Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY...

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Transcript of Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY...


jge&eSffifiSSSSasjsiSsssrisrR v ?mZZ3S&.

3ft Jfeae' To soar aloft o Fancy's wing fj





Virtus rctlddens immorilis motiCceliun, negata tentat Itervia

Ccrtufque vulgares etudaraSpcrnit htmium fugiente Penna.

AT that dread h6ur when midnight liadesthe iky.

And twinkling planets roll their orbs on high,

The 1ad Carrandoc llt his native Home.Compcll'd through drear Columbia's wilds to

roamPensive he movM, by bitterell cases oppreft,And thuspour'dfoi th theforrows ashisweau:' Curse nnth' alfidioufiy deceitful loss!

' (n vjin would f6rce their trejehery oppose"Envelop'din the solemn fliades of right,' Our ton was hufii'd, extinguilli'd ever-y-i

light" No hollow aiurmers breath'd along the vale,

' No echoes whifper'd in the gentle gale :

" At length a sudden yell jshear'd around," And all Altania IhudderM at .lie sound:" Conius'd, amazM each warrior lest his bed,' And rufYd upon the snare the traitou

furead 1 fl,' Pa. t tlicirvarm and fierce to combat' And partreclin'd in sleep ignobly die;

All wild at random deal the deadlv blow,'' The javelin this prepares, and that the bow :

"But moll, alas; with groans jield up theirbreath, .deatli- -

" And leave the bonds of sleep for those o

" Loud conquering (houts and dlfinal fh.ieks,arise, ikies

41 Trom all Siouhd the clangor mounts the

44 soon as thefedreadfnl sounds aflault mine

eir,41 1 wield the ace and brandilh high my spear :44 To jjin the war my gallant men I call," And bid them conquer or as bravely fall.' Full many a warrioi sell beneath ray hand,

44 CUfu'd the cold earth and bit th' enfanguin'dsand, fright

44 Whiltt horror hand in hand witH w lid att Stalk'd thro' the ranks or hover'd o'er the

.sight.44 Now clouds ofarrows whizz'd along the ah1 1

44 Whilit wrapt in flames the cottages appear ;41 On every side Ihrill female (hrieks relbund,44 AflJ-ilau- tei'd heroes ftrew'd the mourn- -

ful ground.4 My dear companions all at length were (lain,44 'When impotent the battle to sustain,44 While yet the grais was tipt with midnight

dew, I slew jH.

4 Thro. hostile ranks, thro' slaughtering foes44 Till quite o'ercome I reded in this gloom,44 Where soon I trull to meet my hapless doom

44 C3nthislonefare(t peace of mind bellow!44 Or ease a wretch whose hle's surcharged with

woe ?

44 Can I my nation and my griefs furvivc J

41 No honor, glory bid ine tease to live !

41 Thick clouds' oflmokeafcsnd the lucid Uties,44 Lo ! even now the glaring flames arile !

44 And hark! theconqueroi's ihouts alTail myear, . tear !

44 While groans of horoes urge the fruitless14 FarewedJ(.ye dreary wilds! for now I go' to ifjfjjeaceful realms unknown to woe;

44 Whose vales are blooming with,

44 And meadows watevM by refreifiingihovvers,44 There lliall I see my lov'd Lamuna's made,44 Stray o'er the fields and haunt the bloffom'd

glade ;44 Clasp to my breast the idol of my heart,44 And oh I (the pleasing tho't) no more t

part .

41 But while (lie wanders spicy vallieso'er,44 I'll huni the ftagorroufe themountainboa44 She glides before me on the gentle wind44 And bids meTSJ&fe, to tarry long behind !

44 I corns Y'.sH Kiftu'na dear I come?44 And joyful feekoilrtbinbracej of the tomb !

-- , Ctran loc piling da" weapon inhis breast,Clo'd his dim eyes and gave his soul to rest !

T, R. S.

4 Triffes, light as ainft .

ONCE, said a cuaker, in a dispute


concerning the propriety of titles, I bad

.thf honor to be in company with an Ex11 -- ..j tj. ur tj: t?. -- t

ccuciicy dim u xigiiiicis nio javci.encv Was ihe mof ignorant of his fpe.

eies, and his Highness meafqred j(1 fouifeet eight inches without his fnoes.

ALPHONSO, king of Arragon, says.tb to makt a marriage happy, the hnf-bafi-


should be deaf, and the wise blindthat he fhon!dnot hear the reproach

es cf hi', wise, nor (he see the errors oflicr hufhand.

' Married, lntely 111 p,

jMr. William Lorgf:l,ow, to Mrs. Eh-t'ibd-

Short. There are fume good mat-che- i,

some bad matches, and even fomthappy matches ; but this may be said tobe no mat;b at all.

1 00 Dollars reward."O AM awav from the fubferiber, living in

J ' Knox conn .Uichland creek, Kentucky,the 26th day rf Auault lalt, a

7 Noern Man r,?md jsTAT,abnor 27 ydars of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 imhejhiph. he is neither a coal Mick nor a ve'lowrut bet vern the fvo; ' hnir denotes a mulatt.r. which he 'orrirl tied behind artdf!dttf A h"- eir 'nrk. imoitb faCP. he is brander'

"p-rii- te jaxv with an O, and en the throat,a w sciu with 0 knifo, which has lest a smart

ca7 ; when queiTicred close he cannot uttera "rrl for Tome nnie, Sut will n 44tit, tit,'i'i ' 'irn t(,e no d w'l come out ihirp and

0 r 1: ! do fnppofe ' e is copcealed by somev " 'n or villains, vho will prounbly attemptt ' e nim over the Ohio. I will give theaH c t for the vllain aod negfo, or 20

mll-'f- ir the rtero alone; and whoever se- -

li&l te rnd neg'o ann villain 'nany jail. To

fijtl tor h m, than have the above reward,' rt hi rp'fu.-ibl- e charges paid, is brought

r," .. to me.1'lcmas cjjbnsu.

anuary,j4. i?,:,. 1v

JOHN POPE,11AS removed to Lexington, and

will PRACTICE LAW in theGeneral Court, and in the Fayette, Teffa- -

mine, Clarke, Bourbon, Montgomery and

Maaiion Circuit November 1 0 th, 1803

THE SUBSCRIBEREING abouttoremovetoWocdford, calls upon those indebted

him, to settle their accounts aspeedilv as poffible, to enable him to

anlwer demands againlt him. iiiouiaany persons call in forthispurpoie, Mr Dudley or iflr.

Fifliback's will settlewith them. The balances due Ridge-l- y

and Fifliback, Dr. Fifliback willreceive; and such persons as haveaccounts against mo individually,will leave them with Mr. Dudley orDavidloli.

F. RIDGE.LY.Jan. sotli, 1804.' i?ri 5AIEX U1V CJ.ll.i.A.,


Situate on the waters of Silvercreek, in Madison county, about six

miles from the court-hous- and tenmiles from the Kentucky river, towhich is ann1?rrl unanes of

LAND.The ltrfam and seat are equal to artin the state, and the mills and distillery in prime orderl For terms apply to the fubferiber on the premi

ROBERT PORTER.Madison county


061. ift, 1803. J tf ,

State of Kentucky.Montgomery Circuit court,

October term, 1801arrow, Joleph Yardley, Mellon")

riMKetr. and Martha his wile lite vlar- -

viiJMia rdley, Sally Yardley, Kobert Tor- -

fgran dElizdbeth his wise, late Elizabethxa'iney , and Nancy Yardley and William Yardlev, infants under the age of Jiyears, by Nelson Hackett, their nextfriend, which Martha, Sally, Elizabeth,Nancy and William, are children, andheirs at law of William Yardley deceafed, and Wiles Cook and Arthur Connally,J

againstWilliam Hayes I: Weather Smitli,Defen3ants

In (Juincery.

WILLIAM HAYES, one of the defendantsu having ehtered his ap

pearance herein agie l to law and the rulesof this court, and . .earing to the fatisfac- -

tion of the court tint lie ispo inhabitant ofthis state it is ordered that he doappearhereon the first day of their next Aprtl term, andanswer the complainants' bill --'that a copy ofthis order be inierced m one of the pubucknews papers' in the state, for two months

inother polled at the door of thecourt house of this county, nd one at thedoor 01 the lJreibyTenan meeting house, in

fount(lerling, some Sunday immediately asterdivine service.(A copy.) Telle

M. Harifon, C. M. C G.

Montgomery county fSl.OSlobtr 24th, 1803.

T EN up by William Frame,ing in Montgomery county,

ifrabie rlet creek, oneBAY MARE,

TfhCUt I'i hands high, and about 15varsTjkl a small blaze yi fierace. no brand perceivable-VAlj- n,

A Bay Tearino- Horse'Iiblt,no brand The two appraiTed t6 2cdollars, betore me.

William Orearj. p.

SSSfesr- -


T7AS on hand a large alTortinentIX, of BOOTS & SHOES, whichhe intends lelling at reduced prices

JJ C.Brown top. Boots, 8

Black top do. 7Three quarter do. 5 3, is

foxed, . 6Half do. j, is foxed 5 5Mens' lined & bound Shoes, aMens kip-lk- do. 1 75.vlens' cCarfe do. t 5Womeris' blippers from 1 to 1 '2.5C! II 01 . A..,OU1U11 OIU'CS iHCumiii!.

At theft low nrices.notruft ne?dbe expedled. He means to sell aUthese prices" through the couife ofthe year.

N. B. Any gentleman thatwifhes. riii.ntitv of anv of the.!,.. vV ilU nr.res will still be

, , '

uinetly. tf .iPUBLISHED,

I jid for file at this' Office .Price 4V5,

Political, Commercial and MoralREFLECTIONS

On the the. late caflion of

L OU IS I AN ATo the Uirfted States

fy Allah S. Migrvu'ex.


7M ACCOUN &? TILI'ORDHavc-remov- ed theirv STORE

To the House formerly occupied byMessrs. Saul, and Ceo. TkoT?zk.

July 2.6th, 1803.


f Will be given forTALLOW L? OIEESE,a

x. the Bake-flio- p, oppoflte LewisSanders U. Co's llorc, next door to theNail Fftory. Main street, Lexington

A Values WORK HORSE,For Salefor Whiskey.

Subfcriaer will purchase Good.faifiptted Crop

Tobacco ',at any 01 the ware houles on the Ken-

tucky river, or on the Ohio river at orbelow Limcltorte, for which he will giveCASH, and MERCHANDIZE at cilhonce. Any person who has a confide-labl- e

quantity of Tobai co for sale, maybe actomodafd with bills of exchangeforfuch part of the amount as will beagieed on.



HA-V-E been in use for some time, in

Br vnn ity of Lexington, and have re- -'ffs-if'- le mod unequivocal approbation

o'lt than two hunded Praflicalu: tine rs, viiote ceitincates couja utcafily piocured. '

Any common carpenter or cooper canconftrud a diftilleiy on this plan, inthiee or sour days, and the cofl of stillswhich will contain 500 gallons, will notexceed 100 dollais.

Spirit (of bigb proof and free fromall disagreeable taste is produced by one

operation, which saves the expence and

trouble qi doubling.Thefeftills work more than thiee times

as sad as the boWnoti Iblls and require a

very small quantity of fuel.Gentlemen, who are delirous ot pur- -

chasing the Patent Righti?irPieafe'to0aSties or iingle diltilleries, w

ply to the Patentees in :xington, Ken- -

tucky.I he price 01 Hightsto indiviauals 50


7f 70) BEES-WA-

VATED at the Store ofSeitz & Johnson, Lexington,

tf Dec.'io, 1803.

HpHE fubferiber returns his most" fincers thanks to his friends and

the publicl; at large, for the encou-ragement he has received in the pro-fecuti-

of his buiinefs, and takesthis method to inform those who maywilh to employ him, that heuiu continues to carry on the Well Diggingbuhnels in Us various branches, bothfor Fresh arjd Salt Water, and hopesthat his experience in the diggingone hundred and eighty odd wells,will entitle him to suture encouragement from the publics. He hasvaluable Stone Quarry, open in tl;u?nvviciuity of Lexington, where he wimhave always on hadfov the next sea- -

son, suitable flones for any paits offbuilding in plain work. '1 hose whoapply lhall be festsd at the shortestnotice, with punctuality. He willgive good encouragement to two 'orthree hands who underfland blow-

ing rocks.JOHN R. SHAW. --

Lex. Dec. 1, 1803. tfJohn Robert ShaAv, who now excells,In blowing rocks and digging wells ; water lino By the newAs well the fresh, so well the 79Since conjurors becameIn telling where faltvater lies fIn hopes 1 lhali not be iorfook,I've try'd the art ol Mr. Cook.

And. to my friends I do declare,A witch I never was before.Before my miller doth get ricS,Come unto me, the art I'll teak.

No fiipend of myfrient1 1 take,I'll fliew them all for Friendfliip's sake ;Ifhen all that wilh. to dig fait yells,May eafyleain that Shaw excelli.

STATE OF KENTUCKY.Mafotl Circuit Court, fft.

November, Term, 1S03

orfituof Jifties Ed- - tVyawfs, dectxled, J

h is or- -,

Tv ortbree APPRENTICfmPla:"af'tb'(.hi.5,a"or;ey'do1 1 r r - appear

wamea lu mc wuvc ""-- . lWi,, .1,., tu,rA A f th. t T- -


. ,



.Wsliani Wtsod, and defendantsotheM,

IN CHANCERl'.It T j. r. L IV .!..- - -- .....a appearing larisi.iciorny iu cue luui iA that the said defendant, WilliamWood, is n't an inhabitant of this cpmmonwealth On the motion of the said

landanfwei the complainant's bill or thatthe same fnatj be taken as conferred.

iThat a copy of this order be inferredin 'ome authoiifed paper, two months.succefilv;ely ; that another be poPLed at'the door of the court houle of 'Masoncounty, and that this older be yubirli-c- d

some Sunday, immediately iifter divine service, at'the" doTlr of Baptistmeeting houle m Wa(hingrn.

(A copy.)

j ette, FRANCIS TAYL'DR c. it .e.c.

fiS-- j


LANDS,To Sdl at moderate prices for Six oiEjght years credit Viz.

3705 Acres ati.f nuiuthj)! Ir.d11.11 ireck, iiom tlKDUbio, in a fiounlhing fettlemert.on Hed river, bi.n.cb ns Keutvcky nve'r.

2295 acres at the mou,tlT jpf" Hly creek,including prozen creek, brajtljie ot the Ken- -tucky river, about 9 miles aT$i? its timefolk1;, "s

267 acrts on the foik of Rock Caf p".id down, the nne .it fx reiUttie river. yens credit, vyith imereft paid arnual'y

300 acres on Southern bank of Kentuc- - Bonds and approved lecurities will be re-- ky

river, opposite the mouth Hickman queried for payment cf the interest andcreek. for principals.

2000 acres including the main branch of Inlperteri produce will be received at marWelth'6 creek, waters of Green liver. ket pric lor half of the annual interest,

209 acres in tnCvillinois grant, 918 poles the other half mail be paid in cam.

wFor further information apply to ihe Printer in Lexington, to RobertCraddock in Danville, to Thomas Howard in llichmnod, Madison countyor to. William auaautn uiare county.


L.W. color cotton linenwith J hot dye, which I will warranttoitand, or return the money, nd onas reasonable terms as any dyer inLexington. I will dye wool a deep

rtlufe at is. 6d. per pound.

VjMie sign of the Golden Boot hxShoe, in the' old court-hous- e,

aprner of Main & Crofs-flreet- s,

liexingtort.September 13th, 1803.

N. B. Is you want to have yourcotton coloured free from spots, tyeyotircuts loose. H. C.


VWKR Baylor &? Son;

VANT to purchase a quantity of

INSPECTED TOBACCO,At any of the ware-houle- s on the

river, tor which they willgive Cash and Merchandize or

ll Cash iri nine months. Applyat their store opposite the msyket-houf- e,

in Lexington.September 27, 1803

N ail Manufactory.A .,.,

GEORGE NORTON,ES this method of informing

s friends, and the public in ge- -

ncTal, that he continues( carrying on theNAIL MANU1ACTUK7,

On Main street ; and has on hand a

Harge alforfment ns Cut and HammeredVAILS, of the best quality, SPRIGSMADS, &c. which will sell at themoll reduced pricjes for Cafli. A largequantity, of BAR IRON of the bellquality, from t'ie iron works of Bennerand Dorfey, a'jfo for

Lexliigron, January 9, 1804.

State as Kentutky.Fayette Circuit court, September term, 1803.

Robert Mitchell, complainanp,agtinlt

Akxanjkir M'Connelano Robert Pat- -

XT son, defendants.IN CHANCERY- -

defendant, M'Connell, havingailed to ejiter his appearance here-reeeah- le

As to law and the rnles ofthMTec tirt, and. it appearing to the fatif--SRtioi ol the court, that be is not annhabitant of this" commainv'ealth On

the motion of the complainant, by hisLounfcl, it 1 ofdered that the said defendant do Appear heie on the third dayof our next March Court, and answerthe complainant's bill ; that a copy olthis order be inserted in the KentuckyGazette or Herald, according to law ;

another polled .at the door of the courthouse for Fayette County, and that this

rder be publimed on some Sunday," 1m- -

ediately alter divine lervice, at thedoor of the Prcfbytefian meeting housein Lexington. (A copy) '

TeQ , THOs. BODLEY, c. r. c. c.


TOR SALE, 'The Valuable Stallion,SILVER HEELS,

WHICH flood 'at Mr. EdmundBryant's, JefTaroine county, the pastseason, and covered between 90

marcs. 1 he nedizree of thisbrfe is good, and may be feen'by re

ference to the Stud Book for theyear' 1803, or to the fubferiber, inClarke county. One or two yearscredit will be given on giving bondand security One or two geldingswould be received in hand ifprefer-ret- l

by the purchaser.H. TAYLOR.

August 7th 1807. tf- r

ALL persons are herebyagainst taking an aflignment

ona NO'l'E, given by'me to RobertRuflf, for 170 gallons of whilkey,mable in fdur months, and datedearljMn the present month ; as I amdetermined not to discharge thesame, until he complies with his contract, in coniequence or wmen tnesaid note was given.

William Brotvn.Feb. 13, 1804. 3


22CO acres a!nrr, the hu-- ol tie river

North tenths

theol tie







Kafkafl-.ias- , "near the town ol that name, grantsol the state of Virginia.

Will be lo!d even by small tracts lor tbcaccomodation oi the pnrcharer, one tenth


1P. f3f.ew


700 acres Military Lind, o"Brum creek, N. W. T. ivl-.- o ' roi'4crofTes from Limestone to Cl J'i . hi ;

this traft contains about th-i- e . dr---

acresof rich bottom, the rein f er iswell timbered; has on it a gooj rriUfqat, and is an excellent stand for apuu-li- c,

house.500 acres ditto-ditto- , lying on Clover

Lick creek, a branch of the East fork ofthe Little Miami, N. W. T. in a goodneighboihood, abojJt three rnties fromDunhams-Tow- n, seven from'Willlams-bur- g,

and eleven to twelve from the O-h- io

river.1000 acres ditto ditto, lying on Bruft.

creek, a sew miles from New Market,N. W. T.

500d acres, lying on Bank Lick creek,Kentucky, part of two trafts, contain-ing 600d abres, surveyed and patentedfor William Jones.

4000 acres, Clarke county, Kentucky,part of a trac of eight thousand acres,surveyed and patented for Richard Chin-nevort- h.

3332 2-- 3 acres, Mason county, Ken-

tucky, part of 5000 acres, furveyedandpatented for George Underwood.

1 200 acres, Mason ptinty, Kentucky,surveyed and patented foi Moody andM'Millin.

1 000 acres Military land, en the waters of Ruffell's creek, Green river.

325 acres, Jefferson county, Kentuc-ky, about sour miles from Louifvdle, 40aeres of this traft'i cleared.

116 -2 acres,Fraklin county, Kent-ucky", on the Noith fork of Elkhorn,about six nnlles from Frankfort ; on thistract are confiaerable improvements.,A HoufeijlAvell improved Lot inthe town ot .Parts, on Main llreet, and.adjoining Mr. Hughes's tavern.

An Inn and Out Lot in said town.LyiUfd.a House and well improved Lot

in tins place.X.The above described property will be1old low for Gsa, Hemp and Tobac-co, or on giving bond with pood focuri- -ty, a considerable credit may be hadFor further particulars enquire of Andrew F, Price, attorney in fast for (orto the fubfefibers.


Lexington Kentucky, ?January 14th, 1803-- 5


State of Kentucky. 'Fayette Circuit Court, September term, 180 J.

William Gooch, complainant.against

Benjamin Turner, "J jRichard Higgins, U - defendant;. !Robert Ruflel!, J - Tj,


THE defendant, Benjamin Turner,sailed to enter his appear-enc- e

herein agreeable to law and therules of this court, and it appearing tothe fatisfadYion of the court, that he isnot an inhabitant of this commonwealth

On the motion of the complainant, byhis counsel, it is ordered that the ("aid

defendafit do appear here on the thirdday of our next March Court and an-

fwer the complainant's bill ; that a co-

py of this order-b- e inserted in the Ken-

tucky Gazette or Herald, according tolaw ; another polled at the door of thecourt honfe for FayeHe county, andthat this order be published on someSunday, immediately afterdivine service,at thedoor ol the Frelbyterun meetinghouse in Lexington.

(A copy.)I CllC, l nU! 15VJ0JL.X. 1 , C. T. c .c.



State of Kentucky.Fayette Circuit Court, September term, 1805.

William Sullivant, complainant,against

Thomas Montague, defendant, .IN CHANCERY. 7",

THE defendant having sailed to enter!iuiherein agreeably to law and""

the rules of this court, and it appearing tthe fatisfaaiorj of the court, that he isnotaainhabitant of this Commonwealth on the mo- - &tion of the complainant, by his counsel, it iordeied, that the defendant do appear liereoathe third day of our next ?.farch term, andanswer the complainant's bill that a copy ofthis order be inserted in Hie Kentuckv Gazetteor Herald according to law; another portedat the door of the court house for Fayettecounty; and that this order be publiihed Obsome Sunday immediately aster divine service,at the door of the Presbyterian meeting housein Lexington. A copy.

TcAe Tbomas t,d!(ye.T,c.e,