June 2016 Kilas Banyu Urip -...

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Transcript of June 2016 Kilas Banyu Urip -...

16th edition

June 2016

Kilas Banyu Urip

Editorial boardExecutive Editor Erwin Maryoto Chief Editors Rizka Laksmi, Rexy Mawardijaya Managing Editor Donny E. Prabowo Editorial Team Ukay Sukaya, Askarina B. Sumiran.

Copyright EMCL holds copyright of all data, including photographs, unless stated otherwise.

ExxonMobil Cepu Limited

Wisma GKBI, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 28, Jakarta 10210, Indonesia. Phone (62-21) 574 0707, Faximile (62-21) 5798 6222.

Jl. Raya Bojonegoro—Cepu KM 25, Desa Bonorejo, Kec. Gayam, Bojonegoro 62152, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Phone (62-353) 289 5000, Faximile (62-353) 289 5111.

Environmental leaders training in three villages

Supporting Blora potters through ceramic program

Banyu Urip starts up oil production from CPF

Along with that, we are committed to helping improve the quality of life of our neighbors with initiatives in health, education, local infrastructure, and economic development programs since 2006.

We present the latest updates from our strategic community investments, such as our green initiatives and ceramic potters.

Teguh H. SusantoOnshore Operations Superintendent

Hope you enjoy reading our latest updates, and we greatly appreciate the warm support we continue to receive from you as we complete execution of the Banyu Urip project and move into the operations phase.

community members not to approach the work area or cross the fence.

Gas Oil Separation Plant (GOSP) in Gayam village was one of our early production facility. Now that the production facility is completed and running, the GOSP is being dismantled and the used land will be restored to its initial condition.

For safety reasons, due to utilization of heavy equipment for such work, we caution

GOSP Dismantled


GOSP initial condition

GOSP condition today

GOSP Dismantlement Team

We are very excited that Banyu Urip project start up to ramp-up production to its plan of development capacity of 165,000 barrels per day was completed safely. With the support from our neighboring communities, the government at all levels, our contractors and staff, we are now entering a new phase where we will be fulfilling almost 20% of Indonesia’s 2016 oil lifting target. Soon we will reach our 100th oil lifting through our Floating Storage and Offload (FSO) vessel, the Gagak Rimang.

Operations of Early Production Facility (EPF) and the well pad C Early Oil Expansion (EOE) facility ceased on January 15, 2016. This marked the end of a long and very successful effort to maximize Banyu Urip field production ahead of full field start-up. Highlights of our remarkable early oil success include:

• Outstanding safety and environmental performance from 2009 through 2016;

• Produced over 80,000 barrels per day from all three Banyu Urip well pads;

• Operational excellence in delivering 71 million barrels of oil from EPF, EOE and well pad B early oil facilities;

• With both production trains now in operation at the central processing facility, we were able to safely exceed our initial plan of development (POD) production target of 165,000 barrels per day in early March 2016.

We will continue to determine the best options for maximizing production from the CPF.

Now production from the three Banyu Urip well pads is processed at the Central Processing Facility (CPF). The CPF has already exceeded Plan of Development (POD) target of 165,000 barrels per day in early March 2016.

We have continued to increase rates to 185,000 barrels per day, and are working with the Government of Indonesia on more than 185,000 barrels per day to help support Indonesia’s energy needs and increase revenue to the state.

“These remarkable achievements reflect incredible innovation, agility and operational excellence by our entire organization in Indonesia. With the conclusion of our very successful early oil initiatives we move forward into a new era of safe and reliable production from the Banyu Urip full field facilities, allowing to deliver approximately 20 percent of Indonesia’s 2016 annual oil production target,” said Daniel L. Wieczynski, President ExxonMobil Indonesia.

Banyu Urip starts up oil production from CPF

Central Processing Facilities, Banyu Urip project.

Partnering with TROPIS Indonesia, we undertook an environmental leadership training program for youth on February 3, 2016. The program was participated by the implementation team from three villages in the Gayam Regency, namely the villages of Ngraho, Gayam and Sudu.

According to the Head of TROPIS Indonesia, Muhammad Musyadad, the training provides the youth-based green conservation team in the three

villages the chance to become pioneers and leaders in environmental protection.

Meanwhile, the Head of Gayam sub-district, Hartono, expresses his hope that this kind of training could motivate the youth and other members of the community. “Young people should be in the forefront of environmental protection. We believe that the green initiatives we undertake today will benefit us greatly in the future.”

Environmental leaders training in three villages

Greening activities in each villages bolster collaboration among the local communities.

Local communities work together in preparing planting materials

One of them is Zainuri, who comes from the Ngumpak Dalem village, Dander sub-district, Bojonegoro, with almost no working experience. However, a heart of steel gave him the courage to apply for a job at the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) -5, Banyu Urip project.

Zainuri started from the bottom. He was recruited as a technician helper at one of the communication sub-contractors. “I learned a lot from my supervisors there,” he said.

Through his perseverance, Zainuri was promoted to be a technician for outdoor installations. Throughout his work, Zainuri received various trainings, all of which he participated with great interest and enthusiasm.

“I am proud to be working in the Banyu Urip project,” he says. “I am hoping that with the skills and knowledge that I have acquired here, I would be equipped for other job opportunities in the future, including opening up my own business,” he mused. He also added, “The safety protocols that are implemented in this project are truly good for us and applicable in our daily lives.”

Looking ahead to when the EPC project ends this year, Zainuri is optimistic that his life can only get better. “I am certain that with my capability, experience and certifications that I have earned, I will be able to find jobs and continue to improve myself over the years,” he said confidently.

Zainuri: “Acquiring skills for a better future”The development of the Banyu Urip oil field has brought positive developments to the surrounding communities. These developments pertain to infrastructure, the environment, education as well as the emergence of new skilled workers in and from around the operational areas, especially Bojonegoro and Tuban. The new workforce is ready to compete with workers from outside the area.

Zainuri with fellow coworkers benefited from EMCL’s workforce development programs.

Realizing the skills and potential of local ceramic potters, we launched “Ceramic Blora Program” on February 10, 2016, in Balong village, Blora regency.

This is in line with our continuous efforts to bring sustainable development to small and medium enterprises in the areas adjacent to our operations. Through this program, contribution in the amount of IDR 320 million is handed over which consists of ceramic kiln, computers, raw materials and capital for the

local potters, Koperasi Serba Usaha Bawono Aji.

“The support is expected to boost the creativity and spirit of potters in developing ceramics in Balong,” said Ihwan Sudrajat, acting Blora regent, who came to the event and appreciated our support for Blora’s ceramic industry.

Supporting Blora potters through ceramic program

Together with Blora regent, EMCL launched its support for the ceramic program.

“Young people are the leaders of tomorrow,” said Ali Masyhar, SKK Migas Jabanusa’s head representative, remarked to 110 students from Ocean Engineering Faculty of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) Surabaya in one of our meeting room. A presentation on the subject of upstream oil and gas industry was then delivered to the visiting group.

The student visit on 16 February 2016 was part of our contribution to public universities adjacent to our operations area. Through first-hand experience, the students were equipped with knowledge regarding the industry’s work process, starting from the production in CPF to the transportation of oil to the FSO Gagak Rimang. In addition, the students were

also able to travel around Banyu Urip oil field production facilities. Enthusiasm is reflected from the questions asked both in technical or non-technical issues.

External Affairs Manager CPO, ExxonMobil Indonesia, Dave A. Seta hopes that the visit helps the students to relate their academic lessons and real-work condition. “We are committed to improving the education quality of our neighbours, one way is through this site trip activity,” he said.

ITS students visit to Banyu Urip oil field

ExxonMobil and SKK Migas welcome ITS students to Banyu Urip field.

What is dengue fever?

Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection found in tropical and sub-tropical regions around the world. It is caused by any one of four closely related dengue viruses (DENV 1, DENV 2, DENV 3, or DENV 4). More than 100 million cases of dengue occur worldwide each year.

What are the symptoms of dengue fever?

Symptoms of dengue fever can include high fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, joint pain, muscle and bone pain, rash, mild bleeding or easy bruising.

Generally, younger children and those with their first dengue infection have a milder illness than older children and adults.

How is dengue fever transmitted?

Dengue is transmitted to people by the bite of an Aedes mosquito that is infected with a dengue virus. Dengue cannot be transmitted directly from person to person.

Is there a cure for dengue fever?

There is no cure for dengue or specific medication for treatment. It is recommended to use pain relievers with acetaminophen and avoid those containing aspirin. It is advisable to first consult a physician, rest and drink plenty of fluids. If symptoms dramatically worsen within 24 hours of fever onset, go directly to the hospital.

Health Alert: Dengue Fever

Fast facts about dengue• Viral illness with no cure• Transmitted by mosquitoes biting

primarily in daytime hours• No vaccine exists• Treatment available to ease symptoms • Prevention with the use of repellents

Best dengue prevention: avoid mosquito bites!• Use insect repellent • Wear long sleeves and pants from dawn

to dusk or stay indoors when possible• Empty standing water from containers

like flower pots, buckets and barrels


To the village Head office

• Fill in the form or

• Communicate it to the village staff

• ExxonMobil staff will periodically visit the villige head office to documenting complaints

directly to the ExxonMobil staff that you know:

• Face-to-face/telephone/email

• Telephone/SMS to: 0811 302 2020

• Telephone to a toll free number: 0800 136 6427

To the district office

• Fill in the form or

• Communicate it to the district office staff

• ExxonMobil staff will periodically visit the district office to documenting complaints

• We will immediately respond to inputs or complaint that are registered, arrange to meet you along with the village or district staff to ascertain and a verify the data, and/or respond to questions.

• Should there be a similar input or complaint in the future, please repeat the above steps.