Keep Your Eyes on the Middle East- Spotlight Cyprus!

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Keep Your Eyes on the Middle East- Spotlight Cyprus!

The Republic of Cyprus is the 3rd largest island

country in the Mediterranean Sea.

Located S. of Turkey, W. of Syria & Lebanon, N.W. of Israel, N. of Egypt, and E. of Greece.

Cyprus is strategically located in the Middle

East. It is a major tourist destination & has a high


Cyprus is a member of the European Union

since 2004. In 2008, the Republic of Cyprus

joined the Eurozone.


Cyprus is comprised of 2 parts:

The U.N. controlled Green Line provides a buffer between the 2 parts.

59% is governed by the Republic while the North

is illegally governed by the self-declared Turkish


Beginning in 649 A.D., Cyprus experienced

frequent raids by Muslim armies.

Majority of Greek Cypriots are Greek


Majority of Turkish Cypriots are Sunni


Some are hopeful that a 2016 peace accord

will unite divided Cyprus after 4 decades

of ethnic division!


Current News:

1. Yes!2. The NIV version of the Bible, mentions Cyprus 13 times.3. The prophets Balaam, Isaiah, Jeremiah, & Ezekiel all spoke about Cyprus.4. According to the New Testament book of Acts, men of Cyprus spread the good news about Jesus Christ.

Is Cyprus Mentioned in the Biblical text?

Ships will come from the shores of Cyprus; they will subdue Ashur

(Assyria/Iraq) and Eber (founder of the Hebrew race), but they too will come

to ruin.Numbers 24:24

Balaam’s Prophecy Concerning Cyprus:

In 2016, Keep Your Eyes on the Middle East

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