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KARA magazine




Welcome!Hello Amazing Woman!

You are looking at the premiere issue of Kara Magazine!

This is a new online digital magazine for Visionary Women who are living life and creating their dreams in an Ecstatic Feminine Way.

Within these pages you will find articles, features, reviews, and art that address the full spectrum of a conscious women’s lifestyle - from health, wellness, food, body, cycles, birth, relationships, work, creativity, entrepreneurship, spirit, healing, and transformation.

Published by:

Kara Maria AnandaP.O.Box 3574Ashland, OR 97520www.karamariaananda.com

Submissions and comments are welcome at: karamariaananda@gmail.com

Kara Magazine 2013

Kara’s MessageHi! I am Kara Maria Ananda, the creator and publisher of Kara Magazine. My passion is to uplift and inspire women to achieve vitality and prosperity through ecstatic living in all cycles and stages of of life.

Over the past 15 years I’ve had the honor and joy of working with women through the healing arts, conscious birthing, movement arts, writing, teaching, and transformational mentoring. I am continuously moved and inspired by the stories, power, and wisdom of the visionary women rising in our world and communities today. Awakening as conscious creators, we have the innate ability to manifest the future we see within our hearts. Together, as we grow in awareness of our evolutionary capacities for manifestation, we are changing the world.

I am so thrilled to be sharing this online magazine now to highlight the voices and wisdom of the new conscious feminine leadership movement. Our visions are transforming our communities and creating a new conscious culture. Thank you for reading this magazine and being a part of the new feminine movement!

Blessings and Gratitude, Kara Maria Ananda


kara maria

table of contents The Ecstatic Feminine Way of Lifeby Kara Maria Ananda

Dance of the Masculine & Feminine by Lizzy Ziogas

Prayer to Anchor Menstrual Heaven by Elizabeth Zsuzsi Fern

Dance of the WombInterview with Maha Al Musa

Awareness: Keys to Self Masteryby Laura Chiraya Fox

Principles of Empowermentby Annie Botticelli

Chocolita: Moontime Rose BarsReview

Visionary Women Business Academy___________________________________

How can you let your ecstatic feminine nature BLOOM in your life this season?

The time is right to let your soul blossom into the full expression of your inner beauty and divine purpose.

Let Your Love Shine!bloom 3/19

The Ecstatic Feminine Way of Life

kara maria anandaWhen I was a little girl, I was a tomboy. I loved climbing trees, had skinned knees, and refused to wear jewelry or the color pink.

As a teenager, I was perpetually i nsecu re abou t my g row ing

feminine body. It was not until I was 20 years old, and studying the healing arts that I became entranced with the amazing power of the feminine body and nature.

While in massage school in Seattle, I became fascinated with women’s healing

arts. I began studying fertility awareness, natural menstrual health, and midwifery. I learned pregnancy massage, and birth and postpartum doula care, and attended my first birth.

In the middle of the night, I was called out to a home where I witnessed a woman give birth powerfully to her baby in a tub filled with warm water in her living room. I was in awe.


For days afterward, everywhere I went, I would look at all the women I saw with amazement. Women’s bodies are AMAZING! Our bodies can bring forth new life! It changed my world. I wanted to know more.

I realized how little I was truly taught about the power of women while growing up. There is incredible wisdom and power within the intrinsic nature of the feminine. This is largely suppressed from young girls and women in our culture today. It is the secret of our ecstatic feminine nature.

Our menstrual cycles connect us physically with the cycles of time, the lunar calendar, and the changing tides of our Earth’s oceans. Our fertility is our vitality, giving us creative energy that sustains our health, longevity, and relationships. We are blessed with the magnificent ability to be multi-orgasmic and experience our sexuality for pleasure and transcendence, not just for procreation. We can grow new life within our wombs, birth new souls into the world, and nourish them with our breasts.

The Toltec shamans from Mexico have sacred traditions in which they teach that women have the ability to use their womb power for evolutionary purposes beyond reproduction. The womb is a vessel in which new energies can be received by women, and higher levels of consciousness can be achieved by women who tap into the deeper perceptual powers of the feminine body. We can meditate, energize, heal, honor, and nourish our wombs to provide us with expanded capabilities of evolutionary consciousness throughout our whole lives.

Through conscious cultivation of our feminine energy, through honoring and nurturing our womanly bodies, we can reach new levels of conscious feminine awareness and leadership today. We can use our sacred nature to come up with the creative, compassionate, nurturing, and evolutionary ideas and solutions to the challenges that our world faces.

Women hold the keys to ecstatic consciousness within our cells, our wombs, and our bodies. We are the keepers of the codes for conscious creation, healing, and transformation. Through our biological and physiological makeup, we have the patterns of life encoded within our bodies.

To harness the ecstatic potential of our feminine nature, it is vital to awaken to the deep intelligence of our womanly bodies, and learn to appreciate, honor, and pay attention to the wisdom of our cycles, our wombs, and our souls.

Now, I love and celebrate my feminine body and spirit! I honor my cycles which connect me to the cycles of nature around me, and synchronize with my sisters. I love my breasts, which have nourished two children that my body has brought into this world. I enjoy wearing pink, as the color is uplifting and cheerful, and I happily wear dresses and love to feel and dress like a goddess! I still love climbing trees too.

I have learned to honor being a woman, and enjoy deepening into this feminine journey of life, discovering how to be a successful entrepreneur, conscious creator, change maker, healing artist, and women through tapping into the evolutionary feminine capabilities of our true essence.

We can live our lives ecstatically in celebration of the feminine, and change the world, raise families, travel, create awesome businesses, experience divine love, and do it in our own way!

The wonderful thing, is that when we women come together to support each other, through compassionate listening and gathering together, we actually produce greater amounts of oxytocin in our bodies. Oxytocin is the hormone of love, compassion, trust, and is beneficial for our feminine vitality and health! We can create powerful shifts within our own bodies, communities, and the world by connecting, talking, listening, and co-creating with other women.

Now is the time, for women around the world to awaken to our deeper powers and authentic nature, to honor our bodies and our femininity, and to support and uplift each other so that we can create a world we envision through conscious evolution and love.

Kara Maria Ananda is a Visionary Women’s Empowerment Mentor, Healing Arts Educator, Speaker, Author, and Mama. Learn more about her programs and coaching at: www.karamariaananda.com

As visionary women in 2013, we find ourselves juggling many roles. Women are now managing the finances, making the plans, and taking control of the direction of their lives and relationships. We are having babies, generating income, doing housework, assuring the health and vitality of our families, giving our gifts within the greater community and trying to save the world.

While these are all very noble duties, meeting the demands of these roles has required us to step out of our natural feminine essence and embody more and more masculine energy.

Mascu l ine energy has the qualities of directness, control, purpose, and doing, while feminine energy has the quality of surrender, trust, sensuality and being.

We each embody both masculine and feminine energies although we have one dominant energy that is more our true essence. For most women, femininity is our true essence, and for most men, masculinity is their true essence,

The Dance of the Masculine & FeminineHow to Harmonize the Polarity of Our Relationships

al though many women have developed masculine shells in order to build their careers, generate income, and manage their families and households.

A relationship functions like it’s its own organism in that it will strive to create balance and homeostasis to ensure its survival. If one partner is embodying their masculine essence, t h e o t h e r p a r t n e r w i l l subconsciously begin to embody feminine energy to create polarity, attraction, ease, and balance within the relationship.

Like batteries, a relationship needs both a positive (masculine) and negative (feminine) pole to generate electricity and create attraction. So when we, as women, are embodying more masculine energy, we will notice that our men begin to embody more feminine energy, and vice verse.

When I look around in conscious communities, I notice many women are having the same complaint within their relationships. They fell in love with their partners because they were sensitive, emotionally responsible, spiritual, creative, and



in the flow. They were everything their emotionally unavailable dad’s were not; they were comfortable in their feminine essence. As time has passed they have realized that their own feminine essence has been compromised, and they are experiencing pain at the very core of their being, because most of the roles that they now find themselves in are not an expression of their true feminine essence of flow, creativity, trust, and surrender.

At the same time I see many men in pain at the core of their being because they are not fully embodying the direction of their life purpose and are not expressing their gifts to the magnitude they know they are capable of. It seems that in effort to be different than those that came before, we have lost connection to our inner most essences as men and women.

So how can we reclaim our femininity and call our men into their masculinity?

As feminine women, we are naturally sensual and earthy creatures. When we are fully present and deeply at home in our bodies and on the earth, we align with our highest calling and become radiant and magnetic forces of support and blessing to those around us. When we look within, we see that our truest longings are for love, intimacy, creativity and self-expression, and making a meaningful contribution to the next seven generations. When we align our lives and our days with manifesting these attributes in our lives, we experience the true fulfillment of our soul’s purpose.

As we take responsibility for our own fulfillment, we take back our power. As we choose to embody our femininity fully, our partners will naturally embody more masculinity to maintain the polarity of the relationship, and our nurturing and empowering feminine presence will actually inspire our men to rise into their true masculine essence, and catalyze the evolution of their purpose, and leadership.

I believe that we will see major shifts in the collective consciousness, when we each align with our true purpose for being here; and that the greatest way for us to ‘save the world’

is to embody our deepest essence, and to support others in doing the same. When we all eventually make this choice, the hologram of human potential will be activated and anything will be possible.

Lizzy (Elizabeth Isis Ziogas) is a relationship coach and feminine visionary. She is co-founder of Conscious Love Revolution, an online network of empowered individuals consciously choosing a new way of being and relating in partnership and in the world. Her work is centered in the belief that the missing link in manifesting an absolutely healthy, happy, whole, and generative planet and human family lies in our ability to relate to one another in responsible and c o m p a s s i o n a t e w a y s . To l e a r n m o r e v i s i t : www.consciousloverevolution.com.

Prayer to Anchor Menstrual HeavenI now embody pure love and gratitude for my body that is flowing with a healthy menstrual cycle.

I will be at peace with my body when I accept menstruation's role in my life, however it may be.

Spirit is life, the truth of all beings and things.

Spirit is the divine essence of creation and the reminder of eternal life.

We recognize her gift of absolute truth through our eyes, in all that we see.

Spirit is ultimate creation, and divine love in all, therefore Spirit is me, I am divine love and one in Spirit.

Spirit provides, because Spirit is infinite and so am I.

I release and clear any conditioning, genetic imprinting, fears, beliefs, and past experiences about menstruation and my reproductive health.

In this moment, I am pure Spirit filled with love and peace.

My physical self is a vessel, capable of experiencing perfect reproductive health.

All I do, say and think is an expression of my true essence and pure love.

Menstruation and my reproductive health are therefore divine and perfect, a gift from Spirit in true love, how ever it appears in the physical.

All intentions of my pure heart are guiding and supporting my journey of perfect reproductive health as an expression of God/Goddess.

I am in deep appreciation for the knowingness that I am one in God/Goddess and the Holy Spirit, and this absolute truth is ever guiding my life.

I give thanks for the divine perfection of my path, my body, my health and my femininity.

I give thanks to the divine feminine and divine masculine who reside inside me with their divine wisdom.

I send this prayer into the universe and command that it is so and it is done, and so it is.

Elizabeth Zsuzsi Fern repaired her body from "menstrual madness" after years of painful periods, PMS, and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. She is from the San Francisco Bay Area where she danced her way to a B.A. at San Francisco State University with a minor in holistic health. She is a Certified Herbalist, Somatic Movement Therapist, and Angel Therapy Practitioner® trained by Doreen Virtue. Her passion for women's health sprouted as leading workshops in the bay area and burning man. She now lives in a desert home in Reno, Nevada with her partner and his son, and loves the opportunity to reach more women online and preach the good word everywhere! www.elizabethfern.com


Interview with Maha Al Musa

by Kara Maria Ananda

Kara: Your creation of the book and dvd "Dance of the Womb: Bellydance for Birth" has introduced women around the world to the power of bellydancing for pregnancy, labor, and beyond. Can you tell us about how you became involved with teaching bellydance and the impacts it had upon your pregnancies? Maha: Thank you Kara – well I arrived in Byron Bay Australia the then Capital of Homebirth in Australia in 1996, 28 weeks pregnant with my beautiful first son Kailash!! There we had and still have an incredible pregnancy support group run by volunteers’ that had been running since the late 1980’s. The group has hosted some amazing speakers including the wonderful Jeannie Parvati Baker in 1997. Most of the families who attended were typically from a more earthy lifestyle where attachment parenting, natural home birth and extended breastfeeding were the norm. We had so many wonderful homebirth midwives to choose from and really at the time we all thought that this was quite the norm! I attended the group on my arrival and each week there was a different delicious program - this included a body work session to start the day and then enlightening topics covering everything from alternative pain killers to stages of labor to breastfeeding. The second week I attended a beautiful midwife Annie was teaching the body work session which happened to be belly dance. The class was filled with gorgeous women undulating and circling their pelvis all wrapped in brightly colored hip scarves…we danced just like the women I had danced with in the Middle East. I felt so at peace as though I had come home. It was truly the dance of maha 9/19

Dance of the Womb

the feminine as we joined woman to woman with babies in bellies swaying to the hypnotic beats.

Fast forward six months, Annie could no longer facilitate the class and I asked could I take her place. And of course as they say “the rest is history”!!

So I began facilitating classes when Kailash was 6 months old, often taking him with me set upon my hip as we opened and moved with grace around the room. It was truly heart-warming. I didn’t have structure to the class it was very improvisational – Arabic style - and really just a space for mummas to emote through the music and move with babies in womb. We created a potent place for this unfolding where we felt safe and supported, seen and heard. Dance, especially in pregnancy, is a great way to relax any holdings to open both the physical and emotional body in preparation for a Life to move through the channels of rhythmic awakening. It is so perfect.

In my own pregnancies, 3 altogether, I found that the belly dance movements enticed me to a place long forgotten in the modern world of haste and often disconnection. For women to remember our essence in pregnancy is such a nourishing place to languish and how many opportunities do we get daily to do this?

I find the bellydancebirth supported me to drop into that place of Surrendered Spirit where thinking and mind were left behind – a place I could just let go into, worry free and allow Spirit to move through every cell of my body – I would play hypnotic, sensual Sufi music and dance from my Heart feeling the tender connection with myself and my baby and all of Humanity through these rhythms of Life.

I often say, “Dance to the rhythm of the music, as you give birth to the rhythm of your body, and the rhythm of Life.”

Birth is old, Birth is ancient, Birth is mystery - many things we have forgotten – using these natural feminine movements in labour I was echoing my birth rite as a fully engaged, expanded, spiritually attuned woman connected by a thread to all women who came before me and will come after me. A woman who has a great gift to bring my baby Earth side. What could be more delightful an opportunity than that??

Bellydancebirth in labor, and I emphasize here, we use the movements in the first stage of labor allow a woman to soften and release into her pelvis – by circling and rocking the pelvis we are able to soothe the body through the expansions (my preference is to call contractions expansions as we

are opening and expanding rather than becoming constricted) and connect with Earth energy and our bodies rhythmic flow. We are anchored in an upright forward leaning position using gravity to give baby room through the pelvis to descend onto the cervix.

The bellydancebirth gives a woman an energetic and bodily focus – in this place her body will speak to her and when she enters this “space” of listening she will be guided on her journey. Most women know what to do! Her body knows how to birth – she knows instinctively which positions to adopt and where to go if left alone!! When we interfere with a woman’s


knowing she is no longer tuning in to her body and Heart space but being drawn out of primal brain knowing into neocortex rationale and may become confused, dis empowered and lock up. It is very important that we as birth keepers TRUST a woman and know that Birth trusts a woman just as much. The exquisite knowing that a woman has ”my body knows how to birth” must be respected and honored so she can follow the Rivers flow.

This is how I birthed my three children – and by drawing on the unbroken thread of strength from not only my ancestors but all the women who came before me as mentioned above I felt held in the arms of love of many – wow what a revelation – I am intrinsically never alone in birth.

I am completely tapped into an ancient rhythm – it is there for me to partake of and a wonderful nectar to immerse myself into.

Kara: Recently, you have gained spotlight in Australian news as a breastfeeding advocate, stirring up reactions from people as photos of you breastfeeding your four year old have been featured in the media. What kind of reactions are you receiving from people regarding opening breastfeeding an older child and how has this impacted your passion to support breastfeeding mothers?

Maha: Yes I have been in the spotlight of my own doing!! In May 2012 I made a remark on a big Australian news website after the Time Magazine cover came out. I stated that many women including myself were feeding 3.5 year olds and practicing attachment parenting – why make a big deal – extended or as I call it “naturally ongoing breastfeeding” is everywhere and normal too– and frankly here I was at 49 still going. Well that caused some sensationalism here in Australia and I was asked to come on a popular TV morning show for a live interview. The very conservative presenters, or should I say the man of the two, tried very hard in his ignorance to set me off balance and sensationalize the story. I was appalled at his ignorance and to be honest stupid comments such as “you wouldn’t have any problem breastfeeding Aminah till she’s 12 then?”

This appearance motivated me to continue speaking up and out and present some real facts and figures in a largely opinionated and emotional debate. I was then featured in Australian Woman’s Day magazine and on A Current Affair, a news TV show in Australia in November 2012. This opened a can of worms on the respective show’s internet forums and I got to a point (quite quickly) where I could no longer read the remarks.

The biggest thing that affected me was women being nasty against other women…..this made me feel very sad that as a society we have gotten to a point where women can be so cruel to one another. In my Middle Eastern culture where it’s the norm to breastfeed

mama“Dance to the rhythm of the

music, as you give birth to the rhythm of your body, and the

rhythm of Life.”

for a minimum of two years and women are supportive of one another I felt the severance of the sisterhood here in the West. My whole argument is that women must be allowed to have “choice” and this choice needs to be informed with accurate information not hearsay – and that our instinctive rights as mothers also needs to be acknowledged and supported. What I choose for my baby/child and what another woman chooses is her right – we can be guided lovingly to different choices but ultimately we make a decision based upon our unique set of circumstances. I find the debate around breastfeeding period has become very much a power struggle between some mothers where hierarchy, competition and power has a greater impact than our Heart speak.

Kara: I am inspired by your awesome experience having a natural birth at home at age 46! I find it so interesting that the media has not noticed this, despite them sharing how you are still breastfeeding your four year old at 50. What advice do you have for mothers to claim their power in birth, fertility, and breastfeeding through our whole fertile years?

Maha: That’s so true Kara! I felt the same way – especially on TV when they said “a 49 year old Australian woman is still breastfeeding her 3 year old”. You are right not one person in mainstream media noticed this and raised the subject – I would have loved to have talked about my home birth at 46 and given a positive possibility to women in their 40’s that natural birth is doable as a place to start. Not as ego speak but as a way of breaking through the rigid stereotypes we get bombarded with. But again if the media was to do this it is not so newsworthy in their eyes because it’s not a dramatic situation. There’s not that much money in calm, centered relaxed stories!

I often speak about this in relation to birth – if a woman chooses to birth in a place of choice outside of hospital and of her own accord there is no money in that but if we place fear and apprehension as an obstacle to her truth and inner knowing she will lose her sense of entitlement on this delicious rite of passage journey becoming constricted and reliant– this is where we can take her money.

When I went to get my blood test results when pregnant with Aminah, at 36 years old, the resident doctor asked me if I had booked into the local hospital. I replied, “No, I am having a homebirth.” advocate

His look of worry and words of fear were, “But something could go wrong.” I said to him “what if everything goes right?”

In my bellydancebirth work I always share with women how to tune in and find their own womb story within FIRST and foremost – then they spiral out from this place of knowing. People argue that in this modern day women have become estranged from this knowing and need to be helped – well that is all the more reason we can guide her back to her Heart and a surrendered place within the clutter of fear women often experience. Once fear as the predominant force is swept to one side, a woman can begin to get clarity and start to hear her OWN true voice. When we are filled with horror stories, ridiculous scenarios in the media and laden with too much “heady’ information it becomes more difficult to make room for the emotional body to empty and expand into hearing its own guidance. This is a sacred journey that must be acknowledged as that.

Mindfulness in birthing practice is another whole huge subject that I have been immersing myself in and sharing some of this knowing in my bellydancebirth professional workshop. I am now traveling worldwide teaching bellydancebirth a a path toward sacred birthing and it’s being embraced more and more, I am so humbled and happy! Having been given the gift of Aminah at 46 and walking the path of mothering a baby at this age has opened me beyond any of my imaginings. I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity at this age as I begin to step into the crone as mother!! And teach/share from this immersion.

Thank you Kara, may we see the honoring of mothers and babies and fathers and ultimately Humanity as we dance into a new paradigm of birth that acknowledges the delicacy and divinity of this journey for us all. Because in the end, and we all know this on a deep cellular level, LOVE is always the answer.

I want birthing women to feel safe, heard and informed and self-assured and TRUSTING of HER deepest story, and not have this constantly fractured by a society that has lost the reverence for mothers, fathers, children and families. I will continue to uphold my dream to see babies born into the Arms Of Love all over the world. Blessings and Love,Maha www.bellydanceforbirth.comDistribution of DVD in USA and Canadawww.birthadventure.com

“Once fear as the predominant force is swept to one side, a woman can begin to get clarity

and start to hear her OWN true voice.”- Maha Al Musa

Maha’s Photos #1, 3, & 4 by Donatella ParisiniPhoto #2 by DV Watkins

Awareness: Key to Self MasteryYour awareness is the key to your enl ightenment and mastery. Becoming aware of what you are actual ly th ink ing and thus, emitting vibrationally moment to moment will unlock the door of your comprehension of how you are attracting everything into your life. Before this awareness dawns, there is a sense of confusion around ‘why things happen to me.’ Once the comprehension of the ‘base software platform of reality’ sinks in, we can get up on the horse of our own inner power and take the reigns, guiding that horse and our life, in the directions of our choosing. Until then it is as if we are being dragged behind the horse ~ yet we don’t know it. Getting up on the horse and taking the reigns consciously is way more fun


Become a vibrational detective. You are both the client, and the observee. You are leveraging your detective powers to realize the e x a c t n a t u r e , q u a l i t y a n d vibrational signature of your very own thoughts. These thoughts lead to feelings which emanate vibrations which attract things to your life. Get yourself a notebook that is for the express purpose of j o t t i ng down any random, un intent iona l thoughts and resultant feelings that you ‘catch’ yourself at. Do this for one whole day, or several days in a row. Compare the entries. Do you see

any themes in your habitual, random thinking? If you were to rate each thought entry as anywhere from 1-10 on the vibrational scale, with 1 being a thought you’d rather not experience, and 10 being something you definitely want to draw into your life, what would the results be? Add them up and average them. What is your average vibrational range with your random thoughts? You are the chooser, so you can begin now, as you are catching yourself, to shift your thoughts into more desired territory.

With diligence, your thoughts will begin realigning themselves more towards the fullness of your desires, and away from the random, other-than-desired thought forms. Your manifest experience will eventually catch up with the vibrations of this new way of thinking. In the meantime, be patient and loving as former thoughts and resultant exper i ences p l ay themse lves ou t . Unconditionally love and forgive everyone involved for everything whatsoever. In this way, the balance will tip and you will begin to achieve greater and greater self mastery.


Laura Chiraya Fox is a Life Coach, Author, Workshop Facilitator, Healing Practitioner & Speaker whose divine-love focus assists people around the world in achieving self-mastery, clarity, & deep, lasting integration of spiritual principles with practical worldly application. She is honored to be serving people through her blog, audio recordings, and private sessions through ActivateYourDestiny.com. She is also the founder of BestofRaw.com and RawLivingExpo.com, inviting humanity to add more raw, organic plant foods to the diet to increase health, decrease our eco footprint, and raise our spirits.


Principles of EmpowermentYou can and will adjust your relationship with yourself and others to be the happiest, most whole, and joyful experiences possible.

You remember that this state of being is natural and your birthright.

You will no longer have your tremendous creative faculties wrapped up in emotional torment and repeat experiences of your childhood.

You now disconnect yourself from and assist in the healing of your lineage of these miasms.

You are now ready to open completely to serve others and the world with your remarkable unique gifts in ways that reflect the blissful inner experience that you are.

And so it is.

The process of reclaiming our Power from the many places, people, substances, events, and circumstances we have given it can be easy and graceful. Remapping the brain for empowerment takes discipline and diligence but CAN be done. Even if you have had 10, 20, 30, or more years of the same dysfunctional relationship dynamic, you CAN create something different.

No one ever did or can do anything to you.

All life’s creations are co-creations. Whether conscious or unconscious, any events happening right now, you made a choice. This is hard for the conscious mind to understand because when painful things happen, the ego jumps into blame and separation. But it isn’t real.

Nothing “happens” to me. I am a powerful co-creator in my life.

Even when it feels like there is no possible way you consciously wanted the things that may be happening, they were born from conscious desires that you have. They are part of a process of getting you even closer to what you want. They show you the parts of yourself and others energies that you have taken on, that are ready to be shed.

I am not threatened by the questions other people ask themselves.

When others ask themselves questions, the ego will sometimes respond by feeling threatened because of potential answers others may come up with from their own questions. Old paradigm beliefs have made us believe that we can negatively effected by others decision and are at the mercy of their choices. But it doesn’t have to be true. You can be happy now. You can be happy regardless of what people ask themselves, what decisions they make from the questions, regardless of what behaviors they exhibit, and what choices they make. You can be happy now and always.

Your energy field is your own. Emotional and energetic self-sufficiency is your truth, and when embodied guarantees that you can joyously share in others processes while not worrying about what they do. Most of what people worry about never actually happens. Most of the discomfort people feel is from things that never stretched outside of their minds.


annie botticelli

I give you love, respect, compassion and beam out my inner light radiantly, but my core light stays with me.

Most problems in relationships come from people giving away their inner sun, their radiance, their joy, their light, to the other person. Then they become afraid that they will die if the other person leaves. Because their inner light is their life force, in a way, they are right. This is why they then become dependent on how the other person acts and the choices they make because the stakes are high. They have to watch their “investment” of their life force like it is their life, because life force is life.

The Sun in the sky doesn’t give us itself. It beams its life giving, nourishing, life-sustaining rays upon us, and all life thrives because of it. But it stays in the sky. We can do the same.

We can remember that our central Sun is inside of us. We can joyously beam out our radiance and share those beams with others. We can keep our core light in and to ourselves, ensuring that we always have plenty to share.

Making this choice is the core of the shift out of codependence and in to New Parad igm relationships. When two people are doing this, they can have loving mutual fulfillment without ever worrying about or having to chase down or keep track of their central Sun.

They can live with integrity in self-sufficient joy, merging deeply with their partner, and then returning to their own sunny space.

Blessings on your Process. You are the Hologram that projects out Reality.

Annie Botticelli is an Empowerment Coach, Social and Spiritual Activist, Astrologer, Writer, Author, Teacher, Alchemist, Inspirational Speaker, a n d S e l f - A w a r e n e s s E n t h u s i a s t a t www.anniehelpsyou.com. empowerment


chocolita: moontime rose bars

Chocolatier Sarah Ann Lesslie, is making a new kind of chocolate bar for women: the Moontime Rose bar - a raw dark chocolate medicinal bar with herbs and superfoods especially for women during their moon cycles to balance hormones and ease cramps.

Sarah hand crafts and pours her delicious and healthy raw chocolate bars in Sedona, AZ. With years of experience as a chocolatier, Sarah has recently come out with her own line of amazing chocolate bars - most of them are white chocolate bars, creating her personalized touch to the raw chocolate business. The exception is the

Moontime Rose bar, the one dark chocolate bar she currently sells, though also a unique offering to the world of cacao lovers - and a feminine favorite!

Get your own amazing raw organic stone-ground hand-tempered medicinal chocolate Moontime bars for your feminine cycle bliss at: http://www.etsy.com/shop/ChocolitaLLC





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