Kcs16 Sjmsom Signature

Post on 23-Feb-2018

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Transcript of Kcs16 Sjmsom Signature

  • 7/24/2019 Kcs16 Sjmsom Signature


    Shailesh J. Mehta School Of management, iit bom

    Team Signature

    Veerendranadh Munduri

    , 995979275

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    S%--( /&'#( &-V!V'0ST&'T-1!-S2+rd handel3al 4ase Study

  • 7/24/2019 Kcs16 Sjmsom Signature



    BPCLs Speed is Indias leading branded fuel boosted with new generation multifunctional

    additives known as friction busters that prevents combustion chamber deposits !Speed is

    custom designed to deliver higher mileage" more power" and better pick up" faster acceleration"

    enhanced engine cleanliness and lower emissions !Speed is a sought after fuel amongdiscerning customers who own new generation" high#performance cars who have endorsed its

    unmatched performance

    BPCLs portfolio of Premium fuel includes Speed" $i Speed %iesel and Speed&'

    Competitors in the Market:

    (oda) the marketing of petrol has changed from being an undifferentiated commodit) to a

    branded product BPCL is the pioneer of the premium branded fuel market It launchedSpeed in *ul) +,,+ and most of the other companies followed the suit of launching a branded

    fuel under its portfolio (he) came up with a similar kind of product offerings to mention I-C.s

    /traPremium petrol and $PCL.s Power are the ma0or competitors for Speed in this particular

    domain In premium diesel segment" I-C.s /tramile and $PCL.s (urbo0et are the ke)competitors

    Current Strategy:

    (he current strateg) of BPCL is anal)1ed through surve)s on industr) e2perts and secondar)

    research Secondar) data sources ma0orl) from the internet articles" 0ournals and case studies on

    the related sub0ect

    Speed is proud to partner with the 3astest Indian" Indias first 3ormula 4 5acer" 6arain7arthike)an as brand ambassador $iring sports personalities as the brand ambassadors have

    become norm among the petroleum industr) BPCL hired 8ahendra Singh %honi" likewise

    $PCL and I-CL roped in Sania 8ir1a and 9uvra0 singh respectivel)

    Speed has also taken up promotional programmes like Speed :, seconds to fame" Speed I;

    as a part of SP S>< +,4:

    Speed has introduced ?o7arting Championships" >mateur 8otor 5acing" Speed 5un @ Indias first

    drag race format" sponsoring )oung engineers for designing race cars and meet A greet events withbrand ambassador Speed also introduced Indias 3irst 8otor Sports ;ui1" Speed I ;ui1 in

    partnership with a leading 8edia $ouse

    >s the market is getting more competitive with the entr) of private pla)ers brand management

    became a necessit) (hough differentiation remains the ke)" it ma) become obsolete in course of


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    Market Research:

    (wo phases of market research has been done" the first phase includes interactions with the petrol

    pump owners and the second phase of market research includes the in depth interviews of the

    customers of the premium fuels

    4 8arket 5esearch has been conducted in 5ural" (owns and urban >reas (he sample considered

    for this is 4+ petrol pumps from rural areas" petrol pumps from towns and 4 petrol pumps

    from urban areas

    In depth interviews are conducted to the petrol pump owners and the data is collected regarding

    the holding and availabilit) of Premium petrol in their pumps and the data recorded is as follows

    (he percentage of sales of normal petrol vs premium fuel are recorded as follows


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    + >nother research was conducted with a sample of & participants" about their preferences in

    opting for a petrol >ll the participants are from urban localities

    Dhen asked for the reasons for them to choose one brand over the other participants response

    was the) usuall) go to the near#b) pump

    -ut of the & participants EE of them used premium petrol more than E times (he satisfaction

    surve) conducted on them observed the following details


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    It is understood that the customers are well informed about the benefits of the premium fuel but

    most of them are still skeptical about the genuineness of the promised benefits

    Analyzing the data from Market Research:

    3rom the two phases of market research conducted on two different stake holders of the premium

    fuels the below observations can be made4 (he penetration of SP

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    If we could derive a strateg) to win the confidence of the customers" a huge market share

    can be captured

    Brand Re*i*al Strategy:

    (he present da) scenario the companies and brands are tr)ing to develop an emotional connectwith the customers Dhatever ma) be the channel of communication brands are tr)ing to prove

    that the) are not 0ust brands but tr)ing to portra) themselves as something animate

    >s it is known that the ke) attributes of SP

  • 7/24/2019 Kcs16 Sjmsom Signature


    $app) 3amil) # Speed# engine health# efficienc)# longer rides# reduced emissions#

    greener planet # $app) 3amil)

    (elevision commercials and Print ads can be designed based on this ripple effect of a $app)famil) using Speed fuel help themselves in return and it could be the brand communication

    + Second Brand revival strateg) is also based on the same theme of capitali1ing on the

    environmental friendl) characteristic of SP

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    # >part from these two strategies" brand awareness programs can be held in rural areas like(ractor 5acing and some other educational programs which can take the brand closer

    to the consumers

    # (o win the confidence of the e2isting and prospective customers" a series of e2planationvideos or the testimonials from e2isting happ) customers can be released to make them

    believe that Speed has been offering what it has promised to

    Brand popularity can +e impro*ed +y:a, Customer Loyalty programs: (o be inline with the green initiative taken b) BPCL

    Speed" the lo)als of Speed shall be given an opportunit) to take part and work with an

    6?- working on a ?reen initiative

    +, Brand association -ith premium auto manufacturers

    (he premium automobile market is an increasing segment in the Indian market Brand

    association of Speed along with the automobile brands in the premium segment in ads" tradeshows etc will attract the consumers who are purchasing the brands and also the people whoaspire to purchase the brand

    c, Speed App to *ie- the fuel a*aila+ility" efficiency and instant help

    >n app to check the fuel availabilit) and the fuel efficienc) which is updated in ever) refill and

    the location and motion sensors calculating the speed and the distance travelled thereb)

    pro0ecting the fuel availabilit) and efficienc) and the app can be used for S-S calls" repair in the0ourne) and other connection utilities Carbon footprint can also be calculated b) fuel

    consumption and the carbon reduction data can be portra)ed

    d, Association -ith the auto racing in IndiaBPCL can associate itself with the auto racing in India like (>(> prima truck racing etc" so that

    the) can attract the automobile enthusiasts who are associated with the racing in India

    e, .n*ironmental friendly campaign

    BPCL can start a car on the bad effects of the unbranded fuel which causes a serious damage tothe environment the campaign Nstopthecarbon Nsavethefuture can be launched to create an

    awareness about the sensitive audience who are focused on the environmental effects of


    f, Association -ith Pro/0a+addi league

    (he Pro#7abaddi league which is uniFuel) portra)s the speed and strength can be used for the

    brand association for the fuel (he increasing audience for this game in which Speed can easil)associate its values can be used to attract )ounger generation towards the fuel


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    Promotional Strategies

    a, Instant gift redemptionK (his program is for customers who purchase branded productsabove 5s 4,,, and the) would be given coupons which are free of redemption in the

    retail store available in the in#house retail store

    +, Safe ride program

    BPCL bunks can be used as the resting place for the regular customers with the BPCL

    smart card who are involved in longer rides ie" the truck drivers who are in need of 4 or

    + hours of rest > recreational room for the drivers can be set up in outlets at the distance

    of +E, kms

    c, 1iscount on the repairs

    (he discounts on the repair of the automobiles can be done with the association with the

    automobile manufacturers and this will increase the customer conversion in the premium

    oil segment

    Conclusion>s BPCL itself is an established brand" the product line e2tension product SPvailableK httpKOOwwwicmricfaiorgOcasestudiesOcatalogueOmarketingO87(?,E&htm httpKOOwwwioclcomOourcompan)cohistor)asp2

    EIndias Petrol Retail Sector Set for Fast Expansion >vailableK


    : httpsKOObharatpetroleumcomO' www?ooglecom



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