Judaism Odds And Ends

Post on 06-May-2015

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Transcript of Judaism Odds And Ends


Odds & Ends

As a way of life, Judaism is based on…

• 613 commandments found in Torah (“Written Law”)• Talmud (“Oral Law”) – commentary of ancient rabbis

that elaborates on how to apply God’s Law in everyday life through:– Dietary rules (Kashrut/Kosher)– Dress and other symbols– Prayer and devotion to the one God– The Temple and Temple rites– Observance of Holy days– Proper social relations between male and female, in

business, judicial rulings, etc.• Thus sanctifying life, blessing it in every way

More Holy Days…

• Purim (“Lots”) – a carnival (commemorates events told in book of Esther)

• Pesach (“Passover”) – commemorates the exodus from Egypt (events told in Exodus)

• Shavuot (“weeks,” Pentecost) – commemorates receipt of Torah at Sinai

• Other, minor festivals• Shabbat (Sabbath, 7th day, on Saturday) –

the “Day of Rest”

How is Judaism related to Christianity?

• Judaism predates Christianity – it is the foundation of Christianity but is not a part of it

• Jesus was Jewish, as were his followers and the Apostles

• Jews do not believe that Jesus was anything more than a good and wise man who lived and died 2000 years ago – Jews still await their messiah

• The Jewish messiah would not be divine. He would be a political figure who restores the Hebrew monarchy and causes peace to reign on Earth

• Jews are not concerned about salvation and the “world to come”

What are Jews really concerned about?

• Tikkun Olam - “repairing this world” through justice and righteousness; through “deed, not creed”

• The heart of Judaism is in the home and family, social responsibility and doing Mitzvot (“good deeds” based on God’s commandments)

• Through education and hard work we make our lives, the lives of others, and the world, what God intended it to be – Holy!

The Basics

• Judaism has no dogma.

• Actions are far more important than beliefs.

• The closest anyone has come to a system of beliefs is Maimonides 13 Principles of Faith.– He believed that they were the “Basic

Requirements” for a being a Jew.

Maimonides’ 13 Principles of Faith

1. God exists

2. God is one and unique

3. God is incorporeal

4. God is eternal

5. Prayer is to be directed to G-d alone and to no other

6. The words of the prophets are true

7. Moses' prophecies are true, and Moses was the greatest of the prophets

8. The Written Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) and Oral Torah (teachings now contained in the Talmud and other writings) were given to Moses

9. There will be no other Torah 10. God knows the thoughts and deeds of men 11. God will reward the good and punish the

wicked 12. The Messiah will come 13. The dead will be resurrected

Maimonides’ 13 Principles of Faith


• Judaism focuses on Relationships

• The relationship between God and mankind

• Between God and the Jewish people

• Between the Jewish people and the land of Israel

• Between human beings.


• Moses Maimonides– (3/30, 1135 – 12/13, 1204)

• Jewish rabbi, physician, and philosopher

• His works and his views are considered a cornerstone of Jewish thought and study.

• Lived in Spain.• Influenced Non-Jewish

world with Jewish Thought.

• 13 Principles of Faith

Hebrew Alphabet


"And it shall be for a sign for you upon your hand, and for a

memorial between your eyes, that the law of the LORD may be in your mouth; for with a strong

hand did the LORD bring you out of Egypt" — Exodus 13:9


The Lord said to Moses: Instruct the people Israel that in every generation they shall put fringes on the corners of their garments...Looking upon the fringes, you will be reminded of all the commandments of the Lord and fulfill them and not be seduced by your heart or led astray by your eyes. Then you will remember and observe all My commandments and by Holy before your God... (Numbers 15:37-41)