Kern River Courier December 27, 2013

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Kern River Courier December 27, 2013

Transcript of Kern River Courier December 27, 2013

Monday 6 p.m.Storage, IsabellaReservoir57,653 acre-feet2013 Reservoir peak106,783 acre-feet

Pool maximum568,075 acre-feet

Pool safety limit360,000 acre-feet

Upper KernInflow 142 cfs*Lower KernOutflow 32 cfsBorel Canal Outflow 0 cfs (stopped)

Data from U.S. ArmyCorps of Engineers

cfs=cubic feet per second1 cu.ft. = 7.48 U.S. gallons1 ac.ft.= 325,851 U.S. gal.*(5-hr average Kernville)




p e o p l e > d i n i n g > l o d g i n g > a d v e n t u r e > h i s t o r y > n a t u r e > f u n & g a m e s > t h i n g s y o u c a n d o & u s e > > >

K E R N R I V E RK E R N R I V E Rourier

kern riverwater data:


Plan for theweek aheadusing the CourierCalendar.

Friday high 66°Mostly sunny

Friday low 40°Partly cloudy

Saturday high 64°Partly sunny

Saturday low 39°Partly cloudy

Sunday high 62°Mostly sunny

Sunday low 39°Partly cloudyNational Weather Service


Join in the fun & gameson the Courierpuzzle pages.

Friday, December 27, 2013 Serving the Kern River & Isabella Lake Communities Vol. 10 No. 47

6Bodfish Bobserves uppancake recipeshotoff the griddle.

10Buy, sell &trade in theCourierMarketplace.

5The ForestService offersadvice aboutplaying in thesnow.

Kern River CourierP.O. Box 1145Wofford Heights, CA 93285

Out ofthe ashes -Christin Quinn,owner TonyTalbot andLeAnneShadboltstand out frontof the newRiversideOne Stop at100800 KernvilleRoad inKernville.

MichaelBatelaanKern RiverCourier

Michael BatelaanCourier Just In

The signs are beinghung and stocking isbeing done with care,in hopes that the re-opening soon will bethere. Riverside OneStop owner TonyTalbot is working to re-open his popular ‘OneStop’ before a yearpasses since the earlymorning New Year'sfire that closed thebusiness last year.

The new buildinghas new ceramic tilefloors, skylights, wideraisles, and higher ceil-ings. The store willopen 200 sq feet largerthan it was beforewhich many may notnotice, because most ofit is in the new accessi-ble restrooms. Talbot is thankful howthe Valley and returnvisitors have support-ed him during hisbuilding process.

Talbot is planning a"soft" opening, possi-bly as early as today,Dec. 27 but hoping forsure to be open NewYear's Eve and day.

"As soon as we can,we will open," he said.

Talbot is pleasedthat three employeesare returning alongwith one fresh face.

The Building Dept.,Fire Dept. and Envi-ronmental Health haveall signed off on thestore. Fuel has beendelivered, and the EPAand EnvironmentalHealth need to sign offon the pumps.

Talbot is waiting forthe rest of the stock.Gift and souvenir itemswill take a little longerto see. But Talbot said,"The ice cream, beerand fishing supplieshave already beenstocked. What else doyou need?"










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FREEouriery o u r d e s t i n a t i o n f o r a l l t h i n g s > n e w s > a n n o u n c e m e n t s > v i e w s > e v e n t s > c o l u m n s > > >


See 2013, page 12


Year in reviewMichael BatelaanCourier Spotlight

Good or bad 2013 hascome to a close. Here is areview of Courier topstories of the year.

Jan■ On Friday,January 4, an arrest wasmade in connection withthe investigation of astructure fire at theRiverside One Stop con-venience store and gasstation in Kernville. Thefire occurred on NewYear's Day. Owner TonyTalbott hoped to be openfor summer, after miss-ing last year's WhiskeyFlat Days, but it was notto be.

■ On January 3 MickGleason was sworn intooffice as Kern CountyFirst District Supervisorin Bakersfield, replacingJon McQuiston.■ Rex Emerson andGerald Wenstrandshared the title of KernRiver Valley Chamber'sMan of the Year and CJBundy was namedWoman of the Year at theChamber's January hon-orary dinner.■ Valley residents partic-ipated in making plansfor "Walkable Kernville,"a sidewalk improvement

project paid by grantfunds.

Feb■ Teetotalin'Tony and Sharp Shootin'Jami announced theirschedules in preparationfor Whiskey Flat Days inKernville February 15through 18. ■ Rankin Ranch cele-brated at home on therange 150 years.

Mar■ Glen Makiof Wofford Heightsearned the top prize inthe National ParkFoundation's 2011 Sharethe Experience photocontest. His winningphoto will grace the2013 Federal

RecreationalLands Pass dis-tributed tonearly 500,000people. ■ CorporateAmerica cameto the KernRiver Valley,but it was awelcome sightto the KernValley's econo-my conscience,in the opening

of Family Dollar in LakeIsabella. The growingFortune 500 Companyjoined the nationalchains Von's and RiteAidin the Kern Valley Plazain Lake Isabella.

Apr■ Cerro CosoCommunity Collegeannounced the appoint-ment of Lisa Stephens tothe position of CampusManager for the KernRiver Valley campus.■ Kern Valley HighSchool Principal JohnMeyers announced thatthe popular and success-

ful Education in Careersin Health Occupationsprogram will end thisyear.■ The Bureau of LandManagement, U.S.Forest Service, Tule RiverReservation FireDepartment and KernCounty Fire Departmentannounced an "Inter-agency Declaration forthe 2013 Wildland FireSeason" on April 29.

May■ The KernCounty Department ofHuman Services present-ed its 2013 JobFest. TheLake Isabella JobFesttook place on May 15 atthe Lake Isabella SeniorCenter.■ The Kern ValleyHospital Foundation,partnering with LibertyAmbulance presentedthe Spring Health Faireon May 21 at the KernValley Hospital. Therewere over 50 booths, freehealth tips, free or lowcost health screenings,and healthy snacks.

Jun■ Alta SierraBroadcasting and StateFarm Gary Charlonteamed up to sponsor"Rock the Lake," a musi-cal day of food, family,fun, and faith on June 1.

First District Supervisor Mick Gleason

Businesslost to fireto openagain

The event was free to allat Mountain Mesa ParkBall Field. ■ Kern River Valley resi-dents no longer have theluxury of going to courtin Lake Isabella. The KernRiver Branch Court wasclosed effective June 10.

Jul■ Kern CountySupervisor Mick Gleasonpartnered withKernStopMethNow andTV 17 to sponsor a com-munity dinner and guestspeaker on July 6 atRiverside Park inKernville. "Recovery IsPossible" was a two hourevent featuring guestspeaker Nic Sheff, authorand recovering addict.■ The 2013 fireworksextravaganza ignitedover Isabella Lake on July6. Sponsored by the KernRiver Valley Chamber ofCommerce, hundreds offireworks lit up the sky.

Aug■ The KernValley mourned the pass-ing of Smitty Glass onAugust 1. 2012 Woman

of the Year and" v o l u n t e e re x t r a o r d i -naire," Glasswas known tomost and vol-unteered foreverything.■ The KernRiver ValleyEducation andC u l t u r a lF o u n d a t i o nbrought Fridayevening per-

formances to RiversidePark in Kernville free tothe public. The musicalstyles varied each week. ■ The Kernville Union

“Rock the Lake” Concert


Published Fridays

Spotlighting the best of the Kern River Valley

Publisher Michael Batelaan

Editors, Writers Michael Batelaan Pam Stewart

ColumnistsBodfish Bob Jack DuitsmanMatt Freeman Mike MencariniRod Middleworth Dave RamseyDan Schlensker Harry Thal

PhotographersMichael Batelaan

Ad ProductionMichael Batelaan

Advertising SalesRobert Bowman Valerie MinouxSara WakemanBusiness OfficeSara Wakeman

DistributionRon BensonWebmasterMike LudikerAdvertising policiesPublisher reserves the right to reject or can-cel any advertising at any time without cause.Cancellations or rejection shall not precludepayment on similar advertising previouslyrun. The Kern River Courier is not liable forerrors or omissions in copy or an advertise-ment beyond the cost of the actual spaceoccupied by the error. Publisher reserves theright to place the words “advertisement” or“paid content” on any advertisement or copythat appears to resemble editorial matter.

Submission policiesEditorial and photo submissions are welcomeand will run at the discretion of the editors.Submissions will only be returned whenaccompanied by a self-addressed stampedenvelope. The editors reserve the right to editand publish all submissions both in print andInternet online publications. The entire con-tents of the Kern River Courier are copyright© 2013. Reproduction in whole or in part ofprint and Internet online publications is pro-hibited without prior written consent. Allrights reserved.

Letters policiesLetters to the Editor are run when space per-mits. They are meant as an open forum forexpression. Letters to the editor that are orig-inal, not previously published, pertaining tolocal issues and events or those that affectour area are encouraged. Please includeyour real name, address and phone numberfor verification. Pen names or incompletenames are not allowed. The views expressedin the letters to the editor within this paperand Internet online publications are not nec-essarily the views of this paper, nor those ofthe staff. The Kern River Courier reserves theright to exclude any letter to the editor, or editits contents for length and prevention of libel,or for other reasons as seen fit by the publish-er. Letters should not exceed 250 words.

All submissionsAdvertising, editorial, letters, photographyand the entire content of Kern River Courierpublications are subject to publish both inprint and Internet online publications.

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Website:www.kernrivercourier.comThe Kern River Courier also publishes:

Whiskey Flat Claim Jumper Kern AnglerGreen Living

© 2013 Kern River Courier. All Rights Reserved.

ourierC K E R N R I V E R

Page 2 Kern River Courier Friday, December 27, 2013

CalendarCourier■ Lakeshore Farmers MarketClosed December 28This market is hosted by the Kern ValleyGrowers Association is closed this week.

■ Nuui Cunni Farmers MarketDecember 28The Kern River Paiute Council Nuui Cunni

December s m t w t f s s m t w t f s s m t w t f s s m t w t f s s m t

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

“It’s what the valley reads”

Regular activitiesFridays■ 6 a.m. - 1 p.m., M - F, Senior Nutrition, SeniorCenter, Lake Isabella. 760-379-5831.■ 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.,TOPS #2293 weight lossgroup, Veterans Hall, Lake Isabella. 760-417-2272.■ 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Alzheimers Respite Group,Veterans Hall, Lake Isabella. 661-393-8871.■ 9:30 - 11:30 a.m., TOPS weight loss group,Mt.View Church, Lake Isabella. 760-378-3935.■ 11 a.m.- 3 p.m., Bingo and lunch at Eagles,open to public, Mt. Mesa. 760-379-3394■ 12 - 1 p.m., AA, Senior Center, Lake Isabella.760-379-4112.■ 1 p.m., Happy Hookers crochet club, SeniorCenter, Lake Isabella. 760-379-6335.■ 5 p.m. (1st Fri.) Kern Valley Cruisers and HotRods, Sierra Vista Restaurant, Weldon.■ 6 p.m. (2nd Fri.), Kernville Baptist Churchgame night. Next to Pizza Barn. 760-223-1036.■ 7 p.m. Alano Club, AA 12x12 study, 4030Perdue, Lake Isabella.■ 7 - 8 p.m., AA, Kernville Chamber of Commerce,11447 Kernville Rd.,760-379-4112 or 760-417-9701

Saturdays■ 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., Farmer’s Market, Nuui CunniCenter, French Gulch. 760-549-0800 ■ 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Farmer’s Market, LakeshoreLodge, Wofford Heights.■ 9 a.m., Yoga Practice Group, KernvilleMethodist Church. 909-753-9043.■ 3 p.m. (1st Sat.), Havilah Historical Society,Havilah Schoolhouse. 760-379-2636.■ 1 p.m. Darts, 3 p.m. Poker Pool 3p.m., Dinner 5-7p.m. Eagles Lodge, open to public, Mt. Mesa. 760-379-3394■ 7 - 10 p.m. (1st Sat.), Dam Dancers squaredancing, Senior Center, Lake Isabella.■ 9:30 a.m. (1st Sat.), Aglow Int’l, Senior Center,Lake Isabella. Barbara,760-378-3672 or Geraldine,559-359-8953.■ 2 p.m., Discussion. 7:30 - 9 p.m., 6 p.m. PotLuck, 7 p.m. Speaker (3rd Sat.), AA - KR HealthCenter, 67 Evans Rd., Wofford Hts. 760-379-4112or 760-417-9701■ 2 p.m. Alano Club, AA discusion, 4030 Perdue,Lake Isabella.■ 6 p.m. (3rd Sat.) Alano Club, AA speaker, 4030Perdue, Lake Isabella.

Sundays■ 9 a.m. to noon - VFW Breakfast, public wel-come. 2811 Nugget, Lake Isabella. 760-379-3877.■ 9 a.m. to noon, Breakfast at Eagles, public.welcome. Highway 178, Mt. Mesa. 760-379-3394.■ 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. (2nd Sun.), AA, Paradise CoveRestaurant, Hwy 178, Lake Isabella. Breakfast 10a.m. / Speaker 11 a.m. 760-379-4112.■ 2 - 3:30 p.m., AA - KR Health Center, 67 EvansRd., Wofford Hts. 760-379-4112 or 760-417-9701

Mondays■ 6 a.m. - 1 p.m., M - F, Senior Nutrition, SeniorCenter, Lake Isabella. 760-379-5831.■ 10 a.m., Exercise Class, Lakeridge MobileHome Pk. Clubhouse, Lake Isabella. 760-379-3206.■ 2 - 3 p.m., Grief Support Group, HoffmannHospice 040-D Lake Isabella Blvd. 661-410-1010.■ 12 - 1 p.m., AA, Senior Center,Lake Isabella.760-379-7318 or 760-379-7312.■ 1 p.m. (3rd Mon.), Kern Valley Democratic Club,Lakeridge Mobile Home Pk. Clubhouse, Lake Isabella.■ 1 p.m., Line dance classes, Senior Center, LakeIsabella. 760-379-0043.■ 3 p.m. (2nd Mon.-Board/4th Mon.-Member ship),Kernville Chamber. 760-376-2629.■ 6 - 9 p.m., KRV Comm. Orchestra, Cerro CosoCollege, Lake Isabella. 760-376-4461.■ 6:30 - 8 p.m., Boy Scout Troup 690, 1st BaptistChurch, Lake Isabella. 760-812-7082.■ 6 p.m. (3rd Mon.), KRV Art Assoc., SeniorCenter, Lake Isabella. 760-379-2844.■ 6 - 7 p.m., AA, Mtn. View Baptish Church, 2959Erskine Creek Rd., Lake Isabella. 760-379-7318 or760-379-7312.■ 7:30 - 9 p.m., AA, Grace Chapel, 12308 Mtn.Mesa Rd., Mtn. Mesa. 760-379-7318 or 760-379-7312.■ 7:30 a.m., Al-Anon, KRV Hospital cafeteria, Mt.Mesa. 760-417-0199 or 760-379-7312

Tuesdays■ 6 a.m. - 1 p.m., M - F, Senior Nutrition, SeniorCenter, Lake Isabella. 760-379-5831.■ 9 a.m., Yoga Practice Group, KernvilleMethodist Church. 909-753-9043.■ 9:30 - 11:30a.m., Me & My Friends children’splaygroup, 1st Baptist Church, Lake Isabella. 760-379-2556.■ 10 a.m. (2nd Tue.), Kern Valley Garden Group.760-379-1129.■ 10 a.m. - noon Kern County Department ofPublic Health Immunization Clinic 7050 LakeIsabella Blvd, Lake Isabella. 877-818-4787■ 10:30a.m., Armour of God NarcoticsAnonymous, College Community Services, 2731Nuggett Ave., Lake Isabella.■ 2 p.m. (2nd Tue.), KRV Cemetery District.Public invited. 760-376-2189.

■ 6 p.m. (2nd Tue.), Lake Isabella-BodfishProperty Owners, Senior Center, Lake Isabella(760) 760-379-5552.■ 6:30 p.m., (2nd Tue.) Epilepsy Support Group,Bakersfield. 760-376-1606 or 760-258-5272.■ 7 p.m. (3rd Tue.), Fish & Game Habitat Club,Senior Center, Lake Isabella. 760-379-9114 ■ 7 p.m., (4th Tue.), KRV Historical Society,Senior Center, Lake Isabella.■ 7 - 8:30 p.m., AA, KR Health Center, 67 EvansRd., Wofford Hts. 760-379-4112 or 760-417-9701■ 7 - 8:30 p.m., AA - Weldon Methodist Church,20021 Hwy. 178, Weldon. 760-379-4112

Wednesdays■ 6 a.m. - 1 p.m., M - F, Senior Nutrition, SeniorCenter, Lake Isabella. 760-379-5831.■ 9 -11:30 a.m. (1st & 3rd Wed.), Dam Quilters,senior apts. behind Vons, Lake Isabella. 760-379-9921.■ 9:30 a.m., TOPS weight loss group, SeniorCenter, Lake Isabella. 661-867-2579.■ 9:30 - 11:30 a.m., Me & My Friends children’splaygroup, Kernville Methodist, 760-379-2556.■ 10:30a.m., Armour of God NarcoticsAnonymous, College Community Services, 2731Nuggett Ave., Lake Isabella.■ Noon (2nd Wed.) KRV Chamber of Commercemeeting, Moose Lodge, Lake Isabella. 760-379-5236.■ Noon, Eagles Lunch/Shuffleboard, open topublic, Mt. Mesa. 760-379-3394.■ 12 - 1:30 p.m., AA - Women’s Serenity Circle,Mtn. View Baptist Church, 2959 Erskine Creek Rd.,Lake Isabella. 760-379-7318 or 760-379-7312.■ 12:30 p.m., Bridge Club, Eagles Lodge, Mt.Mesa. 760-376-3138.■ 1:30 - 3 p.m., Grief Support Group, OptimalHospice, 6504-E Lake Isabella Blvd.■ 6 p.m. (1st Wed.), American Legion RidersVFW, 2811 Nugget, Lake Isabella.■ 6 p.m. (3rd Wed.), American Legion, SeniorCenter Veterans Rm. Lake Isabella. 760-379-5086.■ 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m., Senior Dance, SeniorCenter, Lake Isabella. Live band.■ 7 p.m. Alano Club, AA, 4030 Perdue, LakeIsabella. 760-379-7318 or 760-379-7312.■ 7 - 8:30 p.m., AA, KR Health Center, 67 EvansRd. Wofford Hts., 760-379-7318 or 760-379-7312.■ 7 p.m., Elks Lodge, Wofford Blvd., Wofford Hts.■ 7 p.m., Al-Anon, Christ's Fellowship Church,Wofford Hts.. 760-417-0199 or 760-379-7312

Thursdays■ 6 a.m. - 1 p.m., M - F, Senior Nutrition, SeniorCenter, Lake Isabella. 760-379-5831.■ 9 a.m., Yoga Practice Group, KernvilleMethodist Church. 909-753-9043.■ 9 a.m. - noon, Thursday Painters, SeniorCenter, Lake Isabella. 760-379-5329.■ 9:30 a.m., (3rd Thu.), Fire Safe Council,Supervisor’s office, County Bldg., Lake Isabella.■ 10:30a.m., Armour of God NarcoticsAnonymous, College Community Services, 2731Nuggett Ave., Lake Isabella.■ 11:45 a.m. (4th Thu.), KRV Women’s Clubmeeting, Elks Lodge.■ Noon, Exchange Club, Paradise Cove.■ 1 p.m., (2nd Thu.), Clan Diggers, Lake IsabellaLibrary. 760-379-2303.■ 5 - 7 p.m., TANF Cultural Night, French GulchCampground.■ 3:30 - 5 p.m. (4th Thu.), Kern River ValleyCollaborative, Veterans Hall, Rm. 1., LakeIsabella. 760-379-2556, ext. 601.■ 5 - 7 p.m., VFW Taco Thursday, open to public.760-379-3877.■ 4-6 p.m. (3rd Thu.), Republican Assembly ofthe Kern River Valley, Moose Lodge, LakeIsabella. 760-376-1462 or 760-379-0673..■ 6 p.m., Rotary Club, KRV Elks Lodge, WoffordHeights. 760-376-2844.■ 6 p.m., Weight Watchers, Lake Ridge MobileHome Park Club House, Lake Isabella. Weigh-in5:30 p.m.■ 7 p.m. Alano Club, NA book study, 4030Perdue, Lake Isabella.■ 7 p.m. (45h Thurs.) KRV Gun Assc. Jan - Oct.Kernville Chamber,■ 6:30 p.m., Sweet Adelines, Senior Center, LakeIsabella. New members welcome.■ 7 p.m., (3rd Thu.), Kern Valley AstronomyClub, Museum, Kernville. 760-376-1291.■ 7 - 8:30 p.m., AA, Senior Center, 6405 LakeIsabella Blvd., Lake Isabella. 760-379-4112.

Bingo Guide■ Saturday, noon, South Fork Women’s Club,Fay Ranch Road., Weldon■ Sunday, 11 a.m., Moose Lodge, Lake IsabellaBlvd., Lake Isabella.■ Wednesday, 1 p.m., Senior Center, LakeIsabella Blvd., Lake Isabella.■ Thursday, Early Bird 12:15 p.m., Regular 1 p.m.,St. Jude Catholic Church, Hwy. 155 & Nellie DentDr., Wofford Hts.

This information is submitted to theCourier by the groups listed. Please call thephone numbers provided to check meetingtimes and location .

Farmers Market is held every Saturday from9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 2600 Highway 155 in LakeIsabella. For more information contact 760-549-0800.

■ Veterans of Foreign Wars breakfastDecember 29

Have breakfast from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sundayat the Kern River Valley VFW Post 7665Hall, 2811 Nugget Ave. (behindMcDonald's), Lake Isabella. For informationcall 760-379-3877.

■ Prayer breakfastJanuary 2The Salvation Army, Lake Isabella ServiceExtension invites you to join us at ourmonthly Prayer Breakfast. Each month TheSalvation Army holds an prayer session andbreakfast at Los Palomos MexicanRestaurant in Bodfish. The next PrayerBreakfast is Thursday, Jan. 2, at 7 a.m. Formore information call The Salvation Armyat 760-379-4600.

■ Whiskey Flat planning meetingJanuary 6Get involved and help plan the 2014Whiskey Flat Days events at the KernvilleChamber office at 5 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 6.Call the Chamber at 760-376-2629 for moreinformation.

■ Broncs Soccer @Mira MonteJanuary 7KVKHS plays Mira Monte, there. Girls playat 4:30 and boys play at 5:30 p.m.

■ Free movie matineeJanuary 12Come see the movie, “Seabiscuit,” a story ofthree men: a jockey, a trainer and a busi-nessman, and the undersized racehorsewho took the nation for the ride of a lifetimeon Sunday, Jan. 12 at 3 p.m. at KernvilleUnited Methodist Church, corner of BigBlue and Sirretta.

■ Library book saleJanuary 8 through 11Friends of the Library used book sale in theconference room at the Kern River ValleyBranch in Lake Isabella. Members only pre-sale - Wednesday, January 8 from 4 to 6p.m. 2014 Memberships can be purchasedat the door for the annual fee of $10. Opento the public on Thursday January 9 from 11a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday, January 10 from 9a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturday, January 11from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Great selection ofbooks at very reasonable prices.

■ Broncs basketball @McFarlandJanuary 8KV plays McFarland, there. Women play at3 and men play at 4 p.m.

■ Broncs wrestling @BishopJanuary 8KV wrestles Bishop, at home. 5 p.m.

■ Broncs basketball @Kern ValleyJanuary 9KV plays Mira Monte at home. Women playat 3 and men play at 4 p.m.

■ Free movie matineeJanuary 12Come see the movie, "Seabiscuit" a story ofthree men: a jockey, a trainer and a busi-nessman, and the undersized racehorsewho took the nation for the ride of a lifetime.Sunday Jan. 12 at 3 p.m. at Kernville UnitedMethodist Church, corner of Big Blue andSirretta.

■ Houchin Blood DriveJanuary 14The KRV blood drive will take place at theFirst Baptist Church in Lake Isabella, fromnoon to 6 p.m. on Tuesday Jan. 14. Whendonating, please bring picture ID with dateof birth, be free from all cold, flu, cold soresor symptoms of infection and eat a meal atleast 3 hours prior to donating. Rememberto wait one year after tattoos and bodypiercings and you must be at least 16 yearsold and weigh at least 110 lbs.

■ Pregnancy Resource CenterBaked potato bar, January 25The previously very popular "Baked PotatoBar" is coming back! January 25 it will beheld at the Senior Center in Lake Isabella tobenefit the Pregnancy Resource Center.

■ Whiskey Flat planning meetingJanuary 27Get involved and help plan the 2014Whiskey Flat Days events. At the KernvilleChamber office at 5 p.m. Call the Chamberat 760-376-2629 for more information.

To include your event in our free CourierCalendar, send the information to us by e-mail or on paper, either in person or by mail.Events must be open to the public and ifthere is any cost, it must be listed. Listingsare printed in chronological order by eventdate and space available.

a set of old wrenches and a bentup tool box isn't his thing at thispoint. So I'll keep them and oneday he'll want them and they'll bethere waiting.

That doesn't clean up my shopthough. As I write this on my shopcomputer, I can look around andsee stuff that should be gotten ridof.

There's a saw blade with a bro-ken tooth. I want to make a clockout of it, so it stays. There's ahammer hanging along with threeothers, that has a rubber handlethat has rotted but it still works soI'm keeping it. I have about 20,gallon cans of paint, some ofwhich are over ten years old. Iknow they are probably no goodbut I'm always forgetting whenthe dump is open for paint. Sothere they sit.

The ceiling above me needs tohave insulation to compliment theair conditioning I put in last sum-mer. The rack for my screwdriversis overflowing with mismatchedones but they work so I keepthem. Also hanging on the wallare 4 crosscut saws only one ofwhich is any good. But I am keep-ing them so that someday I canpaint scenes on them. So theystay. Like everything else there Ifind them old but serviceable.Kind of like me. Maybe next yearI can screw up enough courage tohave a big garage sale and sell myjunk that might be someone else'streasure!

Wofford Heights resident RodMiddleworth, a retired security manag-er for Pacific Bell, is an instructor forthe local AARP Driver Safety Program.

Rod MiddleworthCourier Columnist

I am a child ofthe 30's and sel-dom throw any-thing away. Somy watchwordsare "somedaysoon." It's thenthat I will cleanup my workshopand get rid of allthat junk I have accumulated. Butit isn't junk I tell myself. It is per-fectly good stuff that I might needsomeday so I really shouldn'tthrow it away.

There in the workshop aremost of my tools. I've noticed thatmany of which I don't need, andwill never need. I'm at that pointin life where I no longer enjoycrawling under the car to fixsomething, or under the house torepair a plumbing leak, or on theroof to fix the coolers. On my bul-letin board, I have the telephonenumbers of a host of differentbusiness's that will send a talent-ed, expert to fix whatever needsfixing.

In addition to tools hangingeverywhere (neatly) I have severaltool chests and boxes filled witheven more tools. In one olive col-ored box are tools that used tobelong to my dad when he was amechanic for Ford MotorCompany. I take them out andlook at them from time to time,but I will never use them. Theyare old and worn, much like me. Iwant to give them to my son inNashville, but he's into music and

Friday, December 27, 2013 Kern River Courier Page 3

The workshop blues Things I have noticed...



Christmas issue: December 20 - Deadline: Tuesday, December 17, 12:00pmNew Years issue: December 27 - Deadline: Friday, December 20, 12:00pmFirst issue of the New Year: January 3 - Deadline: Friday, December 27, 12:00pm

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Cerro Coso winter recessAll offices and classrooms at all Cerro Coso Community College campuses will

be closed for winter recess from Monday, Dec. 23, through Wednesday, Jan. 1.Online registration will be available seven days a week, 24 hours a day through theCollege website: Try this easy and convenient way to register forclasses. The spring schedule of classes is also available online. The College willreopen on Thursday, Jan. 2. Most offices are open from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondaythrough Thursday and 8 a.m. to noon on Fridays. Spring semester classes official-ly start on Saturday, Jan. 18. Register early for best class selection.

College enrollment made easy in Lake IsabellaCerro Coso Community College is streamlining the registration process for stu-

dents in the Kern River Valley with an Open House on Tuesday, Jan. 7, from 10 6 p.m. at the college's Kern River Valley campus in Lake Isabella. College coun-selors and admissions professionals will be on site to assist on a drop-in basis withgeneral information, admissions, assessment testing, counseling and educationalplans, registration, financial aid, learning resources, scholarships and student life.Cerro Coso Community College is here to help students meet their career and edu-cational goals. Spring 2014 classes begin Saturday, Jan. 18. On-site classes beginTuesday, Jan. 21. Register early for best class selection. Class schedules are availableon the Cerro Coso website at Don’t miss this great opportunity tovisit the campus and see what Cerro Coso in the Kern River Valley has to offer. Foradditional information on financial aid, placement exams and academic advisingservices call the Kern River Valley campus at 760-379-5501.

Arts Council of Kern opens community art grantsEvery year the Arts Council of Kern, thanks to funding by the County Board of

Supervisors, provides Kern County's arts programming and organizations withfinancial support for their arts programs. This year the Arts Council asks applicantsto focus on how their arts programming or organizations will contribute to artsaccess, advocacy and education for Kern County's residents and visitors. TheCommunity Grant Committee, comprised of members of the Arts Council's Boardof Directors, will determine their funding recommendations based upon artisticquality, artistic and management capabilities, and innovative programming. We areencouraging proposals from throughout Kern County. Grant funding of up to$1,500 will be awarded to organizations located in each of Kern County's five super-visorial districts. Submissions are due by January 17 by 5 p.m. The application canbe found online at Submissions should be mailed to The Arts Counciloffice at 1330 Truxtun Ave. Suite B, Bakersfield CA 93301. Call Taren Alexander at661-324-9000 for more information.

Volunteer to make a differenceOptimal Hospice Care is actively recruiting new volunteers in the Kern County

area interested in making a difference in 2014. January and February classes arenow forming now for our new volunteer orientation trainings. We are looking forhome and facility visitors; certified pet therapy teams for our CarePals program;Veterans for our Vet to Vet Volunteer program; and any other compassionate indi-vidual willing to help us make the lives of hospice patients and families a littlebrighter. For more information, call the volunteer department today at 661-716-4000 or email

Energy Assistance available through Salvation ArmySouthern California Edison Energy Assistance Program known as EAF is avail-

able through The Salvation Army in Lake Isabella. EAF will pay up to $100 towardyour current unpaid Edison bill to all qualified applicants. If you are an all -electrichousehold the program will pay up to $200 toward a current bill.

The EAF program is available to all qualified persons every 12 months and oneday. If you need assistance call The Salvation Army at 760-379-4600 for additionalinformation. Applicants may apply any Tuesday or Wednesday at The SalvationArmy office 6105 Lake Isabella Blvd., Lake Isabella, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Subject tofunds available.

Got UsedOil?

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Page 4 Kern River Courier Friday, December 27, 2013

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Valley places of worshipKernville■ Father’s Heart Foursquare ChurchKernville Elementary School, Kernville. Sunday9:30 a.m. 760-223-6704■ First Baptist Church of Kernville46 Valley View Drive, Kernville. Sunday10:00 a.m. 760-376-6403■ Kernville United Methodist Church251 Big Blue Rd., Kernville. Sunday’s 9:30a.m. 760-376-2751■ Prince of Peace Lutheran Fellowship44 Big Blue Road, Kernville. Sunday School 9a.m., Service 10:30 a.m. 760-417-2014■ St. Peter’s Anglican Church11876 Sierra Way, Kernville. Sunday 10:00a.m. 760-376-6362■ St. Sherrian’s Episcopal ChurchAt Kernville United Methodist Church. Sunday11 a.m

Wofford Heights■ Family Life Center Foursquare Church20 W. Panorama, Wofford Hts. Sunday Service10:30 a.m. 760-376-6719■ New Life Assembly of God25 Arden Av., Wofford Hts. Sunday 9 a.m.,10:30 a.m. & 6 p.m.760-376-6402■ St. Jude Catholic Church86 Nellie Dent Dr., Wofford Heights. Sun, 8a.m. & 10 a.m., Sat. 4 p.m. 760-376-2416■ Calvary Chapel125 Sycamore Drive, Wofford Hts. Sunday 10a.m. and Wed. 6:30 p.m.760-376-8789■ Christ Fellowship80 Evans Road, Wofford Hts. Sun. 10:30 a.m.Lake Isabella/Bodfish

Lake Isabella/Mt.Mesa■ First Baptist Church of Lake Isabella3701 Suhre, Lake Isabella. Sunday 8:30 a.m.,11:00 a.m. School 9:45 a.m. 760-379-5615■ Fountain of Christ Church5101 #A Lake Isabella Blvd, Lake Isabella.Sunday 9:45 a.m. Wed. and Thur. 5:30 p.m.760-417-0793 ■ Landmark Missionary Baptist Church2741 Mountain View Rd, Lake Isabella.Sunday 9:45 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. 760-379-5640■ Mt.View Southern Baptist Church2959 Erskine Creek Rd, Lake Isabella. Sun.9:00, 11:15 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. 760-379-4296■ Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall1911 Edith Ave., Lake Isabella. 760-379-8672■ Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church(LCMS) 377 Highway 155, Lake Isabella.Services 11 a.m. 760-379-2343

■ Kern Valley Bible Church3920 Golden Spur, Lake Isabella. Sunday 9:30a.m. and 5:30 p.m. 760-379-5482 ■ Church of the Nazarene2931 Erskine Creek Rd., Lake Isabella.Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. 760-379-2062■ Highland Chapel United Methodist 5301 Lake Isabella Bl., Lake Isabella. SundaySchool & Worship 10:30 a.m. 760-379-2120■ Lake Isabella Church of Christ3711 Golden Spur, Lake Isabella. Services 11a.m. and 5 p.m., Wed. 6 p.m. Bible study Sun.10 a.m.■ Kern River Valley Seventh Day Adventist 3801 Golden Spur, Lake Isabella. SaturdayService 9:30 a.m. 760-379-3206■ Kern Valley Pentecostal LightHouse3730 Wagon Wheel Dr., Lake Isabella. SundaySchool 9:45 Services 10:45 a.m., and5 p.m. Wednesday 6 p.m. 760-379-5819■ Salvation ArmyThe local national affiliate Mon. 9 am - 1 pm.6105 Lake Isabella Blvd., Lake Isabella. 760-379-5100.■ SGI - USA BuddhistLotus Sutra based discussion and meetingsCall 379-6162 for dates and times.Mountain Mesa■ Church of Christ Mt. Mesa6400 Dogwood Av., Mt. Mesa. Sunday 9:30a.m. & 10:30 a.m. 760-379-4792■ Church of Jesus Christ/Latter Day Saints6400 Park Av., Mt. Mesa. Sunday 10:00 a.m.760-379-2904■ Grace Chapel12312 Mt. Mesa Rd., Mt. Mesa. Sunday 11:00a.m. and 6:00 p.m. 760-379-4093■ Christian Assembly12424 Mountain Mesa Rd., Mt. Mesa. Sunday10:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. 760-379-6377■ Victory Tabernacle (United Pentecostal)4324 Birch, Mt. Mesa. Sunday 2 and 3 p.m.760-549-3186

Southlake/Weldon■ Kern Christian Church “The River”14900 Hwy 178, Southlake. Sunday 8:30 a.m.and 10:30 a.m. 760-378-3780■ He Cares Fellowship16475 Hwy 178, Southlake. Sunday 9:30 a.m.,Wednesday 6:30 p.m. 760-379-6935■ Weldon United Methodist Church20021 Hwy. 178, Weldon. Sunday 8:30 a.m.760-378-2321■ Weldon Baptist Church20674 Highway 178, Weldon. Sunday 10 a.m. & 6p.m. 760-378-4964


Bible TriviaBy Wilson Casey

1. Is the book of Benaiah in the Old or New Testament or neither?2. 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Galatians 2:20 are among the Bible's verses to focus on whatin a new year? Blessings, Moving forward, Grace, Church attendance3. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego went unscathed after being put into whose fieryfurnace? Satan's, Nebuchadnezzar's, Haman's, Laban's4. Which book ends, "Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen"? 1 John, Jude,Mark, Amos5. What "people of" had a fly god named Baal-zebub? Ethiopia, Pergamos, Ekron,Gibeah6. From Psalms 60:8, who is my washpot? Balaam, Moab, Aaron, Micah

© 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

1) Neither;2) Moving forward;3) Nebuchadnezzar's;4) 1 John;5) Ekron;6) Moab

11876 Sierra Way, Kernville760-223-0348Tom Hunt, Pastor

St. PetersAnglican Church

Everyone is invited to come join us Sunday at 10:00am

Jack DuitsmanCourier Columnist

But as many asreceived Him, to

them He gave theright to becomechildren of God,

even to those whobelieve in His

Name. - John 1:12

When taken atface value, the above verse ofScripture is reason for standing upand cheering, yet look again at thefirst word in the above verse. "But"is rather an ominous word to begina sentence and demands the readerto back up to preceding words andsee in what reference the remainderof the sentence is offered. In thiscase, what ought to be territory forcelebration the likes of which has noequal in the long history of humani-ty becomes real reason for pausewhen tempered by the precedingpassage: "He came to His own, andthose who were His own did notreceive Him."

Even a cursory reading of thenativity narratives (Matthew 2, Luke1-3) leaves the distinct impressionthat not receiving the gift of love inthe person of Jesus was far morelikely than a response of acceptingfaith, for it was but a handful whosaw beyond the natural scheme ofcircumstances surrounding thebirth of Jesus Christ and believedHim to be the promised Messiah.

Others were certainly withinearshot of similar proclamation, butapparently turned an opportunity toembrace Divinity into just anothernatural response of unbelief.Before we give way to abject dis-couragement as though faith filledresponses are little more than anumbers game we have littlechance of winning, let's revisit the12th verse of the first chapter ofJohn's Gospel and be reminded thatherein lies the desire of the Fatherin sending His Son Jesus to dwellamong men. The desire of allEternity is for you and I to respondin faith and become sons anddaughters of God. While we canread through the entirety ofScripture and be forewarned of ourproclivity as a race to turn a deafear to the invitation of our FatherGod to walk with Him in faith, wewill also be reminded again andagain in that same reading of theFather's deep desire to bring us torelationship with Him, and theexamples of men and women whoresponded in faith to the Father'sinvitation.

Yet again may our hearts bedrawn to the beacon of hope pro-claimed by the love of God that it isHis desire to bring us into sonshipand daughterhood as we respondin faith to the promises of God. Ocome all ye faithful, joyful and tri-umphant . . . come let us adoreChrist the Lord!

Jack Duitsman pastors Father’s HeartFoursquare Church in Kernville.

As many as received him


Friday, December 27, 2013 Kern River Courier Page 5

c a m p i n g > h i k i n g > f i s h i n g > t h e g r e a t o u t d o o r s > > >AdventureKK EE RR NN RR II VV EE RR

Kern River Valley informationEmergencies call■ Ambulance■ Fire■ Law Enforcement■ Search & Rescue■ Lake Patrol■ Forest Service

Sheriff/CHP Substation7046 Lake Isabella Blvd.Lake IsabellaWeekdays, 9 a.m.-5 calls only, 760-549-2100

Kern County FireStations■ Kernville Station 7611018 Kernville RoadKernvillebusiness calls only, 760-376-2219

■ Lake Isabella Station 724500 Lake Isabella Blvd.Lake Isabellabusiness calls only, 760-379-2626

■ Southlake Station 719000 Navajo Ave.Weldonbusiness calls only, 760-378-3055

Kern Valley HospitalEmergency DepartmentMcCray & LaurelMountain Mesa760-379-2681

Recreation information■ U.S. Forest ServiceIsabella Lake office:4875 Ponderosa Drive.760-379-5646

■ Kernville office:105 Whitney Rd.760-376-3781(around the corner from the museum)Closed weekends.

General infomation■ Kern River Valley Chamber of Commerce6404 Lake Isabella Blvd.Lake IsabellaLocal: 760-379-5236Toll Free: 866-KRV4FUN

■ KernvilleChamber of Commerce11447 Kernville Rd.Kernville(corner Sierra Way & Kernville Roads) Local: 760-376-2629Toll Free: 866-KERNVILLE

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Denise Alonzo, U.S. Forest ServiceCourier Release

Forest Service officials have imple-mented seasonal road closures for highelevation areas of the Sequoia NationalForest due to anticipated storm activity.Most Forest Service administered roadson the Western Divide Ranger Districtare now closed for public safety. OnDecember 7, Tulare County closed theWestern Divide Highway beyondPonderosa, Parker Pass andJohnsondale.

Over-the-snow vehicles are permittedon snow covered roads during the win-ter months, when snow provides protec-tion to the road surface. Motorized trav-el off designated roads is prohibited inGiant Sequoia National Monument.

Visitors coming to spend some time inthe snow covered mountains need to beprepared for winter conditions. Tirechains are often required near the 5,000foot elevation on most roads during thewinter months, and will be required at

lower elevations during snow storms.Snow chains should be carried in yourvehicle at all times, and please come pre-pared for cold weather by bringingalong extra winter clothing, flash-lightwith fresh batteries, food, and water.

Above Porterville, on the WesternDivide Ranger District, snow seekerswill find a snow play area near QuakingAspen Campground on Highway 190.Portable bathrooms are located in theparking lot of the Ponderosa Lodge forthe public use.

If you decide to stop at a turnoutalong the highway for snow play, besure to watch your children carefully tobe sure they do not play in the road orsled into the roadway. There is nogarbage services at highway turnouts,so be sure to clean up and your trash binat home.

For more information please contactthe Western Divide Ranger Districtoffice in at 559-539-2607 during businesshours Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to4:30 p.m. (closed on federal holidays).

Winter road closures andsnow-play opportunities

Dick MillerCourier Outdoors

The Fish and Game Habitat Club islooking for volunteers. The Club is a501(3) c organization that has been inexistence since 1986. Its mission is tosupport the promotion of the out-doors experience for our Valley's andother community's youth. The Clubprovides a pheasant hunt for juniorboys and girls with a hunter safetylicense, every year.

The club also conducts a fishingderby for children under the age of 15years. The derby is held on the first orsecond weekend in June. With thesupport of the Kern Valley Hatchery,the Club provides a "pond" with troutplanted that provide very positiveresults for the young fisherperson.

The Club also provides a methodof recycling Christmas trees into thelake to provide survivable habitat for

newly hatched fry. This project isusually conducted in January, rightafter Christmas.

The fourth major event is theplacement, maintenance and refur-bishing of wood duck nesting boxesin the South Fork of the river.

The Club has moved its meetingdates to the third Tuesday of eachmonth to better accommodate thosethat have church obligations.

The Club is deeply invested in pro-moting a good, clean environmentfor our youth to enjoy the outdoorsporting events it holds. If you haveever been to one of the events, youcame away with an appreciation ofour youth and the future supportthey will need of the Valley.

Membership in the Fish andGame Habitat Club is $15 for a singleor a family. More information can beobtained by calling Dick Miller at760-379-9114.

Habitat club welcomes volunteers

Page 6 Kern River Courier Friday, December 27, 2013

c e l e b r i t y e x t r a > r e c i p e s f o r d u m m i e s > c o u c h t h e a t e r > > >EntertainmentKK EE RR NN RR II VV EE RR

Recipes for Dummies by Bodfish Bob

Bodfish Bob’s Apple Sour Cream Pancakes 3 Eggs, separated3 Tablespoons Sour creamPeeled Apple, finely chopped3 Tablespoons Flour1 Teaspoon Baking Powder1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon

Separate eggs and add sourcream, apple, flour, baking powderand cinnamon to the yolks, stirringwell. Beat egg whites until peaksform, and fold into yolk mixture. Cook on hot, lightlygreased griddle until golden brown.Delicious served with a dollop ofsour cream and maple syrup.

Bodfish Bob’s Old Fashioned Pancakes

2/3 cup self rising flour1 egg2 tablespoons Wesson oil1/2 cup milk

Mix ingredients with wire whisk

or with mixer. Pour into hot skillet bylarge spoonful. Brown on both sides.

Bodfish Bob’s German Potato Pancakes

6 medium potatoes2-3 medium onions1 eggSaltPepper Flour, enough to thickenVegetable oil

Clean skins of potatoes (or peel).Peel onions, cut small enough to fitinto a food processor. Using cuttingblade, chop to a coarse consistency.Mixture will be somewhat juicy. Add1 egg (beaten) to the mixture. Addsalt and pepper to taste and enoughflour so mixture does not fall apartduring frying. Put 1/4 to 1/2 inch ofoil in frying pan. Heat to 300-325?.Also put a tablespoon of butter in frying pan. Cook until golden brown,turn and repeat. Serve with apple-sauce or sour cream.

Bodfish Bob’s Hot Cakes

1 1/2 cups sour milk1/2 cup bread crumbs1 cup flour1 teaspoon baking soda1 tablespoon shortening1 tablespoon molasses1/2 teaspoon salt1 egg, well beaten

Pour milk into mixing bowl. Stir inremaining ingredients. Bake on hotgriddle until lightly browned.

Visit Bodfish Bob on the Internet or email him

Couch Theater

"Tiger Eyes"captures drama and loss

WillaHolland in"TigerEyes"

© 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

By Sam Struckhoff

Pick of the Week“Tiger Eyes” (PG-13) —

Davey (Willa Holland) is a 17-year-old girl who's been dealt ablow. She's new to the town ofLos Alamos, N.M. (birthplace ofthe atom bomb), her father'smurder still has some loose ends,her mother has withdrawn intogrief and her pushy aunt is tryingto fill the void. The film followsher journey to make sense of itall -- with help from Wolf(Tatanka Means), a mysteriouslocal.

This is the first novel by best-selling author Judy Blume tomake it to film. Directed by herson, Lawrence Blume, the filmpreserves the book's thoughtfulpacing and quiet appreciation ofthe landscape. The story capturesthe drama of trying to grow upwhile dealing with loss..

“Closed Circuit” (R) — Aftera fictional terrorist attack inLondon, the trial of the only sur-viving attacker stirs up a stinkyaroma of government conspiracyand corruption. The key piece ofevidence for the prosecution is soclassified that the defense can'tsee it. Only Claudia (RebeccaHall) -- a special court person --can view the top-secret evidenceand advise the defense. Thedefense attorney (Eric Bana)turns out to be an ex-lover.

With all of that plot-twisting,

the film would have to be a taut,paranoia-inducing thriller to keepyou engaged. Well it's not, and itdoesn't. The gray-clad leads don'tbring a lot of chemistry to thescreen. Every other piece of dia-log is devoted to explaining theplot.

“Birth of the Living Dead”(NR) — Zombies have a cold,rigid grip on mankind's collectiveimagination, and George A.Romero's "The Night of theLiving Dead" deserves a lot of thecredit for that. It was a cheapflick in black and white (out offashion for 1968), made in thebackwoods and backyards ofsmall-town Pennsylvania. Thisdocumentary sits down with thefilmmaker, who gets enthusiasticabout the production stories likehe's back there with his makeshiftcrew all over again. The film alsoexplores the social context, con-necting the low-budget monster-movie phenomenon with thesocial tides of the time.

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Puzzles AnswersBottom of page 9“

Page 8 Kern River Courier Friday, December 27, 2013

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”CCoouurriieerr cchhuucckkllee ooff tthhee wweeeekk::

Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right._ Oprah Winfrey

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Friday, December 27, 2013 Kern River Courier Page 9

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) It's a good time totake a much-needed break from your recent hecticschedule and spend some time in quieter surround-ings. Important news could arrive early next week.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) The Taurean traits ofreliability and thoroughness could be well-tested whendecision-makers consider your proposals and/orrequests. Be prepared to answer some questions.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A sudden attack ofboredom leaves you with some tasks undone. It's OKto take a short respite. But get back to work by week'send so that you have time for other projects.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Avoid prejudging asituation just because it looks bad. Facts could emergethat would make your position uncomfortable, to saythe least. A relative has interesting news to share withyou.

LEO (July 23 to August 22) This is a good time tobegin reassessing some of your recent decisions aboutyour long-range goals to see if they still have merit.Spend more time with loved ones this weekend.

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) An unsettledsituation at home or on the job early in the week coulddrain your energy levels, making it difficult to get yourwork done on schedule. But things improve by mid-week.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A temporarysetback could give you time to go over your plans tofind weaknesses you might have overlooked before. Aromantic getaway with that special person is favoredthis weekend.

SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21)Professional and personal situations benefit once youset a positive tone in getting things off to a good start.Honest dialogue smoothes over any occasional displayof balkiness.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Aproblem with workplace colleagues or family mem-bers seems to defy even your sage counsel. But bepatient. Your words eventually will lead to a resolution.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Don'tjust wait out that unexpected and unexplained delay inyour career move. You could gain added respect if youask why it happened and what you can do to movethings along.

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Althoughyour workplace strategies usually are accepted, youcould be challenged by someone who isn't so favorablyimpressed. Be prepared to defend your positions.

PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Your friendshipcircle expands, with new people coming into your lifeat this time. Welcome them warmly. But don't neglectthose cherished longtime personal relationships.

Salome’s Stars

PuzzleSolutionsfrom pages 8 & 9


er C







g C







TRIVIA TESTBy Fifi Rodriguez

1. GEOGRAPHY: In what U.S. state is Salt LakeCity located?2. HISTORY: Where did abolitionist John Brown'sfamous raid take place in 1859?3. ENTERTAINERS: Which stand-up comedian,who starred in the movie "Back to School," was bornwith the name Jacob Cohen?4. ANATOMY: What is the most common type ofblood?5. MOVIES: "Anne of the Thousand Days" is a filmabout which historical couple?6. GAMES: What early version of a video gamemesmerized TV viewers in the mid-1970s?7. RELIGION: What are the first four books of theBible's New Testament, in order?8. COMICS: What is Catbert's title in the "Dilbert"comic strip?9. BUSINESS: What popular business did JudySheppard Missett create?

© 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

1.Utah 2.Harpers Ferry, (West) Virginia 3.Rodney Dangerfield4.O positive 5.Anne Boleyn and King Henry VIII 6.Pong7.Matthew, Mark, Luke and John 8.Evil Director of HumanResources 9.Jazzercise


© 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

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•Single wide 1/bd w/expandoroom. NICE! $6,500 cash.•Dbl wide w/patio & deck, 2bd2ba, new carpet & blinds, $10,500cash, NICE!

55+ Community - 760-379-2092___________________________Kernville - 2+bd/1ba singlewide,w/enclosed porch in No. Fork TP,11825 Sierra Way,#3.New:carpetlinoleum,roof coating,evap cool-er, front porch, exterior paint.Was $12,999 - now $11,999. CallRuss 661-301-6209___________________________

Wofford Heights - very niceremodeled 2bd/1ba MH inSportsman TP, Space #24, withenclosed porch. Inculdes water,trash, laundry room & fish house,$7,500. (760) 376-2722___________________________

I buy Mobile HomesCash - 24 Hours

Call Bert - (760) 964-2514

Lake Isabella - 55+ Community,refurbished 2bd/2ba dble widew/patio. $597/mo + sec. deposit.

(760) 964-2514___________________________

Wofford Heights - 2bd/1ba,w/deck, detached garage withshop equipped for cottage busi-ness. $750/mo. 760-223-0544___________________________

Wofford Heights - 3bd/2ba housew/detached 2 car garage. Pavedstreet close to all. $795/mo. Nopets. For app/info-760-376-2436___________________________

Lake Isabella - NICE 1 bd sin-gle wide MH with expandoroom in 55+ Community. $497/mo + security deposit. (760)964-2514___________________________1bd/1ba, 30’ Trailer w/enclosedyard, water/trash pd, $350/mo.760-379-5669 or 760-223-3260___________________________Kernville - 2bd, 1ba cottage closeto downtown. No pets. $675/mo.Call for application. (760) 223-0544

I buy Mobile HomesCash - 24 Hours

Call Bert - (760) 964-2514

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Services Shop, Dine, Play & Stay

For Rent/Lease

Wanted to Buy

Spaces for Rent

LARRY SCHUPPAN'SGarage Doors & Openers. NewSales & Repairs. No charge topick up all old small & largeappliances, batteries, scrap metal,etc. (760) 417-2806__________________________Lake Isabella Precision Tax

Fastest RefundsFree E-FilingFree Quotes

Individual, Corp., Partners5105 B Lake Isabella Blvd.



Fair PricesCall Ross (760) 981-3361

License #708148__________________________

Stan’s Painting & RestorationGive your home’s exterior or

interior a lift w/a new beautifullook. 23 yrs. professional exp.

Valley references & prices.

Free estimates - 760-417-1192_________________________

Chuck Barbee - Still & VideoPHOTOGRAPHY

Portraits - Family EventsEquestrian - Historical

Photo Scanning & RestorationTransfers to DVD & CD



Commercial & ResidentialContractor’s Lic. #587951

310-347-5208 •• 310-533-0584__________________________

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• Commercial • Residential• Windows

Reliable Service & References



Mobile Homes/RVs/Trailers for Sale



Karaoke& Live Music

7062 Wofford Blvd.Wofford Heights



Iron Mountain ElectricEric W Hansen

Lic. #714180

TAXI SERVICENow available

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5430 Lake Isabella Blvd.


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Got Stuff?Sell it all with aMarketplace Ad

Call 760-376-2860

School District announced the birth of abrand new educational program. KernRiver Valley Environmental MagnetSchool, nicknamed KREM, a 4th-8thgrade magnet program under theauthority and umbrella of WallaceMiddle School■ The Kern County Board of Tradehosted a Kern River Valley-Find It AllHere Media Day August 28. TheKernville and Kern River ValleyChambers of Commerce were on handto paint a picture of the diverse attrac-tions in the Kern River Valley to mem-bers of the media.

Sep■ The Kern County Fairopened. Every day there was freeadmission for active and retired mili-tary. And every day there was a seniordiscount.

Oct■ Kick Back in Kernville, theannual car show with vendors, a lakecruise, and a giant raffle. 50's and 60'smusic and Friday night hot dog feedtook place October 11 and 12.■ It was with great excitement that theKernville Chamber of Commerce pre-sented the First Annual Whiskey FlatFall Festival on Friday October 25through Sunday October 27. It includeda haunted maze, horse-drawn hayrides, Whiskey Flat encampment, pet-ting zoo, pumpkin patch, music, air softtarget shooting, cowboy re-enact-ments, vendors, food, and much more.It is hoped that the Fall Festival,planned for the last weekend eachOctober, will grow each year giving thetown and Valley a little boost during thetraditional slow time for businesses.

Nov■ Many local churches par-ticipated in Operation Christmas Child.They filled shoeboxes with small giftitems for needy children living inextreme poverty.

Page 12 Kern River Courier Friday, December 27, 2013

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2013, Continued from page 1 Starting fall 2011, several groupsjoined together in a loosely organizedhome-grown effort to gleaning potatoesleft over from commercial harvesting tohelp feed the hungry and it started againthis November. As before, gleaningdates get set by weather and the timingof the commercial harvesters.

■ The Kern River Valley opened theChristmas season on SaturdayNovember 30 with the 36th annual LakeIsabella Christmas Parade. The fourthannual parade day pancake breakfastwas at the Lake Isabella Senior Center.The breakfast supported Toys For Tots,and the funds do not leave the Valley. ■ The Kern County Fire Departmentdeclared the end of the 2013 Fire Seasonon Wednesday, November 27 at 8 a.m.

Dec■ California Water ServiceCompany, known as Cal Water, theCalifornia Public Utilities Commission'sOffice of Ratepayer Advocates andother involved parties reached a settle-ment agreement on the company's 2012General Rate Case. The Public UtilitiesCommission must approve the settle-ment agreement as part of the eighteen-month review process. If approved, CalWater will be able to increase rates inJanuary, 2014 with smaller inflation-typeincreases in 2105 and 2016.

Now that this part of the settlementhas been reached, the AdministrativeLaw Judge will issue a proposed deci-sion expected early in 2014..

Lake Isabella Christmas Parade