Kensington Centre Proposal

Post on 10-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Kensington Centre Proposal

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V. SOLUTION..........................

VI. GOVERNANCE..............


VIII. TIMETABLE......................

IX. BUDGET..........................

X. ENDORSEMENTS ...............

XI. APPENDIX......................

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I. IntroductionThe Kensington Centr collaboratively-run artthe capacity for arts,is required to bring t

turning the CPA/Ant Bwill outline the structuculture and communi

II. Immediate BaThe CPA's desire to seCentre building repr Calgary, and as such,to the Kensington Celocal artists to exhibitpotential to be a jewe

III. OpportunitiesAn opportunity existsAuthority (formerly Aallows a diverse grouindividuals promotingpositive cultural prorespective goals.

In Calgary, artists aisolation and within ahas proven to be mo

fulfilling the true intchallenges posed bythe success of the me

Calgary is at a pointbecome a city withassets. The lack of affcome to fruition is inhi

IV. Goals/ObjectiThe building will be adepth of the culturalchallenges in their abiCentre will enable usmanage and promocommunity-centric pand uncertaintyinterrupted occupadisconnection willobtaining a lease in

e provides an excellent opportunity to meet thes, c ulture and community centre in Calgary. In ordeulture and community development in this city, a c

ogether a variety of organizations under one soci

uilding into a cultural destination for all and role of the Kensington Place in the broader y in Calgary.

ckgroundcure a tenant by Christmas 2008 is commendable.sents one of the finest and most diverse exhibithe integrity of the exhibition space must be maint

ntre for exhibitions represents a unique and rarein an incomparable environment. The Kensingtonl in the crown of the local arts landscape.

to create a unique community centre, in the Cthill Fabrics) building in Kensington thatp of arts and cultural organizations andthe sale and exhibition of local art andramming in Calgary to achieve their

nd community groups exist in relativecompetitive or fractured framework. Thisre of a distraction and inhibits them from

nt of their projects. Faced with theisolation or a lack of consolidated effortsmber groups is restricted.

in its history where it has the capacity toa depth of innovation and rich culturalordable and available locations for this to

iting the social advancement of this ci ty.

vespart of a broader, far-reaching effort to realize anssets which currently exist in Calgary. Each of our

lity to obtain a space on their own. Collaboratively,to more effectively

te art, culture androjects. The drain

associated withcy and physical

be addressed bythis building. As a




demand for ar to strengthenentral locationety effectively

This documentcontext of art,

he Kensingtonion spaces in

ained. Accesspportunity for entre has the

algary Parking

share the fullmembers facethe Kensington

ensington Centrequickly become aestination spot for arians, increasing

unique pedestrian

traffic and further upporting existingesses and spaces

in the area

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dynamic and collabarts and cultural com

V. SolutionThe Kensington Ce

centerpiece: a retailexclusively on the woalso include a multiminternet, meeting rooworking spaces for diverse programming.expand their own savailable space for bookstore, and as anwhich support bothcooperative. In short,node in the exhibition

expanding indepehappening in this cityactivities to a placavailable.

BenefitsThe benefit of a coverstated. Membcentre to meet theicommunity of Kensinbecome a destinatio

further supporting exis

FeasibilityThere is a particular collectively run arts, cinterest shown in thistogether is apparentcan pride itself on thedevelopment organizthat end. Our comdesires a central lodevelopment activitie

ScopeThe Kensington Centwill operate for thcommunity. Invaluacentralized to ensurecentre.

rative collective, we will be more effective and beunity than we could be on our own.

tre will organically evolve around the

art exhibition space that focuses almostk of local artists. The Kensington Centre willedia arts lab, silk-screening facilities, wireless

s, a library, film-screening facility, and co-ommunity and arts groups, among other

The members of the Kensington Place willrvices in a collaborative manner makinga café, bike repair centre, independentexample, including fair-trade apparel salesraphic design artists and a single-mothersthe Kensington Centre will act as a central

and display of Calgary based artists and the

dent community development work and will draw people engaged in related

where support and resources can be

operatively run arts, culture and community sitr artists and organizations are actively seeking a

r artistic and cultural needs. Beyond this, theton is significant and unique. The Kensington Cenn spot for Calgarians, increasing unique pedestri

ting businesses and spaces in the area.

emand for community centers in Calgary. The dulture and community centers is quite apparent fr

proposal. The organizational capacity of they the long-term strategy envisioned in the promotiohigh caliber of creative artists, cultural enthusiasts ars. The Kensington Centre will be an important steunity has a built in support base which is very e

cation to engage with others through art ans.

re and its memberse benefit of thele resources will bethe success of the

co M



neficial to the

e cannot becollaborativeenefit to the

tre will quicklyan traffic and

esire for morem the level ofroup to work

n of a city thatnd communitypping-stone tothusiastic andd community

The Kensingtonentre is made up

of a diversellection of groups.ny of which have

oven to be viablebusinesses and

mportant pillars of their prospective


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VI. GovernanceThe Governance struboard. Membershipcommunity “member manage the bylaws o

The "Old Y" Commundiverse tenants for mKensington Centre.

VII. Previous ExpeThe Kensington Centr proven to be viableThe individuals currecommitment to theinclude The Good LifIDEAL gallery, as wellgroups.

VIII. TimetableBased on a Decembe

As is, the Kensingtonretail exhibition of loexhibition, can be rewould also target Kedriving significant unadditional cultural ac

the community to acartists to exhibit woKensington Centre.exhibition, becomingand vertical realty.

IX. BudgetDue to the excellenimprovements requireexhibitions immediatconsiderable assets spurpose of retail exhihanging fixtures. Thespractice in the sector commission basis.immediate retail iassociated expense.

Anchor tenantspayments to me

ture and its scope and operations, will be createdof the board will be made up of current tena

s at large” who have particular skill sets requiredf the Kensington Centre.

ity Centre has a governance model that has wor any years. A similar model will be adapted and

ienceis made up of a diverse collection of groups. Manyusinesses and important pillars of their prospectivtly directing the operations of these groups havustainability of community development in Calg

e Community Bicycle Shop, Market Collective, 111l as other particularly well known local curators,

r 1st, 2008 occupancy.

Centre requires minimal modification to proceedcal art. The first use of the Kensington Centre,dy for public viewing in a matter of days. The org

nsington Centre as a host venue for the 1111 Gr ique destination traffic to the space. The impltivities would occur within the first two weeks of a

ess the facility for a Grand Opening prior to Christld happen immediately upon the securing of

curatorial transition team would undertake the timmediately intimate with the nuances of the bu

t condition of the building, there are no significd. This allows the Kensington Centre to open thely. Anchor tenants in the Kensington Centre brithat start up costs are minimized and drastically reiting, consideration will be given to paint touch u

e are rather insignificant expenditures. Local art will,, be accepted on a

This allows for nventory with no

ill pool monthlyet the financial

by an existingnts as well asto successfully

ed well for itspplied to the

of which havecommunities.

e a long-termry. Examples1, Sierra Club,rtists and arts

ith immediatethe inaugural

anizers of 1111oup Exhibition,

mentation ofcess, allowing

as. A call for the lease for

ask of the firstilding's lighting

ant leaseholddoors for retailing with themuced. For thes, lighting andas is common

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obligations of the leawith a sponsoring finaaccess to funds for thteam will be assemblproviding regulated o

X. EndorsementsLetters of intent and eart groups, and indivi

XI. Appendix"Kensington Centre - F

e. Partnering tenants will establish a small but usefncial institution in order to have appropriate financie day to day operation of the Kensington Centre.d so that proper financial controls are implementeersight to the retail operation.

xpressions of interest from a selection of communityuals are attached.

lexible Programming diagram attached.

l line of credital security and

n accountingimmediately,


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IT Support

Co-working offices

Shared Resources

Meeting Rooms

Community Access Space


Community Engagement

Creative Cross-fertilization

Cultural IncubationCommunity EngagementCapacity Building

Public Awareness Programs

Community Newsletter


Multimedia Arts Laboratory

Sound Studio

Photo Studio

Video Studio

Film Screenings

Market Collective

Silk-screening workshop

Community Computer Terminals

Open Wireless Hotspot

Gallery Events

Art SalesExhibit Space


Good Life Bike Shop

Peace Cafe


Video Presentations

Kensington Centre Flexible Programming

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Expression of Interest

Kensington Centre

1111 is a Calgary based arts event pursuing the promotionof artists through innovative, inventive and ground-breaking collaborative exhibitions.

1111 presently has a database of over 800 local artists.

1111 expresses a genuine interest in working with theKensington Centre project.


Paul HughesManaging Curator1111

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BeLuscious Clothing ApparelNovember 12, 2008

My name is Sasha Lynn'day Frisby. I am owner and operator of BeLuscious ClothingApparel, a sustainable clothing company that employees locally. We use only lowimpact eco-fibres and recycled material. Keeping production in the area we aim at asustainable economy and future. BeLuscious Clothing is in full support of theKensington Centre Space.

email: beluscious@ymail.com403 968 1038

Thank You,Sasha Lynn'day Frisby

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We are the Papa Wheely Artists' Association

Our mandate:Bread and Circuses is a multi-discipline art cabaret that has been hosted at theRoyal Canadian Legion.

The purpose of the show is to allow artists in ourcommunity a venue that is alternative to the established arts community whilestill operating on the fringes of it.

There is no jury system for our show; if you submit work it will be shown. Toomuch "no" gets said in the art world and Papa Wheely is all about saying "yes" toart. The cabaret is inclusive not exclusive.

A space that allows our members affordable studio space and an opportunity toshow and hold fundraisers would be, to put it simply, invaluable.

Thank you for this fabulous idea.


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The Good Life Community Bike Shop is Seeking a New Home

What is The Good Life? The Good Life is a not for profit, community bicycle repair education and resource centre thatopened mid June 2008 in Eau Claire Market. We offer our members repair space, tools andinstruction for free. We also offer reconditioned/recycled bikes and parts for sale. The shop acts asa community meeting space open to other environment and community minded groups as well asan education center. The Good Life Community Bicycle Shopis almost fully run and operated by

volunteers, a medley of students, full-time professionals, bike enthusiasts, activists, and othercommunity members who share a love for this project and are interested in working towards amore sustainable Calgary.

Mission statement : To promote healthy lifestyles and communities through facilitating transportation alternatives by educating on bicycle safety, bicycle accessibility, bicycle maintenance,and the environment while promoting the preservation of the environment through recycling bicycles and bicycle components otherwise destined for the waste stream.

Why should you choose to support or host the GL in your community? This is a first of its kindshop in Calgary but not a new concept. Bike shops like this one exist in most major centers aroundthe world. The environmental and social benefits of encouraging bike commuting and awareness are

well known; the benefits of housing this shop in your community are equally powerful. We haveestablished relationships with many of the other bike shops in Calgary and do not pose a threat asour services are unique and we do not offer new bikes for sale or focus on service. The Good Life isa perfect fit to any established community or new development. We host events and workshops thatencourage community growth and health. In the short time we have been at Eau Claire Market wehave already grown to almost 700 members and as many non-member, casual users. We have soldover 300 hundred bikes, many which were potentially destined for the waste stream. We have beenfeatured in almost every major media provider in Calgary including but not only: CBC TV and Radio,Breakfast TV, Global TV, CTV, Shaw TV, The Herald, FFWD, Beat Route, Swerve, Impact, and

Avenue Magazines. We have hosted a number of community events and workshops and will

continue to do so. We have experienced great success and have touched many members of thecommunity and earned much support of the community. We do not discriminate against anyone andour membership includes Calgarians from all backgrounds and incomes. We will bring vibrancy,positive attention and increased traffic to your community with out the cars and need for parking!Based on our incredible success in such a shot time, Calgary has shown there is a need for the GoodLife and this is a project that can not fail!

Rental needsEau Claire administration have been very generous and supportive of our project and continue to beso, this means we have a flexible move date and are able to move as soon as December 15 th andhope to move before March 1 st. We are not for profit group and we are seeking this space at reducedrates or for donation, let’s negotiate a community partnership! You have learned housing the ‘Good

Life Community Bike Shop’ is more valuable then any leasing fee would prove to be. When you areready to discuss this exciting opportunity, please contact:Shannon Woloshyn, on behalf of the Good Life Venue Committee @403-466-4752

We look forward to a partnership, The Good Life Community Bike Shop

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November 11th, 2008


Market Collective is a unique art market, founded by two Calgarian women that live in the

Kensington area. Our third MARKET COLLECTIVE will be held on November 22, 2008, andwe estimate a turnout of over 1500 people, based on the success of our last two events. Thismarket showcases the work of over 50 local artists, artisans and musicians, as well as serves as a

platform to introduce the general public to the arts and culture happening in Kensington.The MARKET COLLECTIVE supports the efforts of Paul Hughes in the creation of acommunity organization in the Kensington area. The existing strength and presence of MARKET COLLECTIVE would contribute to the collaboration within this space by providingvisitors and the community of Kensington options of buying from local designers and artists. Byutilizing this building as an art and community initiative, we will creating a positive space inwhich we can reflect the revitalization and growth of our already thriving community.


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Sara NessImaginal

November 12, 2008

Re: Expression of interest in Kensington Centre

My name is Sara Ness, and I am representing a community-based magazine called Imaginalthat will see its first publication come November 28th. Our intention is to create and exploremeaningful connections between self and community. We are highlighting local artists,

writers, poets, musicians, spirit-based science, and the concept of creating community.Imaginal fully supports in all ways the Kensington Centre space.

We can be contacted at (403)284-2942email:

Thank you,Sara Ness

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To Whom it May Concern,

I'm writing to confirm my initial support of the Kensington Centre(working title) project that is currently being planned for the vacantbuilding on 10th st NW in Kensington, Calgary, Alberta.

This project presents a unique opportunity for a contemporaryexhibition as well as work space for emerging artists in Calgary. Thebuilding, with its large size as well as convenient location could act asan important pillar for the growing arts community of Calgary. I haveviewed the space myself and with my experience having exhibited atthe Art Gallery of Calgary as well having run the IDEAL Art Space Ican confirm the space as being suitable for an arts working/exhibitionspace.

Sincerely,Erik Olsonartist

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Hello Paul,

I am interested in being part of the Kensington

Community Cultural Centre. I was the KensingtonBRZ manager for 3 years before enrolling atACAD as a full time student. Earlier thisspring/summer I spent several months workingwith the Parking Authority and the Kensington BRZto set up affordable studio space for emergingartists in the building. We were unable to come

to an agreement over the rent that the ParkingAuthority wanted to collect for the space, and asI did not have any outside funding in place, Ireluctantly had to abandon the project. I stillthink the use of the space as an arts space wouldbe fantastic, and would be happy to share myinformation and experience with your group as

you work on making this a reality.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

June Hills403-708-7313

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Anahata Foods November 12, 2008

Yes! This is such a grand opportunity. I'm so often thankful and in wonder at how greatour community, and business, and city are. Wow! This is a great manifestation, and will be

win-win-win, etc. ad infinitum.10th St will never be the same. We are participating in, and supportive of sustainable, local,and holistic community.

Ryan Johnson

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Contact Name:




Postal Code:




Mission: To help build a better wPhilosophy : To change the attitud

behaviours at the individual level,Through: Leadership, and other How: Enhancing decision making,By: Bringing people together -- inthe community; strategic action pl

(See http://www.

Website:Canadian Centres for corporation under thedirectors are Robert---------------------

Expression of InterestNovember 3, 2008

Canadian Centres for Teaching Peace—Calgar

Robert Stewart

Box 70



T1S 1A4

(403) 461-2469

(403) 407-6576

rld for our children, and advance peace in the worldes and behaviours at the world level, we must change the

hich modern technology permitspecialized expertiseand improving performance

person, electronically, network think globally, act locallynning; information sharing/education

http://www.peace.caTeaching Peace, and PEACE.CA, were incorporated asCanada Corporation Act on September 23, 1997. The fotewart, C.A., C.M.C., Marion Stewart, and Mrs. Agnes S--------------------------------------------------------

y Chapter

attitudes and

; build peace in



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November 11th, 2008Pot Luck House

I represent an organization called "Pot Luck House". It's an ongoing project that brings people together in spirit of community. We represent over 40 different artists of variousmediums and talents. We also host work shop themed around healthy life style choices.As such, we are keenly interested in the opportunity provided by the Kensington Centre


Sincerely,Chris Scaplentechnostic@gmail.com403 667 0117

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November 3, 2008

RE: Expression of Interest in proposed Kensington Centre

The Sierra Club of Canada's Chinook Group has been active in Southern Alberta since 2001. As a part of the Sierra Club of Canada, we believe in the power of the individual to makechange. Our mandate is to educate, lobby, and work together for change. We recognize that

we are not separate from the earth, but are one with it. With that recognition, we believe that

it is our responsibility to protect the earth and health of all creatures living here.Our goal is to ensure that future generations may enjoy this beautiful area in which we areprivileged to live; that we do not destroy its beauty, its diversity, and its ability to sustain us.

Therefore, our group is committed to protecting and improving the environment andecosystems of Calgary and Southern Alberta.

These past years have been tremendously successful for the Chinook Group. As the yearsgo by our membership continues to grow steadily in numbers. We serve as a strong voice ineducating the public and we also fill a role of advocating for change.

The Chinook Group is currently connected with over 1,000 people in the Calgary area. Ourannual budget has exceeded $30,000 and we are continually growing.

The Kensington Centre project would provide us with a great opportunity to make us moreprominent to the public. This would aid in our growth and provide us with a permanentspot for informing and interacting with the public.

We currently operate out of 400sqft and would look forward to leasing a similar size space.

Sincerely,Dale D'SilvaCo-ChairSierra Club of Canada, Chinook Group#211, 223 12th Avenue SW Calgary, AB

T2R 0G9

Phone: (403) 233-7332Fax: (403) 201-0330

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For the past 3-years I have managed TWV on pure community support – sharing office space withother like minded groups, partnering with other community based initiatives and striving to find a"home" for TWV and others that will generate a collective interest for positive change in the social,cultural and environmental landscapes of Calgary.

I am the founder and director of TWO WHEEL VIEW - Calgary (TWV). We are a registered Canadiancharity with a mission to provide life changing experiences for young people. TWO WHEEL VIEW is a

mission driven organization that creates opportunities for young people to learn and practice lessons inleadership, health and wellness, self esteem, achievement, and environmental stewardship throughtheir participation in bicycle education programs and expeditions.

The mission of Two Wheel View is to educate young people on the environment and local culture ofareas in N. America and abroad through their participation in educational bicycle programs andexpeditions. TWO WHEEL VIEW believes that all youth should have the opportunity to expand their physical and cultural boundaries. There are many youth, due to financial or social limitations, that arenever exposed to what may provide the greatest source of learning - real life experiences that bringhome valuable insights and logical steps for positive change.

By exposing young people to new challenges, other cultures and diverse environments through an

intense hands-on experience, TWO WHEEL VIEW believes we can open young people's eyes to newways of thinking and positively impact them to create positive change in their own lives andcommunities for the future.

TWV has a broad range of support from youth leaders and teachers, local and national organizations,corporations, and individuals excited about TWV's mission and successful programs.

The success and positive feedback from youth participants and adult volunteers has created anincreased demand for TWV programs. TWV's annual support has grown more than 50% in the past year.Individual donors make up approximately 61% of our total support. Over the next year; TWV will deliver weekly after school programs, local and regional field trips and international expeditions directlyinvolving over 400 youth.

From what you have described about the Kensington space/concept, I believe TWV and other interested groups that I have been in contact with would provide great benefit to the community.

Let me know how I can help make it work. Thanks for your efforts,
