July 29, 2018 - covingtoncofc.com · But He also knew Saul could and would do it. It was ... Colbie...

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Transcript of July 29, 2018 - covingtoncofc.com · But He also knew Saul could and would do it. It was ... Colbie...

July 29, 2018

Serving Our Community

for the Glory of God









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SHEPHERDS Bill Murray 901- 476-8587

Andy Whaley 901- 626-2911

Jerry Gatlin 901- 296-5166


J.J. Brown

Jimmy McMahan

Benny Collins

John Combs

Wayne Dalrymple

Brian Dickey

Grant Edmonds

David Keith

Craig Robinson

Alan Otts

Terry Wall

David Stewart

Shawn Anderson

Rusty Cartwright

PULPIT MINISTER Mike Rogers 901- 476-9269

Cell # 901-229-4305




Jeff Phillips

Cell # 901-233-9495



OFFICE 901-476-8278

FAX 901-476-8749






SERVING THIS WEEK 7/29/18 AM Worship Service

Announcements Brandon Matlock

Song Leader Wayne Dalrymple

Sermon Mike Rogers

Presiding Over the Lord’s Table: Craig Robinson

Ben Evans Chris Max

Ron Sutton Coley Max

Opening Prayer: David Stewart

Closing: Evan Coats

Nursery Worker: Zoe Liles

July Food Committee Leader: Judy McCool

Close Building: Rusty Cartwright

PM Worship Service

Song Leader Beau Phillips

Opening Prayer Brad Evins

Closing Andrew Evans

Sermon Mike Rogers

Mid-Week Bible Study (August 1)

Song Leader Jedidiah Phillips

Opening Prayer: Benny Collins

Closing: Eric Keith

Speaker Tim Alsup


Sunday Bible Classes 180

Worship AM 1st Service 124 2

nd Service 79 Total 222

PM 160

Wednesday Bible Study 183


Beverly Russell Atoka, TN

Mary Lynn Isome Covington, TN

Frank & Martha Brown Hockley, TX

Shanna Parker Haleyville, AL

Too Rich to Sleep? In Ecclesiastes 5:12 we read: “The sleep of a laboring man is

sweet, whether he eats little or much; but the abundance of

the rich will not suffer him to sleep.” Many are those who lose sleep worrying about bills. The visions of looming debt and

hardship often chases sleep away. Were there enough money

then perhaps sleep would come.

Yet our text speaks of the wealthy being unable to sleep. One

has to wonder why those with no financial worries would be

unable to sleep. Solomon, in his great wisdom, is teaching us another valuable lesson. Money, in and of itself, will not bring

peace of mind. Perhaps the rich person is unable to sleep due

to fear that his wealth may disappear. Indeed, “. . .riches

make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward

Heaven” (Prov. 23.5). The rich man may lose sleep over fear that somewhere there is someone with more wealth. He may

stay awake trying to imagine more ways to garner more

wealth. Or he may live in constant fear that there are those

among his family or acquaintances who would rid this world

of his presence to attain his possessions. Many are the rea-

sons for lack of sleep among those who love their possessions. It is not money which brings peace of mind or rest for the

body. Such comes only from “the peace that passeth under-

standing” of which Paul spoke in Philippians 4:7. This great

apostle spoke of need and plenty in Philippians 4 and came to

the conclusion that he had learned “in whatsoever state I am, there with to be content.” It is not wealth, nor poverty, that

brings the gentle sleep. Rather it is the contentment which

comes from serving Our Lord.

Tim L. Long via Bulletin Digest McMinnville, TN

Sunday, July 29th will be the Fifth Sunday. We will have

only one AM Worship Service. Bible Classes will be at

9AM, Worship at 10AM, PM Worship will be at 5:30.

JULY EVENTS *Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Wed. mornings @ 6:00. LOOKING AHEAD

Family Day, will be Sunday October 28th

. The

guest speaker will be Terry Edwards.

AREA EVENTS *Mid-South Youth Camp Fish Fry, Saturday, July 28

th, 4-6PM at Mid-South Youth Camp,

Henderson, TN *July 29-August 1—Gospel Meeting at Hatchie Church of Christ, Sunday-10AM, Dinner will be served from 1PM-2:45PM, Afternoon Service will be at 3PM, Monday-Wednesday, 7PM *There will be an Apologetics Press Dinner Thursday, August 30

th @ 6:30PM,

Henderson church of Christ, Henderson, TN. Kyle Butt will be the guest speaker. If you would like to attend please sign the sheet in the foyer. *August 5—“Life In A Small Church” Common Challenges In Small Church Life at Gilt Edge church of Christ, Burlison, TN- 10AM, 11AM,2PM,& 3PM;Speaker: Steve Brown



29—Camille Starck, Lisa Johnson

30—Ann Huggins, Carson McWherter

31—Courtney Watkins, Kristin Sallee, Lesa Hall


1—Caleb Smith, Paulette Pennington

3— Linda Gordon

4—Ken Bringle


4—Cameron & Rachel Dickey


We extend our deepest sympathy to Heather Keith in the

death of her aunt, Linda Claire Warpool.


29 – Acts 23: 1-22 Job 20-21

30 – Acts 23: 23-35 Job 22-23

31 – Acts 24 Job 24-27

1 - Acts 25 Job 28-29

2 – Acts 26 Job 30-31

3 – Acts 27: 1-12 Job 32-33

4 - Acts 27: 13-44 Job 34-36

Saul’s Conversion

The journey from Jerusalem to Damascus would have taken

five or six days on foot; and Luke records that Saul was

“approaching Damascus” at “midday” when “suddenly, a

light from heaven flashed about him” that was “brighter

than the sun” (Acts 9:3b; Acts 26:13). Saul was blinded by

the “brightness of that light” (Acts 22:11a).

The King James Version has the word “glory” in place of

“brightness.” These words translate a Greek word that is

often used to stress the visible manifestation of the risen

Christ (cf. Tit. 2:13, Phil. 3:20-21). Therefore, it was more

than the bright light that blinded Saul. It was the radiance,

the splendor, the grandeur of the risen Christ that blinded

him. Saul not only saw Jesus on that occasion, (1 Cor. 9:1;

15:8), but also heard Him. Saul’s companions saw the light

(Acts 22:9), but did not see Jesus (Acts 9:7; 22:9). They

heard the voice (Acts 9:7), but did not understand His

words (Acts 22:9). Saul both saw Jesus and understood Him

(Acts 22:9).

Blinded by the majesty of the risen Christ, Saul “fell to the

ground and heard a voice saying to him, ‘Saul, Saul, why

are you persecuting Me’” (Acts 9:4)? In Paul’s recounting

to Agrippa he includes, “It is hard for you to kick against

the goads” (Acts 26:14b).

Jesus knew Saul’s heart. He knew that it was going to be

hard to go against everything for which he had been con-

victed. But He also knew Saul could and would do it. It was

“hard,” but not impossible. The “goads” then, refer to

Saul’s struggle between devotion to the Law, and what he

has heard about Jesus as the resurrected Messiah.

Saul’s confusion is recognized by his words “Who are you,

Lord?” The answer Christ gave must have pierced Saul’s

heart like a knife, “I am Jesus the Nazarene, whom you are

persecuting” (Acts 22:8b). Saul could no longer deny what

he had heard about Jesus being the Messiah. He must have

relived in an instant the stoning of Stephen, and the count-

less beatings, imprisonments, and murders of other Chris-

tians as that word . . . “persecuting” . . . reverberated in his

mind (cf. Acts 22:4, 26:10). Then, the penitent Saul begged,

“What shall I do, Lord” (Acts 22:10)? Jesus responds, “Get

up, enter the city, and it will be told you what you must do”

(Acts 9:6). Saul recognized there was something more he

was obligated to do . . . but what? This question would

haunt him for the next three days.

Join us Sunday for “the rest of the story.”

--Mike Rogers


John Dickey—Methodist North, Rm. 524, recover-

ing from surgery

Shirley Laxton—Baptist East, Rm. 3226

John Evans

Pat Stephenson

Al Chaney—The King’s Daughters & Sons Home,

Rm. 125

Joyce Scott

Dianne Nutt—Home, recovering from surgery

Paxton Messer—Broken elbow

Frank Brown

Derek Garner—Recovering from surgery

Joyce Smart—Friend of Mary Jean Stockton

Debbie Medford—Friend of Genie Renfroe

Betty Jane Coln—Sister of Faye Shankle

Kalista Sanders—Sister of Chris Sanders

Angie Craig

J. C. Holley

Mary Blackmon

Colbie Cooper—Grandaughter of Laura Petree


Leona Harris—Sister of Robin Higgins

Annette Short

Connor Peebles—Home, recovering from surgery

REMEMBER IN PRAYER Our group on the

Mission Trip to Costa Rica. Dot Peyton, Jack Alex-

ander, Sonny Arwood, Rosie Barnes, Corey Bates,

LaVerne Baxter, Linda Beard, David Blakely, Gary

Bowie, Margaret Boyd, Cleo Burch, Jack Burris,

Carolyn Carol, Laurie Cates, Bobbie Cooper, Ken-

neth Coulston, Joyce Cox, Jeff Creighton, Bobbie

Deen, Linda Gordon, Jere Hadley, Curtis Hearn,

Melba Herring, Albert Jackson, Shelley Dickey,

Jason Elliott, Carly Glass, Terry Griffith, Houston

Hall, Nancy Harris, Jackson Huey, Maurice Jadon,

Nellene Kidd, Lucy Krull, Jean McIntyre, Lukas

McNail, Lynn Moore, Grady Moss, Mike Owens,

Sabrina Pearce, Carolyn Poe, Beverly Russell, Car-

ol Scott, Sherry Scott, Frank Shaw, Tom Short,

Tonya Stanley, Shannon Tankersley, Regina Tay-

lor, Robert Taylor, Paulette Watkins, Tina Whaley

NURSING HOME Covington Care: Otis Poole,


MILITARY Logan Bridgeman, Bradley Evins,

Alex Fendley, Nic Hunter, Seth Kellow, Tanner

Mason, Scott E. Moore, Chris Nowak, Michael J.

Pena, Jessica Whaley

After a long hard day Jesus sent His disciples across the

sea. He’d catch up but now he needed time to pray.

After feeding the multitudes the disciples no doubt had

questions but the questions could wait. The plan was to

meet across the sea, apparently no one wondered how

Jesus was to get there. The winds picked up and made

life difficult, discouraging and uncertain for the men in

the boat. They had been rowing all night. It was in the

fourth watch when things changed. This is the last

watch of the night so the dawn was approaching but

when your waiting on the light of dawn, it seems to

never come. Through the strong wind and building

waves He came. The Gospel of Mark tells us He was

intending to pass them by (6:48). Imagine the looks,

rowing all night, against the wind, making no headway

and then He comes and not in a boat! They thought He

was a ghost and were afraid (imagine that). He then

spoke to them calmly, assuring them that He was real.

Peter then spoke up verbalizing the doubts of many, “IF

it be though, bid me come to thee upon the waters”

(Matthew14:28). Of course it was Jesus, who else

could accomplish such a feat with apparent nonchalance

so He simply said, “Come.” To Peter’s credit he got out

of the boat and amazingly it worked – for a moment. It

was not the power of Christ that failed and cause him to

sink but an inability to remain focused on the master.

Our life is also filled with challenges, difficulties and

times when we are discouraged because it appears we

are making no headway. One step forward two steps

back. In these times we can identify with the struggles

of the disciples in the boat. Maybe there was grumbling

and even a few prayers, sound familiar? Even when He

came, they couldn’t believe what they saw - a Savior on

so many levels. As witnesses to His awesome power

and glory, they still could not believe. Believe. Look

for Him. He is coming. In the midst of troublesome

and frustrating times He is near, calming the sea and

making possible what seems impossible. When the

Grass weeds and even trees have begun to grow up-

through the cracks in the foundation of what once was a

hotel and restaurant in the lot next door to our hotel. Get-

ting up early this morning I walked with my cup of coffee

through leftover debris, garbage and the growing jungle.

As I walked and looked closer, this blight was filled with

color. The first I saw turned out to be the light blue flow-

er of a lone chicory plant. As my walk continued, I found

the dense pink bloom of the thistle with a bumble bee

working his way down to the nectar through the dense

petals. So busy was he, I was able to stand and lean with-

in inches to watch him work without disturbing him. I

watched as the pollen sacs on his legs filled up. When he

flew I watched him fly over to a wild pink rose. I fol-

lowed and observed three distinct species of bees work-

ing the rose bush with it flowers ranging in color from

whitish yellow to bright pink. There must have been a

hundred blooms. As I returned to the bus, low to the

ground I saw the velvety leaves and budding yellow spike

of what turns out to be a mullein plant; not even native to

this country, it was brought over from Europe by Puritans

and now it is here in north central Kentucky. Later in our

morning devotional, we sang “Open the eyes of my heart

Lord, open the eyes of my heart. I want to see you …” It

dawned on me I had seen God. Amidst the blight of ille-

gally dumped garbage, the rubbish of a failed hotel and

unattended urban blight, I had seen God in countless spe-

cies of plant and insect. I remembered Romans 1:19-20,

“For what can be known about God is plain to them, be-

cause God has shown it to them. For his invisible attrib-

utes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have

been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the

world, in the things that have been made.” As I thought

of all I’d seen, I thought of what I was about to see as I

began to knock doors and meet people. I was about to

see and meet God’s greatest creation; those also made in

the image of God. I might have forgotten, or never no-

ticed the beauty and potential of those I would meet

amidst backdrop of life untended, unkempt, often failed

and broken; life without God. Open the eyes of my

heart Lord. Open the eyes of my heart I want to see you

in all your creation. I want to see you in those I meet. I

want to remember Christ died for all the world. Help me

Lord to be a light and color so others may also see you in

After a long hard day Jesus sent His disciples across

the sea. He’d catch up but now he needed time to pray.

After feeding the multitudes the disciples no doubt had

questions but the questions could wait. The plan was to

meet across the sea, apparently no one wondered how

Jesus was to get there. The winds picked up and made

life difficult, discouraging and uncertain for the men in

the boat. They had been rowing all night. It was in the

fourth watch when things changed. This is the last

watch of the night so the dawn was approaching but

when your waiting on the light of dawn, it seems to

never come. Through the strong wind and building

waves the He came. The Gospel of Mark tells us He

was intending to pass them by (6:48). Imagine the

looks, rowing all night, against the wind, making no

headway and then He comes and not in a boat! They

thought He was a ghost and were afraid (imagine that).

He then spoke to them calmly, assuring them that He

was real. Peter then spoke up verbalizing the doubts of

many, “IF it be though, bid me come to thee upon the

waters” (Matthew14:28). Of course it was Jesus, who

else could accomplish such a feat with apparent non-

chalance so He simply said, “Come.” To Peter’s credit

he got out of the boat and amazingly it worked – for a

moment. It was not the power of Christ that failed and

cause him to sink but an inability to remain focused on

the master.

Our life is also filled with challenges, difficulties

and times when we are discouraged because it appears

we are making no headway. One step forward two

steps back. In these times we can identify with the

struggles of the disciples in the boat. Maybe there was

grumbling and even a few prayers, sound familiar?

Even when He came, they couldn’t believe what they

saw - a Savior on so many levels. As witnesses to His

awesome power and glory, they still could not believe.

Believe. Look for Him. He is coming. In the midst of

troublesome and frustrating times He is near, calming

the sea and making possible what seems impossible.

When the wind blows and the waves rise, more than

ever we need to focus on God. He is our rock, our an-

chor, our strength. May your week be filled with much

joy and happiness because of Him, even if the seas of

life are stormy around you.
