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Justin is a young marketing professional who specializes in marketing automation, e-marketing and graphic design. Justin currently works for Medidata Solutions as a Marketing Automation Specialist and is a 2011 graduate of Otterbein University. Justin has experience, training and certification in lead management, email marketing, marketing automation, and graphic design. Some of his skills include HTML for email, Eloqua, Marketo, Vertical Response, Seibel, Salesforce.com, Netsuite CRM, and project management. In addition to his formal education in the United States Justin has studied business extensively at top ranked business schools in The Netherlands and Northern Ireland, UK. He continues to expand upon his education though independent study. Justin has successfully completed courses in the following disciplines: Brand Management, Strategic Marketing, Innovation Management, Sustainable Management, Strategic Human Resource Management, Economic Psychology, Business Politics and Europe, Accounting, Finance, Business Management, Micro Economics, Macro Economics, and Business Strategy. Justin is currently seeking opportunities to expand his learning and career skills through independent research and study, attending certification programs for marketing automation, investing time in independent online classes in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and by attending professional conferences. His long term goal is to gain concrete management experience and then go on to earn his MBA from a top ten university within the United States or United Kingdom. Justin's graphic design portfolio can be viewed at: http://be.net/JustinMcDonald/frame

Transcript of JUSTIN MCDONALD RESUME, 2013

JUSTIN  THOMAS  MCDONALD  McDonald.Otterbein@gmail.com  |  P:517.282.9906  7021  Crease  Lane,  Philadelphia,  PA  19128  LinkedIn:  www.linkedin.com/pub/justin-­‐mcdonald/28/b46/a32  Portfolio  URL:  http://be.net/JustinMcDonald/frame      WORK  EXPERIENCE      MARKETING  AUTOMATION  SPECIALIST  |  MEDIDATA  SOLUTIONS  WORLDWIDE  |  APRIL  2012  TO  CURRENT    

Description:  As  a  member  of  the  Marketing  Operations  team,  manage  and  assist  Marketing  Automation  Manager  with  Eloqua  administration  tasks  and  custom  Netsuite  CRM  cloud-­‐based  integration.  Work  with  Sales  Operations,  Inside  Sales,  Marketing  Consultants,  Events  Marketing,  and  Product  Marketing  Managers  to  design  and  execute  automation  programs  to  support  operational  functions  of  segmentation,  lead  management,  data  management,  lead  scoring,  event  registration,  and  lead  nurture.  Responsible  for  all  automation  campaign  planning,  development  and  execution  for  7  products  to  nurture  and  qualify  leads  for  Sales.  Train  automation  and  product  team  members  on  Eloqua  software  use  and  best  practices.  Manage  all  custom  HTML  email  template  design,  optimization,  and  training.  Responsible  for  producing  and  maintaining  reports  for  data  quality,  data  standardization,  email,  banner  ads,  and  lead  scoring  performance.    Responsibilities:  Design  and  implement  multi-­‐function  Eloqua  automations,  A/B  testing,  email  design,  identify  new  automation  campaign  opportunities,  identify  Eloqua  operational  improvements,  project  management,  database  management,  marketing  metrics  and  reporting,  marketing  process  refinement,  sales-­‐marketing  process  refinement,  sales  enablement,  training,  best  practice  education,  power  user  and  lead  for  project  management  solution  purchase.    Skills  and  Certifications:  Eloqua  administrative  and  implementation  training,  working  knowledge  of  SQL,  project  management  training,  Google  tools,  intermediate  Excel  skills,  graphic  design  (Adobe  CS6.0  Suite),  understanding  of  CMS,  Netsuite  CRM,  oversaw  purchase  of  enterprise  software,  understanding  of  Javascript,  Adobe  Connect.  


Description:    As  a  member  of  the  strategic  direct  marketing  team,  worked  closely  with  national  and  international  stakeholders  within  Marketing  and  Sales  to  create  and  execute  marketing  automation  campaigns  to  nurture  and  qualify  leads  for  Sales.  Responsible  for  the  global  direct  marketing  communications  for  the  business  units  Applications  Management  and  Network  management.  Responsibilities:  Design  and  implement  marketing  automations,  identifying  new  automation  campaign  opportunities,  A/B  testing,  email  design,  data  segmentation,  project  management,  database,  e-­‐marketing  metrics,  tracking  and  reporting,  direct  marketing  process  refinement,  and  new  employee  training.    Skills  and  Certifications:  Eloqua  Master  and  Revenue  Life  Cycle  (RLC)  certification,  HMTL  coding,  Marketo,  graphic  design  (Adobe  CS5.5  Suite),  Vertical  Response,  Siebel,  Saleforce.com,  Microsoft  Office,  project  management  software,  Webex,  Sharepoint.  


Description:    Worked  under  contract  providing  marketing  strategy  and  graphic  design  for  promotional  materials.  Clients  are  mostly  local  small  business  owners  with  the  exception  of  two  international  clients  including  a  Dutch  diversity  investment  group.  Developed  and  executed  a  large-­‐scale  marketing  campaign  for  a  community  festival  in  the  Netherland  in  2011.    Skills:  Application  of  marketing  strategy,  working  with  diversity  and  sensitivity  to  issues  of  social  responsibility.  

   MARKETING  INTERN  |  OTTERBEIN  UNIVERSITY,  OFFICE  OF  ADMISSION  |  MAY  2010  TO  JUNE  2011     Description:  Assisted  with  marketing  and  development  of  promotional  materials  as  part  of  a  rebranding  of  the  university.    

Responsibilities:  Publication  of  marketing  print  pieces,  updating  internal  documents  to  new  branding  specifications,  cold  calling,  composing  marketing  materials.  


Description:    Attended  over  20  training  courses  for  Eloqua  Automation  software,  successfully  completed  exams,  exercises,  work  packets,  and  other  requirements  to  obtain  certification.  Over  80  hours  of  work  required  for  completion.    

ELOQUA  EXPERIENCE  2011  &  2012,  SAN  FRANCISCO  &  ORLANDO  |  EMARKETING  CONFERENCE    Description:    Competed  multiple  Eloqua  power  user  administration  courses  and  training.  Attended  informative  best  practice  sessions  and  case  studies  from  companies  who  are  pushing  the  limits  of  automation,  lead  scoring,  and  lead  management.  

 MAASTRICHT  MARKETING  DAY  |  MAASTRICHT,  NL  |  DECEMBER  8,  2010     Description:    Participated  in  marketing  workshops  hosted  by  representatives  from  P&G,  Henkel,  DSM,  Nielsen  and  Zigila.  

Skills:  Naming/branding  techniques,  effective  use  of  social  networks,  and  the  inclusions  of  new  media  opportunities.      DELOITTE  BUSINESS  PROBLEM-­‐SOLVING  WORKSHOP  |  NORTHERN  IRELAND,  UK  |  MARCH  2,  2011  

Description:    Participated  in  a  problem-­‐solving  workshop  hosted  by  Deliotte,  focusing  on  problem  solving  strategies.  Skills:  Teamwork,  leadership,  analysis  of  problems,  and  problem-­‐solving  strategies.    

   EDUCATION    OTTERBEIN  UNIVERSITY  |  JUNE  2011     Rank:  Magna  Cum  Laude  |  GPA:  3.93     Double  Major:  Business  and  Graphic  Design  |  Departmental  Honors  in  Both  Majors      STUDY  ABROAD  EDUCATION    MAASTRICHT  UNIVERSITY,  THE  NETHERLANDS  |  FALL  2010     School  of  Business  and  Economics:  Top  tier  business  school  in  Germany  and  The  Netherlands.  

Courses:  Brand  Management,  Strategic  Marketing,  Business  Politics  and  Europe,  and  Economic  Psychology.      QUEEN’S  UNIVERSITY  BELFAST,  NORTHERN  IRELAND,  UK  |  SPRING  2011     Management  School:  Member  of  the  Russell  International  Excellence  Group  and  the  top  academic  university  in  Ireland.    

Courses:    Sustainable  Management,  Managing  Innovation,  and  Human  Resource  Management.  Read  Business  Strategy      

ACADEMIC  HONORS    THE  CHARLES  R.  BENNETT  AWARD  IN  BUSINESS  ADMINISTRATION  |  SENIOR  YEAR  RECOGNITION  2011     Description:  Demonstrated  exceptional  performance  in  academic  achievement  in  the  business  administration  field.      ACADEMIC  ACHIEVEMENT  ENDOWMENT  |  TOP  DEPARTMENTAL  PERFORMANCE  AWARD     Business  Department:  2010  |  Art  Department:  2009  

Description:  Two  students  selected  per  year  based  on  professor  nominations  and  voting.      HONORARY  SOCIETIES  |  ALPHA  LAMBDA  DELTA,  PHI  ETA  SIGMA,  AND  TORCH  &  KEY  

Description:  Membership  for  all  three  groups  is  based  on  community  service  and  rigorous  performance  standards.      VOLUNTEER  WORK    COLUMBUS  SOCIETY  OF  COMMUNICATING  ARTS  |  MEMBER  2007-­‐2011  

Description:  The  group  provides  monthly  guest  speakers  and  networking  for  the  communications  and  design  community.    Event  Planning  Committee:  High  level  of  responsibility  for  event  execution,  delegation  of  tasks,  and  training  volunteers.  


Description:  Recognized  as  “Chapter  of  the  Year”  from  2007-­‐2010  for  cumulative  hours  of  community  service  and  academic  performance  ranking.  Completed  12  large-­‐scale  community  service  projects  plus  individual  community  service  hours.