Junior Yearly Meeting "Speaking truth to power" powerpoint

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Transcript of Junior Yearly Meeting "Speaking truth to power" powerpoint

“Speak truth to power”

Meeting for Worship for Business

Junior Yearly Meeting 2016

Since the world has existed, there has been injustice. But there should be more

obligation on those who have, to give to those who have nothing.

- Audrey Hepburn

I grew up in a Quaker family, and for me being a Quaker was a political calling,

rather than a religious one.

- Bonnie Raitt

If you really put your heart in what you believe in, even if it makes you

vulnerable, amazing thing can and will happen.

- Emma Watson

Create all the happiness that you are able to create; remove all the misery you are

able to remove.

- Jeremy Bentham

We should not wait for someone else to come and raise our voice. We should do

it by ourselves. We should believe in ourselves.

- Malala Yousafzai

One of the secrets of inner peace is the practice of compassion.

- Dalai Lama

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects


- Edith Wharton

How are we opened by the inner

light and how might we be moved to speak truth to power?

• How can we be inspired to know our own truths?

• In what ways do we let the inner light open us?

• How can we speak to those in power to understand our belief and calling?

How are we opened

by the inner light

and how might we

be moved to speak truth to power?