Kelly Wolfgang Blog Presentation

Post on 17-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Kelly Wolfgang Blog Presentation

  • 1. 21 and __________
    by Kelly Wolfgang

2. Creating a Blog
Work within your interests
Choose something that you can be an expert at
Appeal to a specific audience
Have fun and be honest
3. Positioning Your Blog
Identify what type of blog you wish to create
Find a host that suits your needs and your style
Tag your blog with care: choose words that will optimize your blog in other peoples search results
4. Naming Your Blog
Select something gripping and descriptive
Keep your audience in mind
Be picky
5. Selecting a Blog Host
Make sure your host meets all your needs
Fellow bloggers should share your interests
How popular is your host?
6. Search Engine Optimization
Using your carefully selected keywords, enter your url to popular search engines so that your blog is at the top of the results page
Popular websites like Google, Yahoo, and Bing are great starting places
Optimize frequently so that your blog is not forgotten
7. Expanding Your Readership
Use other social media networks like Facebook or Myspace to expand your readership
8. Building Credibility
Your readers must trust you as an expert of your blog
An honest approach will build a confidence in your readers
9. Making a Profit
Adding banners, side bars, and in text links to your blog will allow advertisers to share space on your blog, making you money for every visitor that enters a sponsored websites
10. Maintaining a Relationship with your Blog and Readers
By frequently updating your blog with interesting posts, readers will continue visiting
Adding the ability for readers to comment allows for an interactive relationship with your readers that will make them feel like part of a community
An involved blogger will inspire involved readers