kerygma english

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of kerygma english


You are a child of God.

God loves you personally.

Unconditionally- as you are.

Without limits.

Then Why does man not experience this wonderful immense love????

MAN HAS SINNEDAND IS SEPARATEDFor all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. Rom3:23

Sin has separated man from God.By sin man has chosen to stay away from God.The wages of Sin is death.Rom6:23

All the efforts of man are futile because

sinful man cannot reach Him through

any amount of prayers or good deeds.

What is the solution?

Who can reach God?

Through Through JESUS JESUS

God offers SalvationGod offers Salvation Jesus who is without sin is one with the father.He takes on the sins of man to free man from sin and its consequences.


Confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and you will be saved.

(Rom 10:9)

Repent and believe so that you may be saved.Surrender your life to receive the Holy Spirit

You shall receive the promised You shall receive the promised helper- the Holy Spirithelper- the Holy Spirit

When you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour you receive power through the Holy Spirit.

He strengthens you to live a life of discipleship, making Jesus the source and centre of life.

You are now part of a believers FELLOWSHIP

A person who has received the Holy Spirit joins hands with other believers to become a new family.