Kaleidoscopic Randomness

Post on 28-Sep-2015

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People pick up various books to suit their mood, so this is a little endeavor to make one single book suit the various moods across the day; whether you are in a mood for food, poetry, humor, or maybe in a mood to explore yourself more, you can pick up this book to satisfy your mind-buds.

Transcript of Kaleidoscopic Randomness

PrefaceI am a man of various passions and love to indulge in them whenever I can. Through this book, I bring to you a few of my experiments with some of my passions.Whenever people get ideas, they pen it down, or blog itI too did that, but then I thought that a book would be a better way to share my ideas. Apart from being a good way to share, another reason for writing this book is that people pick up various books to suit their mood, so this is a little endeavour to make one single book suit the various moods across the day; whether you are in a mood for food, poetry, humour, or maybe in a mood to explore yourself more, you can pick up this book to satisfy your mind-buds.KRAZY MEAL TIMEI am a big foodie, and am also a huge fan of Epic Meal Time (the reason why the title of this chapter is so very similar to that show); so this chapter is an effort to bring to you a few recipes that I have tested (experimented with) and tasted. I believe that when hunger strikes and you have a little bit of creativity (more the merrier), you can pamper yourself with some not-so-boring food at the convenience of your home and without much effort.So, how many times have you found yourself feeling hungry but you: 1. Dont have many resources to go about? AND/OR2. Are someone who is not comfortable cooking? AND/OR3. Dont want to order food from outside (because you want to have something homemade)? AND/OR4. Want to eat something differentsomething not mainstream? AND/OR5. Dont have much time to make an exquisite meal (or are too hungry to make one)?This is a compilation of recipes that are easy to make, require no special ingredients, and can be prepared in a short span of time. So, prepare yourself for a foodie ride and to pamper yourself with some Krazy meals.

SandwichesGrilled Fish Quadra-Decker SandwichThis is a recipe that works better when using fish from a fish curry rather than raw fishIf you are a non vegetarian and are someone who eats fish, some form of fish curry is very likely to be prepared at home; whether you have a Shorsher Jhol of Bengal, a Tenga Jhol of Assam, Meen Mulakittathu of Kerala, a Goan Fish Curry, or any other fish curry/gravy at home, you can use it for this sandwich. The reason I am using fish from a fish curry is that it adds its own flavour (and saves you from cooking the fish). In case a fish curry is not available, you can marinate the fish and fry (light fry or deep fry is your choice) it, but it wouldnt have the flavour as a fish from a fish curry.So, for this recipe, you shall need four slices of bread, four tablespoons mayonnaise, fruit jam (optional, but it adds a nice flavour), one cheese cube (broken into tiny pieces), and one bowl of deboned fish.Mash the fish into a fine paste and add the mayonnaise and cheese. Mix well and apply on the bread slices (if you are using the fruit jam, apply that first).Now place the sandwich in a pre-heated sandwich maker (preferably; as it helps to pack the sandwich together) or oven grill.Let it grill for two minutes and turn over. Once again let it grill for two minutes, and the Grilled Fish Quadra-Decker Sandwich is ready.Note: The fish can very well be replaced with any other form of meat (like the fish, if the meat is from a meat curry/gravy, it will add to the flavour).

Grilled Sandwich PakodaThis one is for the vegetarians (but if you want, you are more than welcome to add a bit of minced/shredded meat to it)On a rainy evening, what compliments best a hot cup of tea/coffee are pakodas (apart from a good book and some great music). But what if you are too hungry to be satisfied with just a few pakodas? Well, here is just the recipe for such a moment.For this recipe, you shall need two slices of bread, one medium sized potato (peeled and cut in quarters), salt (to taste), one bowl of shredded cheese, four tablespoons gram flour (besan), milk (the milk can be substituted with an egg if you are a non-vegetarian), and two teaspoon vegetable oil.Make a thick paste of the gram flour, salt and the milk of a non-dripping consistency (ensure that there are no lumps) and keep aside.Boil the potato in a pressure cooker and wait for two whistles. Now mash the potato into a rough paste and add the cheese.Then make a sandwich of the bread slices with the potato and cheese and grill it in a preheated sandwich maker/oven for two minutes.While the sandwich grills, heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan.Now take the freshly grilled sandwich and coat it generously with the gram flour paste.When the oil begins to smoke, fry each side of the coated sandwich for five to six seconds and enjoy it with your hot cup of tea/coffee.Cakes and BakesChicken cakeChicken and cake usually do not come to our mind at the same time, but try this snack with a twist and add a little variety to your platter.For this recipe, you shall need one cup boiled chicken (deboned and shredded), an egg, two tablespoons mayonnaise, four heaped tablespoons of wheat flour (atta)/gram flour (besan), one cheese cube, and salt to taste.Mix all the ingredients in a microwave safe bowl and make a smooth paste, ensuring that there are no lumps. Now microwave this batter for two minutes and you are done.You can cut it into pieces and enjoy it with your cup of tea/coffee, or simply gorge on it with a bit of ketchup.Note: I personally prefer gram flour over wheat flour for this recipe as it adds a unique flavour to it.Cold Cut Meat Roti LasagneEver thought about what to do with the excess roties lying in the kitchen? Well, with this recipe, they shall find a new best friend.For the recipe, you shall need half a bowl of sausages (cut into small piece), half a bowl of salami (cut into small pieces), two eggs, four roties, four tablespoons of mayonnaise, and four tablespoons of tomato ketchup.First, put the sausages into a grinder and make a smooth paste. Now, do the same with the salami.Then in a bowl, mix two tablespoons of mayonnaise, two tablespoons of tomato ketchup, and an egg with the sausage paste. Now do the same with the salami paste and remaining mayonnaise, tomato ketchup, and egg.Then grease a baking tray with a little butter and place one roti on it. Smear a generous amount of sausage (but dont finish it) and cover with another roti. Smear a generous amount of salami paste (but dont finish it) and cover it with the third roti. Smear the remaining sausage and salami pastes and cover it with the last roti.Now place the tray in a preheated oven and bake at 120C for five minutes. Your Cold cut meat roti lasagne is ready to be enjoyed.Note: You can also make this recipe with fresh, uncooked rotis, but then you shall have to bake it for ten minutes instead of five.DessertsChocolate rice-balls with candied fruit fillingIn the last recipe, I showed you how to make use of excess roties; in this recipe, I bring to you how to handle excess rice. And, it is a dessert.For this recipe, you shall need one bowl of cooked rice, three bars of milk chocolate, one cup sugar, and a fruit of your choice.First, melt the sugar in a pan till it becomes syrup. While the sugar melts, cut the fruit into tiny pieces.Now, dip the fruit pieces in the sugar syrup and coat it generously. Keep it aside.For the rice, make sure that it is soft enough to be mashed; if it is not, add a little water and put it in a pressure cooker for a single whistle. Once it is ready, mash the rice till the grains are inseparable. Then take a small portion of the mashed rice and add a piece of the candied fruit. Make rice balls and keep aside.Now, melt the chocolate in a pan. Once done, dip the rice balls in the molten chocolate and coat it generously.Place the chocolate coated rice balls in a plate and deep freeze it for two hours. Serve with a topping of a little fruit jam.Note: If you want, you can replace the candied fruit with a piece of gems/m&m/skittles to increase the chocolatiness and to add a little bit of crunch to it.

MIND MATTERSI fell in love with the discipline of psychology when I was in my eleventh standard, and now, that I have completed my masters in counselling psychology, it still holds a special place in my heart. I therefore dedicate this chapter to psychology, for it truly changed my life.This chapter contains articles on various topics related to psychology, and through this chapter, I wish to share my perspective on this field, and also hope that it can make someones life a little better.Flow of Energy and AddictionFirst of all, like every matter on earth, we too are made up of atoms, which are powerhouses of energy. And we being about 70% liquid, this energy have the liberty to flow around the body. We contain various forms of energy, thermal, kinaesthetic, electrical, etc. but there is one more form of energy within us, that is a mixture of various other energies, and that is our thought, and more specifically, our emotions.Next, Abraham Maslow proposed the theory of hierarchy of needs, according to which for an individual, the needs he/she has can be arranged in a hierarchical order, where one ascends from basic needs of food, water, air, and sex to higher levels of needs like security, belongingness, self esteem, self actualization, and finally self transcendence, where the individual goes beyond their self. But human beings are complex beings with complex minds, thus a simple hierarchical understanding of needs is not sufficient to understand the complex nature of us humans. Therefore, here I want to bring in the Freudian concept of regression, where one regresses to a prior stage of his theory of psycho-sexual development. The reason he gave for this phenomenon was related to channelling of sexual energy, which he called Libido. I would borrow his concept of channelling of energy and not just limit it to sexual energy, but energy in general that is present in us.Now I would connect this concept of channelling of energy, to Maslows hierarchy of needs. One has to expend energy to create new energy, or else we tend to stagnate and feel low and irritable; creating a threat to the individuals survival; and the way we use our energy is fulfilling our needs. When a need is gratified, one experiences positive emotions, which helps in healthy channelling of the energies, and likewise when a need is deprived, the flow of energy is blocked; but the energy has to flow in some way or the other. We humans are pleasure seeking animals and through evolution have learnt to stay healthy (although all the time healthy measures may not be taken), as being healthy is essential to ensure the survival of an organism, so when a particular need is blocked, the easiest option available in front of the person to gain pleasure and ensure his/her survival is regress back to lower levels of needs, especially the basic needs.Thus, we notice that most of the people who are addicts, whether it be drugs (food), alcohol (water), smoking (air), or a sex addict, have faced barriers at certain levels of their need. The same explanation can be applied for those who tend to overeat, although a little more explanation can be added for such people; as mentioned, being healthy is essential for survival, and for a lay person, a healthy person is usually equated to a well-fed person, thus when a need is blocked, their survival is threatened and the mind which is disturbed by this, seek the easiest way to remain healthy that it can see, and that is food.So next time you try to help an addict or a person who overeats, I would suggest that instead of simply trying to modify the behaviour, also try to address the needs that are being deprived from him/her, for that might be blocking the energy and forcing the person to regress back to such behaviours.Horoscope, Compliments, CriticismsTry this little experiment and see if it makes your day a little better. Almost all of us keep daily newspapers, and in the newspaper, there is a daily section for the days horoscope. After waking up in the morning, as soon as possible (before you might get any other information), ask someone to read your horoscope (but not aloud), and then ask that person if the reading is positive or negative. If the reading is positive, ask the person to read it aloud for you, and if it is a negative reading, let it be, do not listen to it. If you were told that the reading is negative, go through the reading at the end of the day to see if your day really was as negative as it was written there.Yes, horoscope is a concept of astrology, which is a completely separate topic, and I am not going to get into the nitty-gritty of that. What I am getting at through this post is the psychological concept of self-fulfilling prophecy, wherein an individual acts in a particular manner so as to prove a certain statement/statements to be true; but more often than not, this is done unconsciously. The reason I am saying to attend to the horoscope in the morning is because during that time, your mind is fresh and more receptive to information. And since your horoscope is a personal message, it is very likely to play at the back of your mind throughout the day, thus, making very subtle influences to your thoughts and actions; in other words, you unconsciously make attempts to make what you read in the horoscope to come true in some form or another. So, after hearing a positive horoscope reading, you are more likely to work towards making a good day. Yes, it is possible that your horoscope had predicted an extremely awesome day for you, and you might not have had that awesome a day, but if you retrospect and reflect upon that particular day, you are very likely to notice that it wasnt a bad day either. For those days when the readings are negative, you would notice that your day did not go as bad as it was written on the paper; this is because your mind wasnt influenced by the negative information that you might have gotten if you had read it yourself in the morning.The horoscope is a very good analogy for compliments and criticisms, for just like positive and negative readings, they keep playing at the back of your mind. Immediately after you are complimented or criticized, especially by someone who is significant in your life (be it be your parents, siblings, best friend, or partner) you respond in a particular manner and the moment passes away. But very often those words actually continue to play in your subconscious and unconscious, and you are made to ponder, Am I really like that? Which more often than not, transforms into, What if I really am like that? And finally it begins to make subtle reflections in your actions. In a similar fashion, the ball also rolls back to your court as well, for you too shall have opportunities to compliment or criticize others. So when the time comes, make sure what you speak doesnt harm the other person; for like someone once said, words spoken once cannot be forgotten, but only forgiven.NLP, an Antidote to Evolutionary Psychology?This is another concept that has been making me curious, and through this article, I want to share my views on it. I am not going to explain any theory, for scholars, more well versed have done that before me, but rather I would want to raise a question, Can Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP act like an antidote to the negative effects of evolutionary psychology?Evolutionary psychology proposes that through the process of evolution, we humans have learned many things that have ensured our survival in natures game of survival of the fittest. From the time we were apes, we have gathered various information that has helped us adapt to the ever-changing environment; and these information have gradually been imprinted in our psyches, like a computer being programmed. Every negative element in our psyche has played a role in our attempts to survive and strive during the prehistoric ages. For example, as our ancestors made attempts to protect themselves from things that threatened their survival, like predators, fire, cliffs, etc. as a by-product, learnt the phenomena of fear and anxiety; similarly, on the other hand, to dominate and make themselves more prominent in their territories (especially among the opposite sex), or to protect their territories from rivals, they acquired aggression and violence. Just like the negatives, the positive elements of our psyche have also played a role in the process of survival. For example, phenomena like love, cooperation, patience, etc. helped our ancestors sustain a group, which they realized was essential for their survival; and likewise concepts like self-esteem helped them sustain themselves among their rivals when it came to the mating process, where the females chose those (apart from the pheromone connections) who came across as someone who could take care of themselves and the family.Thus into the picture enters the concept of NLP, which proposes about reprogramming our mind, for everything that has been programmed, has the potential to be reprogrammed. It can help to rewrite to codes that cause stress and refine the codes that make our lives better.Thus I end the post by repeating the question, can NLP really serve as an antidote to the negative effects of evolutionary psychology?We Create our WorldWe often claim about how things are out of control and how things could have been better, and all that. I write this article to bring out how wrong we are when we think like that. Yes, many a times certain things are indeed beyond our control, but more often than not, they are not. This article is from my personal experience on the Law of attraction. Many know what it is, but do not believe in it, while many others do not know what it is. The term does sound funny, and to those who havent heard this term, the first things that come to their mind are things related to love. But the name is actually deceptive.To start with, I will begin with a famous dialogue by Sharukh Khan from the bollywood movie, Om Shanti Om, Itni shiddat se maine tumhe paane ki koshish ki hai ... ki har zarre ne mujhe tumse milane ki saazish ki hai which literally translates into I have wanted you so much, so truly ... that the entire universe has conspired for me to get you. In the movie, it was in the context of his character wanting to be awarded at a movie awards ceremony, and similarly, the same formula works in the real world as well. It doesnt mean that we simply stop working hard and give in to wishful thinking; it simply is about the power of positive thought. And it is also not just a philosophy of optimism moving mountains; even quantum physics agrees about the power our consciousness has over the world around us. Thus our thoughts, both positive and negative can shape our reality, therefore if we start cultivating positive thoughts, we shall begin to see positive changes around us, for unlike physics, where the opposites attract, in the view of the law of attraction, positivity attracts positivity, while negativity attracts negativity.Yes, it is difficult to be positive, especially in todays world, but at the same time, we all want to be happy, and I think that is reason enough to make an effort to be positive. To go on further, a simple example of how positive energy attracts positive energy; many a times you might have broken into a smile (sometimes even unknowingly) when you are around cheerful people, that is because those positive people attract positive energies which make their environment positive, and likewise, you might have also noticed how you feel down and low when you are around negative people. Just as others influence you, so can you too can influence the world around you.I end this article with a quote, Be happy, be positivethe slightest of light can pierce through the thickest of darkness.Tantrums and conditioningTantrums, an issue almost all parents have to deal with; and through this article, I want to share my views on it.Whenever their child cries, usually a parents instinct is to try their best to satisfy the unhappy childs demand so that he/she becomes calm again. From parent to parent the reason to do so might differ; some might do it out of love, some out of being able to bear the childs pain, or some even to just maintain peace (yes, I personally have come across such parents as well), but no matter what the reason is, the first step the parent takes is to pacify the child. But is this always a wise thing to do? When the child is an infant, the child cries when it needs something, for it is one of the very few ways other than babbling to communicate their needs; but what about when the child learns to talk, are crying and throwing tantrums for their needs still okay? I shall not answer these questions; rather, I will leave it to you, reader to decide after reading this article.When a parent makes attempts to pacify the child, they unwittingly become part of the childs conditioning process; the response that the parent makes to the tantrum of the child is what the child will attribute with the act of throwing a tantrum.So, when child throws a tantrum, and the wish behind the tantrum is granted, the child learns that in the future tantrums can be used as a tool to get their way around. Such a child, when they become adults, is likely to use tools like aggression and/or emotional manipulation to get their way around in life.There are some parents who do not give to their childs tantrums, but rather use other tactics like distracting the child. This can prove to be effective, but not when the childs motivation itself is to gain attention, for then the child will learn that throwing tantrums is an effective way of gaining attention. Then there is also the type of parents who simply ignore the childs tantrums and wait for him/her to automatically calm down. This tactic does prevent the child from learning that tantrums can get things done for them, but there is a risk that there is a risk that they might learn something else; they might learn that their wants and desires are not respected and always ignored.The fourth kind of parents that I have come across, use the approach which can be called beating the iron when it is cold. When their child throws a tantrum, they ignore him/her, and even tell the guests (if there are any at the moment) to not try to pacify the child, but when the child exhausts himself/herself and calms down, they have a one-to-one conversation about what had happened, what the child learned, how the child is feeling, and how ignoring them doesnt mean that they dont love them. This can seem like the most effective approach, but it is not always feasible as the child might not be in a mood for a conversation.But, in the end, it is up to you to decide which approach to exactly adopt, for every child is unique, with unique needs.

PHILOSOPHYI am a man, who lives by his own philosophies, but philosophy as a discipline attracted me during my first semester of post grads, and it was primarily due to one single person, Nitin Mehra, with whom I and my other friends used to discuss existential philosophy.I dedicate this chapter and through this chapter, I bring to you a few of my philosophies and realizations and hope that it will help to uplift your spirit whenever you need a little boost.1. Essence of good life:

A) H.O.P.EHelp othersOvercome all hurdlesPlan every momentEndure the harshness

B) P.E.A.C.EParty hardEat healthyAppreciate othersChange the wrongEnjoy every moment

C) F.R.I.E.N.D.S.H.I.PFeel free to make mistakesRealize you are as good as it can getImmediately learn from your mistakesEmpathize with othersNever compare yourself to othersDont be afraid to say what is rightSee the brighter side of thingsHave time for yourselfIntrigue yourself, curiosity is essentialPlay with choices

D) L.O.V.ELove everyoneOnly dreaming wouldnt help, act it outValue everythingEmbark on a journey of self realization

2. There is a difference between nothing bothering you, not letting anything bother you, and not letting what bothers you bother youfor in the first, you are simply being ignorant, in the second one, you are cutting away from reality, but in the third one, you are connecting with reality, but yet making peace with yourself.

3. The difference between I am not afraid to die, and I dont care if I die is as vast as the difference between courage and cowardice; just because I am not afraid to die doesnt mean that I dont care whether I am dead or aliveI love my life and strive to be alive

4. The belief that you have overcome ignorance is like the epitome of ignorancethe more you know, more is left to be known.

5. I once thought that nobody ever trusted me, and I felt bitterbut then I realized that I is not always so; sometimes it is also I who is actually not able to trust others, and simply projecting my own insecurities to others.

6. Defences and hesitation are like clotheswhen you drop them, some appreciate it, while most others usually get offended; but then you gotta use your discretion about how comfortable you are, and also, some modesty is essential.

7. Instead of fighting for a bigger piece of pie, try baking a bigger pie

8. If you are feeling taken for granted, dont feel bad; rather be proud of itfor it is wishes that get granted, so consider yourself to be a wish that got fulfilled for someone.9. We often do not lift the curtains fearing that we might see a monster in the nightand while doing so, we might lose out on a beautiful sunrise.

10. Smile, be it a grin or a laugh, it is always worthwhileso in your lips system, please save this file.

11. In the watch, the hands might show hours, minutes, or seconds, but ultimately they show time; similarly no matter how different we might be, we all are the samepredator, prey, man; all of usa part of a greater cosmic whole.

12. Many people say that if used wisely, sarcasm is a great weaponI say, if used wisely, it is a great shield too; regardless of whether people are being sarcastic or not, if you like something, take it as a compliment, and if you dont, pass it off as sarcasm.

13. Dont hate the darkness; without it you would have no shadows, who will be your company, always.

14. Life is like an aeroplane, and you are the pilotyou carry many passengers, but they all get down when their destination comessometimes you experience turbulent whether, but often you steer throughsometimes the plane gets hijacked, and those are the times you have to maintain your cool and keep flying till the hijackers get chucked outbut thankfully there is one fundamental difference between your life and the metal birdunlike the metal bird, you can continue to fly and soar high despite the numerous crashes.

15. Fear is a friend who helps us become stronger by pretending to be an enemy.

16. A bird can fly as high as strong are the wingsdreams are our wings, so dont be afraid to dream big.

17. Life is too short, yet too longtoo short to waste a moment, and too long to bother about the moment wasted.

18. People say that life is like a car without brakesmaybe yes, but you definitely have the power to take your foot off the accelerator at timesand never take your hands off the wheel and your eyes off the road ahead.

19. Life is a pen, and experiences its inkyou are both the writer and the notebook.

20. Remember, happiness doesnt have legs, but we definitely do.21. If somebody calls you a fool, just consider yourself to be Funny, Original, and Overly Lovable.

22. People say keep your friends close and your enemies closerI say, you are your worst enemy, so keep yourself closest.

23. Dont be afraid or ashamed to fallthe Niagara wouldnt have been famous if it didnt fall.

24. Nothing is impossible has a dual purposeon the literal sense, it motivates you, but if something is futile and yet someone is forcing you to do it, just say that it is possible that it is actually impossible to do it.

25. By keeping your head down, you might avoid the rocks underneath your feet, but you might get hit by a branch in front of youhumility and pride are equally important.

26. The person who invented the saying you cannot read the next chapter unless you close the chapter you are readingI guess person never heard about multi-window technology (the past aint always a cursethere are many things that can be learned from it).

27. Lesson learned from a cockroach: This is a creature that is not very pretty, tiny, disliked by almost all and liked by almost nonebut nevertheless it is an incredible creature; it came into existence long before creatures like the mighty dinosaurs, but has long outlasted them. Similarly, no matter how small you might be, no matter how much people despise you, dont stop being true to yourselfand you shall shine.

28. Two types of people allow others to walk over them; those with very low self esteem, and those with a very healthy level of self esteembut the primary difference between the two is that the former is a doormat, while the latter is a concrete road; while the former tatters and turns into a rag after repeated use, the latter stands strong no matter how many times or how many people tread on them.

POETRYThis is another of my passions. What initially attracted me to poetry was how they rhyme, but what really got me hooked, is the freedom it bestows to express oneself. I wrote my first poem when I was in the seventh standard, and since then I have been writing poems whenever on comes to my mind.This chapter is a collection of my poems that I have written till now. I wanted to share all of them, but I have lost some of them due to lack of proper storage.The Night Eeriness ReignedI wrote this one when I was in the seventh standardIt was dark at night, nobody stirred, nobody moved;It was a night, such an eerie night, that even the owls had forgotten to hoot.It was night, but you can call it dawn;Dawn it was, of eeriness, when innocents would be made evils pawn.Nothing moved, nothing stirred, and then came an almighty howl;It was not a gust of wind but the mad one-eyed wolf who had begun to bawl.The air was tense yet unnervingly calm, and then suddenly it came;But it was only the blood-thirsty bat, so old; he couldnt even tell his own name.That was not the worst, because the worst was yet to come;It was so terrible that many of us are yet to overcome!The bat and the wolf smiled at each other and began to talk;Their voice was of formality, which was utterly mock.They finished talking and started an incantation;It was so very intense, the hills and sky rang with vibration.Then the worst arrived, because they stopped and stood aback; The earth shook; the hills fell, and then suddenly from the earth popped a head like a rock filled sack.Then emerged the entire torso, which was bloody red;He was so large; the earth looked like a spherical bed.The smaller mates cried, O great one, welcome!With red eyes and blue teeth, he looked bewilderingly fearsome.Out of the darkness, blundered an outline;We were scared out of our wits; it was a human, who had drunk too much wine!Then horror struck before our unbelieving eyes;He was thrown around, and was treated like a sack of mice.Screams, wails, and shouts filled the silent air, leaving us only one scope;And that was to pray to god and to hope for hope.I suddenly noticed my watch and gave a weak smile;The others asked me what happened? after a while.Then they realized that dawn had arrived;It was the dawn of hope, light seeped far and wide.With lovely warmth, the sun slowly rose;And with sudden fear, the monsters froze.They knew that they were losing their might;Because the sun had risen and world was once again warm and bright!Then the largest monster said, Out here, darkness isnt permanent, we must leave,Before leaving, their expressions were of total grief.They were gone and happiness spread, yet I knew;They will not rest and dark forces will renew.It always happens, sometimes better, sometimes worse;But we can do nothing because it is said to be an unbreakable curse.Dont worry, these all happen after you sleep, at midnight;Because there is less brightness (they cant stand the light).Now there you go, I switched on the light;Go to sleep, goodnight!

The BuffaloI wrote this one too when I was in the seventh standardThis is a buffalo who tries to bleat;And likes for dinner, his very own meat!His name is Jack;And he is fully a crack.We all know that buffaloes bellow;But you know, Jack is a crack buffalo!Jack is a crack, yet sincere dad;Of million sons who are also fully mad!He is so sincere;That he drank the milk and gave the kids his dose of beer!His wife got so fed up;That she became mad and adopted a stray pup!One day his friend explained to him that it was bad to be a jack of no trade and master of none;But before he could finish, Jack was gone.His friend shouted, Jack, Mr. Jack;Please do come back!But Jack was a bone-head;And by others, he wasnt going to be fed!Merrily off he went on his way;Full of happiness, full of gay.Why he was happy, he didnt know;He didnt even know, where to go!One day, with his kids, he suckled his wifes milk and got a kick;The kick was so hard, that for one whole week, he remained sick!This is only a few, check this out;What happened to him when he became proud.Off he went, bleat, bleat, bleat;The goat he did defeat!He became so proud;That he kept aside the crowd!Once trying to keep aside the crowd;He walked on the river and off he drowned!Thats all about Jack, who was the dad;Of million sons, who were also fully mad!After 100 years or so;From present, which is still 100 years ago.A tribute was paid to Jack;Who was a genius, yet a crack!From this single topic of Jack;Please do allow me to come back.Now let me tell about the kids, how they did die;A year ago they annoyed their master so much that they were turned into beef pie.For his wife, let me tell you;Yesterday she was suffering from flu.Today she jumped from a tower and tried to fly;And by crashing, did she die!Thats how the family of Jack, came to an end;And to heaven, all of them went!Thats all folks;Enough of these stupid talks!Not a robot, human is I;Now its time to say see you, bye-bye!

The CowI wrote this sequel to The Buffalo when I was in eighth standardThis is about a cow;Who tried to bark bow, wow, wow!She lives in a magnificent farm;But never likes to be warm.This doesnt mean that she is cold;Even though she is pretty old.Her best friends are Julie the sow;And Margaret the doe.Her name is Darky;But prefers to be called Sparky.Among the herd, she is the odd one out;And I am going to prove it and give you no time to doubt.She thinks a lot, but thinks nothing but utter rubbish.In her miserable life, she has only one single wish;That is to lie down on her masters dish.The thing I mentioned earlier was her passion to bark;Even though she likes to bark, toward dogs, she is really dark!She was the cousin of Jack, the dad;Of million sons who were also fully mad.Their entire family was really mad;This may sound funny, but is really sad.When she died, she was ninety and a half;But Jack was still an innocent calf.Anyway, lets talk about the time when she was still alive;And was about thirty five.One day she announced to her friends that she was feeling very sad;So sad that she had started to become mad.I think she didnt know that she was already mad;Otherwise she wouldnt have spoken like that!Even though she was extremely crack;She wasnt as special as Jack.She always did the opposite;Of what the others did.When the others suffered losses, she experienced gain;When the others were happy, she experienced pain.When the others slept, she remained awake;And when the others chatted, she sat with a gag.Because of this, others found her to be a nuisance;And only Julie and Margaret tolerated her with patience.From then till ninety and a half, it went on like this;Darky remained a foolish cow, her master a man and her eating dish a dish.One fine day she began a mooing boast;So her dream was fulfilled and her master turned her into beef roast!

PenThis one is another one I wrote when I was in eighth standardI am a pen, who is dot in nature;I was made in Japan and have quite a figure.I was born in a highly sophisticated factory;Where handwork is absolutely secondary.On my cap, is a small but shiny jewel;And in a beautiful plastic case, I do dwell.I am my masters favourite;So with me, he always likes to write.Once my master bought a new ink pen;And kept him in my, beautiful den.Now with me, my master does seldom write;Because my mate is my masters new favourite.But once I saw him look extremely gloom;As if he was in the clutches of doom!When I asked him, he replied, Masters got a new one;Whom he loves as his very own son.He is a blue, leaking pen;As for me, he is absolutely mundane!I thought, Just like you and me, I am much better than you;But to say it aloud, it would be a terrible thing to do.Today my ink has finished, hence making me useless;So my master is throwing me into the can of thrash.There I am surprised to meet my mate;Who seemed to have met exactly the same fate.I thought, he was ink in nature, and shouldnt have been thrown;But I noticed that instead of being shiny, weary he had grown.He said, Master wanted to write get well on his nephews bib;But he dropped me and broke my nib!Its quite dark in this can of thrash;So along with this poem, I end my life, goodbye, CRASH!

A NightmareI wrote this in school during lunch time in school when I was in my tenth standardA mysterious and strange dayBirds seem tove forgotten to chirp and donkeys to brayCats to mew and children to playDays just begun and beesve gone to napEverydays not like this, I suddenly realize and clapFiercely raining outside, but not a single thundering clapGrasss turned blueHamsters dont seem to have a clueIcy cold yet burning hotJamaicas frozen and Antarcticas begun to rotKings an queensve thrown their crownLionsve begun to fear and frownMercurys freezing and Plutos boilingNobody can understand why the ants arent toilingOnly nothing remains normalPractically everythings turned abnormalQuakes then go on a rampageRains of fire, increase the damageSuddenly far away, a few wolves bawlTrees shiver an leaves fallUnderneath, overhead, everywhere terror brewsVehemently, yet silently, everybody accepts this newsWinds violently howl and moanXenophobia becomes very common Yells of terror booms everywhereZonked water flows here and thereAll of a sudden, the nightmare brokeBy then I was so shocked, I just managed to croakCalm and bright, daylight fell on my eyeDrunkenly, but happily, to the nightmare, I said bye-bye!

BelieveI wrote this one to boost my own morale when I first joined undergradsTurn on the music, feel the beatTo feel the magic, you gotta believe!There is magic, inside youRunning through the pulses, in your blood.There is nothing, that you cant doAll you need to do is, B-E-L-I-E-V-E, believe!You can survive, anywhereBe it be blazing fire, or freezing iceJust put a hand on your heart and say, I believe!Nothing can stop you, if you trust yourselfYou also need a, little hopeFollow the shining path, and youll come through!There is magic everywhereYou can see it, you can hear it, you can taste it, you can smell it, you can feel itAll you need to do is believe!!

Moving onI wrote this one during my second semester of undergradsWith hopes and dreams and aspirationI move on towards my destination!No one to hold my hand, no one to guide my wayAlone I walk towards the shining ray!No trouble, no worries can slow me downI keep on moving without a frown!Call it a poem, or a song, it is a dedication To all who have experienced lifes education!I too have learnt to keep on moving onEven when everybody else is gone!Standing tall with honor, standing tall with prideI move on with a confident stride!Determination, hard work and perseveranceHas given me a bright green clearance!Right from the bottom, Ive climbed to the topUsing nothing but hard work as my prop!There is nothing one cant do, nothing one cant accomplishHave a clear mind, and soul, and success you shall relish!

Riding on a bicycleI wrote this one too in the second semesterIm riding on a bicycle.soaring over the clouds; striving for my dreamsSurfing on the rainbowthe wind is blowin on my faceRubbing all my worries away!Feeling on top of the worldI am riding on a bicycleI look at the sun setting beside methe birds flying belowOhI am riding on a bicycle!Not a trace of worry in my mindI feel like the king of the worldI am so happy that I got this lifeoh, yeah!I dare anybody to oppose methat is if they canThe magic is not in the bicyclebut within meIn short, nothing is impossiblecant you see?!Life is like a jigsawwith innumerable piecesBut I have planned everythingI just have to put down the pieces!Oh godI am riding on a bicycle!!

Golden days of mineI wrote this one for my friends in my third semesterWith a tear in my eyes, I think about those daysGlorious they truly wereWith no worry in my mind, and a smile on my faceI used to live those days of mineHopes and ambitions raging in my mindA youngster I truly wasNo fear of any sort, no tension of any kindUsed to bother me during those days of mineWith a guitar in my hand and a cigar in my mouthWithout hesitation I used to sing and shoutPluckin and strummin the strings of the guitarI used to sing out loudNo matter how bad or croaky it soundedIt was nothing to fuss aboutAfter the guitar, it was a girl, with whom I fell in loveFrom a friend, a weapon of serenade it had become But not a single tear was shedIt went for a long time, but one day over a cup of coffeeShe said it had gone for long enough, and decided to break freeI was such a man, I didnt shed a tearInstead what I did, was catch another girlSuch were those days, when I was youngBut now they are a long pastThe cigars still there, but the guitars become a stickAs my voice and bones have gone extremely weakThere is a tear in my eye, and also a smile on my faceWhen I think of those golden days of mine!!

Blue blooded warriorI wrote this one during my fourth semesterThe blue blooded warrior restedOn another warriors handHe has changed manyAcross water and landHe is oil to fireWhich is ready to burnHe is ready to teach any mindWhich is ready to learnMany a warrior have allied him And waged many a battleBattles that were nobleBattles that led the mind to rattleHe would launch torrentsWhich filled up pagesHe has taught everybodyFrom thieves to sagesThe blue blooded warrior lives even todayBut unlike before, he is no longer briskTypewriters, computers, and cell phonesHave put his life at risk.

Mistake of LoveI wrote this one during my sixth semester of undergrads for a cultural psychology assignmentUnder the banyan tree, lurked a silhouette,Moaning her heart out;A poor soul in tattered rags, shunned by the crowd,Who silenced her every shoutBut things changed when she was dragged to the temple,The big lady holding her by her hair;The eyes became sharp, so did her mouth,And flushed became the skin which was fairShe spoke in the tongue that was of the gods,A miracle it was;She was no longer the person she used to be,And this confused the massShe abused with words so cruel, but yet true,Her family and village;For they had ruthlessly interfered with her love,And her marriage they tried to pillageBruised and broken, she turned to the lord,For a ray of hope;For her world had become her enemy,And in the darkness she had to gropeHer only mistake was that she fell in love,With a man from another caste;Little did she know that she would be treated in a way,That would leave any sane person aghastNothing they did, seemed to calm her down,And she continued her verbal rampage;There also was nothing that they could do,For she was delivering gods message

HUMOURThis is another side of me that I love to indulge. Usually my jokes a spontaneous (at times they are so very spontaneous, they become eleveneous)but through this chapter I shall share a few of my jokes. Yes, they are pretty lame, and at times may even annoy you, but they should be able to make you smile nevertheless.Genius DictionaryPronoun: A noun who is an expertRecognition: To think againEcholocation:Echo of a placeGenius: A request to transform us into genies (genie us)Protein: An expert teenager (pro teen)Spacebar: The future of all barsControl: A villainous giant (con troll)Pen drive: Writing while drivingWhistle: Something markets say (we sell)Together: Tell two people to gatherPoster: Someone who postsMinute: I am crazy (me nut)Bookstore: Reserving a storeReserve: To serve againMulti-cellular: Having more than one mobile phoneNormally: A place where rules and standards are madeDamage: Age of a damIncome: A request (come in)Interesting: To rest in between (inter resting)Mistaken: When a girl becomes somebody else's (miss taken)Elite: Light emitted by electricity (e-light)Keyboard: Result of not opening a lock for a long time (key bored)Benchmark: Something every student does to mark their seats in classPencil: A device to stop a pen from writing (pen seal)Air-conditioner: Something you apply after using air-shampooRock&Roll: LandslidePrepared: To be a pair from before (pre-paired)Petrol: A command every pet owner gives (pet roll)Confused: Dead criminal (con fused)Immediate: Form of scolding the self (I am idiot)Screwdriver: A way of saying that you dont need a driverLiterally: The dirtiest ally (litter ally)Interfere: Within fear (inter fear)Armchair: What people do as kids use others arms as chairsSlippers: Someone who gives the slipCell-phone: A device used by cells to communicate with each otherRepair: To become friends againComics: To mix together (co-mix)Phoney: Someone who uses the phone a lotButter: Difficulty in counter-explanation (buter)Politics: More than one tick mark (poly tics)Attic: The opposite of politics; a single tick markTower: More than tow, less than towestTiger: Something one says when they get frustrated with a tie (tie grrr)Matchsticks: A task to find similar sticksGladiator: A happy alligatorBiscuit: A set of business tools (biz kit)Crisis: A sad sister (cry sis)Barbell: A bell that is rung to get more drinksElectrocute: Shockingly cuteManage: Age of a manBaggage: Age of a bagCaterpillar: Pillar of service (cater-pillar)SamsungI and my friends were standing in front of a Samsung television at a store.Me (pointing at the television): What is the future of this?Friend1: Future of what?Friend2: No ideaMe: This televisionthink hardFriend1: You only tell usMe: Sam will singFriend1 and friend2: *facepalms themselves*Going nutsI and my friends were in the basketball court of our college, looking at a couple of squirrels scampering around.Me: So, why do you think there are so many squirrels now-a-days?Friend1: Maybe its mating seasonFriend2: If it is one of your lame jokes, then I have no ideaFriend3: Somebody please tell me when this is done; I am closing my earsMe: Because people are going nutsRandom onesI) What is the similarity between potatoes and nails?~They get chippedII) Why is it difficult to give CAT exam online?~a) It scares the mouse; b) It gets distracted with all the phishingIII) Why did the boy attack the fish?~He couldnt do the same to his own schoolIV) Which drink tells us to drink?~Pinacolada (Pina-colada)V) Why do dogs find it difficult in Bollywood?~Because of Kat