Julius Caesar & Rome Unit Study by Donnette E Davis Early Learners

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  • 8/14/2019 Julius Caesar & Rome Unit Study by Donnette E Davis Early Learners


    St Aidens Homeschool

    Julius CaesarAnd

    Early RomeA Complete Unit Study & Activities

    For young Learners

    Presented by Donnette E Davis

  • 8/14/2019 Julius Caesar & Rome Unit Study by Donnette E Davis Early Learners


    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    What Was It Like Being Part of a Roman Family?

    Life in Roman times for women was quite hard. The father was the most

    important member of the family. He had the power of life or death over

    everyone. When a new baby was born it would be laid at its father's feet - if the

    father picked the baby up it would live, and if he ignored the baby it would betaken away to die. Mothers and children were never seen as important.

    From the 1st century B.C. women began to have more rights and could divorce

    unkind husbands. But they were never seen as really being equal to men.

    Did the Romans Go to School?

    Most children did not go to school. Parents had to pay for their children to goand they would only teach boys!

    Schools were also quite scarce, and were always built in towns. Girls and poorer

    children might be taught to read and write at home but this was rare. These

    children would more likely have to help their parents at work from an early age.

    Some wealthy Roman parents would employ an educated slave called a

    pedagogue to teach their sons. The pedagogue would also take the boy to

    school and carried a stick to beat him with if he was naughty or did not work


    What did Roman Children Use to Write With?

    For short messages and at school they would write on wax tablets using a

    pointed metal stylus . If you made a mistake you smoothed the wax flat with the

    opposite end of the stylus.

    For important letters the Romans used a metal pen dipped in ink to write on thin

    pieces of wood or specially prepared animal skins. Books did not have pages,they were written on scrolls made from pieces of animal skin glued together and

    then rolled up.

    We know that Roman women would also write because some of their letters

    have survived. One was found at Vindolanda, a fort near Hadrian's Wall. It is a

    birthday party invitation from Claudia Severa to her friend Sulpicia Lepidina and

    was written at the end of the 1st century A.D.

  • 8/14/2019 Julius Caesar & Rome Unit Study by Donnette E Davis Early Learners


    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    Families and Children

    What were Roman homes like?

    What sorts of food did the Romans eat? What were their table manners like?

    We have a Roman cookery book written by a man called Apicius. Some of the

    recipes sound quite modern such as sausages. Others sound rather odd. Would

    you like to eat calves' brains with roses?

    Find out what Romans ate for food and how they ate it. Then make up

    your own menu for a Roman birthday party.

    Many Roman families included slaves who could be bought or sold like animals

    or objects. They were never paid for their work. However some slaves could be

    treated well by their owners and were even freed. A few slave girls even

    became the wealthy wives of people who had bought them.

    Find out about the lives of slaves in Roman times. Who do you think

    would end up as a slave?

    Many slaves had committed serious crimes and Roman judges madethem slaves instead of sending them to prison. Was this a good idea?

    Perhaps the Roman Empire could not have existed without the work ofslaves?

    Discuss the answers to these questions with the rest of your class. Do you all

    agree with each other?

    What do you think it would be like if your library was filled with scrolls

    instead of books? Here is how you can make a scroll:

    You will need: A roll of sticky tape

    A sheet of paper

    Two wooden spoons

    1. You will need to stick one side of the sheet of paper to the handle of a

    wooden spoon. Do this using the sticky tape. You must then do the same withthe opposite end of the paper as well.

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  • 8/14/2019 Julius Caesar & Rome Unit Study by Donnette E Davis Early Learners


    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    The Roman Army

    The Roman Empire was so big and lasted so long because its army was large

    and well trained. The legions had names and numbers. Some of the legions who

    fought in Britain were the XX valeria victrix, the XIV gemina martia victrix and the

    IX hispana (the numbers are all Roman numerals). Find out about life in theRoman army.

    Who was in charge? What did the soldiers look like? What were the centurions like? What was the food like? Did the soldiers of the IX hispana really come to a bad end fighting in


    Make a wall chart about the Roman army to report on allthese questions, and any more that you can think up.

    Roman legions all carried at least three or four standards to show who they were.

    The most famous of these was the Roman eagle. They also carried a portrait of

    the emperor made from metal and the name and number of the legion and its

    famous victories.

    Discover more about the legions' standards and make your own for alegion of your classmates, friends of fellow homeschoolers.

    Find out as much as you can about life in the Roman army. Sometimes soldiers

    could not see their families for years and they could not marry their girlfriends

    until they left the army. But the wages were good and there were other benefits

    such as a payment of land or money when they retired. Sons often followed their

    fathers into the army.

    Imagine you are the family of a Roman boy who wants to join the

    army. Do you all think it is a good thing? Discuss whether or not heshould join the legions.







  • 8/14/2019 Julius Caesar & Rome Unit Study by Donnette E Davis Early Learners


    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    Who Were the Roman Emperors?

    A Roman Emperor was the man who ruled over the Empire.

    At first, Rome was ruled by Generals but this caused problems. The Generals

    were always fighting over who would have the final say in running the Empire.

    Eventually the Generals were replaced by just one man - The Emperor. The first

    Emperor to come to power was Augustus in 27 B.C. He was a popular Emperor

    who brought peace after many years of fighting. Not all the Emperors were so

    good and wise, some were terrible!

    The Emperor had a troop of special soldiers to protect him. They were called the

    Praetorian Guard. However, some of the bad Emperors were so unpopular that

    their Praetorian Guards killed them!

    How Was Rome Ruled?

    At first, Rome was ruled by kings. They were sometimes very cruel and the last

    king, Tarquin the Proud, was overthrown. Rome then became a republic for the

    next four hundred years.

    This republic was ruled by a senate, and people called Senators were elected to

    do different jobs in the senate. However, not everyone was allowed to vote inthese elections. Women and slaves were not allowed to vote and neither were

    poor people. Those Roman people who were not slaves were called 'citizens'.

    In the 1st century B.C.

    the generals who

    controlled the army

    became very

    powerful. Rome was

    no longer just a city, itwas the capital of an

    empire. The Romans

    ruled lands from

    France to North

    Africa. You can see

    this in the map.

  • 8/14/2019 Julius Caesar & Rome Unit Study by Donnette E Davis Early Learners


    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    How did Rome Get its Name?

    Rome is the capital city of Italy. Building started in 753 B.C. and the Romans have

    a story to explain how this happened. Twin boys, Romulus and Remus, were

    taken from their mother and left by the river Tiber to starve. A mother wolf found

    the babies and looked after them until they were old enough to take care ofthemselves.

    Years later, Mars (the Roman God of war) told the boys to build a city where

    they had been found. The two boys built this city, but ended up at war with

    each other. Romulus won the battle and the city became known as Rome.

    Today, historians and archaeologists agree that people started living in Rome

    long before the time of Romulus and Remus, but many people still believe in their


    City of Rome

    Many buildings from the ancient city of Rome still survive even though they are in

    ruins. Visitors to Rome today can walk in the Forum, walk inside temples and

    even see Roman sewers and the underground burial tunnels called the


    See how much you can discover about the ancient city of Rome.

    Write an ancient Roman guidebook to record what you find out.

    What were the most famous buildings called? What should a tourist have visited in Rome in about 300 A.D.?

    Roman Emperors

    What did Roman Emperors look like? We have portraits of Emperors on coins as

    well as statues and paintings of some of them.

    Paint a portrait of an Emperor. Should he look happy or sad, serious

    or excited?

    Find out about the people who ruled the Roman Empire.

    Make a list of 'good' people and 'bad' people, and explain why they

    are on your list.

  • 8/14/2019 Julius Caesar & Rome Unit Study by Donnette E Davis Early Learners


    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    E.g. Emperor Augustus was a good man because he restored peace to the

    Roman Empire and set up a fire fighting service for the people of Rome.

    Do you think it was better to have an Emperor in charge or should theRomans have stuck with the Republic?

    How could the Romans have made the Republic a fairer sort ofgovernment?

    How did People Travel Around Britain?

    In Roman times people travelling round Britain would either ride on horseback,

    drive carts pulled by oxen, or walk. All the roads they had to travel along would

    be straight. Winding roads may be interesting to walk along but it takes you a lot

    longer to get where you are going and bandits and robbers can be hidingaround bends.

    Roman roads were carefully built to slope down from the middle to ditches on

    either side. This way the rain would drain away and not make the road too


    What Was The Rest of Roman Britain Like?

    Near the borders of Roman Britain the country could still be quite wild. People

    who lived here were often farmers. These farmers lived in small villages of round

    wooden houses with thatched roofs, much as they had before the Romans


    Some wealthy Romans would also live near to towns, in villas. Villas were large

    farms with a luxurious house for the owners (the workers lived in ordinary houses

    made of wood). Villas would often have rooms with painted walls and mosaic

    floors, and even central heating. Most of the villas were only found in the South

    of England.

    Is Manchester a Roman Town?

    Often towns grew up near to forts and we can tell this today by their names. If a

    place name includes the words 'chester' or 'cester', it is because it is on the site of

    a Roman fort e.g. Chester, Gloucester, and Manchester. The word 'chester'

    comes from the Roman word for a fort - 'castrum'.

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    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    Most towns would also have shops and a market place called a forum. At one

    end of the forum was a large building called the basilica. This was a cross

    between a law court and a town hall. The magistrates carried out all the

    important business here.

    Roads and Places

    Find a map showing the Roman sites in your area. Are they forts, towns, villas? Or

    does it look as though people carried on living in Celtic type villages? From this

    evidence can you decide what your area was like in Roman times?

    Mosaic pictures are made up of many tiny squares of coloured stone or pottery.Look at some Roman mosaics then make a mosaic of your own using squares of

    coloured paper.

    So far archaeologists have only found one villa in Cornwall, it is at Magor Farm

    near Camborne. The nearest villas to it are on the far side of Devon. Who do

    you think might have lived in this villa? How different would their home have

    been from all their neighbours who carried on living in Celtic type villages?

















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    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    Punctuation was not very popular, so Roman writing was hard to

    read. Latin writing did not have capital letters or even full stops at


    School children had their own goddess. She was called Minerva and

    she had her own festival at the beginning of March. After the festival

    the school year began.

    Many Romans lived in blocks of flats! The Romans called them

    'insulae', which means islands, because they were tall and stuck up

    above the streets.

    The Emperor Caligula was not only cruel but mad as well, and even

    made his horse a Senator!

    Some Roman buildings smelled terrible because they were not

    regularly cleaned. Romans would burn bread in an attempt to

    remove the smell.

    The Romans buried their dead along the roads leading away from

    towns. It was hoped that this way the ghosts would not return to their

    old homes.

    When they were building roads in a boggy place, Romans would

    build the foundations with sticks and sheepskins to stop them sinking.

    Roman towns had public lavatories for men, large pottery jars at

    street corners that men and boys could 'wee' in. They were emptied

    at night by workers who used the urine to bleach cloth.

  • 8/14/2019 Julius Caesar & Rome Unit Study by Donnette E Davis Early Learners


    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    What happened to a newborn baby if its father ignored it?a. It never went to schoolb. Its mother taught it to readc. It was taken away to die.

    Why did girls not go to school?a. The only schools were in the towns.b. The schools taught only boys as they were considered more important than girls.c. Girls thought going to school was boring.

    What was the last king of Rome called?a. Romulusb. Tarquin the Proudc. Julius Caesar

    When Rome was a republic women were allowed to vote.a. Trueb. False.

    For about how long had Rome already existed by the time Julius Caesar tried to invade

    Britain at around 55 B.C?a. 100 yearsb. 300 yearsc. 700 years

    How did the Roman Army change in the 1sr Century BC?a. Ordinary men could join the army and become professional soldiers.b. The soldiers were all called Centurionc. The soldiers started to wear armour.

    How long did a soldier stay in the army for?a. 5 years

    b. 15 years

    c. 25 years

    Because 'Winchester' ends in 'Chester' from the Latin word for a fort, we know there was

    a Roman town there.a. Trueb. False

    Why were Roman roads straight?a. To make them less muddyb. It was a quicker and safer way to get to where you were going.c. Romans thought they looked better that way

    Where were most Roman villas built?

    a. In towns.b. Near to towns in the south of England.c. In Wales and Scotland.

  • 8/14/2019 Julius Caesar & Rome Unit Study by Donnette E Davis Early Learners


    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    Answers: A new born bay was taken away to die if its father ignored it. Schools only taught boys as they were thought to be more important

    than girls.

    A Roman person used a wax tablet and a stylus to write a shortmessage.

    Tarquin the Proud was the last King of Rome.

    Roman women were never allowed to vote. Rome had already existed for over 700 years before Julius Caesar tried

    to invade Britain.

    The Roman army changed because ordinary men could join the armyand become professional soldiers.

    A soldier had to stay in the army for 25 years. A century of Roman legionaries was called a tortoise because their

    shields overlapped looking like a tortoise.

    Winchester was a Roman town. We know this because it ends inChester.

    Roman roads were straight as it made it a quicker and safer way to getwhere you were going.

    Most Roman villas were built near to towns in the South of England.

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    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    Costumes: For girls, a long white nightshirt or dress (it should reach her ankles),bare feet or leather sandals, and a long piece of solid-coloured cotton or wool

    for a veil over it. For boys, an extra-large white T-shirt will do (it should come

    down to his knees), with a leather belt, and bare feet or leather sandals. Boys

    can wear a cloak (preferably wool) over the tunic, also knee length.

    Food: For a typical Roman meal, you might begin with olives and devilledeggs, and then a lentil or barley soup, or cheese pizza (without any tomato

    sauce), with sausage or pepperoni, or onions and garlic, on it. A green salad

    with radishes would also be appropriate. For dessert, walnuts or apples or melon

    (fresh or dried) would be pretty normal, or little cakes made with honey. The

    Romans said that a meal went from eggs to apples, the way we say from

    soup to nuts.

    Mosaic Project for Kids

    Why not try making a mosaic? You can make a simple mosaic just with black

    and white pebbles, which you can get at any gardening store. You could set

    them in plaster of paris, or in cement the way the Romans did it.

    Or, in a classroom, you might want to just cut out lots of little squares of coloured

    paper, and assemble them into mosaics with glue. For the best results, make sure

    to have some light red and some darker red, and some light blue and somedarker blue, and so on, so that you can do some shading. The pieces should be

    about 1 /4 inch (1/2 cm) square. Look at a lot of pictures of mosaics first so you

    can see how they do it

    Quick Idea: Roman Numeral Wrap Up: Various column styles, which originated in

    Greece, were also popular in Rome. The more decorated style was Corinthian

    which had the shape of leaves carved in the top.

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    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    Vellum Journal: Books were made of papyrus scrolls. Later parchment or vellum,

    a sheer paper, was used to record events, write letters and make books.

    by Sandi Genovese http://www.craftsforkids.com/projects/vellum_journal.htm

    Books were made of papyrus scrolls. Later parchment or vellum, a sheer paper was used to record events, write letters

    and make books.

    You will need:

    Die cut machine and diesor pattern and scissors

    Dies - Star #1A, Circles Paper - tan, ivory, white, green,

    gold, orange, red

    Raffia Black pen Adhesive 18" Hole Punch

    Square Cut 2 green

    Star cut 2 - gold

    Circle cut 1 gold

    Circle cut 1 red

    Circle cut 1 white

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    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    1. Using die cut machine or

    scissors, cut shapes from coloured

    paper as shown on the patterns.

    Trim tan coloured paper to 12" x

    8" size, then fold in half across the

    width to measure 6" x 8".

    2. Trim several sheets of white

    paper and a piece of vellum for

    first sheet so that they are smaller

    than the cover. Fold all sheets in


    3. Punch two holes in the cover

    on the fold line about 1" from the

    edge. Using the cover holes as a

    guide, punch two holes along the

    fold line in the inside sheets.

    4. With the vellum as the first

    sheet, align the sheets inside thecover, then thread raffia through

    the holes. Tie a bow on the


    5. Draw the pattern for the

    Roman border on heavy paper,

    then cut out.

    6. Cut a piece of white paper

    about 2" smaller on all sides than

    the front cover. Trace the border

    around the edge of the paper.

    Colour the negative black and

    leave the pattern white.

    7. Centre, then glue the bordered

    paper to a sheet of red paper

    that is slightly larger to make a red

    border around the edge. Cut out,

    then add a green square to eachcorner.

    8. Place a red rectangle in the

    centre. Attach a smaller white

    rectangle on top of the red.

    9. To make a Roman shield,

    overlap then glue the two gold

    stars together. Glue red, whiteand gold circles in the middle.

    Glue the shield to the centre of

    the white paper.

    10. Mat the Roman design on

    ivory paper, then glue to the

    centre of the journal cover.

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    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    Samian Ware Tile: Many homes were decorated with pottery wall decorations

    called reliefs. Many different types of clay were used depending on the area.

    One style was called Samian ware, a red clay pottery popular after AD 100.

    Aqueducts: The land, which surrounded Rome was abundant with springs. This

    water was channelled into the city of Rome through the channels of aqueducts.Large cisterns held the water at the end of the aqueducts and were used for

    baths and fountains.

    Mosaic Frame: Originating in Greece, the Romans became famous for their

    mosaics. Bits of glass and stone were arranged to form designs for jewellery,

    vases and other art forms.

    Marine Mosaic Tile: Because of the proximity to water, marine or sea themes

    were an important design element in Ancient Rome.

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    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




  • 8/14/2019 Julius Caesar & Rome Unit Study by Donnette E Davis Early Learners


    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




  • 8/14/2019 Julius Caesar & Rome Unit Study by Donnette E Davis Early Learners


    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




  • 8/14/2019 Julius Caesar & Rome Unit Study by Donnette E Davis Early Learners


    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    How to Make Weapons out of Sticks

    If you're interested in perhaps learning how to make weapons out of sticks will be

    just the ticket. Follow these steps to learn how.


    1. Find a stick that is about three inches taller than your waist (for a sword) orjust taller than you (for a staff). Note: different sizes work for different


    2. Test your stick. If it breaks when you hit it on the ground it's not a good stickto use.

    3. Decide what shape you want your weapon.4. Break the stick if you need to make it smaller. (see tips)5. Find a rock and start rubbing the stick up and down on all sides6. You can take a pocketknife and sharpen the ends. (see warnings)7. Use sandpaper to smooth the stick out if you want.


    Be sure to use sturdy sticks and know what kind of sticks are the strongest.(They don't necessarily have to be big, just sturdy.)

    You can break the stick easily by placing your foot on the spot where youwant it to crack and put your hand at the top of the stick. Push down with

    your foot and it should snap. Finding a stick is easier during winter because there aren't any leaves. This would be a great craft for older children who are studying the way

    people used to live during stone age times.

    Alternatively, you could use the staff for a walking stick. For best durability, use sticks that have not been in direct contact with the


    Rattan is a kind of bamboo and is a good sword substitute because itdoesn't break into sharp points when it breaks, instead it brooms out. (see


    Apply a layer of duct tape to beautify and structurally re-enforce yourweapon.


    Be careful when swinging the stick because you don't want to hitanybody!

    If you are fighting never swing the stick wildly. Stay in control of yourmovements so you can hit what you are aiming for. (i.e. a target or a pole)

    If you are not using Rattan, a solid core grass related to bamboo, the stickcan break. This means sharp, pointy parts (from fractures) can stabthrough you or your friends.

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    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    Sharpened sticks are dangerous! If you are hitting people with sticks, you are taking people's lives in your


    NEVER hit people with sticks unless you mean to cause them harm or theyare wearing armour to protect them.

    It is ILLEGAL to use this as a weapon for ASSAULT or any other criminaloffence

    Things You'll Need

    Sticks Stones blunt knife(optional) Rattan (optional)

    Make a Roman Helmet with these easy printable Step-by-Step Instructions andtemplates

  • 8/14/2019 Julius Caesar & Rome Unit Study by Donnette E Davis Early Learners


    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    How to Make a Wooden Sword

    Need a sword that looks cool but won't be too dangerous? You can make one

    out of wood by following the directions below.


    1. Get a piece of wood, whether it be a plank, or a young tree. If it is ayoung tree, it should be about between 1.5-2.5 inches thick, preferably 2.

    Also, it should be fresh and not rotten. Swing it hard against the ground to

    see if it breaks.

    2. If you are using a plank, draw your sword shape with a pencil,remembering the guard, and then cut it out. Use a knife to sharpen the


    3. If you are using a young tree, remove the bark, but use your fingers andremove it very carefully so it stays in one piece, to be used for a

    scabbard(sheath) for your sword. Cut the wood to proper sword length,

    and decide how long the handle should be. Determine the curve of the

    wood to be used for the blade edge. To remember the curve, cut about

    45 degrees across the tip (thinner end) of your sword. Look at picture to

    see what is done.

    4. Using a knife, start shaping the blade. I prefer to generally use a somewhattriangle shaped blade (one sharp side, one dull) with rounded corners. It

    should not be an equilateral triangle, but more of an isosceles, 40-70-70

    triangle. The triangle shape provides sturdiness when used as a practicesword.

    5. Amongst the shaping of the blade, you may want to make your handleinto a sort of oval shape instead of a pure circle, this makes the sword

    more comfortable to grasp.

    6. You may also use a plane to assist you, but a knife is sufficient enough.When you have your triangle shape, wield your sword. The blade should

    face the ground, and at the top should be a somewhat flat surface, part

    of the triangle.

    7. Feel the weight of your sword, if it feels heavy take off some more materialuntil it is the ideal weight. I prefer to have the balance point of the swordabout 5 inches down the blade from the handle, you might have a

    different preference. Work on your sword until you liked the shape and

    weight and feel of it.

    8. When you have the perfect sword shape, sand your blade usingsandpaper (optional step).

    9. To make your sword more stylish, you may wrap the handle with electrictape. This also makes the sword handle more comfortable.

    10.If you wish to add a guard, take a file and file down the blade near thehandle so the blade stays the same thickness up until the handle, then the

    handle just pops out. Take a flat piece of material (wood or plastic will do)

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    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    and cut into the shape you want, I prefer circles. Then make a hole in the

    wood and expand it to fit on your sword, this part takes a very long time.

    11.Once the guard slides up perfectly to the handle, slide it up on the sword.On the blade side of the guard, put a thick layer of duct tape so it wont

    slide off.

    12.For the scabbard (sheath) take the bark and wrap it around your swordblade. Cut it off at correct length. Use duct tape to close it shut.

    13.Make any other modifications you wish, and good luck making yoursword.


    Try very hard. Don't rush, and do each step carefully. IF YOUR SWORD BREAKS OR CRACKS: immediately stop use. Wrap the

    broken/cracked part of the blade with duct tape, going a few inches pastthe broken part in both directions. Cover the duct tape with white masking

    tape. Your sword will most likely crack or break (this is very common) if

    used in combat.

    A bicycle handlebar grip can also be used as the grip. You can skip the sharpening part for a good but less dangerous sword. You can also buy swords like this at http://www.rentoys.com


    Hand tools are dangerous, so use caution when using a knife or anythingelse.

    If fighting with swords, be very careful: Though this is a wooden sword, itcan still injure somebody. It is a weapon and not to be taken lightly.

    As a general rule, don't swing the sword at anything you don't want todestroy.

    Things You'll Need

    stick, hard wood, or a 2 by 4

    Knife Possibly a Saw Sandpaper (optional, however recommended) Electric tape (optional) Duct tape A 2*2 piece of wood will work

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    Caesar & Early Roman Unit Study for Early Learners




    Make a Roman Outfit

    For more information, patterns and precise details on mens, womens and childrens clothing, foot fashion, hairstyles, headdress

    and headgear please visit : http://www.fashion-era.com/ancient_costume/roman-costume-history-toga.htm

    Our impression of an ancient Roman is either

    that of the soldier in his tunic and with an

    overlay of heavy metal armour, or of the

    Roman senator dressed in a toga. See extra

    line drawing pictures of Roman Battle dress

    and Roman dignitaries.

    Britain was invaded by Julius Caesar in 55

    and 54 BC. One hundred years later Britainbecame part of the Roman Empire. Then for

    some 400 years after that many Britons wore

    Roman styled dress.

    The Roman Tunic or Tunica

    The tunica was the dress of soldiers and

    workmen. Dignitaries wore tunica under their toga.

    Men wore a leather belt over a tunica which was made from two pieces ofcloth, to which separate short sleeves were added. In Latin, nouns end in either

    'a' or 'um', thus the word tunic is an Anglo-Saxon derivation of tunica.

    When British Romans wore two tunics, the one next to the skin, which we would

    call an undergarment, the Romans called a Subacula. The outer garment was

    called the Tunica exteriodum and was knee length.

    Perhaps it was the colder northern climates, or perhaps Romans had fashion fads

    too, either way the tunica exteriodum reached the ankles by 100

    AD. Furthermore this Roman Tunic gained a new name, the Caracalla. From 200AD almost everyone wore the Caracalla.

    The line drawing shown right shows a Roman slave in a short tunic perfect for

    working easily. The dark tunic in the corner was to become the foundation

    garment of basic clothing for hundreds of years.

    After a slow start the hardy Roman soldiers adapted to Britain's harsher

    climate. One example was the way they adopted trews from Scotland, or

    started wearing the longer trousers that Barbarian tribes wore. One feature of

    conquering armies is that they are almost exclusively male, however, soon or

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    later they inter-marry with local women, thus in time-honoured manner, women

    may influence male garments.

    The Roman Soldier In Britain

    These two men are a coloured illustration of soldier dress from costume drawingsfrom an old fashion booklet of the 1920s. Above right - To the near right is a

    depiction of a Roman soldier in Britain. On the far right is a Romanised Briton in

    the dress of a Roman General.

    In colder countries like Britain, a thick woollen floor length cloak with a hole at

    the neckline was a necessity.

    The Roman Toga

    For socialising in town, or at meetings, Roman men of higher status might add a

    toga over the tunica. The early Roman Toga was very voluminous, required

    huge skill in draping it and made really active pursuits difficult. Essentially this

    made it a garment mostly of the upper classes such as senators.

    Toga Candida

    Any Roman man who wanted to be elected as a magistrate had to don aspotless white toga - The Toga Candida. Indeed, the modern word candidate

    comes from the Roman Toga Candida.

    Even 2000 years ago a political candidate running for office had to look spickand span. Clothes matter when someone wants to be taken seriously and


    How to Make a Roman


    Roman Toga Patterns 1 & 2

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    The Roman toga was made from fine wool and was worn by placing it over the

    left shoulder with part of it hanging in the front. This was then passed round the

    back from the shoulder and under the right arm and finally thrown over the left

    shoulder. Hats were not normally worn with the Roman toga. Togas could be

    made from several

    shapes as shown in myillustration above right.

    Dignitaries had the

    privilege of wearing a

    Roman toga with a

    stripe creating a purple

    border band that

    flowed around the

    body with the draping.

    Roman Toga Fancy

    Dress Tip

    My illustration should

    give you an idea how

    important the contrast

    band is in wear.

    For modesty purposes, and to achieve the correct look, wear a simple tunic or

    white plain T-shirt underneath. Naturally, white or flesh tone underwear is best

    with a Roman Toga. Use a clasp or brooch for extra security to hold thewrapping firmly in position.

    As with some of the Egyptian

    styles shown the art of wearing a

    toga lies in the wrapping and

    dressing of the fabric.

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    Roman Toga Pattern 3

    The approximate dimensions of these early togas seem enormous, but to cover

    and wrap the body well you will need a large piece of cloth.

    This authentic Roman toga pattern right should measure 18 feet from A to B, andfrom C to D should measure 7 feet.

    Around 100 AD the toga began to diminish in size, firstly to apallium and then to

    a stole

    More Fancy Dress Tips for Making a Roman Toga

    Anyone going to a fancy dress party for Halloween or New Year may be thinking

    the easiest solution to making a Roman toga would be to wrap a sheet around

    them and go as an ancient Roman. But you can improve your toga if you pay a

    little attention to these couture versions shown above!

    The dimensions of these two toga patterns shown further above would be similar

    to the half circle above and probably measure some 18 feet across. Note this

    almost double the measurement of C to D above. Clearly in pattern 1 and 2,

    there is at least 4 feet of fabric above the man's head before the fabric is folded

    over for arrangement.

    For fancy dress purposes trial and error is essential and these patterns are only

    toga shape guides.

    You could experiment with fabric lengths to create best effects. Trialling the

    shape with a single sheet or two and on a smaller person such as a child might

    also be useful.

    For an adult two large king size bed sheets sewn together might be a good start

    and might provide sufficient fabric for a superior fancy dress Roman toga

    Consider stencilling along one long edge, or sew deep coloured ribbon or braid

    to see see how effective a contrast border might look.

    As always, getting the hair and feet correct can make or break the end result in

    terms of authenticity.

    This article is an original Roman Costume History and Fancy Dress Tips article by

    Pauline Weston Thomas 2008 - Copyrightwww.fashion-era.com

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    Six Yards: this is the official recommendation. I think it's too long. Five Yards: a little closer to reality, but still long, how much draping do you


    Four Yards: good enough for a simple man's toga, or a child's toga. Manypeople find FOUR YARDS will do the trick for almost any kind of toga.

    DONT use a sheet fabric is cheaper and of a more suitable length.For those of you who have NEVER bought fabric, YOU control how much LENGTH

    you buy, the WIDTH is a standard width that all fabric seems to come in which is

    about five feet wide, roughly. I simply take that width, fold it in half, goes once

    around my waist (a good place to hide a belt), then over the shoulder and just

    drape from there.

    This diagram suggests a different shape for the toga, although you'll probably being

    using a rectangular piece of cloth. None-the-less, it might be of some help.

    It takes about three feet to go around your waist, and you need to wrap it at least

    1.5 times around your waist before you throw the remainder over your shoulder(either shoulder). Then bring the fabric back to the waist, and tie it up or wrap it

    some more or whatever. Women will want to tie the fabric carefully to preservemodesty around the bustal region.

    Credit: http://www.howtomakeatoga.info/

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    Soldier Costume

    You will need:Cardboard

    A red adult size t-shirt

    Plastic mesh

    Tin foil

    Red paper or paint

    Silver paper or paint

    Scissors, tape and glue

    For the chain mail use some plastic mesh. Tape it together at the shoulders and

    under the arms. Put it on over the top of a big red t-shirt. Make the Armour outof cardboard and paint it silver. The spear is made from a cardboard tube and

    the hat is covered in tin foil and decorated with red paper.

    For the shield you will need:


    Red wrapping paper

    Coloured paper

    Tin foil or a tin pie case

    Scissors, tape and glue

    Make the shield from a large piece of cardboard from an old cardboard box.

    Cover it with shiny red wrapping paper. Take tin and stick it in the middle. Use

    some yellow paper for lightning and some green paper for lines.

    Roman Sandals

    You will need:

    Light brown sugar paper

    StringHole punch

    Pencil and ruler

    Draw around your foot and add an extra 10cm all the way


    Then draw 3 strips on each side of the foot shape about 4cm

    wide. Cut it out, it should look like this. Trim the straps to fit

    the width of your foot.

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    Put holes in the straps with a hole punch and thread with string. Tie in a bow and

    wear them.

    Roman Standard

    You will need:

    1 very long cardboard tube

    Brown paint

    Large sheet of card

    Double-sided sticky tape

    Silver and gold paper

    Red crepe paper

    Paint the cardboard tube brown.

    Cut out some card into shapes

    - 1 oblong, 3 circles, 1 moon shape and 1 semi-circle.

    Cover the shapes with silver shiny paper and stick them to the cardboard tube.

    Stick strips of the red crepe paper to the oblong so they hang down. Also, stick a

    strip to the bottom of the semi-circle.

    Cut a sun shape from the gold paper and stick it to the top.

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    Teaching Roman Numerals / Lesson Plans

    Roman Numerals

    Roman numerals are expressed by letters of the alphabet:








    There are four basic principles for reading and writing Roman numerals:

    1. A letter repeats its value that many times (XXX = 30, CC = 200, etc.). Aletter can only be repeated three times.

    2. If one or more letters are placed after another letter of greater value,add that amount.

    VI = 6 (5 + 1 = 6)

    LXX = 70 (50 + 10 + 10 = 70)

    MCC = 1200 (1000 + 100 + 100 = 1200)

    3. If a letter is placed before another letter of greater value, subtract that


    IV = 4 (5 1 = 4)XC = 90 (100 10 = 90)

    CM = 900 (1000 100 = 900)

    Several rules apply for subtracting amounts from Roman numerals:

    o a. Only subtract powers of ten (I, X, or C, but not V or L)For 95, do NOT write VC (100 5).

    DO write XCV (XC + V or 90 + 5)

    o b. Only subtract one number from another.

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    For 13, do NOT write IIXV (15 1 - 1).

    DO write XIII (X + I + I + I or 10 + 3)

    o c. Do not subtract a number from one that is more than 10 timesgreater (that is, you can subtract 1 from 10 [IX] but not 1 from 20

    there is no such number as IXX.)

    For 99, do NOT write IC (C I or 100 - 1).

    DO write XCIX (XC + IX or 90 + 9)

    4. A bar placed on top of a letter or string of letters increases the numeral'svalue by 1,000 times.

    XV = 15, = 15,000

    One I Eleven XI Thirty XXX

    Two II Twelve XII Forty XL

    Three III Thirteen XIII Fifty L

    Four IV Fourteen XIV Sixty LX

    Five V Fifteen XV Seventy LXX

    Six VI Sixteen XVI Eighty LXXX

    Seven VII Seventeen XVII Ninety XC

    Eight VIII Eighteen XVIII One hundred C

    Nine IX Nineteen XIX Five hundred D

    Ten X Twenty XX One thousand M

    Roman numerals are part of the ancient Roman number system that remains in

    use today. The history of Roman numerals dates back to 1st millennium BC when

    they were used as to record numbers in stone, art and coins. Today they tend to

    be used for list items, watch and clock faces, chapter headings, copyright dates

    and to denote film sequels.

    Roman numerals add a classic style that Arabic numerals cannot. Arabic

    (decimal) numbers ( 0 to 9 ) were introduced into Europe about 900 AD andwere adopted quickly for their convenience and mathematical ease of use.

    Lists and tables can help us today with converting Roman numeral numbers to

    decimal numbers and there is a converter here to help.


    1. Find information about Roman numerals on the Internet.2. Print a copy of our guide to Roman numerals.

    o Print resource sheets3. Translate Roman/Arabic.

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    4. Check answers using the converter that can be found at this link,individually, in pairs or a group.

    5. Write numerals on the board and ask pupils which comes next.6. Ask pupils to name objects or places where they have seen or used

    Roman numerals.


    Ask pupils to write the Roman numeral or Arabic equivalent to that given.8. Count 1-10, 1-50 using Roman numeral letters as numbers9. Us Microsoft Word software on your computer to create lists/charts of

    numbers and write the equivalent to the right, e.g.

    1. = 1 One2. = 2 Two3. = 3 Three4. = 4 Four5. = 5 Five6. = 6 Six7.

    = 7 Seven

    Roman Numerals

    Arabic Roman

    1 I

    5 V

    10 X

    50 L

    100 C500 D

    1000 M


    Please read each question and select the best answer. Please try to answer all the questions.

    After answering the questions, check your answers on the next page.

    1. How do you write 4 using Roman numerals? Circle your answer.


    C IIV D IV

    2. How do you write 9 using Roman numerals? Mark your answer.


    C IIX D IX

    3. How do you write 50 using Roman numerals? Mark your answer.

    A D B C

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    C L D M

    4. Write the Arabic numeral for the numberXXXIV

    A 34 B 36

    C 29 D 35

    5. How do you write 37 using Roman numerals? Mark your answer.



    6. How do you write 500 using Roman numerals? Mark your answer.

    A L B M

    C D D C

    7. How do you write 19 using Roman numerals? Mark your answer.



    8. Write the Arabic numeral for the numberXVII

    A 27 B 17

    C 26 D 16

    9. How do you write 555 using Roman numerals? Mark your answer.



    10. Write the Arabic numeral for the numberCXX

    A 70 B 520

    C 120 D 110

    11. Write the Roman numeral for the number127



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    Question No: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

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    Donnette E Davis 2009

    St Aidens Homeschool, South Africa & The Child Development Spot

    P O Box 13720 Cascades 3202

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