July 2013 Parish Social Ministry News and Notes

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Transcript of July 2013 Parish Social Ministry News and Notes

  • 7/28/2019 July 2013 Parish Social Ministry News and Notes


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    July 2013

    Monthly Reflection

    PSM Office

    CCUSA Social Policy

    Around the Section

    National Partners

    Resources to InspirePosition_Openings

    Monthly Reflection

    "By a statement of 1,323 words, the United States of America was born. This 'unanimous

    Declaration of the thirteen united states of America' was rooted in 'self-evident truths,' namelythat 'all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable

    Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness....' God wishes us to

    participate in divine wisdom and truth, to cocreate a world of justice and peace. God wills that

    those crushed and dejected in spirit be revived and that the greedy and rebellious be healed. If,

    for our part, we ask for what we need, God's peace will reside within our hearts...." Fr. James A.

    Wallace, "Truly Free," Give Us This Day: Daily Prayer for Today's Catholics, July 2013, p. 51.

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    For more prayer and reflection resources from CCUSA, click here.

    PSM Office

    "Theology of Disaster," a Webinar presented by Kim Bargo, Sr. Director, Disaster Services,

    Catholic Charities USA, will be held at 3 p.m. ET, Aug. 8. Click here to register.

    The CCUSA Annual Gathering Webpage is live! Visit often for description of workshops,plenary addresses, and registration information. We hope to see you in San Francisco for

    an optional pre-Annual Gathering institute and the Annual Gathering, Sept. 14-16.

    Would your region benefit by hosting a CCUSA Parish Social Ministry Regional Training in

    2014 or 2015? Contact Tina Baldera, 703-236-6233, Training Manager, Parish Social

    Ministry, for more information.

    Help grow our PSM Section!

    Share our recruitment f lyer and the sign up link to our free section with colleagues, fellow

    parish soc ial ministry committee members, etc . Click here for CCUSA PSM documents in our

    new Web environment.

    The 2012 PSM Resources team shares "Favorite Sources for Prayer and Spiritual Growth

    from Parish Social Ministers." The inventory assists in your daily prayer life and as you plan


    Parish Social Ministry Tool Kit: Getting Going, Ongoing, and Going Further is now

    available. For suggested additions, questions about downloading, etc ., please

    contact Steve Herro.

    CCUSA has established an email discussion list for our Section. To subscribe to this free

    service, contact Steve Herro. Once you are subscribed, you may contact all members on

    the list by emailing ccusa-psm@lists.catholiccharitiesusa.org.

    Interested in joining between four and seven PSM colleagues for periodic conference calls

    to discuss matters of common interest? Please contac t Steve Herro.

    CCUSA Social Policy

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    Fr. Larry Snyder's "The heat is on: tamper with the charitable deduct ion and communities and

    the needy lose" is in Inside Philanthropy, June 26, 2013.

    On June 27, 2013, the U.S. Senate voted 68-32 in favor of comprehensive immigration reform.CCUSA released a statement encouraging bi-partisan reform that provides a path to citizenshipand st rengthens families.

    As Congress debates legislation related to immigration and the federal budget, make sure to

    follow these issues on CCUSA's Washington Weekly. If you don't already have a free subscriptionto this weekly eletter from CCUSA Department of Social Policy, click here to subscribe.

    Around the Section

    Is your Catholic Charities agency hosting a future Partners in Excellence training? If so, would

    you support a workshop related to parish social ministry and or parish partnering? Contact Jean

    Beil, Sr. Vice President Programs and Services, and learn how workshop topics are selected, etc.

    Our colleague Marie Ellis, Public Policy Manager, Catholic Charities of St . Paul and Minneaplolis,

    was quoted in a recent story in ABCNewspapers.com.

    Catholic Charities of West Tennessee marked the one year anniversary of its mobile food bank.

    The program depends on a strong partnership with faith communities throughout the diocese.

    Catholic Charities Maine has a clear description of the Mustard Seed Project, an initiative to

    foster parish partnering with its agency.

    National Partners

    The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Office ofJustice, Peace, and Human

    Development invites your nomination of a young adult for the "Cardinal Bernardin New

    Leadership Award." Nominate by July 31, 2013.

    JustFaith Ministries will host, "St. Francis, Pope Francis, and a Vision for the 21st Century

    Parish," 4 p.m.-4:45 p.m. ET, July 11, 2013, with Jack Jezreel, Founder and President of JustFaith

    Ministries. To register, click here. You are also invited to "Live Deeply. Love Broadly," an onlineconversation with Engaging Spirituality Coordinator Joe Grant, on Thursday, July 25, 10 a.m.-11

    a.m. ET. For more information, contact info@justfaith.org.

    Ken Hackett, retired President ofCatholic Relief Services, has been nominated by President

    Obama to serve as United States Ambassador to the Holy See.

    Resources to Inspire

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    Cannon, Mae Elise. Just Spirituality: How Faith Practices Fuel Social Act ion. Downer's Grove:

    IVP Books, 2013.

    D'Antonio, William V.; Dillon, Michele; Gauthier, Mary. American Catholics in Transition. Lanham:

    Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2013.

    Map the Meal Gap: Food Insecurity in Your County.

    Position Openings

    Assistant Director for Parish Social Ministry (Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Houma-


    Coordinator of Justice and Charity (Church of the Incarnation, Charlottesville, VA)

    Fellow for Roman Catholic Relationships (Bread for the World)

    Regional Organizers--Southern Hub (Bread for the World)

    Senior Associate for Local Church Outreach (Bread for the World)

    Relationship Manager/Colleges & Universities (Catholic Relief Services)

    Regional Manager, Hispanic Outreach (Catholic Relief Services)

    Associate Director, Government Relations (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)

    Administrator of Community Partnerships (Wolfington Center, Cabrini College)

    You have received this email through your subscription to this Catholic Charities USA's email list. If you did not subscribe, or would

    no longer like to receive email updates, unsubscribe here.
