Kenya Revision

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Kenya Revision

Tourism in an LEDC and Eco Tourism

KenyaKenya is an LEDC in


Most people are involved in farming

and live in poor rural communities

Tourism is a major growth industry in


Most tourists either go on safari or to the


Advantages of tourism in Kenya

Disadvantages of tourism in Kenya

• Provides jobs for local people• New services built which the local population can use• Encourages new roads and better communications• National Parks have been created which encourages the protection of the environment

• Tourists can disturb animals • Tourists can be disrespectful of the traditional culture• Most of the profits go back to large holiday companies and not to local businesses • Increase in environmental problems including soil erosion

Eco Tourism and Into AfricaEco Tourism is a type of tourism which is sustainable because it takes care of the country

and the people.

Why is Into Africa sustainable?Into Africa is a travel company which runs safaris and treks in Kenya

PEOPLE:• Most employees are local• They are paid fair wages• The local community benefits

from school projects run by the company

• All traditional cultures are carefully protected

• Hotels and camp sites are owned by local Kenyans

ENVIRONMENT:• Strict code of conduct is

promoted by the company so the wildlife is not disturbed

• Small vans are taken on safari rather than use large buses

• Vehicles stay on designated paths/ tracks

• The buildings are low level and built to blend into the surroundings