Kennington News November 2012

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The newsletter of Kennington Community Forum serving Kennington, Bockhanger, Bybrook, Little Burton in Ashford

Transcript of Kennington News November 2012


NOVEMBER 2012 Published by Kennington Community Forum

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Hunt for former head’s attacker

Best behaviour: Mrs Stace with pupils and staff

NEW VENTURE IS GETTING GOOD REVIEWS IN THESE hard times it’s good to report on a new local business that’s thriving. The Kennington, formerly the Ex-Servicemen’s Club in Ulley Road, has been a big success since it opened earli-er this year as a modern, relaxed venue. The Sunday carvery is very popular and is

getting good reviews on the TripAdvisor website, and event nights are attracting enthusiastic audiences. The Kennington can also be booked for functions. Coming up: a comedy night for the Multiple Scle-rosis Butterfly appeal campaign (15 Nov) and an Abba tribute night (16 Nov).

CHILDREN dressed up as Victorians as Kennington Junior School celebrated 140 years. Mrs Phyllis Stace, who started at the school in 1921, bought old-fashioned sweets for all the 350 pupils. Head teacher Steve Ive dressed as a Victorian schoolmaster,

complete with cane, and conducted an assembly with a reading from the Bible and the singing of the National Anthem. Events to celebrate the opening of the school in 1872 included an open day and a highly successful re-union party for former pupils and staff.

POLICE have made a new appeal for wit-nesses following the brutal attack on one of Kennington’s most respected residents. Michael Thompsett suf-fered a serious eye inju-ry, a broken wrist and a head wound when he was pushed to the ground and kicked in the face in Broadhurst Drive. Mr Thompsett, 70, was headmaster at Kenning-ton Junior School from

1989 to 1995 and is chairman of the Friends

of St Mary’s Church.

He was making his way to his car after visiting a friend at 8.30pm on Tuesday 21 August when he was approached from behind and asked for money. He then felt a blow to the back of his head and fell to the ground. He

was kicked several times in the face and head before the attacker ran off towards Faversham Road. Mr Thompsett managed to drive home and was later taken to hospital. The wound to his head needed several stitches and he was in hospital for several days. Det-Con Heather Moore, of Kent Police, said: “His serious injury will have a long-term effect on his life, and all for nothing. No money was handed over. We are appealing for any witnesses or in-formation — maybe they did not see the attempt-ed robbery, but perhaps they saw a man running away near the junction of Broadhurst Drive and Faversham Road.” Anyone with information should call DC Moore on 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111. Many messages of sympa-thy have been posted on the “Ashford Kent Re-membering the Way it Was” Facebook page. Tom Dickens wrote: “He was my headmaster and one of the nicest people I have ever met.”


A real old sweetie

HOODED raiders smashed their into the home of a 97-year-old woman in Canterbury Road, Kennington, and stole a cheque-book and her housekeeping money. It happened about 8pm on 3 October just after she had gone to bed because she was

feeling cold. The back door was battered down. A neighbour saw two heavily built men coming out of her drive — near the Conningbrook roundabout — and raised the alarm. If you have any information please call Kent Police on 101.

Kennington News: August issue

Plan to ban all parking in road’s danger zone ALL parking in Faversham Road between Lower Vicarage Road and Towers School could soon be banned. A plan by KCC to make the stretch of road safer follows many accidents, three of them serious. Under the proposals double yellow lines would be extended to run from Lower Vicarage Road to the school, on both sides of the road. Several accidents have been caused by drivers crashing into parked cars. New speed surveys were carried out in October. The safety plan was drawn up by KCC traffic engineer Steve Darling after a campaign by

residents, Kennington Forum, and county councillors Andrew Wickham and Elizabeth Tweed. Mr Darling said: “Funding is available in the current finan-cial year.” Letters have been sent to resi-dents immediately affected. A consultation period will run until 19 November. If the plan is approved the work is likely to be carried out in the spring. PLANS to ease parking problems near the junior and infant schools are being prepared. ANYONE interested in taking part in a community Speed Watch should contact Chris Morley on 01233 611196.



SURE STEPS children centre has been rated Outstanding by Ofsted inspec-tors. It was given top marks in every category. The report said the Bel-mont Road centre provided an out-standing service for the very large majority of families in its area. The inspectors said: “There is an excellent depth of understanding of changing local needs and a highly pro-active approach to tackling of-ten complex, individual needs. Chil-dren make excellent progress, espe-cially in their speech and language. “Families are unanimous in their

positive views of the centre and about the levels of support they receive. ‘No other service could do what they did for us’ was a common view.” Inspectors said the centre had helped many adults achieve significant goals and improve their economic well-being. “Their lives have been changed dramatically.” Centre manager Karen Roberts said: “This is a well-deserved tribute to the commitment and dedication of our families, partners and staff across the locality of which I and the staff team are very proud.”

O NE of Ashford's smallest primary schools has been given a good

report by Ofsted inspectors and it came very close to being rated "outstanding". Phoenix Community School in Belmont Road, Kennington, was last visited two years ago and the report notes improvements in many areas, saying "attainment in mathematics has risen" and that teaching quality has improved, thanks to good leader-ship. The report said: "In almost all lessons, teaching is good and an in-

creasing proportion is outstanding. The use of time is a consistent strength across the school and not a moment is wasted." Head teacher Rob Juniper's "strong leadership" was praised by inspectors, who said his work was "enhanced by good support from senior leaders and managers and by the effective governing body". Mr Juniper said: "I'm absolutely de-lighted and this is down to the hard work of the whole team and provides a good foundation for the future. I'm really proud and pleased, this is a team effort."

KENNINGTON Scouts have been given permission to extend the hours of use of

their new hall in Lower Vicar-age Road despite objections from several neighbours. An application to amend the hours from 10am-4pm to 10am-6pm Monday to Friday, with a special extension to the NHS blood donor service to 9pm, up to four times a year, was approved by Ashford BC plan-ning committee by seven votes to one. Objectors said Ken-nington Place and Lower Vicarage Road were already heavily used for parking by the users of the two local schools and by the WI. They said increased traffic from the Scout Hall had compounded the difficulties of access and safety in Kennington Place. Peter Hickman, 1st Kenning-ton Scout Group treasurer, said: “When Ashford council gave us £8,000 towards the cost of replacing the hut it was made clear we were ex-pected to make it available to the wider local community.”

Top marks all round!

TWO people have been arrested following a series of milk bottle thefts in the Lower Vicarage Road and Kennington Place area. PCSO Tom Knight and PC Grant Turner were in plain clothes when they apprehended the offenders at 2.45am on 21 September.

THE OLD school site in Bybrook Road has been sold and there is now a proposal for 14 4-bedroom detached houses in a gated estate. This is yet to be considered by ABC. The Forum would be interested to learn what locals think of the proposal.

IMPROVEMENTS to the path from Bockhanger Lane to Eureka Park, including resurfacing, have been designed but there is no money available for the work at present. Meanwhile an experimental solar street light has been installed.

A CHRISTMAS Fair will be held in St Mary’s Community Centre, Rylands Road on Saturday 24 November from 11am-3pm. Many stalls and refresh-ments. Entry 50p, children free.

A CHARITY race night is being held at The Ken-nington, Ulley Road, on Satur-day 24 Novem-ber. It has been arranged by Amy Pitcher in aid of SANDS, (Stillbirth and neonatal death charity). Doors open at 7pm and the first race is at 8pm. Tickets are £15 each and include an all-you-can eat buf-fet. Tickets need to be purchased in advance and can be bought through eBay — search for chari-ty race night tickets. More details from Amy

01233 639604.


Forum will help shape the future A FEAST FOR WILDLIFE AND A FREE DRINK THE Forum has been awarded a Woodland Trust community tree planting pack which includes ha-zel, blackthorn, crab apple, elder and dog rose — ideal native fruits, nuts and berries to make delica-cies to eat and enjoy (for people and wildlife alike!) Ashford Coun-

cil has given permission to plant these as a hedgerow at the Spear-point recreation ground, on Sun-day 18 November from 10am-1pm. The event will be managed on behalf of the Forum by The Con-servation Volunteers. Everybody welcome. Refreshments provided.

KENNINGTON Communi-ty Forum will be closely involved in shaping the future of Ashford, Chris Morley told the

annual meeting in his chairman’s report. He said: “We have a unique opportunity to explore what we want the town to be in the next 18 years, and we want residents to join us in this pro-cess.” Crucial to the Local Plan 2030 (previously known as Core Strategy Review) is estimating the growth expected in the economy of the area and the number of new homes that will be needed. Mr Morley said the Forum was

involved in shaping the future of Kennington as a result of the Localism Bill that has shifted power from central government


THE following were elected to the Core Group: Chris Morley (Chair), Sandra Dunn (Secretary) Chris Woolgar (Treasurer), Robin Britcher, Jill Britcher, Ian Mil-bery, Philip Hull and Shafi Khan.



NEARLY 40 people have joined the University of the Third Age (U3A) fol-lowing a very successful coffee morning in St Mary’s Community Cen-tre. Two new courses have started in Kenning-ton, Art for Beginners and Improvers and Digital Photography. This is in addition to several al-ready running. There will be a coffee morning in Wye Methodist Church on 10 December at 10.30am to welcome new mem-bers. Anyone who wishes to find out more about the U3A is welcome to attend, or contact David

Mann on 01233 623051.

THREE plans for redeveloping Bockhanger Community centre site have been put forward by Ashford Council. The first assumed no new development and showed that improv-ing the existing community centre would cost about £360,000. ABC would not fund this. The second op-tion would refurbish the community centre, build a total of 18 houses,

flats and shops and bring in £2.4 mil-lion revenue. Cost: £2.6m, so £200,000 would need to be found. The third option proposes building 23 houses, flats and shops. This would break even, but the new community centre would be half the size of the existing one. There is no funding or space specifically identified for a library and this would be an additional

cost. An alternative would be to build five houses on the site which would bring in enough to refurbish the hall. Mick Hubert, who chairs the communi-ty centre trust, said £5,000 had been found to repair the windows and roof. A new lease is now needed. The Redevelopment Site Steering Group hopes to hold another public consultation soon.

A DECISION on Ashford council’s application to build eight three-bedroom homes in Randolph Gardens and provide a total of 26 parking spaces is expected to be made by ABC’s planning committee on 14 November.

VOLUNTEERS have given Goat Lees play area a clean up ahead of new youth equipment being installed. They levelled the ground, removed old shrubs and laid grass.

RESIDENTS on Little Burton Farm are to be asked by ward councillor Marion Martin if they want a pedestrian crossing in Canterbury Road where the footpath from the estate emerges. KCC Highways says it is a tricky location for a crossing and there needs to be sufficient demand for one.

Cllr Martin has given financial help from her £2,750 allowance to a new dancing school in Little Burton and a youth centre in Park Street, Ashford. She is hoping to fund a notice board on the estate and still has money available for good causes and projects.

back to individuals, communities and councils. “We have now been accorded recognition at ABC’s Parish Forum on a par with parish councils.” Further development of the Localism agenda is also underway. He said: “We are particularly keen to have a diverse range of voices on the Forum Core Group, of all ages and backgrounds, and welcome new members.”

The Forum continues to be involved in local planning mat-ters. Mr Morley said: “We have participated in consultations and public hearings on the Urban Sites and Infrastructure Develop-ment Plan Document; we have been involved in the develop-ment of plans for Conningbrook Lakes strategic park and we have continued to oppose appli-cations for “back garden” devel-

opments in inappropriate sites, making formal representations and attending hearings. The Forum has managed a

number of projects to improve our environment, said Mr Morley. “This spring saw completion of restoration work on Kennington’s Memorial Shelter, and planting of a new hornbeam hedge along the Ulley Road boundary. Work on replanting the garden will contin-ue this autumn. Our Jubilee tree was planted on the recreation ground, and dedicated during Kennington Fayre.”


Information COUNTY COUNCILLORS: Elizabeth Tweed 01233 714689 Andrew Wickham 01233 840902

BOROUGH COUNCILLORS: Kennington: Phil Sims 01233 627603 Bockhanger: Michael Claughton 01233 635969 Bybrook: Andrew Buchanan 01233 627696 Little Burton: Marion Martin 628811 marionmartin168 Boughton Aluph: Winston Michael 636644 NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE : Kennington: Tom Knight 07772 226032; Little Burton: Fergus Mackay 07772 225992, Bockhanger: Jason Brett 07772 226047. Bybrook: Covered by all of the above. IF NONE IS AVAILABLE DIAL 101 NEW HAYESBANK SURGERY: 624642 LATE NIGHT CHEMIST: Sainsbury’s Simone Weil Avenue 01233 662819 NHS DIRECT: Medical advice 24/7 0845 4647 ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY SERVICE OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY: William Harvey Hospital Kennington Road, Willesborough 01233 633331 WASTE RECYCLING CENTRE: Brunswick Road, Cobbs Wood Indus-trial Estate. Temporary facility while the main site is being extended BULKY ITEMS COLLECTION: Call Ashford council 331111 Minimum charge of £22 when booking KENNINGTON FORUM: Chris Morley, chair, 01233 611196 Sandra Dunn, secretary 01233 634165

Kennington News is published quarterly. Editor Robin Britcher

01233 634410


CHILDREN in school year 1 (age 5/6) are welcome to attend Kennington Juniors football training. For more details call Russell on 07860 659751 or turn up at the Hockey Club, Ball Lane, at 10am on Saturdays.


JAMES HANEY was a geography teacher at Ash-ford North boys’ school. He was married and lived at Winslade, Canterbury Road. James joined the RAF Volun-teer Reserve and became a Sgt observer/navigator. His Wellington bomber crashed in the North Sea on 19 August 1941. His body was washed ashore a month later and he is buried in Kiev War Ceme-tery, 60 miles from Hamburg. He was 29. A road on Little Burton Farm is named in his memory.

WILLIAM MARTIN lived with his parents at 1 Yew Tree Villas, Faversham Road and after leaving school worked as a grocer’s boy. William was a L/Cpl with the Royal West Kent Regiment and was killed while trying to drag a comrade to safety on 31 July 1917 — the first day of the Battle of Passchen-daele. He has no known grave and his name appears on the Menin Gate Memorial which contains the names of 54,896 men who died in the Ypres Salient. He was 22.

As Remembrance Day approaches we tell the stories behind two more names on Kennington War Memorial

Three cheers for our champs! I N a dramatic climax to the crick-et season Kennington 1st XI

thrashed The Mote to win promo-tion to the KRL Championship East Division. The club went into their final game level with Holcombe and Bluebell Hill and needed maximum points to clinch the title. Put in to bat Kennington scored 214 then bowled out the visitors for 80 to claim the full 20 points. When news came through that Holcombe had failed to dismiss Lordswood the celebrations began! Kennington were triumphant on a tour to Mallorca winning all three matches. Anyone interested in joining the club should call John Cunningham on 01233 612162.

A TWO-BEDROOM bungalow bought by Kennington Parochial Charities Trust is now available to let. It has an attached garage and a corner plot garden. To meet the requirements of the Charity the applicant must be “in need or suffering hardship or distress” and be resident in “the former parish of Kennington.” Anyone interest-ed in applying for the lease should contact Ms Lisa J Webb, Clerk to The Trustees, 115 Faver-sham Road, Kennington TN24 9DE.

FATHER CHRISTMAS will be one of the many attractions at the Xmas Fayre in the WI Hall on Saturday 1 Decem-ber (2pm). MEMBERS wishing to go on the shopping trip to Westfield, London, on 4 Decem-ber should call Gill Whiting on 633550. THE Drama group will perform the pantomime Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in the Hall on January 18 and 19.

KENNINGTON CC have been awarded a £50,000 grant from Sport England towards the cost of replacing their existing pavilion. The club are exploring other grant options but expect they will need a loan of around £30,000 to complete the project. Many fund-raising events are planned in the next few months and the club are seeking sponsorship from local businesses. When the clubhouse is built, hopefully in time for next season, it will be available for hire on weekdays.