Karma yoga

Post on 07-May-2015

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Transcript of Karma yoga

Karma Yoga

What is Karma Yoga?

• Keep serving the people, and as you render service ascribe Brahmahood to those you are serving.

• Try to make them happy with all the sweetness of your heart.

• Help others with the true spirit of service, not with the intention of propagating your self or group interests or any "ism" you may adhere to.

• Think that the Supreme Entity has come to you in the form of needy people to test your sense of duty.

• This sort of selfless service is karma yoga.

Types of Yoga

• jina'na yoga,

• karma yoga

• bhakti yoga

• Formula:

• Bhakti = Karma – Jina’na

Karma Yoga

• To encourage physical clash is also a kind of sa'dhana' which is called karma yoga

• In karma yoga human beings perform sa'dhana' physically, by rendering service to living beings and the world at large, by conducting scientific research, etc.

Physical Clash

• Physical clash increases the inter-atomic space within material objects, resulting in the transformation of crude matter into mind stuff.

• This metamorphosis of matter into mind occurs due to the dominant Vidya‘ force.

• VIDYA' SHAKTI. Centripetal, or introversial, force; force of attraction to the Nucleus Consciousness; aspect of the Cosmic Operative Principle which guides movements from the crude to the subtle


• The subtle Cosmic Mind-stuff is metamorphosed into the material particles of the relative world.

• The return of these particles to non-matter is caused by physical clash, psychic clash, and attraction of the Great.

Karma Yoga

• karma yoga [spiritual practice which emphasizes selfless action].

• Why is it known as karma yoga?

• Make your mind healthy through physical work. If you direct your mind towards Parama'tma' [the Supreme Soul], it will become one with Parama'tma'.

Bhagavad Giita

• The Bhagavad Giita gives a summary of the Karma Yoga process.


• Karman'yeva'dhika'raste ma' phales'u kada'cana;• Ma' karmaphalaheturbhu' ma' te saungo'stva karman'i.*

• [You have the right to action but not the right to the fruits of the action. You must not do actions that will bind you, but you must not be averse to action, either.]

• * Bhagavad Giita'. --Trans.


• Take 5 minutes to think what kind of Karma Yoga you could do in your present environment.

• Write down your thoughts.


• Topics:

• What is the best type of Karma Yoga you think you can do in your environment?

• How can you differentiate just doing something from doing Karma Yoga?