Kanner & Pintaluga Review | Kids Swimming Pool Safety Tips

Post on 05-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Kanner & Pintaluga Review | Kids Swimming Pool Safety Tips

Swimming Pool Safety Tips for Children Kanner & Pintaluga

Teach Children To Swim

Most children can learn to swim around the age of 5, but understand that swimming lessons won’t necessarily prevent a child from drown-ing.

Learn CPR

Your pool may be secure but that will still not be able to completely rule out the pos-sibility of an accident. That’s why it is essential for kids and adults alike to know CPR and be educated in emergency management.

Have a Fence

Surround your pool with a fence that is at least 4 feet tall. Make sure they have no gaps so kids can’t squeeze through. Avoid chain-link fences that can be easy for chil-dren to climb over. Install self-closing and self-latching gates that are beyond a child’s reach.

Remove Toys

Don’t leave pool toys in the water. A child might fall into the water while trying to re-trieve a toy.

Ban Drinking At The Pool

Water and alcohol don’t mix. Relaxing by the pool with an adult beverage or two might be a soothing way to wind down after a long day, but it’s dangerous and should be avoided.

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