estab-lish a “stand” (seedling emergence) of 100 percent (54),which means a plant at each appropriate field spacingor greenhouse plug cell (see Chapter 8). This can beaccomplished by using transplants or sowing more seedsthan are required and thinning seedlings to the appro-priate spacing. An additional treatment to improvestand establishment is pregermination of seeds. In con-cept, pregermination can take place under optimumconditions and any seeds showing radicle emergence aresown, providing near 100 percent stand. Two types ofpregermination sowing techniques have been used:

1. Fluid drilling to sow germinated seeds in a gel toprotect emerged radicles.

2. Pregerminated seeds that use a technique to dryseeds after the radicle emerges prior to sowing.

Fluid Drilling. Fluid drilling (55, 107) is a sys-tem involving thetreatment and pre-germination of seedsfollowed by theirsowing suspendedin a gel. Seeds arepregerminated underconditions of aera-tion, light, and opti-mum temperaturesfor the species (Fig.6–22). Among theprocedures that canbe used are (a) ger-minating seeds intrays on absorbentblotters covered with paper, or (b) placing seeds inwater in glass jars or plastic columns through which air


Figure 6–33(a) “Elite” or enhanced seedshave additional seedconditioning to remove anybroken seeds and have beensized to give larger, moreuniform seeds. (b) Notice thebroken and small seeds(arrow) in the seed lot on theright.

fluid drilling A techniqueto sow pregerminatedseeds where the radiclehas emerged and isvulnerable to damage.Germinated seeds aremixed in a gel for sowing.Fluid drilling has not beenused extensively becauseof the expense anddifficulty in timing. It has itsgreatest utility in high-value vegetable cropssown in cool soils for earlyharvest.

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is continuously bubbled and fresh water continuouslysupplied. Growth regulators, fungicides, and otherchemicals (51) can potentially be incorporated into thesystem. Chilling (10°C, 50°F) of thermodormantcelery seeds for 14 days has produced short, uniformradicle emergence without injury (47). Pregerminatedseeds of various vegetables have been stored for 7 to 15days at temperatures of 1 to 5°C (34 to 41°F) in airor aerated water. Separating out germinated seeds bydensity separation has improved the uniformity andincreased overall stand (130).

Various kinds of gels are commercially available.Among the materials used are sodium alginate,hydrolyzed starch-polyacrylonitrile, guar gum, syn-thetic clay, and others. Special machines are needed todeposit the seeds and gel into the seed bed.

Pregerminated Seeds. Pregerminated seeds wereintroduced commercially in 1995 for bedding plant

species (impatiens),but L. H. Baileyintroduced the con-cept as early as 1897.A quote from Bailey’sThe Nursery Book (8)demonstrates that“new” is truly a relativeterm as he describes“regermination.” “Itis a common state-

ment that seeds can never revive if allowed to becomethoroughly dry after they have begun to sprout. This isan error. Wheat, oats, buckwheat, maize, pea, onion,radish, and other seeds have been experimented uponin this direction, and they are found to regerminatereadily, even if allowed to become thoroughly dry andbrittle after sprouting is well progressed. They will evenregerminate several times.”

Pregermination involves germination of seedsunder controlled conditions to synchronize germina-tion in order to induce the radicle to emerge aboutone-sixteenth of an inch. Germinated seeds are sepa-rated from nongerminated seeds, and then seeds aredried slowly to near their original dry weight (26). Theadvantages of using pregerminated seeds include pro-duction of 95 percent or better usable seedlings; fast,uniform germination; and because the seeds are dry,mechanical seeders can be used to sow them. The dis-advantages of using pregerminated seeds are increasedcost (up to 25 percent), seeds have a shorter shelf life

(around 35 days at 5°C or 40°F), and growers musthave optimized seedling growing conditions to takeadvantage of the benefits of pregermination.

SEED STORAGESeeds are usually stored for varying lengths of time afterharvest. Viability atthe end of storagedepends on (a) the ini-tial viability at harvest,as determined by factors of production and methods ofhandling; and (b) the rate at which deterioration takesplace. This rate of physiological change, or aging (96,111), varies with the kind of seed and the environmen-tal conditions of storage, primarily temperature, andhumidity.

Seed LongevityPlant species can be separated as recalcitrant ororthodox seeds based on their genetic potential to tol-erate storage.

Recalcitrant or Short-LivedSeeds Recalcitrant seedsdo not tolerate significantdrying after seed develop-ment. Most recalcitrantseeds cannot tolerate seedmoistures below 25 per-cent, and some species arealso sensitive to chillingtemperatures. This group isrepresented by specieswhose seeds normally retainviability for as little as a fewdays, months, or at most ayear following harvest (seeChapter 5). However, withproper handling and stor-age, seed longevity may be maintained for significantperiods. A list of species with short-lived seeds has beencompiled by King and Roberts (83). The groupincludes:

1. Certain spring-ripening, temperate-zone treessuch as poplar (Populus), maple (Acer) species,willow (Salix), and elm (Ulmus). Their seedsdrop to the ground and normally germinateimmediately.

pregerminated seedsA technique for beddingplants that uses a specialprocess to synchronizeradicle emergence andthen slowly dry seedsprior to sowing. Underthe right conditions, thistreatment ensures near100 percent germination.

viability A measure ofwhether the seed is aliveand can germinate.

orthodox seedsSeeds that toleratedrying after seeddevelopment; canusually be stored foryears in this drystate. The majority of crop plants haveorthodox seeds.

recalcitrant seedsSeeds that do nottolerate drying afterseed development.They offer specialchallenges instorage becausethey are short-lived.

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2. Many tropical plants grown under conditions ofhigh temperature and humidity; these include suchplants as sugarcane, rubber, jackfruit, macadamia,avocado, loquat, citrus, many palms, litchi, mango,tea, choyote, cocoa, coffee, tung, and kola.

3. Many aquatic plants of the temperate zones, suchas wild rice (Zizania), pondweeds, arrowheads, andrushes.

4. Many tree nut and similar species with large fleshycotyledons, such as hickories and pecan (Carya),birch (Betula), hornbeam (Carpinus), hazel and fil-bert (Corylus), chestnut (Castanea), beech (Fagus),oak (Quercus), walnut (Juglans), and buckeye(Aesculus).

Orthodox SeedsThe majority of important crop plants are species withorthodox seeds. Orthodox seeds tolerate drying afterseed development and can be stored in a dry state (usu-ally 4 percent to 10 percent moisture) for extendedperiods of time. Species with orthodox seed behaviorvary in the length of time they tolerate storage.

Medium-Lived Seeds. Medium-lived seeds remainviable for periods of 2 or 3 up to perhaps 15 years, pro-viding that seeds are stored at low humidity and, prefer-ably, at low temperatures. Seeds of most conifers, fruittrees, and commercially grown vegetables, flowers, andgrains fall into this group. Crop species can be groupedaccording to the ability of seeds to survive under favor-able ambient storage conditions (Table 6–2). TheRelative Storability Index (78) indicates the storage timewhere 50 percent or more of seeds can be expected togerminate. Seed longevity will be considerably longerunder controlled low temperature and humidity storage.

Long-Lived Seeds. Many of the longest-lived seedshave hard seed coats that are impermeable to water.Plant families that produce seeds with hard seed coatsinclude the legume, geranium, and morning glory fam-ilies. If the hard seed coat remains undamaged, suchseeds can remain viable for at least 15 to 20 years. Themaximum life can be as long as 75 to 100 years andperhaps more. Records exist of seeds being kept inmuseum cupboards for 150 to 200 years while still


Crop Category 1 (1 to 2 yr) Category 2 (3 to 5 yr) Category 3 (>5 yr)

AgronomicBermuda grass Barley AlfalfaCotton KY Bluegrass CloverField corn Fescue Sugar beetMillet Oats VetchPeanut Rape seedSoybean RiceSunflower Wheat

VegetableGreen bean Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower BeetLettuce Cucumber TomatoOnion MelonPepper Pea

SpinachSweet corn

FlowerBegonia Alyssum HollyhockCoreopsis Carnation Morning gloryPansy Coleus SalpiglossisPrimrose Cyclamen Shasta daisyStatice Marigold StocksVinca Petunia Zinnia

a The relative storability index is the expected 50 percent germination in a seed lot stored under favorable ambient conditions. Storage lifewould be longer under controlled low temperature conditions.

Source: Adapted from Justice and Bass, 1979.

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retaining viability (115). There are a number of claimsof seeds from ancient tombs germinating after thou-sands of years. However, these lack definitive scientificsupport (115). Indian lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) seedsthat had been buried in a Manchurian peat bog wereoriginally estimated to be more than 1,000 years oldand germinated perfectly when the impermeable seedcoats were cracked (21). However, recent carbon-14dating of these and other lotus seeds estimate the age ofthese seeds to be only 100 to 430 years old (115)!

A systematic study was initiated by Beal in 1879 atMichigan State University to study long-term survivalof buried seed. This study is still ongoing, and in 1981(84) and 2001 (136), three species continued to showgermination after 100 and 120 years, respectively. Thesespecies were Malva rotundifolia, Verbascum blattaria,and Verbascum thapsus. Some weed seeds retain viabilityfor many years (50 to 70 years or more) while buried inthe soil, even though they have imbibed moisture (113).Longevity seems related to dormancy induced in theseeds by environmental conditions deep in the soil.

Storage Factors Affecting Seed GerminationAs seeds deteriorate, they:

1. first lose vigor,2. then the capacity for normal germination,3. and finally viability.

Storage conditions that reduce seed deteriorationare those that slow respiration and other metabolicprocesses without injuring the embryo. The mostimportant conditions are low moisture content of theseed, low storage temperature, and modification of thestorage atmosphere. Of these, the moisture-temperaturerelationships have the most practical significance.Harrington (64) introduced a “rule of thumb” that indi-cated that seeds lose half their storage life for every1 percent increase in seed moisture between 5 percentand 14 percent. Also, seeds lose half their storage life forevery 5°C increase in storage temperature between0 and 50°C. This is, of course, a generalized theory thatvaries between species. More accurate mathematicalmodels have been developed to predict seed longevity atvarious temperature and moisture contents (43).

The most important factors impacting extendedseed longevity in storage are seed moisture content andstorage temperature.

Moisture Content Control of seed moisture contentis probably the most important factor in seed longevityand storage. Most crop species have orthodox seeds

where dehydration is their natural state at maturity.These seeds are best stored at a non-fluctuating lowmoisture content (43).

Seeds of orthodox species are desiccation-tolerantand, for most, 4 percent to 6 percent moisture content isfavorable for prolonged storage (33), although a some-what higher moisture level is allowable if the temperatureis reduced (138). For example, for tomato seed stored at4.5 to 10°C (40 to 50° F), the percent moisture contentshould be no more than 13 percent; if 21°C (70°F),11 percent; and if 26.5°C (80°F), 9 percent.

Various storage problems arise with increasingseed moisture (64). At 8 percent or 9 percent or more,insects are active and reproduce; above 12 percent to14 percent, fungi are active; above 18 percent to 20 per-cent, heating may occur due to seed respiration; andabove 40 percent to 60 percent, germination occurs.

If the moisture content of the seed is too low (1 percent to 2 percent), loss in viability and reducedgermination rate can occur in some kinds of seeds (17).For seeds stored at these low moisture levels, it wouldbe best to rehydrate with saturated water vapor to avoidinjury to seed (104). Moisture in seeds is in equilib-rium with the relative humidity of the air in storagecontainers, and increases if the relative humidityincreases and decreases if it is reduced (64). Thus, mois-ture percentage varies with the kind of storage reserveswithin the seed (13, 14). Longevity of seed is best if storedat 20 percent to 25 percent relative humidity (115).

Since fluctuations in seed moisture during storagereduce seed longevity (15), the ability to store seedsexposed to the open atmosphere varies greatly in differ-ent climatic areas. Dry climates are conducive toincreased longevity; areas with high relative humidityresult in shorter seed life. Seed viability is particularlydifficult to maintain in open storage in tropical areas.

Storage in hermetically sealed, moisture-resistantcontainers is advantageous for long storage, but seedmoisture content must be low at the time of sealing(16). Seed moisture content of 10 percent to 12 per-cent (in contrast to 4 percent to 6 percent) in a sealedcontainer is worse than storage in an unsealed con-tainer (33, 115).

Recalcitrant seeds owe their short life primarily totheir sensitivity to low moisture content. For instance,in silver maple (Acer saccharinum), seed moisture con-tent was 58 percent in the spring when fruits werereleased from the tree. Viability was lost when moisturecontent dropped below 30 percent to 34 percent (76).Citrus seeds can withstand only slight drying (15)without loss of viability. The same is true for seeds ofsome water plants, such as wild rice, which can be

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stored directly in water at low temperature (102). Thelarge fleshy seeds of oaks (Quercus), hickories (Carya),and walnut (Juglans) lose viability if allowed to dry afterripening (119).

Viability of recalcitrant seeds of the temperatezone can be preserved for a period of time if kept in amoist environment and the temperature is lowered(21). Under these conditions many kinds of seeds canbe kept for a year or more. Seeds of some tropicalspecies (e.g., cacao, coffee), however, show chillinginjury below 10°C (50°F).

Temperature Reduced temperature invariably length-ens the storage life of seeds and, in general, can offset theadverse effect of a high moisture content. Subfreezingtemperatures, at least down to –18°C (0°F), will increasestorage life of most kinds of seeds, but moisture contentshould not be high enough to allow the free water in theseeds to freeze and cause injury (115). Refrigerated stor-age should be combined with dehumidification or withsealing dried seeds in moisture-proof containers.

Cryopreservation. Survival of seeds exposed toultralow temperatures(cryopreservation) hasbeen known since 1879(25). There is renewedinterest in storage ofseeds by cryopreser-vation because it is

potentially a cost-effective way to preserve germplasmfor long periods of time with minimal loss of geneticinformation due to chromosomal mutations thataccompany seed deterioration (124). Seeds are cryop-reserved by immersion and storage in liquid nitrogenat –196°C (Fig. 6–34). Seed moisture must be low forsurvival, and gradual cooling and warming rates limitdamage to the seed like cracks in the seed coat (115).

Cryopreservation of seeds has not replaced stan-dard long-term storage at –18°C because long-termeffects on seed survival have yet to be determined(142). However, numerous species have been storedfor short periods of time in liquid nitrogen with prom-ising results (123, 125). Research is continuing, espe-cially at the National Seed Storage Lab (see GettingMore In Depth on the Subject box on conservinggenetic resources) to make cryopreservation an impor-tant tool for seed preservation. Cryopreservation tech-nology is also being applied to other tissue like pollenand dormant buds for possible preservation ofgermplasm (9, 81).

Types of Seed StorageAlthough optimal seed storage conditions are cold tem-perature and low relative humidity, it is not always pos-sible to maintain these conditions for commercial seedlots because of economic reasons. Typical conditionsfor commercial storage listed from least to most expen-sive include: (Fig. 6–35)


(a) (c)

Figure 6–34Germplasm storage. (a) Movable storage cabinetsfor seed storage. (b and c)Seed storage in liquid-nitrogen–filled dewers.

cryopreservation Thestorage of seeds orvegetative organs at anultralow temperature.This is usually in liquidnitrogen at –196°C.

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(d) (e)

(b)(a) (c)

Figure 6–35Various seed storage methods. (a) Small, high value seeds in plasticcontainers. (b) Vegetable seeds storedin sealed cans. (c) Large-seededvegetables in bulk storage in waxedboxes. (d) Conditioned storage for cropseeds. (e) Refrigerator storage forflower seeds.



Crop cultivars produced for food, fiber, and ornamentalsrepresent only a small proportion of the worldwide genepool that could have economic benefit in the future. Thisis a genetic resource that is most easily and economicallypreserved by storing seed from diverse populations ofcrop plants. Facilities that provide long-term storage ofseeds or other plant parts are called “gene banks” (108).

The International Board for Plant Genetic Resources(72) was established in 1974 to promote an internationalnetwork of gene banks to conserve genetic resourcesmainly by storing seeds for the long term. (62). Thisorganization provides handbooks and describes the crite-ria for facilities that store seed germplasm (41, 42, 62).Facilities are described for either long-term or medium-term storage. Long-term storage facilities provide anenvironment and testing regime to maintain seed viabilityand plant recovery for from 10 to more than 20 years.Medium-term storage facilities are designed to preserveseeds for 5 to 10 years before having to regrow the cropto produce fresh seed. In 1984, more than 100 storage

facilities (55 with long-term storage) had been estab-lished worldwide (62).

The major facility in the United States for preservinggermplasm resources is the National Seed StorageLaboratory, established in 1958 on the Colorado StateUniversity campus (115, 141). Seeds are actively acquiredfrom public agencies, seed companies, and individualsengaged in plant breeding or seed research. Descriptivematerial is recorded for each new accession on theGermplasm Resources Information Network. Seed samplesare tested for viability, dried to approximately 6 percentmoisture, and stored at –18°C (0°F) in moisture-proof bags.Seed lot sizes vary for storage from between 3,000 to 4,000seeds for cross-pollinated species and 1,500 to 3,000 seedsfor pure lines. Seed lots are tested every 5 or 10 years forgermination. Seeds can be made available to breeders andresearchers on request. This facility also conducts seed stor-age research and is one of the leading centers for researchon cryopreservation of seeds. Information on germplasmcan be obtained online at

1. Open storage without humidity or temperaturecontrol

2. Storage in sealed containers with or without tem-perature control

3. Conditioned storage with humidity and tempera-ture control

Open Storage without Humidity or TemperatureControl Many kinds of orthodox seeds need to bestored only from harvest until the next planting season.Under these conditions, seed longevity depends on therelative humidity and temperature of the storage atmos-phere, the kind of seed, and its condition at the beginning

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of storage. Basic features (78) of the storage structuresinclude (a) protection from water, (b) avoidance of mix-ture with other seeds or exposure to herbicides, and (c) protection from rodents, insects, fungi, and fire.Retention of viability varies with the climatic factors ofthe area in which storage occurs. Poorest conditions arefound in warm, humid climates; best storage conditionsoccur in dry, cold regions. Fumigation or insecticidaltreatments may be necessary to control insect infestations.

Open storage can be used for many kinds of com-mercial seeds for at least a year (i.e., to hold seeds fromone season to the next). Seeds of many species, includ-ing most agricultural, vegetable, and flower seeds, willretain viability for longer periods up to 4 to 5 years (17,78), except under the most adverse conditions.

Sealed Containers Packaging dry seeds in hermeticallysealed, moisture-proof containers is an importantmethod of handling and/or merchandising seeds.Containers made of different materials vary in durabilityand strength, cost, protective capacity against rodentsand insects, and ability to retain or transmit moisture.Those completely resistant to moisture transmissioninclude tin or aluminum cans (if properly sealed), her-metically sealed glass jars, and aluminum pouches.Those almost as good (80 percent to 90 percent effec-tive) are polyethylene (3 mil or thicker) and various typesof aluminum-laminated paper bags. Somewhat lessdesirable, in regard to moisture transmission, are asphaltand polyethylene-laminated paper bags and friction-toptin cans. Paper and cloth bags give no protection againstmoisture change (46). Small quantities of seeds can bestored satisfactorily in small moisture-proof containerslike mason jars or plastic food containers.

Seed may be protected against moisture uptakeby mixing with a desiccant (32, 78). A useful desiccantis silica gel treated with cobalt chloride. Silica gel (onepart to ten parts seed, by weight) can absorb water upto 40 percent of its weight. Cobalt chloride turns fromblue to pink at 45 percent RH and can act as a usefulindicator of excess moisture. Seeds should not be storedin contact with the desiccant. Seeds in sealed containersare more sensitive to excess moisture than when sub-jected to fluctuating moisture content in open storage.Seed moisture content of 5 percent to 8 percent or lessis desirable, depending on the species.

Conditioned Storage Conditioned storage includesuse of dehumidified and/or refrigerated facilities toreduce temperature and relative humidity (115). Suchfacilities are expensive but are justified where particu-larly valuable commercial seeds are stored. It is also jus-tified for research, breeding stocks, and germplasm.

Also in some climatic areas, such as in the highlyhumid tropics, orthodox seeds cannot be maintainedfrom one harvest season to the next planting season.

Cold storage of tree and shrub seed used in nurs-ery production is generally advisable if the seeds are tobe held for longer than 1 year (68, 119). Seed storage isuseful in forestry because of the uncertainty of goodseed-crop years. Seeds of many species are best storedunder cold, dry conditions (149). Ambient relativehumidity in conditioned storage should not be higherthan 65 percent to 75 percent RH (for fungus control)and no lower than 20 percent to 25 percent.

It is important to control humidity in refrigeratedstorage since the relative humidity increases with adecrease in temperature and moisture will condense onthe seed. At 15°C (59°F), this equilibrium moisturemay be too high for proper seed storage. Although theseed moisture content may not be harmful at those lowtemperatures, rapid deterioration will occur when theseeds are removed from storage and returned to ambi-ent uncontrolled temperatures. Consequently, refriger-ation should be combined with dehumidification orsealing in moisture-proof containers (64).

Low humidity in storage can be obtained byjudicious ventilation, moisture proofing, and dehumid-ification as well as by the use of sealed moisturecontainers, or the use of desiccants, as described previ-ously. Dehumidifiers utilize desiccants (silica gel) orsaturated salt solutions. The most effective storage is todry seeds to 3 percent to 8 percent moisture, place insealed containers, and store at temperatures of 1 to 5°C(41°F). Below-freezing temperatures can be even moreeffective if the value of the seed justifies the cost.

Moist, Cool Storage for Recalcitrant Seeds. Manyrecalcitrant seeds that cannot be dried can be mixedwith a moisture-retaining medium, placed in a polyeth-ylene bag or other container, and refrigerated at 0 to10°C (32 to 50°F). The relative humidity in storageshould be 80 percent to 90 percent. Examples ofspecies whose seeds require this storage treatment aresilver maple (Acer saccharinum), buckeye (Aesculusspp.), American hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana),hickory (Carya spp.), chestnut (Castanea spp.), filbert(Corylus spp.), citrus (Citrus spp.), loquat (Eriobotryajaponica), beech (Fagus spp.), walnut (Juglans spp.),litchi, tupelo (Nyssa silvatica), avocado (Persea spp.),pawpaw (Asimina triloba), and oak (Quercus spp.). Theprocedure is similar to moist-chilling (stratification).Acorns and large nuts may be dipped in paraffin orsprayed with latex paint before storage to preserve theirmoisture content (69).

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By far, more plants are propagated from seed for theproduction of food, fiber, and for ornamental use thanany other propagation method. There are more recentadvancements in techniques related to seed germina-tion than any other area of plant propagation. It hasbecome standard to purchase seeds treated with a pre-sowing treatment for vegetable and flower production.As examples, most pansy seed are primed to avoid ther-modormancy for summer sowing. Lettuce seed is com-monly pelleted to facilitate mechanical sowing, as aremany flower seeds. Newer techniques (like pregermina-tion) also must be evaluated by growers and maybecome important in the future. Seed quality and han-dling makes a large contribution to the productionpractices discussed in Chapter 8.

1. Contrast seed viability vs. vigor. How do thesecharacteristics of seeds affect different horticulturecrop production?

2. Standard germination is the number of normalseedlings produced in a seed lot. How does thiscompare to radicle emergence as a measure ofviability?

3. Discuss disease protection of seeds by chemical vs.biological materials such as using the fungusTrichoderma.

4. What are the advantages of pelleted and film-coated seed?

5. Compare seed storage of orthodox vs. recalcitrantseeds.

6. Discuss strategies to conserve genetic resources.

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