Kapitan tiago

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Kapitan tiago


Capitán Santiago de los Santos

Capitan Tiago is described as a short, fat man with clear complexion

He looks young; around his mid-30'sPopular for his excessive chewing of tobacco and buyo

In the beginning of the novel

He is depicted as a small, bent man with jaundiced skin.

In the end of the story,

He becomes thin and had stained, dirty fingernails

He uses a cane to support himself and loiters at a Chinese shop in Calle Sto. Cristo but goes to the public opium smoking room at night


Capitan Tiago is one of the affluent landlords of Binondo and owned vast tracts of farm lands in Pampanga and Laguna


Capitan Tiago also had businesses

One of these businesses is the opium monopoly with the Chinese

Capitan Tiago was also religiousHis most favorite was the Lady of Peace and Prosperous Voyages which he would visit, especially the batis where she is said to have taken baths

Role in the novel

he was a son of a miser, Malabon sugar-planter

married to Doña Pia Alba

Role in the novel

he was the foster father of Maria Clara


He symbolizes the rich Filipinos who oppress their fellow countrymen in exchange for the influence and the riches that they might gain from their powerful associations.