Kamyabology Provides Human Resource Management Strategy ppts

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Wish if I was 21

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Yesterday evening my daughter was fretting about her first

social. I had never seen her so anxious.

I kept telling her she needn’t be this anxious, it is just a social.

She wouldn’t calm down. In a flash of a second I rewound my

life & thought about my heyday.

I realised when I was 21 years, I was no different.; anxious &

worried about insignificant things. I smiled instantly.

A thought crossed my mind, ‘What would I do if I had a chance

to be 21 again?

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Build relationship

If I get a chance to be 21 again, I

would have invested my time

building valuable relationships. At

21 you are making vital decisions

to carve your path for the future.

Meet as many people you wish to

& build long lasting relationships

with them, later in your life these

people will support you & stand

by you.

Don’t let your ego cross your path

or stop you from knowing people

& learning from them.visit wwkamyabology.com for best management ppts

Curb your ego

I remember at this age I wanted to flaunt my knowledge & show

off how much I know.

But, this is the age when you learn & absorb the most. Let not

your ego come in between your learning.

Ask as many questions you have to & share your dilemmas.

Everyone would be happy to help you, as they know you are not

a threat to them, since you are still young.

You gather knowledge & in future this knowledge itself would

come handy to you. visit www.kamyabology.com for best management ppts


When I was 21, I hated someone advising

me over anything. I never listened to anyone, I cut them short

& left the conversation.

At this age everyone is trying to advise you, be patient & listen

to what people say.

They have varied views & based on their experience they will

advise you.

Don’t take all the advise, but don’t argue, keep listening. Your

habit to listen will take you a long way in life.

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Not a great place

to work My first job got me bored, I

wondered how would my career be

if this is the start?

When you take up your first job &

you find it a bare bore, don’t

complain. It doesn’t give a great pay

cheque or keep you interested?

So what? It is the first chance you

have got to learn a few things about

professional life. Forget the pay

cheque or other concerns, your first

job doesn’t dictate your career

path.visit www.kamyabology.com for best management ppts


When you are young the ability to

take risk is high.

So if you get a challenge in your life,

go ahead & face it. It might be a

professional assignment or a

personal challenge.

If you face a dilemma situation don’t

focus on the consequences.

Think about how much you will learn

if you face the challenge. Never lose

hope, keep trying.

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Choose your friends

My frequent partying had worried my father. Coming home late

became a habit. One such night he sat with me to explain:

Remember, you should choose your friends. Make friends who

care for you & stand by you in tough times.

Friends who hang around you for fun & good times aren’t your

true friends.

Be with people who are ambitious & want to achieve

something in their life. The kind of company you keep, reflects

your character.

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After I quit on some friends I started getting lonely. But, soon I

started travelling extensively to keep myself engaged.

Young age is a golden period of your life. At this age you have a

lot energy & enthusiasm. Use it to travel & discover varied

cultures, traditions & places.

Travel to discover yourself better. Travelling expands your

horizons, refreshes your mind, rejuvenates you, leads to a better insight, as you meet new people listen to their life stories

& visit new places.

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Coping with


You didn’t fare well at exams? You broke off with your girlfriend

or boyfriend? What will your friends say, how will you face

them? You are not always going to succeed in what you do.

These are things that don’t deserve the attention we give.

Whatever may be the case, failure is the starting point of


It is your test about your perseverance & ability to beat failure

with determination. Never give up due to failures, they are the

greatest teachers.visit www.kamyabology.com for best management ppts

What you wish to do in life?

At 21 I watched successful people &

felt confused what I needed to do in


Don't crib that you don't know what

exactly you wish to do in life.

Start exploring yourself, understand

what you love doing & pursue it.

No one really figures out what they

wish to do at the age of 21. It is your

time to explore your talent & instinct.

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Keep learning

When I graduated I was happy that I had finished with learning.

But, later on I understood that learning never stops.

If you realise you need some guidance about body language, soft skills or computer skills, join a class or a workshop.

If your new job demands you to learn some special skills never hesitate to do so or be lethargic.

Always be open to learning.

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At 21….

Meet as many people you wish to & build long lasting relationships.

Let not your ego come in between your learning.

Patiently listen to what people say.

You may not like your first job but, stick on to learn vital lessons about professional life.

If you get a challenge in your life, go ahead & face it.

Make true friends who stand by you.

Travel a lot & discover varied cultures, traditions & places.

Face failures, don’t give up, they are your best teachers.

Don't crib that you don't know what exactly you wish to do in life.

Always be open to learning.

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