Kanchana Presentation

Post on 23-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Kanchana Presentation

The Industrial Revolution was a primarily positive force in human history because it helped mitigate social inequalities, fostered economic growth, and provided an environment for innovation

By Kanchana Raja, Caroline Ankoma-Sey, and Matthew Neal

The Industrial Revolution helped mitigate social inequalities

weakened titled nobility

middle class with high standard of living

rights of the lower classes

role of women expanded

Businessmen, manufacturers, bankers achieve status/wealth of aristocrats

Political parties

Importance of landownership decreases

Businessmen, engineers, teachers, scientists

Lower middle class

Liberal -> social reform

Reform Bill of 1832 - suffrage


70% manual workers

“Friendly societies

1824 trade unions legalized

Violent strikes: ex. 1877 eastern railroad strike in US

1867 reform act – suffrage for factory workers and small farm owners

Politicians legislate in favor of urban workers


www.nps.gov/edis/ techimpact.htm

“Moral centers of family”

Refuge for husbands against capitalist world

Teaching, nursing, clerical professions

Lower middle class jobs: ex. secretary

Participate in strikes
