Judaism Scriptures: The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) (Torah – first five books of the Bible) God:...

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Transcript of Judaism Scriptures: The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) (Torah – first five books of the Bible) God:...

Judaism Scriptures: The Hebrew Bible

(Old Testament) (Torah – first five books of the Bible)

God: Ywhw Authority figures: Abraham,

Moses Date founded: about 1800 BCE Believers: 14.5 million

Judaism is…

“ A 4000 year old tradition with ideas about what it means to be human and how to make the world a holy place” (Rabbi Harold Kushner, To Life)

A “covenant relationship” between God and the Hebrew people

A celebration and sanctification of life

A faith, a way of life…

A 4000 year old tradition… The Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac,

Jacob (“Israel”) – origins of the Hebrew people (more than 3800 years ago)

Enslaved in ancient Egypt and freed by Moses (more than 3300 years ago)

Hebrew monarchy in the “Promised Land” (The Land of Israel), ends 6th century BCE

As a faith, Jews Believe… In one God, creator of the universe,

personal but non-corporeal no human ever will be divine humans are the pinnacle of creation the goal of human life is to serve

God prophets of old – especially Moses,

through whom Torah was revealed to the Hebrew people

As a faith, Jews Believe… In themselves as the chosen

people of God God’s providence extends to all

people In Torah (first five books of the

Bible), containing religious, moral and social law which guides the life of a Jew the Hebrew Bible does not include

the New Testament

As a people, Jews are…

A nation in Diaspora (dispersed) 15 – 16 million in worldwide

population United by a common heritage (an

“ethnic” religion

Synagogue Mogein Dovid

Diaspora—百度词典[词典释义]n. 1. (古代犹太人的)大流散 [网络释义]1.犹太人散居

As a way of life, Judaism is based on… 613 commandments found in Torah

(“Written Law”) Talmud (“Oral Law”) – commentary of

ancient rabbis that elaborates on how to apply God’s Law in everyday life through: Dietary rules (Kashrut/Kosher) Dress and other symbols Prayer and devotion to the one God The synagogue and rites Proper social relations between male and

female, in business, judicial rulings, etc. Thus sanctifying life, blessing it in every


Rabbis汉语的意思是什么_百度知道rabbi n. 拉比,犹太法学专家;犹太传教士,(犹太人的学者), 法学博士, 法师,...犹太教教士每星期二对教友进行访问。 Rabbis是复数形势

How does Judaism sanctify life?Life cycle celebrations: Bris – ritual circumcision, sign of the

covenant Bar/Bat Mitzvah – full adult status

and responsibility within the religion Marriage - "Be fruitful and multiply"

(Gen. 1:22) Death – funerals, mourning

How does Judaism sanctify time? The Jewish Holidays: High Holidays:

Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) 赎罪节

Sukkot, the “Festival of Booths” 帐篷节 (fall harvest festival) 收藏节

Simchat Torah – celebrating Torah 律法节 Chanukah, the “Festival of Lights” 光明

More Holy Days…

Purim (“Lots”) – a carnival (commemorates events told in book of Esther)

Pesach (“Passover”) – commemorates the exodus from Egypt (events told in Exodus)

Shavuot (“weeks,” Pentecost) – commemorates receipt of Torah at Sinai

Shabbat (Sabbath, 7th day, on Saturday) – the “Day of Rest”

How is Judaism related to Christianity? Judaism predates Christianity – it is the

foundation of Christianity but is not a part of it

Jesus was Jewish, as were his followers and the Apostles

Jews do not believe that Jesus was anything more than a good and wise man who lived and died 2000 years ago – Jews still await their messiah

The Jewish messiah would not be divine. He would be a political figure who restores the Hebrew monarchy and causes peace to reign on Earth

Jews are not concerned about salvation and the “world to come”

messiah [mɪ'saɪə] [词典释义]n. 1. 救星,解放者 [网络释义]1.弥赛亚
Messiah百科名片Messiah,即弥赛亚,古犹太语,希伯莱文“救世主”的意思。如基督教里的弥赛亚就是耶稣。另著名的英籍德国作曲家乔治·弗里德里希·亨德尔于1741年8至9月,完成了他最著名的清唱剧《弥赛亚》。还有日本游戏Messiah~メサイア~,这是由CORE-DUSK出品的PC游戏,已于2008年8月8日发售。目录何谓Messiah起源基督教里的弥赛亚歌剧中的Messiah作者创作时间及过程游戏中的MessiahSTORYCHARACTER何谓Messiah 起源 基督教里的弥赛亚歌剧中的Messiah 作者 创作时间及过程游戏中的Messiah STORY CHARACTER展开 编辑本段何谓Messiah起源  在传统的犹太人历史里面,他们这个民族,遭受了很多的忧患,所以他们相信,经过多少年以后,某年某月某一天,他们这个民族里面,他们的国家里面,会出现一个救世主,会出现先知者,来带领他们脱离困境,这个人就是Messiah。弥赛亚精神,是几乎宿命性的,命定型的相信,我们这个民族里面,会在多少年以后,出现一个先知者,一个先行者,来带领我们脱离我们的困境,大体上来说是这样解释,就叫弥赛亚。基督教里的弥赛亚  基督教里的弥赛亚就是耶稣编辑本段歌剧中的Messiah作者  乔治·弗里德里希·亨德尔(1685-1759),著名的英籍德国作曲家。生于德国哈勒,师从管风琴家查豪学习作曲,后在教堂内任管风琴师及艺术指导。因爱世俗音乐,乃于1703年迁居汉堡——当时唯一有民族歌剧的德国城市,开始从事歌剧的创作。1706年后,在汉堡威尔及伦敦两地进行创作,不久成为英国的音乐权威人士。1717年定居英国,1726年加入英国籍。一生共创作了《阿尔西那》、《奥兰多》等四十六部歌剧,除五部外,其余均在伦敦创作。后因反对势力迫害,作品遭禁演,剧院被迫倒闭。从三十年代末开始,从事于没有舞台表演的清唱剧创作。共写了三十二部清唱剧,其中绝大部分是在英国创作的,对于英国的音乐发生深远的影响。他的代表作有管弦乐曲《水上音乐》,《焰火音乐》,清唱剧《弥赛亚》等,《弥赛亚》中的《哈里路亚》流传最为广泛。1751年不幸双目失明,1759年病逝于伦敦。创作时间及过程  1741年8至9月,亨德尔在二十四天的时间里,完成了他最著名的清唱剧《弥赛亚》。当他写完《哈里路亚》合唱时,他的仆人看到亨德尔热泪盈眶,并激动地说:“我看到了整个天国,还有伟大的上帝”。《弥赛亚》第一部分的《田园交响曲》,采用了意大利阿勃鲁齐山区风笛吹奏者的音乐,据说是1709年亨德尔在罗马听到的。   爱尔兰首府都柏林的音乐协会,为亨德尔安排了一场慈善音乐会。亨德尔非常感谢他们的盛意,答应为他们“写一些比较好的乐曲”,结果就创作出《弥赛亚》。1742年4月,《弥赛亚》在都柏林的尼尔斯音乐会堂首次演出,受到热烈欢迎。   1743年3月,《弥赛亚》在伦敦首次演出时,听众深深地为音乐所打动。当《哈里路亚》一曲中“主上帝全知全能的统治”一段开始时,听众感动得一齐肃然起立。当时英王乔治二世在座,也站了起来,一直站到合唱结束。从此形成习惯,每逢演出《弥赛亚》,唱到《哈里路亚》时,听众都要一齐起立。奇怪的是,《弥赛亚》的词作者杰南斯对亨德尔的音乐并不满意,他在写给朋友的一封信中说,《弥赛亚》的音乐配不上他的歌词。   亨德尔死于1759年4月14日复活节前一天的早晨,死后被安葬在威斯敏斯特大教堂,墓碑上刻着《弥赛亚》第四十五曲的第一句:   “我知道我的救赎主活着”。http://baike.baidu.com/view/586979.htm

What are Jews really concerned about? Tikkun Olam - “repairing this world”

through justice and righteousness; through “deed, not creed”

The heart of Judaism is in the home and family, social responsibility and doing Mitzvot (“good deeds” based on God’s commandments)

Through education and hard work we make our lives, the lives of others, and the world, what God intended it to be – Holy!

Web resources

Judaism 101: http://jewfaq.org/ ”an online encyclopedia of Judaism, covering Jewish beliefs, people, places, things, language, scripture, holidays, practices and customs”

ReligiousTolerance.org on Judaism: http://www.religioustolerance.org/judaism.htm

This P0werpoint presentation available at: http://www.nvcc.edu/home/lshulman/Rel232/resource/judaism.ppt