JUNE BIRTHDAYS...JUNE BIRTHDAYS 2 Elizabeth Clark 4 Susan Beard 4 Max Buysse 4 Kate Buysse 8 Tana...

Post on 31-Jul-2021

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Transcript of JUNE BIRTHDAYS...JUNE BIRTHDAYS 2 Elizabeth Clark 4 Susan Beard 4 Max Buysse 4 Kate Buysse 8 Tana...


2 Elizabeth Clark

4 Susan Beard

4 Max Buysse

4 Kate Buysse

8 Tana Hightower

8 Charles Stelly

9 Ellia Stamatis

9 Grace Walhood

14 Cody Corkran

15 Cody Buysse

15 Dean Buysse

16 Mia Ruppel

20 Lisa Reeves

21 Mildred Pfluger

22 Michele Ruppel

22 Victor Viator

27 Patricia Gambrell

27 Barbara Whitrock

28 Evangeline Jowell

30 Kaleb Myers


Rev. Paul Zoch

945 W Roundbunch Rd Bridge City, TX 77611

Phone: 409-735-4573 Cell Phone: 409-988-3003

E-MAIL: goodshepherdoctx@gmail.com

WEBSITE: www.golutheran.org

FACEBOOK: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church


A caring Christian family following Christ,

the GOOD SHEPHERD, where we:

SHARE God’s Love! GROW our faith!

and SERVE others!



The Ascension of Our Lord

June 2, 2019

It is possible to hear in Jesus’ high priestly prayer, a prayer he offered shortly before his death, the petitions of the ascended Lord for his own throughout history—to our day—and beyond. Jesus prays for us. In holy baptism we become believers in God, have our robes washed in the flood of Christ’s forgiveness, and receive the gift of life forever with all the saints.

The Chancel Flowers for the month of June are given by Ann and Charlie Hall in honor of their children Evangeline Hall Jowell and William Hall.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones. (Pr. 3:5-8)

May 26, 2019 First Worship Service

Attendance: 49 Offering: $843.00

Second Worship Service Attendance: 24 Offering: $1130.00

Online Giving: $0


Traditional Worship — 9:00 am

Fellowship —10:00 am

Sunday School—10:15 am Children/Youth Sunday School—10:15 am

Contemporary Worship—11:00 am

Beaumont Worship—3:00 pm


Bible Study in Bridge City—10:00 am


Bible Study in Bridge City - 10:00 am SEEK & FIND Resale - 12:00 pm—6:00 pm


SEEK & FIND Resale—12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Fantastic Fridays—5:30 pm


SEEK & FIND Resale—7:30 am - 1:00 pm


Traditional Worship—9:00 am

Fellowship —10:00 am

Sunday School—10:15 am Children/Youth Sunday School—10:15 am

Contemporary Worship—11:00 am


Nutrition Center—10:30 am


Father’s Day

The point is this: whoever sows sparingly

will also reap sparingly, and whoever

sows bountifully[a] will also reap

bountifully. 7 Each one must give as he

has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or

under compulsion, for God

loves a cheerful giver. (2 Co . 9:6-7)




This Sunday, we observe the Ascension

of our Lord. Traditionally observed 40 days after Easter, the Ascension always

fails on a Thursday; we chose to hear share its lectionary and hymns June 2.

Our worship begins with a familiar hymn of praise, "All Hail the Power of

Jesus' Name." As part of his message to the disciples prior to the Ascension,

Jesus calls those gathered to baptize and to teach and to share the Good

News. With the power and majesty of Jesus surrounding us, we are called,

even today, to mission work wherever we are. Following the sermon, we sing

"Beautiful Savior;" what a familiar, comfortable and worshipful expression

of Jesus! We leave our worship singing, "A Hymn of Glory Let us Sing." Set to

the familiar tune, Lasst uns erfreuen, we acknowledge our ascended Lord and

continue singing our Easter alleluia's.

TUESDAY BIBLE STUDY We started a new series last Tuesday

May 28. It is a 9 week study of "James" written by N. T. Wright. It should be an

interesting perspective on this member of Jesus’s entourage. Come join us on

Tuesday 10:00 am for this new journey for knowledge.


Get a copy of the latest member directory. They are located on the table

under the mailboxes. There are correction sheets as well if you have a

correction to make. Let us know if you need one mailed to you.


NEW BUILDING Starting with Easter Vigil and ending at

the end of June, the collection of change will go to help with the costs for the new

building. Help us by depositing your change in the glass container in the

welcoming area. So, please give generously. Thank you.


Sunday, on Pentecost Day, we will celebrate the presence of the Spirit of God in our lives. That Spirit makes us aware of Christ’s presence in our daily lives. But that presence is not yet fully realized in the world. Pain, suffering, brokenness, darkness, and death are still stark realities. We await with hopeful anticipation the promised day when the struggles of this world are no more, when God’s rule and reign will be complete and all-encompassing. In the meantime, we live as hope-filled people, trusting that God’s promises are true and will come to pass. 3. What does it mean to you to live as “already-not-yet” people? 4. Do you ever get impatient that God’s rule and reign is not complete yet? If so, what helps you get a perspective?

faith practice in daily life Hear the Word and share in the Lord’s Supper The celebration of Holy Communion is a powerful experience and expression of living as “already-not-yet” people. We celebrate Jesus’s presence with us in the meal; yet we know that this is but a foretaste of the feast to come. We proclaim the mystery of faith: “Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.” We invoke the Spirit of God to be with us as we pray: “Come, Holy Spirit.” Christ is with us, giving us courage and hope to face the realities of this present age. And Christ will come again, promising us the fullness of God’s grace and love. And so we join with the saints of all time and all places in prayer: “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20 NSRV 5. What new insights do you have from our studies in the book of The Revelation? Prayer Come, Lord Jesus, and be our guest. Come, Lord Jesus, and open our eyes to see your presence with us now. Come, Lord Jesus, and bring to fulfillment your promises for all your faithful people. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

last word

At your meals this week, pray the table prayer: “Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest;

and let these gifts to us be blessed.”

Daily Faith Practices Written by John and Robin McCullough-Bade Copyright © 2013 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America May be reproduced for local, non-sale use provided the above copyright notice is included. www.ekca,org/dailyfaithpractices Seventh Sunday of Easter (C) Faith Practices



Marge Becker,

Evelyn Brandon,

Nancy Carlson,

Judy Colebrook,

Tom Culp,

Briana Delaney,

Sophia Dixon,

Ann Duwe,

Dorothy Eckhardt,

Anita & Eddie Fox,

Robert Freeman,

Tammi Geren,

Caleb Hayes,

Angie Hetzel,

Shawn Hickman,

Iris Hughes,

Nancy Meek,

Kenri Mugleston,

Susan Neil,

Mildred Pfluger,

Maxine Pierce,

Dorothy Schmidt,

Buddy Stelter,

Beverley Swink,

Amiee Tait,

Marie Tarver,

and Khris Taylor, Jr.


During the summer, you are invited to

learn how to sew at SEW n SATURDAY!

Our first session was yesterday. We will

next meet July 6 and August 3 at 9:00

am. These basic lessons are free, yet we

invite you to bring material, a sewing

machine (if you are able; there will be a

few machines at the church) and a

commitment and desire to learn to sew!

Everyone from age 10 and up is

welcome. Please let the church office

know if you will attend.

The Seventh Sunday of Easter – Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21 Focus: The resurrected Christ –Come, Lord Jesus!

word of life “See, I am coming soon….The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come.’ And let everyone who hears say, ‘Come.’ And let everyone who is thirsty come….The one who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming soon.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” Revelation 22:12, 17, 20 (NRSV) Read Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21 CHRIST IS RISEN! CHRIST IS RISEN INDEED! The great 50 days of the Easter season are drawing to a close, and so too are the appointed readings from the Revelation to John. The assigned verses for this Sunday are the final words of Revelation, and these words are centered around the word, “Come.” The word echoes back to the first few verses of the first chapter of Revelation where the writer begins with this greeting: “Grace to you and peace from the one who is and who was and who is to come.” (Revelation 1:4 NRSV) Revelation begins and ends with the anticipation of the One who is coming again. 1. How does the anticipation of Christ coming

again influence how we read the book of Revelation?

2. What difference does it make to believe that Christ will come again?

There are several nuances in the use of the word “Come” in Revelation 22. It is used as a word of faith and assurance: “See, I am coming soon.” (Revelation 22:12 and 20 NRSV) To a community of faith suffering persecution and challenges, the promise that Christ is coming soon and is ultimately in control is good news indeed! The way things have been do not reflect the way things will be. Christ’s coming will usher in the promised new Jerusalem – a time beyond time when there is no longer darkness or night; a time beyond time when tears are no more; a time beyond time when suffering and illness and death are no more; an eternity of ceaseless praise and worship of the Lamb who was slain. 3. Describe how you imagine it will be when Christ comes again. The word “come” is also heard as a word of invitation: “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come.’ And let everyone who hears say, ‘Come.’ And let everyone who is thirsty come.”

(Revelation 22:17 NRSV) The bride – the church – gathered together by the Spirit, speaks a word of invitation to the heavenly banquet. We hear echoes from the book of Isaiah: “Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters: and you who have no money, come, buy and eat.” (Isaiah 55:1 NRSV) We are reminded of the invitation from Jesus: “Come to me, all you that are weary and carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 NRSV) The faithful are invited to know God’s promised rest. 4. How does it feel to hear God invite us to a promised rest where we can rest from our burdens? Lastly, the word “come” is spoken as a hopeful prayer: “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:20 NRSV) It is a prayer for the present and for the future. The writer of Revelation prays for Jesus to come now, in the present moment, in the present circumstances, in the present difficulties and darkness. And the writer also prays for the fulfillment of Christ’s promised coming in the future when God’s promises will be fully realized, God’s kingdom comes, and God’s plan for all history is full known. We join the voices of the saints of all time and all places as we pray, “Amen. Let it be so. Come, Lord Jesus!” 5. How do you experience the presence of Christ in daily life?

word among us Everyone in the family knew the ritual. It was followed at every meal – breakfast, lunch, and dinner – no matter the menu or the portion of food set on the table. Everyone would take their place at the table, and once everyone was settled in, the patriarch of the family, without saying a word, would bow his head, fold his hands, and lead the family in the familiar prayer, “Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest; and let these gifts to us be blessed. Amen” 1. What table prayer do you pray before meals? 2. Is it a prayer for more than food alone?

Explain. Come, Lord Jesus! It is doubtful that the family thought of the book of Revelation as they prayed those familiar words. Yet their petition beseeching God is the same request; it asks that we might experience the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ with us – both now and in the future. As we come to the end of the Easter season and the end of our readings from Revelation, we are reminded that we live as “already-not-yet” people. The resurrection of Jesus already has meaning and significance now. The risen Christ comes to us now in the Word, in the bread and wine, and in the community of faith which is the church. Next