Jungle Scout's million dollar case study session #18: Productivity Hacks

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Transcript of Jungle Scout's million dollar case study session #18: Productivity Hacks


Session #18: Time Management & Productivity

Journey to $1MM

June 21st, 2017

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Hello everyone, I'm Sylvester from Nigeria, I'm a Bachelor degree holder but unfortunately for me I could not find a decent job

here in Nigeria, In 2012, right around February, I was opportune to attend an E commerce seminar on how to make money

online as a seller on Amazon, After the seminar I could not raised money to start the business, after one year of looking for

other ways to make money online without investment but to no avail. Late in the year 2014, I was able to find someone that

could use his credit card details for me to start the business while I pay him in my local currency But unfortunately for me

Amazon do not accept sellers from Nigeria. Oh gosh I was completely heart broken because I had always wanted to be an

entrepreneur. In Africa, Nigeria precisely it's difficult to get access to credit cards, It cost lot of money to get internet and also

problem with electricity( Power). Because I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur working online since I could not get a

decent job in my country, then I decided to travel to Europe through land, from my Country to Niger Republic, from Niger

republic through Sahara desert to Libya and from Libya through Mediterranean Sea to Italy since I could not afford to travel by

Air( Flight), Because in western world, there is internet access, Power ( Electricity), credit cards and others. Now I'm in Italy as

a Refugee, where Amazon International sellers accepted, with access to unlimited internet, Stable power ( Electricity)and

more, since it has always be my passion to be a seller on Amazon and Entrepreneur... I was doing lot and lots of research on

Youtube and fortunate for me I found you guys...I dig more to know more about Jungle scout, I was amazed about your

product and how you guys are helping filling a need...... Today I am currently following Jungle Scout's Million Dollar case

Study, though I'm yet to start Amazon FBA business because I'm unable to afford the Jungle Scout Pro Extension yet and

money to start Amazon FBA. I'm currently saving money up so I can start as soon....I will never give up....Thank you for giving

me hope to be an Entrepreneur soon. Thank you so much

What has been

the most difficult

part of Amazon


Session - 17 #MillionDollarCaseStudy Giveaway Winners

Sylvester JS Pro Extension

What has been

the most

difficult part of

Amazon FBA?

Being patient! My first product

went live 4 days ago. It's been

almost four months since I was

introduced to TAS. Scott told me

about JS. I'd love to win the chrome

extension so it can help me find my

next products. The web-app

indirectly helped me find my first


Everend Throne JS Lite Ext.

The most difficult part for me was

the "analysis paralysis". I'm a data

guy by nature and slight fear of

choosing the right product held me

back from starting. I would tell

anyone that's interested to jump

right in, even with a small first

order, just to learn the process. I

am now on my first product and

eager to launch more!

Bjorn Beez T Shirt

Session 18 GIVEAWAY : Win a Web App or a T-Shirt

▸ HOW TO ENTER Use this Link to Enter our Giveaway


The link will also be in the Video Description of the Replay on YouTube!

▸ 2 Winners, 1 Prize for Each ! ▹ 1 Web App Standard ▹ Jungle Scout T Shirt ▹ Featured on the Website!

▸ Winners selected every week for all of 2017!

New Images!

New Images!

New Images!

Let’s take a quick look at Fetcher!

Jungle Snugs Updates: Launch

Jungle Snugs Updates: Reviews

15 Reviews4.8 out of 5 Stars

Jungle Snugs Updates

One 1 Star Review….However it appeared to be a fake review, and Amazon identified

Moral of the Story:

Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff!

AMS/PPC Update

What’s holding new sellers back?

▸Time▹You’re busy people! We’ll help with this today

▸Money▹Unfortunately inventory costs $$$

▸Knowledge/Education▹The Million Dollar Case Study is all you need :-)

What You Will Learn

Ultimately, Do More (and better) work In Less Time

Organize Prioritize Scale


Selling On Amazon Allows For More Time For Work From Anywhere….

Morocco Australia

Anatarctica Brazil And working all of these places!

Ideal Time Allocation To Launch A Product ~ 40 Hours

Product Research

Product Sourcing


Listing Optimization, PPC, Marketing

The bulk of work is done upfront: finding the ideal product to sell.

Progressively less work, and gets easier with each SKU you sell.

How Can You Achieve These Goals?

1.Goal Setting2.Relentless Focus3.Just In Time Learning

For Example: How I Set Goals (With Dates!)

My Timeline For the Million Dollar Case Study (6/14/17):

My Productivity Mindset

▸ Plan Beforehand – Weekly/Daily to do list▸ Avoid Multitasking (Pomodoro Technique)▸ Hard Tasks First - “Eat The Frog”▸ Focus On My Strengths, Delegate the Rest▸ Ship It - “Great Is the Enemy Of The Good”

Quadrant Of Prioritizing

From Stephen Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Focus On Top Row: Important Tasks….will this matter in 6 months, a year, 5 years?

If possible, delegate and outsource Quadrant 3 and 4.

Save Time: Cut Activities in Quadrant 4.

Planning For FBA Sellers

Focus on answering, “What Do I need to do to sell more product?”to guide your priorities

My Daily & Weekly Routine


▸ Unit Sales -- unexpected changes?

▸ Ranking for Main Keyword (automated via Splitly)

▸ Competitive Landscape - new competitors? Competitive marketing campaigns?

▸ Respond to customer emails


▸ Pay Per Click Campaigns -profitable keywords/campaigns I can improve? Unprofitable ones I can pause/change?

▸ Inventory Levels (more on this in a future session)--any potential out of stock scenarios?


▸ Reviews - can I improve my follow up campaigns?

▸ Returns - are my product returns at a normal level? If not, issues with supplier/product quality?

▸ Profit Margins - as percentage, and dollar value. Room for improvement?

Avoid multitaskingIf possible 😉

Forest App (free)https://www.forestapp.cc

Focus on one thing for a devoted amount of time, ~25 min


Prioritize, “Eat The Frog”

Mark Twain: “If you eat a live frog first thing in the morning, you can go through the rest of the day knowing the worst is behind you.”

Very Powerful!

Focus On Strengths, Outsource The Rest

How To Outsource Affordably?

And many other alternatives that I haven’t tried…

Qualified VA’s from the Philippines will work for $3-4/hour.

Ship It!

Focus on getting started--not everything will be perfect!

Just in Time Learning

▸Time▹You’re busy people! We’ll help with this today

▸Money▹Unfortunately inventory costs $$$

▸Knowledge/Education▹The Million Dollar Case Study is all your need :-)

Tools I Love

Communication Planning

FBA Tools

Continued Education on Amazon & eCommerce: Podcasts & Blogs

Scott Voelker,www.theamazingseller.com

Good For: ● Learning how to sell on

Amazon● Consistent 3x weekly

podcast● Inspiration to build your

Amazon business

Amy Porterfieldwww.amyporterfield.com

Good For: ● Email, Facebook

ads, building an audience

● Blog and podcast● Inspiration to excel

in digital marketing

Steve Chouwww.mywifequitherjob.com

Good For: ● Ecommerce best

practices from a practitioner

● Learning from expert guests

● Inspiration to build a thriving online store!

Andrew Youderianwww.ecommercefuel.com

Good For: ● Community for

established ecommerce sellers

● Advanced strategies and analytical approaches

Ezra Firestonewww.smartmarketer.com

Good For: ● Advanced

ecommerce training courses and content

● Facebook ads optimization

Continued Education on Amazon & eCommerce: Books

ReWork: Key Takeaways▸ Work smarter, not harder▸ More doing, less planning▸ Embrace constraints--they help you be

creative and solve problems

Good To Great: Key Takeaways▸ The Flywheel - the momentum of may

small projects can be incredibly powerful.

▸ “Greatness” comes from deliberate thought and decision-making

▸ The Fox vs. Hedgehog: Foxes pursue many opportunities simultaneously at a surface level. Hedgehogs focus on a single idea and concept. When they face off, hedgehogs win!

Join Us Next Week!

Optimizing our PPC Campaigns!

June 28th @ 8p ET and 5p PT

Sign Up: https://www.junglescout.com/the-million-dollar-
