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  • 7/25/2019 KARANGAN MANTAP


    Essay 1;


    A Horror / Tragic Storyby Jun Li

    I opened the door, to my horror, a few skeletons lay there, chained on the wall.

    Okay, time to recap. I and my friends, Jack and Peter, were playin around an old, abandoned mansion. !e weretold that no one was allowed to enter. "owe#er, curiosity o#ercame us and we picked the lock, rantin us entranceinto the sacred lair of the unknown.

    $t the siht of the skeletons, the three of us were completely stunned. Our %aw hun wide open for a few minutesbefore we came back to our senses. &y si'th sense told me that somethin was about to o wron, so I ured the

    other two to back out of the mansion.

    ()on*t be such a chicken,+ said Jack, with a shaky #oice.

    ($ren*t you scared too+ I challened him.

    (-es, but we miht ne#er et the chance to e'plore here aain if we lea#e now.+

    ($ll riht, but we lea#e as soon as the first sin of daner shows.+

    !e #entured deeper into the mansion. /he desin looked like some sort of torture room, or a prison. E#en thouh Iwas afraid, I was eaer to disco#er more. /hrouhout the lair, we did not lose siht of skeletons or spider webs./hese were at e#ery corner, at e#ery turn. /he occasional howls from a distance made the hair on our backs standup straiht. !e finally arri#ed at a lon hallway. Jack picked up a piece of wood and lihted it up with his lihter./he flame seared at first, but after it simmered down, I was able to see the walls clearly. /here were ancientwritins, the kind we usually see in an Eyptian ra#e robber mo#ie. $s the e'pert in history, Jack tried his best todecipher the car#ins. &eanwhile, Peter leaned towards the wall to catch his breath. $t that #ery moment, a coldchill went down my spine.

    (!atch out0+ I shouted.

    efore he could react, that portion of the wall he was leanin aainst flipped, trappin him on the other side. $ll hecould let out was a loud shriek and he #anished behind the walls. I pounded aainst the wall, shoutin his name.

    Only then did I know what real terror felt like. "owe#er, the chance of rescuin him was bleak. I sank to theround, desolated and hopeless.

    (Let*s et out of here, we ha#e to inform the adults0+ suested Jack.

    I ot to my feet swiftly and both of us sped throuh the buildin. &y heart was racin. I knew that daner may bewaitin at the ne't corner. I could hear blood poundin in my ears. !ait, was that a creak I heard (2h3oh,+ Ithouht to myself. /he ceilin bean to crumble. &y sub3consciousness took o#er. I spran forward and tackledJack. oth of us fell to the round. Just as I thouht that trouble was out of the way, the burnin piece of woodslipped out of his hand and landed in a pile of rease. 4ire started spreadin like mad. I struled to et up.

    (5ome on, there*s not much time left0+ I screamed as I turned towards the e'it.


    In a split second, my head turned 167 derees. $ iantic marble pillar fell on Jack. I mustered all the strenthfrom e#ery sinle cell in my body, tryin to lift it up, to no a#ail. &y eyes were watery. I was completely out of


    (8a#e yourself, lea#e me, please,+ muttered Jack, with a weak tone.

    /his was certainly a touh decision for me. $ll the moments we had spent toether flashed throuh my mind. "owcould I lea#e him now $s the fire was close to sealin my only e'it, I knew that I had to be rational. I di#ed for my

    escape route.

    /ears rolled down my cheeks as the mansion erupted into flames behind me.

  • 7/25/2019 KARANGAN MANTAP


    Essay 9;


    5ell phones ha#e lost their meanin o#er the years. /hese small de#ices were once de#eloped to

    et in contact with someone else in case of emerencies, and now talkin on the phone while

    dri#in has turned out to be a way of life for millions of $merican dri#ers. &ore than 6: percentof the 177 million cell3phone subscribers freuently talk on the phone durin dri#in.

    , 9771, the "ar#ard 5enter for risk analysis printed a study in 1???. /hey

    appointed a crash risk factor to usin cell phones. In the summer of 9777 it came out to @:7 to

    1,777 fatalities each year. /he A"/8" says that for e#ery fatality, there are >>> property3

    damae and in%ury3producin crashes. /here are about B77,777 and >:7,777 different crashes

    due to cell phones0 /his same essay states that Japan is one of the 1@ countries bannin the use

    of handheld cell phones while dri#in. /he accidents caused by the use of cell phones dropped byC: percent the ne't month, pro#in cell phones are not necessary parts of the dri#in nature.

    /here are ma%or daners connected with dri#in and cell phone use. )ri#ers ha#e to take their

    eyes off the road while dialin. $lso, dri#ers can et so deep into their con#ersations that their

    ability to concentrate may be danerously limited. /his %eopardiDes the safety of the people

    inside the #ehicle, and the pedestrians outside. In order to dri#e safely, the dri#er should be able

    to put 177 of his or her focus on the road. 5ell phones are simply a hue distraction while


    It is understandable that there are some cases where the use of a cell phone is needed. In these

    cases, I aree with the author of -es, Prohibit /heir 2se, the dri#er should pull3o#er somewhere

    safe to use the phone. If someone recei#es an incomin call, he should wait until the car has

    come to a complete stop. /hen he should proceed to use the phone. If he feels that theemerency is urent enouh to take action riht away, then the person should use the hands

    free headset. Only in emerencies should cell phones be used.

    8ome people arue that there are other distractions other than cell phones. !hile usin a cell

    phone when dri#in may not be the most unsafe distraction, studies pro#e that it is the most

    common cause of car crash accident, and common cause of death here in the 28.

    /he use of cell phones while dri#in should be banned in Philadelphia, because many people die

    due to distraction of cell phones. 5ell phone distraction causes 9,>77 deaths and BB7,777 in%uries

    in the 2nited 8tates e#ery year.

  • 7/25/2019 KARANGAN MANTAP


    Descriptive5lose friendships are hard to come by these days. In an e#er3chanin world with people stri#in

    to achie#e their interpretation of preordained success, it is hard to know who your true friends

    are. 4ortunately, I found my best pal early at the tender ae of se#en. !e were both enrolled at

    the same school and were at wits* ends as we searched tirelessly for our desinated classes.

    8amantha and I ot acuainted as both of us were in the same class and sat ne't to each other.

    8amantha was a happy3o3lucky irl who always manaed to breathe fresh air into the

    sometimes arid classroom. 8he always knew what to say and would #oice them at the best

    possible moments. oth pupils and teachers alike en%oyed her company and li#eliness. /here was

    hardly e#er a dull moment when she was around with her funny uips and e'pressions.

    8amantha was born with a sil#er spoon. "er father was a businessman and her mother owned

    and ran a boutiue. oth her parents were #ery carin towards her as she, %ust like I, was the

    only child of the family. 8amantha came to school each day with a perpetual smile. 8he was a

    #ery nice person to be around with. 8he and I used to o e#erywhere toether and both of us

    were rarely seen apart. !e used to talk about so many thins as we walked, thorouhly en%oyin

    our time toether.

    One day, I went to school and forot to ask my parents for lunch money. $t first, I was nothunry and thouht I could bear oin without a meal but soon, my stomach bean to rowl.

    !ithout askin, 8amantha enerously paid for my meal and drinks durin recess. /he incident

    re#ealed to me how lucky I was to ha#e such a carin and compassionate friend.

    $s time went on, people started teasin us as we were spendin more and more time toether.

    !e seemed to know what each other thouht and we cared for each other deeply. !as I in lo#e

    with her I did not know then and we both knew we were too youn for all that emotional rollercoaster.

    5urrently, 8amantha and I are studyin at different schools. It was hard to be apart at first, but

    technoloy in the form of instant messain and e3mails ha#e helped to bride the ap in our

    friendship. I sincerely wish our friendship will ne#er end as it would be eui#alent to wakin up

    from a beautiful dream.

    [Usaha Memajukan Industri Pelancongan Malaysia]

    Sumber: http://anelyza.blogspot.my/2014/08/contoh-karangan-prapercubaan-spm-3.html

  • 7/25/2019 KARANGAN MANTAP


    8ektor pelanconan di neara kita berkemban ma%u dan men%adi sumber

    pendapatan neara yan pentin. "Pendapatan indsutri pelancongan mencatatkan

    peningkatan 7.2 peratus dengan nilai RM103.3 bilion pada tahun 2013 dalam

    menjana ekonomi Malaysia! kata imbalan Perdana Menteri an #ri Muhyiddin

    $assin."al ini menun%ukkan peninkatan ekonomi yan memberansankan yan dibawa

    masuk melalui industri pelanconan. Gera%aan telah menerakkan semua aensinya untuk

    memastikan sektor pelanconan berkemban pesat se%a%ar denan pembanuna neara

    yan pantas. Aamun beitu, insiden yan menimpa neara baru3baru ini denan ke%adian

    misteri iaitu kehilanan pesawat &alaysian $irlines 8ystems

  • 7/25/2019 KARANGAN MANTAP


    yan koson tanpa ilmu di dada. enarlah kata oran tua3tua, jauh perjalanan, luas

    pengalaman. Jadi, usaha kera%aan memperkenalkan produk pelanconan baharu dapat

    meninkatkan sektor berkenaan.

    8elain itu, pihak kera%aan wa%ar menan%urkan karni#al pelanconan di seluruh

    pelosok dunia. Garni#al pelanconan ialah kaedah yan berkesan untuk memperkenalkan

    neara kita sebaai destinasi pelanconan. )alam karni#al ini, banyak perkara yan dapat

    diketenahkan. $ntaranya ialah tempat3tempat menarik di neara ini, makanan yan

    pelbaai, dan %ua kebudayaan masyarakat pelbaai kaum. 8elain itu karni#al ini %ua wa%ar

    menyediakan pake%3pake% pelanconan yan kompetetif kepada masyarakat antarabansa.

    Garni#al seperti ini hendaklah diadakan di seluruh dunia. /umpuan hendaklah diberikan

    pada rantau yan %auh seperti di $merika 8elatan dan %ua $frika. 8ebaai contoh, karni#al

    wa%ar diadakan di raDil untuk menarik minat penun%un di sana datan ke &alaysia danmenhebahkan kehebatan neara kita bak kata pepatah, tak kenal maka tak cinta.

    8ecara implisitnya, bilanan pelancon ke neara kita akan semakin meninkat. /easnya,

    penan%uran karni#al pelanconan di luar neara merupakan lankah yan berkesan untuk

    mempromosikan neara kita sebaai destinasi pelanconan yan menarik.

    &enin%au skop yan lebih luas lai, kera%aan &alaysia %ua wa%ar menan%urkan

    pelbaai acara antarabansa denan lebih kerap. Pelbaai acara antarabansa wa%ar dilobi

    aar diadakan di neara ini untuk men%adi tarikan kepada para penun%un. 8ebaai

    contoh, penan%uran acara sukan antarabansa seperti &onsoon 5up, perlumbaan 4ormula

    1, ke%ohanan badminton, pameran &aritim dan 2dara Lankawi

  • 7/25/2019 KARANGAN MANTAP


    8eperkara lai, satu daripada lankah3lankah untuk mempromosikan sektor

    pelanconan neara ini adalah denan menadakan kempen /ahun &alaysia &alaysia

    denan lebih berkesan dan melibatkan lebih banyak penyertaan. /ahun &elawat &alaysia

    ialah kempen untuk menalakkan pelancon datan ke neara kita denan lebih besar

    bilanannya. Gempen yan diadakan sepan%an tahun ini menyediakan pelbaai acara untuk

    menarik minat pelancon datan ke neara ini. &isalnya, pelbaai acara kebudayaanpelbaai kaum dipersembahkan untuk para pelancon. Penyertaan pelbaai pihak

    dialakkan untuk memeriahkan lai sambutan /ahun &elawat &alaysia ini. 8elain badan3

    badan kera%aan, pihak swasta %ua memikul tanun%awab untuk mempromosikan

    &alaysia sebaai destinasi pelanconan yan kompetetif, bak kata pepatah berat sama

    dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing. Proram seumpama 5uti3cuti &alaysia oleh /HB perlu

    diteruskan aar masyarakat menetahui keindahan neara kita "otel3hotel, syarikat

    penerbanan, dan syarikat penankutan awam mestilah melibatkan diri untuk men%ayakan

    kempen ini. "al ini sekali us akan mendoron para pelancon untuk melancon dan

    berehat di sini. Jelaslah, kempen /ahun &elawat &alaysia dapat meninkatkan sektor

    pelanconan di neara kita.

    2slub dan minha% yan lain ialah menhapuskan atau menurankan cukai belian

    baranan di neara ini. erdasarkan rekod Perbadanan Pelancongan Malaysia %&'(,

    pelancon asin yan datan ke sini bukan sekadar untuk menikmati keindahan alam

    semula %adi neara, bahkan %ua untuk membeli3belah. &ereka inin men%adikan percutian

    di &alaysia sebaaiserampang dua mata. Oleh itu, pihak berkuasa perlu menhapuskan

    atau menurankan cukai belian baranan di neara ini. Aamun beitu, kualiti baranan

    yan di%ual haruslah terpelihara supaya para pelancon berasa puas hati ketika membeli3

    belah di neara kita dan %ananlah indah khabar dari rupa. 8elain itu, peraturan3

    peraturan imiresen perlu dilonarkan kepada mereka yan berhasrat melancon ke

    neara ini. &anakala pusat3pusat perkhidmatan tukaran wan asin perlu ditambah dan

    disediakan di lokasi3lokasi yan strateik seperti di hotel, pusat pelanconan dan pekan3pekan kecil. )enan adanya kemudahan3kemudahan ini, para pelancon akan tertarik untuk

    berkun%un ke &alaysia. IDharlah bahawa penhapusan dan penuranan cukai belian

    baranan dapat merancakkan industri pelanconan neara .

    Jika ditin%au dari sudut yan lain, lankah3lankah keselamatan %ua perlu diambil

    bai men%amin kepuasan dan kese%ahteraan pelancon semasa berada di neara kita.

    4aktor kawalan keselamatan yan ter%amin di sesuatu destinasi pelanconan serin men%adi

    kayu penukur untuk mereka datan ke destinasi pelanconan yan men%adi pilihan di hati

    mereka. Gita tidak seharusnya lupa denan elaat seelintir masyarakat yan menambil

    kesempatan ke atas pelancon. Oleh itu, )nit *eselamatan Pelancongperlu ditubuhkan

    untuk membantu pihak polis menanani %enayah ke atas pelancon. Ge%adian3ke%adianrool, mencabul kehormatan, menhendap, peras uut, rompak dan tipu harus ditanani

    secepat munkin. Ini perlu dilakukan aar pelancon asin terus berkun%un ke neara ini.

    ilanan keanotaan pasukan keselamatan perlu ditambah supaya rondaan dapat

    dilakukan denan lebih kerap di kawasan tumpuan pelancon. 8ehubunan denan itu,

    pelancon dapat melancon di neara kita denan lebih selesa dan sekali us ime% neara

    terpelihara di mata dunia. Pendek kata, kawalan keselamatan yan baik mampu

    meninkatkan industri pelanconan neara.

  • 7/25/2019 KARANGAN MANTAP


    $khir kalam, bulan semakin teran, bayan kian %elas bahawa terdapat pelbaai lankah

    yan dapat dirancan dan dilaksanakan untuk meninkatkan sektor pelanconan di neara

    kita. &eman diakui pelanconan merupakan suatu industri yan cukup berpotensi dan beitu

    menuntunkan. Oleh itu, usaha mema%ukan industri pelanconan bukanlah terletak atas pundak

    pihak berkuasa semata3mata kerana bertepuk sebelah tanan takkan berbunyi. 8emua pihak

    hendaklah tampil dan menun%ukkan iltiDam yan tini untuk membantu kera%aan mempromosikan

    &alaysia sebaai destinasi pelanconan yan hebat, bak kata pepatah kalau tidak dipecahkan

    ruyung, di mana akan mendapat sagunya. Jika tidak, seala keunikan dan kehebatan budaya

    pelbaai kaum di neara ini akan sia3sia dan tidak dapat diketenahkan untuk dinikmati oleh

    pelanconan tempatan dan mancaneara. Ger%asama dan kesunuhan daripadasemua pihak yan

    terbabit akan menon%olkan &alaysia sebaai sebuah destinasi pelanconan yan terkenal di

    dunia. Menurut &atuk #eri )tama &r. Rais $atim Mantan Menteri *ebudayaan

    *esenian dan +arisan industri pelancongan di dalam negara boleh berkembangsetanding dengan destinasi pelancongan di luar negara seperti Pulau ,ali

    &isneyland dan lain-lain sekiranya usaha memperkenalkan Malaysia dilakukan

    secara giat malah disokong oleh rakyat jelata.iarlah pepohon terus beroyan, biarlah

    mentari terus bersinar dan biarlah industri pelanconan neara kita terus meniti dari bibir ke bibir

    umat manusia di seantero dunia demi men%ana pendapatan yan lebih lumayan untuk kemaslahatan
