Kamyabology Provides Human Resource Trainers PPT

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Kamyabology Provides Human Resource Trainers PPT

Website - www.kamyabology.com

High EQ- Must for Leadership Role

Emotional quotient is one of the most important skills required today for any profession job.

The world has become more complex and dynamic. There is to much uncertainty and

volatility in the world today.

In these times emotional quotient training has to be the part of personality development

and professional training.

Da iel Gole a ’s book: Emotional Intelligence - Why it can matter more than IQ achieved

cult status as it explained that the IQ is not the sole measurement criteria for intelligence. It

is emotional intelligence which is measured by emotional quotient that is EQ.

The first step to develop high Emotional quotient is self awareness.

This self awareness should be art of the personality development training from childhood.

What is elf awareness is a person should be aware of him/her self.

His strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislike, what makes him/her happy or angry. What he/she

is passionate about. All this constitutes self-awareness.

Basically a person should be aware of his/her emotions and feelings and what triggers

these emotions.

Being aware of our emotions is important because we can only improve and develop

professionally and personally if we are aware of our emotions and the underlying root cause

for these feelings and emotions.

Let me give an e a ple” Arti was in a foul mood and was scolding and screaming on her

team without any underlying cause. Her team was getting de-motivated and one of the star

members of her team got so disturbed that he accepted an offer from a competitor which

he had previously declined.

Fortu atel Arti’s supervisor observed her behaviour and on counseling her realizedthat her

bad behaviour was because she had to publicly address the town hall which every senior

manager has to do once a week and this week was her turn.

She was very scared, tensed as she was not a very skillful public speaker and thus her team

had to bear the brunt.

Had Arti been a self aware person, she would have understood the root cause of her

emotions and instead of blasting her team, she would have practiced or ask for professional

help for her public speaking assignment

High emotional quotient is very important for leadership roles and should be included in all

professional training or personality development programs.

The good thing is Unlike IQ which is a natural talent High Emotional quotient can be

developed with proper mentoring and guidance through personality development and

professional skills trainers.