July 30, 2015 CURRICULUM VITAE RONALD L. MIZE JR., Ph.D ... · Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo to...

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Transcript of July 30, 2015 CURRICULUM VITAE RONALD L. MIZE JR., Ph.D ... · Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo to...




Associate Professor of Language, Culture, and Society Director of Center for Latina/o Studies and Engagement (CL@SE)

Oregon State University Office & Mailing Address: Center for Latina/Latino Studies and Engagement (CL@SE) 200 Gilkey Hall (541) 737-8803 (541) 737-6803 School of Language, Culture, and Society Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 ron.mize@oregonstate.edu Professional Interests Critical Migration Studies Chicano/a Studies Comparative Race and Ethnicity Political Economy Research Methods Inequalities and Social Justice Cultural Studies Social Theory Political & Historical Sociology Preliminary Examination Areas: Political Sociology, Class Analysis & Historical Change Education University of Wisconsin Doctor of Philosophy 2000 Madison, WI Sociology and Rural Sociology Mize, Ronald L. (2000) The Invisible Workers: Articulations of Race and Class in the Life Histories of Braceros. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Revised Manuscript Currently Under Review. Colorado State University M.A. Sociology 1994 Fort Collins, CO

Mize, Ronald L. (1994) Contradictions of Media Content: An Analysis of Colorado Newspaper Coverage of Immigration Issues, Unpublished Master's Thesis, Colorado State University. Revised Article Published in 2000 as "Manufacturing Bias: An Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of Latino Immigration Issues," Latino Studies Journal, 11(2) Spring: 88-107.

University of Colorado B.S. Journalism 1991 Boulder, CO


Funded Research Projects “Toiling in the Shadows of Affluence: High-Amenity 2014 $5,610 Destinations, Immiseration, and the New Gilded Age.” Russell Sage Foundation Presidential Award “ADELANTE Student Leadership Program, Oregon 2014 $25,000 State University.” Oregon Community Foundation Community Grant to CL@SE “Latinization of Rural New York Schools? 2008-2011 $105,000 Exploring Migration and Settlement Trends Through Comparative Data Analysis.” USDA Hatch Grant NYC-159446 “Latinization of Rural New York? Exploring 2005-2008 $45,000 Migration and Settlement Trends Through Multi-Level Data Analysis.” USDA Hatch Grant 2005-06-044 “San Diego Head Start Grantee/ CSU San Marcos 2000-2004 $600,000 Training Partnership: Developing Cultural Competencies In Service Delivery to Latino Children.” DHHS-ACYF Grant # 90-YP-0003. “Measuring Quality of Care for Vulnerable Children- 2000-2001 $168,725 Supplement.” DHHS-AHRQ Grant # R01 HS10317-02S1. Co-PI’s: Michael Seid, Children’s Hospital and Donna Castañeda, SDSU-Imperial Valley. “The Invisible Workers: State and Society in the Life 1998-1999 $9,000 Histories of Braceros." Social Science Research Council International Migration Program Dissertation Fellowship. Publications Book Manuscripts Mize, Ronald L. and Grace Peña Delgado. (2012). Latino Immigrants in the United States. Polity Press: London, United Kingdom. ISBN: 978-0745647432


Mize, Ronald L. and Alicia C.S. Swords. (2010). Consuming Mexican Labor: From the Bracero Program to NAFTA. University of Toronto Press: Ontario, Canada ISBN:9781442601574

Mize, Ronald. (Forthcoming 2015) The Invisible Workers: Articulations of Race and Class in the

Life Histories and Contemporary Legal Redress of Braceros. Book-length manuscript Under Contract, Lexington Books.

Mize, Ronald L. (Forthcoming 2017) Latin@ Studies: Polity Short Introductions Series. Book- length manuscript Under Contract, Polity Books. Mize, Ronald L. Toiling in the Shadows of Affluence: High-Amenity Resort Destinations,

Immi(gr/ser)ation, and the New Gilded Age. Book-length manuscript to be reviewed, Russell Sage Foundation Press.

Mize, Ronald L. Why Does Grandma Only Speak English To Me?/?Por Que Abuelita

Nunca Hablame en Español? Children’s Book to be reviewed by Arte Publico Press. Peer-Reviewed Articles Mize, Ronald L. (2014). “The Contemporary Assault on Ethnic Studies.” The John Marshall Law Review 47 (4): 1189-1210. Mize, Ronald L. (2013). “Critically Interrogating the Elusive Sign: The ‘New’ Race Theories

and a Plausible Alternative for Understanding Cultural Racializations of Latino/a Identities.” Latino Studies, 11 (3): 341-365.

Mize, Ronald L. (2008). “Interrogating, Race, Class, Gender and Capitalism Along the U.S.-

Mexico Border: Neoliberal Nativism and Maquila Modes of Production.” Race, Gender and Class. 15 (1/2): 134-155.

Swords, Alicia C. and Ronald L. Mize. (2008). “Beyond Tourist Gazes and Performances: U.S.

Consumption of Land and Labor in Puerto Rican and Mexican Destinations.” Latin American Perspectives. 35 (3): 53-69.

Mize, Ronald L. (2006). “Power (In)-Action: State and Agribusiness in the Making of the

Bracero Total Institution.” Berkeley Journal of Sociology. 50 (1): 76-119. Mize, Ronald L. (2006). “Mexican Contract Workers and the U.S. Capitalist Agricultural Labor

Process: The Formative Era, 1942-1964.” Rural Sociology. 71(1): 85-107.


Mize, Ronald. (2005). “Reparations for Mexican Braceros? Lessons Learned from Japanese and African American Attempts at Redress.” Cleveland State Law Review, LatCrit VIII Symposium Issue, 52 (1/2): 273-295. Seid, Michael, Donna Castañeda, Ronald Mize, Mirjana Zivkovic and James Varni. (2003).

“Crossing the border for health care: Access and primary care characteristics for young children of Latino farm workers along the U.S.-Mexico border.” Ambulatory Pediatrics. 3 (3): 121-130.

Listed as Publication in Rand Child Policy Project. (2003). Bibliography Topic: Child Health. LRP-200305-34. http://www.rand.org/child/bib/4.html.

Mize, Ronald and Craig Leedham (2000). "Manufacturing Bias: An Analysis of Newspaper

Coverage of Latino Immigration Issues," Latino Studies Journal, 11 (2) Spring: 88-107. Mize, Ronald, Jason Albright and D. Stanley Eitzen. "A Critical Assessment of Migration

Research: Surveying the International Migration Review and International Migration," Revise and Resubmit International Migration.

Mize, Ronald L. “Teaching Sociology 101: Making the Introductory Course Relevant to Students' Lives,” Revise and Resubmit Teaching Sociology. Mize, Ronald L. and K. Whitney Mauer. “The 21st Century Racialized Demography of Rural

Spaces: Boom/Bust Towns and Rural Minority Populations.” Under Review, Rural Sociology.

Mize, Ronald L. “The Racialization of California’s Mexican-Origin Population: From The

Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo to Minutemen Vigilantes.” Under Review, Sociological Perspectives.

Mize, Ronald L. “Mapping Collective Memory or Collective Amnesia: Adjudicating Halbwachs’

and Neo-Gramscian Approaches to the Politics of Remembering, Forgetting, and Silencing.” Under Review, Critical Sociology.

Mize, Ronald L. “The Origins of Racialized California, or, the End of Alta California: Mexican-

Anglo Encounters, 1846-1855.” Under Review, Western Historical Quarterly. Mize, Ronald L. “William Dow, Coal Towns, and Resisting Segregation: Rearticulating

Company Union Rhetoric as a Call For Civil Rights,” To Be Submitted, American Historical Review.

Mize, Ronald L. “The Origins of ‘New’ Destinations: Mexican Immigration, State Policy, and

Direct Labor Recruitment.” To Be Submitted, Social Problems. Mize, Ronald L. and Marion Dixon. “A Critical Pedagogy of Student-Centered Public Sociology,


Contemporary Racial Projects and Global Commodity Chains.” To Be Submitted, Teaching Sociology.

Mize, Ronald L. “The Politics of Temporary Worker Programs: Continuity in U.S. State-

Sponsored Marginalization.” To Be Submitted, International Migration Review. Mize, Ronald L., Aditi Mehta, Sarah Heath Olesiuk, and Elias Saba. “Latinization and Spatial

Diffusion: White Out-Migration and Latino In-Migration in Select New York Communities.” To be Submitted, City and Community.

Chapters Mize, Ronald L. (Forthcoming 2015). “Bracero,” Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and

Nationalism. John Stone, Rutledge Dennis, Polly Rizova, Anthony Smith, and Xiaoshuo Hou eds. Blackwell Publishers.

Mize, Ronald L. (Forthcoming 2015). “Immigration Mobilizations,” The Oxford

Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in Politics. Suzanne Oboler and Deena Gonzalez eds. NY: Oxford University Press.

Mize, Ronald L. (Forthcoming 2015). “Temporary Worker Plans,” The Oxford Encyclopedia of

Latinos and Latinas in Politics. Suzanne Oboler and Deena Gonzalez eds. NY: Oxford University Press.

Mize, Ronald L. (Forthcoming 2015). “The Amnesty Movement,” The Oxford Encyclopedia of

Latinos and Latinas in Politics. Suzanne Oboler and Deena Gonzalez eds. NY: Oxford University Press.

Mize, Ronald L. (Forthcoming 2015). “Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS),” The

Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in Politics. Suzanne Oboler and Deena Gonzalez eds. NY: Oxford University Press.

Mize, Ronald L. (Forthcoming 2015). “Secure Communities (S-Comm),” The Oxford

Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in Politics. Suzanne Oboler and Deena Gonzalez eds. NY: Oxford University Press.

Mize, Ronald L. (2014). “Putting the ‘I’ in CF&I: The Struggle Over Representation, Labor, and

Company Town Life on the Edge of Aztlán,” pp. 153-188 in Making an American Workforce: The Rockefellers and the Legacy of Ludlow. Fawn Amber Montoya, ed. University Press of Colorado: Boulder.

Mize, Ronald L. (2010). “The State of Theorizing the Bracero Program: Elision, Domination,

Resistance, and Resiliency,” pp. 1-26 in Paul Lopez ed. ¿Que Fronteras? Mexican Braceros and a Re-examination of the Legacy of Migration, Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.


Mize, Ronald L. (2008). “Reparations for Mexican Braceros? Lessons Learned from Japanese and African American Attempts at Redress,” pp. 492-500 in Latinos and the Law: Cases and Materials (American Casebook). Richard Delgado, Juan Perea, and Jean Stefancic eds. NY: Thomson/West Law Casebooks.

Mize, Ronald L. (2008). “Migrant Labor.” in Sage Encyclopedia of Social Problems, Vincent Parrillo ed. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. Mize, Ronald L. (2008). “Bracero Program.” in Sage Encyclopedia of Social Problems, Vincent Parrillo ed. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. Mize, Ronald L. (2007). “Critical Race Theory.” In International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd Edition, Volume 2. pp. 174-176. William Darity ed. NY: Thomson-Gale. Mize, Ronald L. (2007). “Sambo.” In International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd

Edition, Volume 7. pp. 312-315. William Darity ed. NY: Thomson-Gale. Mize, Ronald L. (2006). “Mining Communities.” In Latinas in the United States: A

Historical Encyclopedia, pp. 476-478. Vicki Ruiz and Virginia Sanchez Korrol eds. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press.

Mize, Ronald L. (2006). “Head Start.” In Latinas in the United States: A Historical

Encyclopedia, pp. 310-311. Vicki Ruiz and Virginia Sanchez Korrol eds. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press.

Mize, Ronald L. and Vicki R. Ruiz. (2006). “Salt of the Earth.” In Latinas in the United

States: A Historical Encyclopedia, pp. 656-657. Vicki Ruiz and Virginia Sanchez Korrol eds. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press.

Mize, Ronald L., Silverio Haro, Claudia Huiza, Anthony Navarrete, Patricia Rivas-McCrae, and

Alfonso Rodriguez. (2006). “Bilingual-Bicultural Literacy Pedagogies and the Politics of Project Head Start.” pp. 409-419 in The Praeger Handbook of Urban Education, Joe Kincheloe, P. Anderson, K. Rose, D. Griffith, and K. Hayes eds. NJ: Greenwood Press.

Reprinted (2007) as Urban Education: A Comprehensive Guide for Educators, Parents, and Teachers, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.

Mize, Ronald L. (2005). “Temporary Workers Plans.” pp. 213-215 in The Oxford Encyclopedia

of Latinos and Latinas in the United States, Volume 4. Suzanne Oboler and Deena Gonzalez eds. NY: Oxford University Press.

Mize, Ronald L. (2005). “The Amnesty Movement.” pp. 76-81 in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States, Volume 1. Suzanne Oboler and Deena Gonzalez eds. NY: Oxford University Press.


Chavez, Sergio and Ronald Mize. (2005). "Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)." pp. 347-351 in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States, Volume 2. Suzanne Oboler and Deena Gonzalez eds. NY: Oxford University Press.

Mize, Ronald L. (2004). “The Persistence of Workplace Identities: Living the Effects of the

Bracero Total Institution,” pp. 155-175 in Immigrant Life in the US: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Donna R. Gabaccia and Colin W. Leach editors. NY: Routledge Press.

Mize, Ronald L. (2001). "Agriculture." Encyclopedia of American Immigration. James Ciment ed. NY: M.E. Sharpe. Mize, Ronald L. (2001). "Mex-America: The U.S.-Mexico Borderlands." Encyclopedia of American Immigration. James Ciment ed. NY: M.E. Sharpe. Book Reviews, Media, Blogs, and Op-Eds. Mize, Ronald L. (2014, October 15). “Border Crisis? ‘I’m Getting to That’,” University of Toronto Press Publishing Blog, Available online at: http://utpblog.utpress.utoronto.ca/2014/10/15/border-crisis-im-going-to-get-to-that/ Quoted in Wozniacka, Gosia. (2014, June 28). “States Encourage Bilingualism With Diploma

Seals,” Associated Press. http://bigstory.ap.org/article/states-encourage-bilingualism-diploma-seals

Reprinted in Yahoo News, Houston Chronicle, San Francisco Chronicle, WBZR-Baton Rouge, Evansville Courier and Press, Everett Herald, KNOE-West Monroe, National Public Radio, WBFF-Baltimore, Cybercast News Service, WZTV-Nashville, WKRC-Cincinnati, KTSA-San Antonio, Green Bay Press Gazette, KATU-Portland.

Quoted in Alexandrov, Nick. (2014, January 8). “NAFTA at 20 Years,” Counterpunch.

http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/01/08/nafta-at-20-years/ Featured in Krause, Rhoda. (2013, September 19). “Latino Studies Program Names Director,” http://www.kezi.com/latino-studies-program-names-director/ Mize, Ronald L. (2013). “Book Review: They Saved the Crops: Labor, Landscape,

and the Struggle over Industrial Farming in Bracero-Era California.” Don Mitchell. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, AAG Review of Books. 1(2): 82-84.

Mize, Ronald L. (2013). “Book Review: The New Face of Small-Town America: Snapshots of

Latino Life in Allentown, Pennsylvania.” Edgar Sandoval. Social Forces. First published online: November 14, 2013 at doi: 10.1093/sf/sot118.

Mize, Ronald L. (2013). “Book Review: Braceros: Migrant Citizens and Transnational Subjects

in the Postwar United States and Mexico.” Deborah Cohen. Journal of American Ethnic History. 32 (3): 101-103.


Mize, Ronald L. (2012, November 4). “Romney’s Self-Deportation as the Epitome of Neoliberal Nativism,” The Freire Project: The Paulo and Nita Freire International Project for Critical Pedagogy. Available online at:

http://freireproject.org/blogs/romney’s-“self-deportation”-epitome-neoliberal-nativism Mize, Ronald L. (2012, June 28). “Author Footnotes,” University of Toronto Press Publishing

Blog. Available online: http://utpblog.utpress.utoronto.ca/2012/06/28/author-footnotes-with-ronald-l-mize/. Cross-referenced in Columbia University Press Roundup (2012, June 29) at: http://www.cupblog.org/?p=7187

Quoted in Gay, Mara (2011, August 21). “Illegal Hero Speaks Out: Undocumented Immigrant

who Saved Abducted Girl Honored in Albuquerque,” The Daily. Available online: http://www.thedaily.com/page/2011/08/21/082111-news-tostada-hero/.

Mize, Ronald L. (2011, August 1). “Understanding Racialization through Latino Lived

Experiences,” National Institute for Latino Policy Guest Commentary, Available online at: http://www.freireproject.org/blogs/understanding-racialization-through-latino-lived-experiences.

Quoted in Carter, Diana Louise. (2011, June 4). “Mexicans Find Better Lives in Area Fields,”

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. Available online at: http://www.smfws.com/articles2011/articles_june_2011/art06052011.html.

Mize, Ronald L. (2011, May 11). “Putting Obama's Commitment to the DREAM Act into

Action,” The Freire Project: The Paulo and Nita Freire International Project for Critical Pedagogy. Available online at: http://www.freireproject.org/blogs/putting-obamas-commitment-dream-act-action.

Quoted in Gay, Mara. (2011, April 22). “The Browning of the Smithsonian?” Black Spin/Black

Voices. http://www.bvblackspin.com/2011/04/22/the-browning-of-the-smithsonian/ Quoted in Stokes, Trevor. (2011, April 10). “1 in 7 Residents Hispanic.” Times Daily (Alabama). http://www.timesdaily.com/article/20110410/news/110409756 Mize, Ronald L. (2010). “Book Review: How the United States Racializes Latinos: White

Hegemony and its Consequences.” José Cobas, Jorge Duany, and Joe Feagin eds. Latino Studies 8(2): 292-294.

Quoted in Foderaro, Lisa W. (2009, December 12). “Colleges Turn the Economic Crisis Into a Lesson Plan,” New York Times. Mize, Ronald L. (2008, November 17). “Straining the Obama Nation Soup,” The Freire Project:

The Paulo and Nita Freire International Project for Critical Pedagogy. Available online at: http://www.freireproject.org/blogs/straining-obama-nation-soup.


Mize, Ronald L. (2008, May 17). “I Am (Digusted With) Ironman,” The Freire Project: The Paulo and Nita Freire International Project for Critical Pedagogy. Available online at: http://www.freireproject.org/blogs/%5Buser-raw%5D/i-am-disgusted-ironman. Mize, Ronald L. and Christine G. Mize. (2005). “Review: Bringing it All Back Home: Women, Labor and the Global Economy,” Women Make Movies distributor, Contemporary Sociology. 34(1): 15-17. Mize, Ronald L. (2004). “Book Review, Politics and the Past: On Repairing Historical

Injustices, Torpey ed. and Should America Pay? Slavery and the Raging Debate on Reparations, Winbush ed. Contemporary Sociology. 33(5): 582-583.

Mize, Ronald L. (2004). “Book Review, Ethnicity in Michigan: Issues and People” by J. Glazier

and A. Helweg. Northwest Ohio Quarterly. 75(1): 83-85. Mize, Ronald L. (2004, May 3). “Snyderman Flap Steals Focus From Grads [Guest Opinion-Editorial]” Fort Wayne Journal Gazette. p. 11A.

Applied Research Reports Mize, Ronald L. Aditi Mehta, Sarah Heath Olesiuk, and Elias Saba. (2009). “Latino In-Migration

among Counties in Decline: Evidence from 20 Upstate New York Counties.” CaRDI Rural New York Minute. 31: July.

Mize, Ronald L. (2004). “Final Report, San Diego Head Start Grantee/CSU San Marcos Partnership: Latino/a Cultural Competency Training Program.” No. 90-YP-0003. Submitted to Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Children, Youth and Families: Washington, D.C. Mize, Ronald L. (2003). “African Americans and Housing.” in State of Black Fort Wayne 2002:

A Statistical Profile of The African American Community. Fort Wayne, IN. Urban League: October 2003.

Mize, Ronald L. (2002). State of Housing in Fort Wayne, 2002. Presented to the City of

Fort Wayne Department of Planning. Data collected by Spring 2002 Urban Sociology course under my direction.

Freudenberg, William, Ronald L. Mize, et.al. (1995). The Socioeconomic Impacts of Mining in Wisconsin, Presented to the House Board on Natural Resources, State Congress of Wisconsin: June 1995. Employment Associate Professor Oregon State University 8/2013 - School of Language, Culture and Society


-- Courses Taught: WGSS/ES 599 Critical Race Theory, ES201 Inventing Ethnic America, ES 399 Farmworker Justice Movements, WGSS 575 Critical Race Feminisms and Outsider Jurisprudence, WGSS 522 Grant Writing and Fund Development for Feminist Organizations

Director Oregon State University 8/2013 - Center for Latina/o Studies and Engagement (CL@SE) Visiting Lecturer Humboldt State University 8/2012 – 7/2013 Department of Sociology

-- Courses Taught: SOC 303 Race and Inequality, SOC 310 Classical Sociological Theory, SOC 650 Race, and Ethnicity and Gender, and SOC 584 Qualitative Methods.

Assistant Professor of Cornell University 5/2004 – 6/2012 Development Sociology & Latino Studies

-- Courses Taught: DSOC 3550 Latinos, Law, and Identity, DSOC 3750/6940 Comparative U.S. Racial and Ethnic Relations, DSOC 2300 Latino Communities (crosslisted with Development Sociology, Latino Studies, and American Studies), DSOC 3700 Comparative Social Inequalities, and DSOC 1010 Introduction to Sociology (crosslisted with Development Sociology and Sociology).

Assistant Professor of University of Saint Francis 8/2001-5/2004 Sociology & History Fort Wayne, IN

-- Courses Taught: SOCI101 Introduction to Sociology, SOCI395 Comparative Racial and Ethnic Relations, SOCI250 Introduction to Sociological Theory, SOC410 Urban Sociology (renamed Community Studies), SOCI135 Introduction to Race and Ethnicity, SOCI355 Class Inequality and Social Justice, and HONR350 Honors Colloquium. Developed new curriculum-minor in Sociology.

Social Researcher California State University 2/2001 – 10/2004 San Marcos

-- Grant Writing, Report Writing, Principal Investigator for ACYF-DHHS grant, Supervised up to 5 graduate students and staff, and Research Consultant with National Latino Research Center.

Adjunct Faculty California State University 8/2000 – 10/2004 San Marcos Department of Sociology

-- Courses Taught: GESS101 Introduction to the Social Sciences: Order and Change Multidisciplinary Perspectives, SOC 411 Social Stratification and Social Classes, SOC345 Hispanic Communities and SOC486 Issues of Social Service Delivery to Latino Children.


Associate Director National Latino Research 1/2000 – 1/2001 Center, California State University San Marcos

-- Directed Research Projects, Data Clearinghouse, Services, Training, Grant Writing, Strategic Planning, and Supervised staff of 8 undergraduate and graduate students.

Lecturer University of California, 1/2000-6/2000 San Diego Depts. of Ethnic Studies & Sociology

-- Courses Taught: ES151 Ethnic Politics in America, SOC151M Contemporary Chicano/a Issues, ES180 Special Topics in Mexican-American History: Migration, Law, & Identity (Crosslisted with History).

Education Specialist Strategic Resources, Inc. 1999-2000 Naval Air Station, North Island San Diego, CA -- Academic Guidance Counselor for Department of Navy Adjunct Faculty Southwestern College 1999 Math, Sciences, & Engineering Division San Diego, CA -- Courses Taught: SOC101 Introduction to Sociology (Three Sections). Lecturer University of Wisconsin 1997 Rock County Campus Department of Sociology -- Course Taught: SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology Research Assistant University of Wisconsin/ 1995-96 National Cancer Institute -- Pilot Survey: "National Farmworkers' Epidemiological Survey" Doris Slesinger, Ph.D. Professor. Department of Rural Sociology, P.I. Graduate Teaching Assistant Colorado State University 1992-94 -- Courses Assisted: Sociological Research Methods, Population Issues, Deviance, and Symbolic Interactionism (Two Sections per Course). Honors and Recognitions Russell Sage Foundation 2014 Presidential Authority Award, Future of Work (($5,610) American Sociological Association 2008 Teaching Enhancement Funds Recipient ($1,000)


Adjunct Faculty of Sociology (Declined) 2008 Korea University Honorable Mention 2007 Career Enhancement Fellowship for Junior Faculty Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation USF Technology Improvement Grant 2003 University of Saint Francis Dissertator's Travel Grant 1998 Department of Sociology University of Wisconsin Small Grants Fellowship 1998 Department of Sociology University of Wisconsin Dissertation Research Fellowship 1998 Committee on International Migration Social Science Research Council Advanced Opportunity Fellowship for Dissertators 1998 University of Wisconsin Dissertation Grant Writing Program 1997 Committee on International Migration Social Science Research Council Dissertation Domestic Travel Grant 1997 Department of Sociology University of Wisconsin Advanced Opportunity Fellowship 1996-1997 University of Wisconsin Crowe Scholarship Recipient 1996 Department of Rural Sociology University of Wisconsin CIC Predoctoral Fellowship 1994-6 University of Wisconsin Graduate Diversity Education Assistantship 1992-4 Colorado State University


CU Boulder Scholars' Award 1988 University of Colorado Professional Activities and Service Reviewer, Labor History 2015-Present Board, Inter-University Program for Latino Research 2014-Present Representing OSU CL@SE In-Kind Consultant, Lake County School District (CO) 2014-Present University International Strategies Council (UISC), OSU 2014-Present Advisory Board Member, Difference Power and 2014-Present Discrimination Program, OSU Benton-Linn-Lincoln Early Learning Hub Governing 2014-2015 Board Member Outreach and Engagement Council, OSU 2013-Present Centers and Directors Council, OSU 2013-Present Tenured Faculty Diversity Initiative Committee, OSU 2013-Present Graduate Student Research Award Committee, School of Language, Culture, & Society, OSU 2013-2014 Pro Bono Expert Consultant, Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid 2013 Reviewer, Routledge Press, Orne and Bell An Invitation to 2012 Qualitative Fieldwork: A Multilogical Approach Reviewer, Social Problems 2011-2013 Reviewer, International Journal of Comparative Sociology 2011-2012 Reviewer, Sociological Inquiry 2011-2012 Reviewer, Pine Forge Press, Sociologists in Action: 2011 Race, Class and Gender Undergraduate and Graduate Research Award Committee, 2005-2010 Latino Studies Program, Cornell University Advisory Board Member, 2004-2012

Latino Studies Program, Cornell University Reviewer, Social Forces 2005, 2008-Present Reviewer, University of Toronto Press 2010 Reviewer, Sociological Quarterly 2009 Advisory Board, “Harvest of Loneliness: The Bracero 2007-2010 Program,” Documentary by Gilbert Gonzalez/Vivian Price Cornell Co-Representative, Imagining America: 2008-2010 Artists and Scholars in Public Life Reviewer, Broadview Press, Garner and Hancock 2007-2008 Changing Theories: New Directions in Sociology Faculty Publications Column Writer, El Boletin 2006-2011 Latino Studies Program, Cornell University Rural Sociological Society Publications Committee 2007-2010 Graduate Admissions Committee, Development Sociology, 2007-2010 Cornell University Awards and Evaluation Committee, 2006-2010


Development Sociology, Cornell University Graduate Professional Training Workshop Committee, 2006-2010 Development Sociology, Cornell University Task Force on Institutionalizing Public Sociology, 2006-2008 American Sociological Association Reviewer, Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowship 2005-2010 Strategic Planning Executive Committee, Development 2007-2008 Sociology, Cornell University Contributor, American Sociological Association. 2007

“Teaching Race and Ethnic Relations: Syllabi and Instructional Materials, Fifth Edition” D. Cunnigen ed.

Reviewer, Thomson-Wadsworth Press, Adler and Adler 2007 Sociological Odyssey Reviewer, Race, Gender and Class 2007 FABIT Selection Committee, Cornell University 2007 Latino Studies Program Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship 2005-2006 Selection Committee, Cornell University National Women’s Studies Association 2014-Present National Latino Studies Association 2014-Present Latin American Studies Association 2007-Present Cultural Studies Association (U.S.) 2005-Present LatCrit Latina/o Critical Legal Theory 2003-Present National Association of Chicana and Chicano Studies 2001-Present American Sociological Association 1996-Present Rural Sociological Society 2004-2012 Evaluator, MacArthur Fellows Program 2004

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Latino Studies Program Graduate Grant Committee, 2004-2005

Cornell University Chair, University of Saint Francis Committee on 2002-2004 Assessment of Student Academic Achievement School Board Member, Saint John the Baptist Catholic 2002-2004 School, Fort Wayne, IN Expert Witness, Jimenez de la Torre v. U.S. Federal 2002 Government, Republic of Mexico, Wells Fargo Bank, Banco de Mexico, Banco de Credito Rural. Local Arrangements Committee-Western Historical 2001 Association Meetings, San Diego, CA Midwest Sociological Association 1992-1999 Alpha Kappa Delta Sociological Honor Society 1992-1996 Invited Presentations “Changing Demographics of the Oregon Latino Community,” Invited Presentation, Best

Practices in Diverse Communities: Special Needs and Latino Families Symposium, Swindells Resource Center, Medford, OR, January 23, 2015.


“Braceros and the Return of Mass Deportation: Consuming Mexican Labor in its Racialized and Spatialized Contexts,” Invited Talk to Center for Latino/Latina Studies and Engagement (CL@SE), Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, April 8, 2013.

“Toiling in the Shadows of the New Gilded Era: Immigrant Labor, Neoliberal Nativism, and

Emerging Latinidades,” Invited Talk to El Instituto and Department of Sociology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, February 27, 2012.

“Placing the Public in Policy, Engagement, and Sociology,” Invited Talk to Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY, November 16, 2011. “The Racialization of Latino Identity in the US,” Invited Presentation in Honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, Colgate University, Hamilton, New York, October 5, 2011. “Chat in the Stacks: Consuming Mexican Labor,” Cornell Mann Library, April 20, 2011. Talk available online at: http://mannlib.cornell.edu/podcasts/consuming-mexican-labor. “Book Launch: Consuming Mexican Labor: From the Bracero Program to NAFTA,” Cornell University Store, November 17, 2010. “Consuming Mexican Labor: Precariousness in the Post-NAFTA Era,” Invited Presentation, Queen’s University, Windsor, Ontario, September 23, 2010. “Student-Centered Public Sociology and Contemporary Racial Projects: ASA Teaching

Enhancement Program,” Invited Poster Presented at 2010 American Sociological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, August 15, 2010.

“Consuming Mexican Labor: The Politics of Production and Consumption in a Post-NAFTA

Era,” Invited Panel Presentation with Lynn Stephen and Gaspar Rivera Salgado on ‘Mexican-U.S. Migration: Articulations of Identities and Politics’, Department of Anthropology and Latino Studies Program, Cornell University, April 16, 2010.

“Latino ‘Racial and Ethnic’ Self-Identification and Census 2010,” Invited Presentation, Latino Living Center, Cornell University, April 7, 2010. “Breaking New Ground in Old Soil: Situating Sociology in its Contemporary Relevance,”

Invited Presentation, Department of Sociology Graduate Student Brownbag, Cornell University, April 1, 2010.

“Immigrant Incorporation, School Data, and Population Projections: The Future of Latinos in

Upstate New York.” Invited Talk to the New York State Center for Rural Schools, Cornell University, February 12, 2009.

“Report from ASA Taskforce on Institutionalizing Public Sociology Tenure Review Guidelines.” Invited Participant at Imagining America’s Tenure Team Initiative on Public Scholarship Working Conference. Syracuse University New York City Campus. June 9, 2008.


“Braceros, Agri-Food Systems, and LULU's: Conducting Engaged Research in the Central

Valley.” Invited Talk to Department of Human and Community Development, University of California. Davis, California. June 2, 2008.

“From Cruzando Fronteras to Gran Marchas: Mexican Immigration as Exploitation and Resistance,” Invited Talk to Cornell Latino Alumni Association, D.C. Chapter and Cornell-in-Washington Program, Washington, D.C. March 1, 2007.

“From Cruzando Fronteras to Gran Marchas: Mexican Immigration as Exploitation and

Resistance,” Invited Colloquium to Arizona State University, Southwest Borderlands Initiative and School of Justice and Social Inquiry. Tempe, AZ. February 27, 2007.

“Reparations for Mexican Braceros? Outsider Jurisprudence and Grassroots Mobilization,”

Invited Presenter. Reparations and the Law Conference. Washington College of Law, American University. Washington, D.C. March 30, 2006.

“Representation, Subject Formation, and Identity.” Invited Discussant. Great Lakes Graduate Student Conference on Political Economy, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. May 2005. “Courage in the Workplace: Social Justice In Action,” Keynote. Education Leadership Forum One. TST BOCES. Ithaca Country Club, October 2004. “Immigrant Labor and the Development Project: The Case of the US-Mexico Bracero

Program, 1942-1964.” Invited Talk to Department of Development Sociology and Latino Studies Program, Cornell University, January 2004.

“Living, Breathing, the Believing the Sociological Imagination: Traversing the Terrain of Critical Theory and Social Justice.” Invited Talk to Sarah Lawrence College, December 2003.

“Braceros and the Pursuit of Justice: Restoring Silenced Memories in These Racialized Times.” Invited Talk to Latina/o Studies Program, University of Illinois Champaign Urbana, November 2003.

“The Changing Demographics of Fort Wayne.” Invited Talk and Facilitator, Latinos Count Community Summit. Indiana-Purdue University Fort Wayne: March 2003. “Reparations for Mexican Braceros? Lessons Learned from the Japanese Internment and

African-American Slavery Redress Movements,” Invited Talk to Departments of Sociology/Anthropology and American Studies, Carleton College, January 2003.

“Reparations for Mexican Braceros? Applying the Lessons Learned From Japanese and

African American Redress Movements, “ Invited Talk to Center for Applied Studies in American Ethnicity and Sociology Department, Colorado State University, November 2002.


“From Braceros to NAFTA: Immigration, Labor, and Border Politics,” Invited Talk to Department of Sociology, California State University San Marcos, March 2000. “’We Were Here to Work’: Articulating Race and Class in the Making of the Bracero

Total Institution,” Invited Talk to the Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity & Department of Ethnic Studies, University of California San Diego, January 1999.

Professional Meeting Presentations “Reconceptualizing Immigration Studies,” Moderator, The Fifth Biennial IUPLR Conference Siglo XXI: Intra--Latinos/As: Entre Latinos/As: Reconceptualizing Nations, Regions, and Disciplines, Notre Dame, IN. April 25, 2015. “Smart Energy Infrastructure for the State of Oregon,” with Eduardo Cotilla-Sanchez, Scott

Reed, and Ronald L. Mize. National Extension Energy Summit (NEES), Seattle, WA. April 9, 2015.

“Roundtable: Hot Commodities, Cheap Labor: Faculty of Color Transgressions in Women,

Gender, and Sexuality Studies,” National Women’s Studies Association Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. November 15, 2014.

“Center for Latino/a Studies and Engagement,” with Daniel Lopez-Cevallos and Loren

Chavarria, Poster Session, Engaged Scholarship Consortium Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. October 7, 2014.

“The Heart of Collaboration: Engineering Students and Latinas Manufacturing Sopes,” with

Chinweike Eseonu, Loren Chavarria, Monica Ramos, and Jacob Hamar. Engaged Scholarship Consortium Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. October 7, 2014.

“Latino Students: Why Should Universities Care? Oregon State and North Carolina State

University,” with Jeff Sherman, Ana Gomez, Cintia Aguilar, Emily Henry, and Diana Urieta. Workshop Session, Engaged Scholarship Consortium Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. October 8, 2014.

“Unruly Logics of Race,” Chair and Discussant, International Latino Studies Conference, Chicago, IL. July 19, 2014. “William Dow, Coal Towns, and Resisting Segregation: Company Union Rhetoric as a Call For

Civil Rights,” Presented at the LaborFest Academic Symposium, Ludlow100 and the Colorado Coalfield War, 1914-2014, El Pueblo Historical Museum, Pueblo, CO. April 19, 2014.

“Author Meets Critics: American Allegory and the Meaning of Race, Black Hawk Hancock,” Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meetings, Portland, OR. March 28, 2014.


“The Contemporary Assault on Ethnic Studies,” Workshop: Forbidden Knowledge & the AZ Ethnic Studies Amicus Brief. LatCrit Biannual Conference, Chicago, IL. October 5, 2013.

“Movements for Justice and Justice in Movement: Labor Organizing and Human Rights in Rural

Immigrant Food Production,” Social Justice in Agrifood Systems Session, Rural Sociological Society Annual Meetings, Madison, WI. August 2, 2009.

“Social Justice in Agrifood Systems,” Session Co-Organizer with Jill Harrison, Rural Sociological Society Annual Meetings, Madison, WI. August 2, 2009. “Historical Memory, Social Movements, and Redress Politics: Recollecting Liberatory Cognitive

Maps of the Bracero Program.” Collective Memory Session. American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, San Francisco, CA. August 9, 2009.

“Immigrant and Transnational Families.” Discussant. American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, San Francisco, CA. August 10, 2009. "On the Edge of Aztlán: Uniones de los Mineros, Chicano/Hispano Lived Experiences, and the I

in CF&I.” Ludlow Memorial Fest: The History of Colorado Fuel and Iron Company Conference, Colorado State University-Pueblo, April 25, 2009.

“The Racialization of California’s Mexican-Origin Population: From the Treaty of Guadalupe- Hidalgo to Minutemen Vigilantes.” Racism and Anti-Racism Session. American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, Boston, MA. August 1, 2008.

“Food Systems and Agricultural Labor.” Discussant and Co-Organizer with Phil McMichael, American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, Boston, MA. August 2, 2008. “The 21st Century Racialized Demography of Rural Spaces: Boom/Bust Towns and Rural

Minority Populations,” with K. Whitney Mauer, and Angela Gonzales. Then and Now: Ethnicity, Race, and Change in Rural Places Session. Rural Sociology Society Annual Meetings. Manchester, NH. July 30, 2008.

“The Racialization of California’s Mexican-Origin Population: From the Treaty of Guadalupe-

Hidalgo to Minutemen Vigilantes.” Annual LatCrit Conference XII, Gender, Race and Ethnicity” Concurrent Session “A” Alexander Hotel, Miami Beach, October 5, 2007.

“U.S. Consumption of Latino/a and Latin American Land and Labor: The Triangulation of

Chicano, Latino, and Latin American Studies in Studying Tourist Consumption Practices.” with Alicia Swords. Marketing Latinidad, Making Americans: Tourism, TV and Goya Regular Session. Latin American Studies Association Conference, Montreal, QC. September 5, 2007.


“Mapping Collective Memories: Cognitive Mapping and a Critical Analysis of Bracero Life Stories.” Cultural Contexts of Work and Industry, Sociology of Culture Regular Session. American Sociological Association Meetings, New York. August 2007.

“Racializing Chicano/a-Riquena Studies: Contesting the Elusive Sign and the Limits of "New" Race Theories.” Puerto Rican Studies Association Meeting. Ithaca, NY. October 2006. “Consuming the Other: Tourist Gazes and the Alteration of Land and Labor In Puerto

Rican and Mexican Destinations.” with Alicia Swords. Puerto Rican Studies Association Meeting. Ithaca, NY. October 2006.

“The Politics of Race and Nation.” Moderator. Puerto Rican Studies Association Meeting.

Ithaca, NY: October 2006.

“The History of the Farmworker Movement.” East Coast Chicano Student Forum Conference. Ithaca, NY. April 2006.

“Chicana/os Contesting the Elusive Sign: The New ‘Race’ Theories and a Plausible Alternative.”

Third Annual Cultural Studies Association (US) Meeting. Tucson, AZ. April 2005. “(Re)Defining the Crossroads: Identity Trans/Formations in Indigenous and Chicana/o

Communities.” Session Organizer and Discussant. Third Annual Cultural Studies Association (US) Meeting. Tucson, AZ. April 2005.

“Bilingual/Bicultural Latina/o Pedagogies and the Politics of Project Head Start in San Diego

County: Diversity Training, Bureaucratic Negotiations, and the New Right War on the Poor." Workshop conducted with Claudia Maria Huiza, Patricia Rivas, and Andre Vasquez. Fourth International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations, University of California Los Angeles, July 2004.

“LatCrit and the Fallacy of Psychologistic Reductionism: Infusing the Sociological

Imagination into Critical Justice Discourse.” Panel Presentation Co-Organizer with Mary Romero, LatCrit IX Conference, Philadelphia, PA, May 2004.

“The LatCrit Project: A Chicano Sociologist’s View on Past, Presentist, and Emancipatory

Concerns.” LatCrit and Chicana/o Studies Session, NACCS Conference, Albuquerque, NM: April 2004.

“Children of Latino Farmworkers: Health access and primary care characteristics,” with

Michael Seid, Donna Castañeda, Mirna Zivkovic and James W. Varni. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association annual meeting, Vancouver, BC. May 2003.

“Redress for Mexican Braceros? Lessons Learned from Japanese Internment and African-

American Slavery Reparations Movements.” LatCrit VIII Conference, Cleveland, OH. Works in Progress Session, May 2003.


“The Politics of Doing Chicana Research: Negotiating the Minefield of Bureaucracy and

Federal Funding.” Panel Moderator and Presenter with Claudia Huiza, Andre Vasquez, and Anthony Navarrete. 2002 National Association of Chicana and Chicano Studies Conference, Chicago, IL.

“The Persistence of Workplace Identities: The Bracero Program As Total Institution,”

2002 National Association of Chicana and Chicano Studies Conference, Chicago. “The Persistence of Workplace Identities: Living the Effects of the Bracero Total Institution,” 2001 Fellows Conference of the Social Science Research Council, International Migration Program ‘American Identities/Transnational Lives’, University of California at San Diego, Identity, Culture and Race Session. "The Invisible Workers: State and Society in the Life Histories of Braceros," 1998 American Sociological Association Meetings, San Francisco, CA, Identity and Visibility in the Context of Migration Session, Immigration Roundtable. “The Invisible Workers: Articulations of Race and Class in the Life Histories of Braceros,” 1997 Grant Writing Workshop, Social Science Research Council Committee on International Migration, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina. "El Movimiento, Recognition, and Self-Definition: Articulation and Resistance in Chicano/a Studies," 1997 Midwest Sociological Meetings, Des Moines, IA, Social Movements and Collective Confrontation Session. "The Economic History of Immigration to the United States: Theories, Methods, Assumptions," 1996 Midwest Sociological Meetings, Chicago, IL, History and Sociology Session. "The Political Economy of Immigration: The Contemporary Cases of Japan, Germany, and the United States," 1995 Midwest Sociological Meetings, Chicago, IL, Political Economy Session. "Contradictions of Media Content: An Analysis of Colorado Newspaper Coverage of Immigration Issues," 1995 Midwest Sociological Meetings, Chicago, IL, Race and Ethnicity Session. "The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986: A Comparison of Power Elite and Class Dialectical Approaches," 1994 Midwest Sociological Meetings, St. Louis, MO, Political Sociology Session.