Keranique Hair Regrowth Treatment Comes With A Promise

Post on 23-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Keranique Hair Regrowth Treatment Comes With A Promise

Comes With A


Keranique Hair

Regrowth Treatment

Understanding hair loss

• Hair grows on the skin of the entire body, except palms and soles. Follicles produce hair, which are protein structures called keratin. Hair grows in a cycle. When the cycle gets over, they fall. This is normal.

• Losing up to 100 strands from the scalp is no matter

of concern. When you lose more than that, you need to worry.

Hair growth cycle

Hair follicle has three phases:• Anagen phase: This is active hair growth phase,

which lasts 2-6 years. • Catagen phase: This is the transitional phase, which

lasts 2-3 weeks. • Telogen phase: This is the resting phase, which lasts

2-3 months. When this phase gets over, the hair strand falls off, as it completes its life cycle. A new hair strand takes its place.

• According to hair experts, abnormal hair loss occurs when hair fall off before completing their life cycle. In some cases, new hair fails to take the place of the shed hair. All this leads to thinning of hair. In due course, it can destroy hair’s beauty and attractiveness.

• Treatments like Keranique hair regrowth treatment stimulate follicles to produce newer and healthier hair. These are convenient, at-home treatments that can be done by women of all ages.

• Male pattern baldness is common. However, the society still needs time to come to terms with Female Pattern Baldness. Some even don’t know such a thing exists.

• This is one of the reasons the cosmetic world is still

busy churning hair loss products targeted at the male species. Women can also use them, but they fail to work as effectively on women’s scalps as they work on men’s.

That’s why a lady suffering from hair loss spends more sleepless nights than her male counterpart with the same problem. She is more worried about finding a solution.

• Reviews suggest that Keranique contains ingredients that are designed to work only on women’s scalps. The formula is created to work with woman’s biochemistry. Its specific treatment for hair regrowth contains a medically-acclaimed compound established to contain hair growing property.

• Keranique Reviews are excellent so far. Even experts have given the nod to trying it.

Difference between Male Pattern Baldness and Female

Pattern Baldness

• Females prone to pattern baldness notice thinning of scalp only after they reach their 40s. Females hardly go bald. They experience thinning of the entire scalp, especially at the crown. Women may not have to undergo the embarrassment of baldness, but the unattractiveness of a thinning mane is too much for a lady to handle.

• Males prone to baldness start losing hair in their early 20s. Sometimes, teenage boys notice baldness creeping on their scalps. This type of hair loss in men is marked with a receding hairline. Hair, gradually, starts to disappear from the crown and the front of the head.

Causes of hair loss

• The causes are many. It can be poor diet, excessive stress, hormonal disturbance in the body, genes, certain medication, certain illnesses, autoimmune disease, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, certain cosmetic procedures, prolonged use of harsh hair products, and others.

• This applies for both men and women. In case of latter, pregnancy and menopause can also trigger hair loss.

• Remedies for hair loss are aplenty. You can avail of home remedies and cosmetic ones, but, alas, they usually fail to provide desired results. Most home remedies involve elaborate hair treatment procedures. Career-oriented women hardly have time for this.

• However, there is a brand that promises women crowning glory, literally. It is a woman-exclusive hair care formula that’s worthy trying, say experts. The silver lining on the dark cloud of female hair loss has finally appeared.