July Bloomers Cont.: U.S Fish & Wildlife Service Necedah checklist.pdfAugust Bloomers: __ Rough...

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Transcript of July Bloomers Cont.: U.S Fish & Wildlife Service Necedah checklist.pdfAugust Bloomers: __ Rough...

Wildflower Checklist

July Bloomers Cont.:

__ Butterfly weed

__ Canada lettuce

__ Common cotton-weed

__ Common evening-primrose

__ Common yarrow

__ Deptford pink*

__ Dotted horsemint

__ Grass-leaved goldenrod

__ Handsome-harry

__ Monkey-flower

__ Naked-stemmed sunflower

__ Narrow-leaved cow-wheat

__ Orange-grass

__ Ox-eye sunflower

__ Prairie blazing-star

__ Showy tick-trefoil

__ Spotted joe-pye weed

__ Spotted touch-me-not

__ Steeplebush

__ Swamp milkweed

__ Virginia ground cherry

__ Wintergreen

August Bloomers:

__ Rough blazing-star

__ Showy goldenrod

__ Small-flowered false foxglove

U.S Fish & Wildlife Service

Necedah National Wildlife Refuge

June Bloomers Cont.:

__ Northern bedstraw

__ Orange daylily

__ Orange hawkweed*

__ Ox-eye daisy*

__ Pale purple coneflower

__ Pale-spike lobelia

__ Purple milkwort

__ Queen Anne’s lace

__ Round-leaved sundew

__ Slender beard-tongue

__ Spotted knapweed*

__ Spreading dogbane

__ Sulphur cinquefoil*

__ Swamp-candles

__ Tall hawkweed*

__ Three-toothed cinquefoil

__ Water smartweed

__ White campion/white cockle*

__ White clover*

__ White larkspur

__ White meadowsweet

__ White wild indigo

__ Whorled loosestrife

__ Wood lily

__ Woolly plantain*

__ Yellow water lily

July Bloomers:

__ American white water-lily

__ Bee balm

__ Blood milkwort

__ Blue vervain

__ Boneset

Continued on the next page

The large diversity of habi-

tats at the Necedah National

Wildlife Refuge allows for a wide

variety of wildflowers. Overall,

there are more than 1700 differ-

ent species of wildflowers found

in Wisconsin. This is a checklist

of the known species that can be

found on the Refuge. Bloom

times are estimations, the actual

bloom time varies based on

weather conditions.

Bring your flower photos to

the Nature’s Discovery Area! Lo-

cated by the Visitors Center on

Headquarters road.

*Denotes non-natives.

Checklist by bloom month

April Bloomers:

__ Arrow-leaved violet

__ Bird’s foot violet

__ Common cinquefoil

__ Common dandelion*

__ Common spiderwort

__ Hoary puccoon

__ Pink lady’s slippers

__ Prairie smoke

May Bloomers:

__ American starflower

__ Black medick*

__ Blue toadflax

__ Bristly buttercup

__ Butter-and-eggs*

__ Canada anemone

__ Canada mayflower

__ Common blackberry

__ Common cat-tail

__ Common dewberry

__ Common yellow-cress

__ Creeping vervain

__ Drummond’s rock cress

__ Greater sand goat’s beard*

__ Hoary-alyssum*

__ Orange dwarf-dandelion

__ Rabbit-Foot clover

__ Red clover*

__ Slender yellow-eyed grass

__ Smooth solomon’s seal

__ Starwort*

Continued on the next page

May Bloomers Cont.:

__ Tower rock cress

__ White sweet clover*

__ Wild columbine

__ Wild lupine

__ Yellow sweet clover*

June Bloomers:

__ Alfalfa*

__ Bird’s-foot trefoil*

__ Black-eyed susan

__ Bladder-campion*

__ Bristly sarsaparilla

__ Bull thistle

__ Common milkweed

__ Common mullein*

__ Common plantain*

__ Common skullcap

__ Common St. John’s-wort*

__ Common yellow oxalis

__Dalmatian toadflax*

__ Early wild rose

__ Eastern daisy fleabane

__ Elderberry

__ Fireweed

__ Flowering spurge

__ Fringed loosestrife

__ Goat’s-rue

__ Grass pink


__ Hoary frostweed

__ Low bindweed

__ Marsh cinquefoil

__ Narrow-leaved hedge-nettle

__ New jersey tea

Continued on the next page