Judicial system jeopardy

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Judicial system jeopardy

Civics &


What is appellate jurisdiction ?

Jurisdiction under which most of the High Court’s cases are heard

What are oral arguments?

The part of a case in which the justices listen to the lawyers present their cases

What is a dissenting opinion?

The written explanation of those justices that did not vote with the majority in a


What is judicial review?

The power to declare acts of government unconstitutional

The first African American Supreme Court justice

Who is Thurgood Marshall?

Ruling that required all arrested persons to be informed of their rights

What is Miranda v. Arizona?

Evidence obtained from an illegal search cannot be used in court

What is Mapp v. Ohio?

Legalized abortion based on right to privacy protected in the fourth amendment

What is Roe v. Wade?

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Established the Supreme Court’s power of judicial review

What is Marbury v. Madison?

Applied right to counsel to state law

What is Gideon v. Wainwright?

Has original jurisdiction for criminal trials in North Carolina

What is district court?

Results when a decision in district court is appealed

What is a trial de novo [new trial]?

The highest court in North Carolina

What is the Supreme Court of North Carolina?

Usually the first legal officer to confront the arrested suspect

Who is the magistrate?

Deals with criminal cases involving under aged defendants

What is juvenile court?

Orders a lower court to send records of a trial for the justices to review

What is a writ of certiorari?

The Supreme Court’s calendar of cases

What is the docket?

Accepted set of procedures that protects a persons rights to life, liberty and property

What is due process?

The Court’s decision to send the case back down to the lower court

What is to remand?

Establishes a pattern for further court rulings

What is a precedent?

Establishes the Supreme Court and federal judicial branch

What is Article III of the Constitution?

What is needed for a president’s judicial appointment to be confirmed

What is Senate approval?

The term of office for a federal judge or Supreme Court justice

What is life [or, “during good behavior”]?

Congress’s constitutional check on the power of the Supreme Court

What is impeachment?

Part of government that created courts below the Supreme Court, such as the

district courts and courts of appeal

What is Congress?

Forbids government from establishing or encouraging an particular religion

What is the establishment clause of the First Amendment?

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Known as the Due Process Amendment; used by federal courts to apply Bill of

Rights protections to state law.

What is the Fourteenth Amendment?

What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

Law that ended segregation in public facilities and hiring practices

What is affirmative action?

Programs that attempt to make up for past discrimination by giving advantages to


What is Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg County

Board of Education?

Based on the Brown v. Board decision, it was a local case which ordered students to be bused to balance

racial populations in schools



Civil Rights

Ruling and practice overturned by the Brown v. Board of Education


What was Plessy v. Ferguson and “separate but equal”?