July 2008 Stone Newsletter, Stone Church of Willow Glen

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Transcript of July 2008 Stone Newsletter, Stone Church of Willow Glen

  • 8/8/2019 July 2008 Stone Newsletter, Stone Church of Willow Glen


  • 8/8/2019 July 2008 Stone Newsletter, Stone Church of Willow Glen



    New insights await you in theStone Church Library.

    Come by after Worship or anytime the Church Office is open.

    - Sue Williams, Library Coordinator

    New books for younger members:

    The Frog and ToadTreasury (an I CANREAD Book) byArnold Lobel (J Lob)

    Quest for the West:In Search of Gold by

    Peter Kent (J 973.6Ken)

    The Story of U.S.Olympians (Corner-stones of Freedom) byZachary Kent (YA973 Ken)

    This summer, Adult Study consistsof a series of drop-in classes with thetheme, Reclaiming the World, using anewly published Living the QuestionsDVD. Each session is independent andself-contained.

    Please note there are no classes on July 6,

    the 4th of July holiday weekend, or August17, the Church Picnic.

    July 13: The Prophetic JesusJesus was a troublemaker. He said

    and did things that upset agents ofthe political and religious dominationsystems that oppressed the weak anddowntrodden. In this way, Jesus stoodfirmly in the tradition of the prophetsof Hebrew Scripture: those who offereda clear and challenging alternative scriptto the status quo.

    July 20: Evil, Suffering and aGod of Love

    If God is all-powerful, all-loving,and all-good, how do you explain and

    respond to the existence of so muchsuffering and evil in the world?

    July 27: The Myth of RedemptiveViolence

    The most potent religion in Westernculture is not Christianity, but a belief

    in the redemptive power of violence.Although Jesus inaugurated a new orderbased on partnership, equality, com-passion and non-violence, his exampleand teachings have been eclipsed by anemphasis on a human unworthinessthat demands and defends the needfor Jesus violent, suffering, atoningdeath.

    August 3: Practicing ResurrectionWhile much has been made of Jesus

    literal and physical resurrection beingthe core historical event of Christian-ity, the Biblical texts themselves presentconflicting evidence. For many today,the resuscitation of Jesus body is lessimportant than the idea of resurrection

    as a credible and meaningful principfor living.

    August 10: Debunking the RapturFailing to understand the messa

    of hope offered in the Book of Relation, many Christians have be

    misled by 19th century doomsayand modern-day apocalyptic preacers who proclaim their vengeful goimpending extermination of the aptate masses. Just what part oflove yenemies doesnt their god understan

    August 24: Reclaiming the WorldWhile human beings have been gift

    with a beautiful and complex worldwhich to live, its systems and resourcare being stressed by our behaviolifestyles, and arrogance. Care for tenvironment is not only deeply Bibliand practical, but increasingly criti for both the present spiritual life afor our collective future.

    - Pat Magee, Adult Educati

    Adult Study Provides Summer Series on Reclaiming the World

    New Library Books on Olympians, Praying in Color, RecyclinNew to our special sections:

    How to Make the Worlda Better Place: A BeginnersGuide compiled by Pat Plant

    of our Presbytery (Soc Iss261.8 Pla). Includes manylocal folks such as Lyn

    Johnson, Dale Bracey, JohnLeih, Emily Chatfield, Rhonda LakatLinda Hagan and Pat Magee.

    Making Weapons TalkiPeace: A Physicists OdysseyHerbert York (Biog YORK

    Messages tothe World: TheStatements ofOsama bin

    Laden ed. byBruce Lawrence (Soc Iss-Mideast 956 Law)

    The Roadby Cormac McCarthy (FMcC), given by ColleBlackburn

    R e / U s e s :2,133 Waysto Recycle andReuse by Caro-

    lyn Jabs (Ecol 640 Jab)

    Additions to our adult side:A World Waiting to Be Born

    by M. Scott Peck (174 Pec)Women, Gender,

    and ChristianCommunity ed.by Jane Douglass(230 Dou)

    Praying inColor: Drawing

    a New Path to God by SybilMacBeth (248.3 Mac),given by Ann Pierce

    In Memoryof Her: A Feminist Theologi-cal Reconstruction of Chris-tian Origins by Elisabeth

    Schussler Fiorenza (270.1Fio), given by RebeccaKuiken

    The Luminous Web: Essays onScience and Religion by BarbaraBrown Taylor (291.1 Tay)

    Coming Up forAir: How to Builda Balanced Life ina Workaholic World by BethSawi (640 Saw), given byRebecca Kuiken

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    I am very happy and blessedto be chosen as the newChil-

    drens Ministry Coordinator. I amnew to the position, but notnew to the church.

    Fifteen years ago, my thenseven-year-old daughter beganattending Church School atStone with a neighborhoodfriend. One Sunday, close toChristmas, she brought homea note requesting adults to helpin making gingerbread houses.Help! Help! I was the queen ofhelp. The next Sunday, I was

    ready with my spatula in hand.What I thought was going tobe a short time with frostingup to my elbows became a loveaffair with a congregation of

    Presbyterians. I stayed to helpwith the Church School therest of that school year andthen continued to assist inVacation Church School thatsummer. I went on to join thechurch. My youngest daughterwas baptized at Stone, and myoldest daughter served as the

    nursery coordinator for sevenyears. When my dear brotherTommy sadly passed away, Isuggested to my family that wehold his service at Stone. Wetruly felt the loving arms ofthe entire congregation wraparound us all.

    My goal while serving in thisposition is to make sure all whowalk through the doors of StoneChurch feel loved, wanted andvalued as my daughters and Idid fifteen years ago. God trulyhas plans for us all. I am happymine made a full circle.

    God Bless,Mary Jo


    Coming FullCircle

    by Mary Jo Blazek,

    Childrens Ministry


    Sunrise (2008)

    I saw the sunrise todayIt reminded me of thebirth of a child

    who like the sunwould be here for but awhileas it ascended in the skies aboveit brought thoughts of my childhoodand those I loveand as the sun peakedin its daily flightit made me aware ofthe joys of lifeand as it traveled itswestward wayit assured me advancingyears are of no dismay

    and as it descends into thegolden westthis child, like the sun,will welcome Gods rest.now the sun is beyond the sealeaving only its rays for me.and as darkness settles inand night enfoldsits like the journey of lifehas now been told.

    - Robert W. James,Stone Church, Elder

    (continued from page 1)

    ... I know I speak for everyone who isgraduating and who has graduated whenI say how empty Sunday nights will feelwhen I cant go to youth group from 7 to9 pm and eat Mary Alices snickerdoodlecookies while she asks us about our week ...Thank you [all] for being such great men-tors and giving me a place and a group ofpeople who I can always come home to.

    - Rachel Buckley

    Stone Church is more than just aplace to find God. It is more than thehordes of people chatting in the socialhall. It is more than the smiling faceslining up to go worship together. To me,Stone Church is more than just a church

    family. The community is the backboneto my faith, the people are my founda-tion of hope, and the youth group my

    friends through and through ... Giving

    this reflection is an opportunity I amblessed to have. How many people get thechance to look out into a room full of thepeople who have supported them through

    every age and phase of their life and saythank you? Throughout my journey infaith, I have been blessed with the com-munity surrounding Stone Church. FromSunday School to youth group, deaconsto the pastor nominating committee,acquaintances to a group of women Inow call my aunts, everyone I have metand worked with have freely offered metheir light. The light of insight, the lightof hope, the light of compassion, the lightof destiny, the light of justice, the lightof community, the light of love. Through

    all those individual lights, my heart hasbeen set on fire.

    - Emily Mertens

    Dr. Henry also read the poem at rightduring the Graduation Sunday WorshipService.

    Good News onGraduationSunday

    by Rev. Dr. Ken Henry

    One of ourwonderful young people at Stone Churchrecently helped to clean up after Stone hosted adinner for the National Middle Eastern PresbyterianCaucus during General Assembly week.

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    The Stone Works committee keepsworking on a mission of love and com-passion both locally and globally.

    Torture is Wrong BannerThe ugly black banner hanging on

    the Lincoln Avenue wall of Stone

    Church is a poignant reminder thatTorture is Wrong. To the neighborhoodand Stone members walking by, it canencourage talk about the continuingshame of torture as government policy,as well as the role of the church tospeak out on basic moral issues. When our government still offi-

    cially allows the CIA to continue itsprogram for coercively questioningterrorists, so-called enhanced inter-rogation techniques, we believe thatpeople of all faiths have to witnesstheir opposition. Torture is not onlyinimical to the Christian faith, it iscontrary to the compact of laws andideals of our great nation. Two weeks

    ago the U. S. Supreme Court ruledthat, The laws and the Constitutionare designed to survive, and remain inforce, in extraordinary times. Libertyand security can be reconciled; and inour system they are reconciled withinthe framework of the law. Eventu-

    ally this will be applied to stop theuse of interrogation methods that areprohibited under international law.Until then, we ask ourselves and fellowcitizens, shall we opt To live by faith,or faithless fear?

    This stark choice is voiced by our youth when they question, Whowould Jesus torture?

    Tony Muiruri Needs Your HelpLast year we introduced you to Tony

    Muiruri, a man from Kenya who hasworshiped with us a number of times.He has received asylum in the US.Tony recently talked to Stone Works,giving an update on his situation.

    Tony is sharing a 1-bedroom apament in West San Jose with anothrefugee and has applied for a grecard. He has filed papers for his fam(wife, Margaret, and three childraged 13-19, who we have shown hepictured above) to join him and wknow their status in the next femonths. His family is very vulnable to attack because of post-eltion violence in Kenya; recent lootiand arson have destroyed half of tfamilys financial base.

    For the last 18 months, Tony hworked at Frys Electronics, but heseeking a better paying job. He has sucessfully completed networking cocourses at SJCC, has received 4 certcations and is studying for 2 more. H

    also has a university degree in Informtion Systems & Technology.Changing jobs would likely nec

    sitate a car. Stone Works is asking tStone Church community if anyohas a reliable car they could donate fTony, and if anyone could help hifind an entry-level job in computnetworking or hardware or softwasupport. If you can help or have qutions, contact Doug or Sue William

    - Dale Bracey and Stone WoModerator Carrie Giorgian


    Stone Works Hangs Anti-Torture Banner; Seeks Car for Tony Muiru

    Don Skipwith andMartha Duke are start-ing to form a bridgegroup. If you are inter-ested, please contactDon.

    Maureen Ryan, Barbara Bracey and others observing the Torture is Wrong banner

    The Muiruri Family

    Joan Helms son Steve gave her a belated80th birthday present. It consisted of a ridefrom her home to downtown Los Gatosfor dinner, a quick stop at the Concert inthe Park, and about a 30-mile ride aroundthe perimeter of the old quicksilver areasouth of Almaden. Steve runs there almostevery day and wanted to show Joan part ofwhere he runs. And they have a date forher 81st birthday next year!

    Bridge, anyone?

  • 8/8/2019 July 2008 Stone Newsletter, Stone Church of Willow Glen


    Parades! Fireworks! Picnics! Bar-B-Qs! Block Parties! Patriotic music!All these things come to mind as wecelebrate our nations birthday on

    July 4th. Drivecarefully (it is athree-day week-end) and wor-

    ship whereveryou are.

    Stone Churchdid itself proud,as usual, at theGeneral Assem-bly last month.The turnoutof volunteers,including many

    Presbyterian Women, was impres-sive. Jeanette Rapp made the Com-munion Table coverings, as well asmany flags and banners. The Presby-tery does cherish her and her manytalents.

    The coupons we are targeting thismonth are Chex cereal and Camp-bell soups. We shall present all thecoupons to the receiving schools atthe August brunch. (Please look atthe list on the PW bulletin board ortake a list from the library cart foundin the Social Hall each Sunday.)

    Speaking of the brunch, mark

    your calendars for August 23, andwell see you in the Social Hall.

    PW Schedule for JulyPlease note that circles will not mee

    until September.Lunch Bunch, 11:30 am, Tues.

    July 8, Taiwan RestaurantFair Trade Coffee, Tea and Choc

    olate Sales, July 20, Social Hall afteWorship (only the current inventory o

    chocolate is available - no more can bordered until it cools off in the fall)

    Book Group I, 1 pm, Mon., July28, Liz Shanderas home reading ThEighth Promise by William Lee.

    Book Group II will not meet untiSeptember when they will be at BettSpichers home to discuss The Grapeof Wrath by John Steinbeck.

    Focus Group, 9:30 am, Tues., Jul15, Elizabeth Shanderas home.

    Prayer Shawl Group, 4 pmThurs., July 24, Fireside Room. Thigroup does knitting and other handwork, and Janice Goertz emphasizethis activity is not gender specific.

    There is no Bible Studydurin June and July. However, we shalbegin again in August when the RevMarge will begin withJubilee: LukeGospel for the Poor for 2008-2009.

    If you do not subscribe to HORZONS magazine, copies will be available from Sally Magee. If you wouldlike to subscribe to this fine maga

    zine, talk to Sally. - Catherine Amo



    from PW

    At the beginning of its regular meet-ing, Tuesday, June 17, the Sessionheard Ken Henrys eloquent prayer,which he had used earlier that day at

    San Joses CityHall in a cere-mony of raising

    a rainbow flag. With somenew elders present, Ken led a discus-sion using the questions What was

    your committees greatest accomplish-ment? and What are your commit-tees challenges? Jody Meacham ofPersonnel and Administration notedthat his time on Session had encom-passed a number of personnel changesand that he was pleased at how Stonehad dealt with those changes.

    The Session elected corporate offi-cers a requirement of the State ofCalifornia and our Presbyterian Bookof Order. Corporate officers deal withmatters of property, not with ecclesi-astical governing of the church. MelGoertz was elected President and

    Bruce Raby Vice President of the cor-poration. Stones bylaws say the Clerkof Session is secretary and the churchtreasurer is treasurer, ex officio. AliceThorn was elected Clerk of Session.

    The Session voted to purchaseshelving for room 7 (downstairs) anda fire-resistant file cabinet for storageof church record books and selectedarchive materials.

    Mel Goertz reported that the auditcommittee reviewed the churchs

    financial records for fiscal year 2007Using a system of sampling and analysis, the committee concluded that thechurchs processes are followed andtransactions are correctly recordedin the churchs system of books andrecords. Mel gave great thanks to trea

    surer Dick Kistler for his exemplarywork. The audit team, chaired by JohnRitchie, included Ida Raby, CarolynClendenning, and Bill Lakatos.

    Two young people Chris Dukeand Kendall Searing are the newCaretakers for Stone, following thresignation of David Moncrief. Theiresponsibilities include security andsetup, mainly on weekends.

    - Alice Thorn, Clerk of Session



    Stone Church will produce a new pic-torial directory this year. For the firsttime, you can sign-up online, in addi-tion to at the church, for your photoshoot.

    Pictures will be taken August 29 and30 and September 12 and 13.

    To sign-up in person, starting July 27,and each Sunday thereafter throughAugust, look for the sign-up table inthe Social Hall after Worship.

    To sign-up online, go to www.signup.olanmills.com and type in Stonesphone number. In addition to the stan-dard information needed for a photoshoot time, you must provide an emailaddress. You will receive an immedi-ate confirmation of your appointment,and three days prior, you will receive anemail reminder.

    Photos should be available in timeto use as Christmas gifts. Please notethere is no obligation to purchase anyphotos. Everyone, whether or not theyhave pictures taken, will receive a direc-tory (one per address). The more Stonemembers who have their picture taken,the more color pages of church activi-ties we are allotted for the directory.

    If you have problems signing uponline, have questions about the direc-tory, or could serve on the ad hoc direc-

    tory committee, contact Pat Mageefor assistance.

    New Pictorial Directory

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    Editors Note: The 218th Gen-eral Assembly of the PresbyterianChurch was just ending at StoneNews press time ... but we wantedto give you a glimpse of some ofthe many, many things StoneChurch folks were involved with

    at that auspicious occasion ... wehope to have more pictures andmore stories next month ... Above, Stone Church choir

    and friends cut up 9,675 piecesof bread for the two commu-nion services on Sunday. Atleft, Gordon Meacham and RodThorn apply labels to over 200small cups that said Gluten-Free. At right, Sally and PatMagee carefully slice and pack-age the cubes of bread.

    Here is a wonderfulshot of our formerchoir director, LeroyKromm (and hus-band of our currentchoir director, Nancy

    Wait Kromm). OnLeroys right is Nata-sha Jackson, COLA

    volunteer coordina-tor, and on Leroysleft is the newlyelected modera-tor, The Rev. BruceReyes-Chow, of SanFrancisco. (Photo byPCUSA photographer,Joseph Williams.)

    Above, the volunteer lounge, staffed by Jimand Linda Hagan, was always a wonderful placeto rest and take your shoes off. Here, Jim Hagan,an unidentified woman, Ken Henry, and Jerryand Jan Keifer take a well-deserved break.

    At right, Diana Lim and Mel Goertz diligentlystaffed the volunteer booth ... your editor neverwalked by that booth when they were not in it(and that was a lot of times!).

    Above, Donald Foster was acritical member of the WorshipCommittee, chaired by FredOliver. This committee plannedand supervised all of the Wor-ship services, which were very,very well-received, especially Sun-days. (I couldnt find a pictureof Fred -- I dont think he stoodstill long enough for someone to

    take one!)

    Stone Church at GA 2008

  • 8/8/2019 July 2008 Stone Newsletter, Stone Church of Willow Glen



    The Stone Church of Willow GlenPresbyterian Church (USA)1937 Lincoln Avenue

    (corner of Clark & Lincoln)San Jose, CA 95125-3499


    Church Ofce:phone: 408-269-1593

    fax: 408-269-8412

    The Reverend Doctor Ken Henry, PastoClaudia Hoagland, Ofce Manager

    The Stone News Staff:Emily Moak Meacham, EditorPat Magee, Rhonda Lakatos,

    Jody Meacham, Fred Oliver,Lizanne Oliver: Assistant EditorsSylvia Snyder, Chief PhotographerDale Bracey, Ken Henry, Dan Raby,Tony Muiruri, Joan Helms,

    Jan Keifer: Additional PhotosCatherine Amos, Dulcie Janzen,Sylvia Snyder, Jan Keifer, Jerry Keifer,Fred Gardner: Production

    Are you looking to reach newheights of fun this summer? Then

    youll want to heato Stone Church foa canopy of adventures at Rainfores

    Adventure!At Rainforest Adventure, you

    hear stories about Jesus, make coocrafts, learn catchy tunes, play supegames, eat great rainforest snacks anmake lots of new friends. Each daoffers a new Bible story to explorthrough loads of fun activities.

    This exciting Vacation ChurchSchool is for everyone between thages of 4 and 11. The fun begin

    August 4 and continues througAugust 8. Sessions run from 9 amuntil noon each day. The fee is $3per child or $50 per family.

    Starting June 1, you can register inthe Social Hall after Worship.

    See you at Rainforest AdventureFor questions, contact Kate


    RainforestAdventure at VCS

    The annual gathering of the StoneChurch family at History Park (south

    end of Kelley Park) forworship, food and funwill take place Sunday,August 17.

    Worship will start at10 am, immediately followed by a classicsummertime picnic. Tri-tip, chicken, hotdogs, and veggie burgers will be providedhot off the grill. Bring your favorite sidedishes and desserts to share.

    There will be games for kids and foradults who like to get in on the action!

    Be sure to invite your friends, as this isa great way to introduce people to Stonein a casual and relaxed atmosphere.

    Starting July 27, you can sign-up in theSocial Hall after Worship. Just tell us

    how many are coming, your preferencefor grill items, and what you are bring-ing for potluck.

    Maps and other details will be avail-able closer to the picnic date.

    For questions, contact Emily MoakMeacham.

    Before they embark on theirtour to Ireland and Scotland, theStone Church Choir will presentan Irish Blessing Bon Voyage Concert,

    on July 6, at4:30 pm, and

    all are warmlyinvited.

    The choir,guests from thecongregation,and membersof both theSan Jose Sym-

    phonic Choir and the MontereySymphony Chorus are traveling toIreland and Scotland for a two-weekconcert tour, beginning July 14,under the consummate direction

    of Nancy Wait Kromm.The music will be fabulous, and

    there is a rumor that Scottish Short-bread will be available in the SocialHall afterward. So, please come tohear wonderful music and to wishthe choir Bon Voyage!

    Come to theChurch Picnic!

    Irish BlessingBon Voyage Concert

    Rev. Dr. Ken Henry (pic-tured with Rev. Rob Martinfrom Palo Alto First Presby-terian) offered a prayer at theRainbow Flag Raising Ceremonyhosted by the San Jose CityCouncil in front of City Hallin honor ofPride Week, onJune 17.
