JSA Test Automation Framework

Post on 14-Feb-2017

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Transcript of JSA Test Automation Framework

Selenium/Java based Hybrid Test

Automation Framework

Developer: - Jaspal Singh Aujla Email: - jsaujla1@gmail.com LinkedIn: - https://nz.linkedin.com/in/jaspalsinghaujla

JSA Test Automation Framework Page 1

Explanation: -

This is a Hybrid Test Automation Framework, which is a combination of Data Driven, Keyword Driven and

Modular framework. It is based on Selenium WebDriver and Java Programming Language. This framework

fulfils the requirement of TDD, BDD, Live Documentation and Page Object test approaches.

Advantages of this framework: -

1. I have seen in the software test automation industry that automation engineers prefer to automate

positive scenarios only. As per my experience and approach, I prefer to automate each and every test

case of an application including positive as well as negative scenarios. This framework (mechanism) is

specially developed to cover maximum coverage of test automation.

2. I am very confident that this framework will take least time as compare to any software test

automation technique (framework) to automate any application and test cases.

3. Once this framework will be implemented in any organization then a Software Tester with training on

element identification and how this framework works can automate any application without write a

single line of code. I already developed important Methods with extent of exception handling which

are completely reusable. A Software Tester just need to use these Methods (Keywords) and pass

Values through excel sheet to automate any application.

4. I tried my best to develop a framework which will never break even in the case of any exception. If any

exception will come while execution then it will handle that exception and proceed to the next test


5. I am very confident on my html result reports and I’m quite sure that any technology at present time is

not providing such a detailed and well managed result report

6. While automating an application through this framework at the same time we will get proper

documentation regarding all test cases, which will be helpful to fix any unexpected situation in future.

This framework provides all flexibility/facilities like: -

1. Add end number of Applications.

2. Browser and device compatible.

3. Flexibility to ON/OFF Modules.

4. Flexibility to ON/OFF Test Cases.

5. Fully independent Test Cases.

6. Auto captured and save Screenshot of failed TCs.

7. All features are 100% dynamic, nothing is hard coded.

8. Flexibility to add new Methods (Functions). This framework will never say "No".

9. Well managed and detailed HTML Results including Project Name, Project URL, Test Device, Test

Operating System, Test Browser, Test Date, TC Name, TC Description, Action performed, Inserted

Values, Expected Result, Actual Result, Status, Total TCs, Total TCs Pass, Total TCs Fail, Total Validations

Pass, Total Validations Fail and Total time taken for execution.

Technologies used:-

Eclipse (Integrated Development Environment)

JSA Test Automation Framework Page 2

Java Programming language

Selenium Web Driver Java Library (jars)


Appium java client, gson and selenium server standalone jars

Microsoft Excel

Apache Excel (jars)


Browser Driver files

Description with screenshots: -

Below screenshot is showing the Project Excel file. From here, Software Tester OR Management can pass

the credentials and information regarding project and at execution time they can choose which project

needs to be executed on which device, on which OS, on which browser, etc.

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Below screenshot is again showing the Project Excel file but different sheet (Project Modules Excel file).

From here, Software Tester OR Management can Create Modules Name and at execution time they can

choose which module(s) need to be executed.

Below screenshot is showing the Test Cases Excel file. From here, Software Tester can Create Test Cases

and at execution time Software Tester OR Management can choose which Test Cases need to be executed.

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Below, first screenshot is showing the Test Data Excel file. From here, Software Tester can automate test

cases by using inbuilt Functions (Methods, Keywords) and pass all required information.

And, second screenshot is showing the HTML Result file with all required information in it after execution

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Below, first screenshot is showing an another example of Test Data Excel file with 2 test cases. Here, in

first test case I am double verifying the user name after login.

And, second screenshot is showing HTML Result file after the execution of these 2 test cases.

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Name and Description of Inbuilt Functions / Methods / Keywords

Fn_LaunchBrowser This function will open the browser on the bases of selected browser under “BrowserType” column in the

“ProjectDriver” excel file.

Fn_MaximizeWindow This function will maximize the browser window.


If this function is called after LaunchBrowser then the script will always wait for the element as per the

provided time. Maximum wait will be as per the provided value and if script got the element sooner then it

will proceed to the next step. Value needs to pass in seconds.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Value


This function will set the maximum wait to load the page. If a page will not load within the provided time

then the test step will be failed and the scrip will proceed to next step. Maximum wait will be as per the

provided value. Value needs to pass in seconds.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Value


This function will launch the application on the bases of URL passed under “ProjectUrl” column in the

“ProjectDriver” excel file.


This function will get the actual title of the page and compare it with the expected title. If it matches then

the result will be pass else fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Expected


This function will get the actual title of the page and compare it with the expected title. If actual title

contains the expected title then the result will be pass else fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Expected


This function will get the actual url of the page and compare it with the expected url. If it matches then the

result will be pass else fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Expected


This function will get the actual url of the page and compare it with the expected url. If actual url contains

the expected url then the result will be pass else fail.

JSA Test Automation Framework Page 7

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Expected


This function will check whether the expected element is present within the page or not. If it is present

then the result will be pass otherwise fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI


This function will check whether the expected element is present within the page or not. If it is present

then the result will be fail otherwise pass.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI


This function will click on the element.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI


This function will hover the mouse cursor on the element.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI


This function will right click on the element.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI


This function will enter the value (text) in the textbox.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI, Value


This function will get the actual value from the textbox and compare it with the expected value. If it

matches then the result will be pass else fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, Expected


This function will get the actual value from the textbox and compare it with the expected value. If the

actual value contains the expected value then the result will be pass else fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, Expected


This function will clear (remove) the value (text) from the textbox.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI


This function will select the value (option) from the dropdown list.

JSA Test Automation Framework Page 8

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI, Value


This function will get the selected value (option) from the dropdown and compare it with the expected

value. If it matches then the result will be pass else fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI,



This function will get the selected value (option) from the dropdown and compare it with the expected

value. If the actual value contains expected value then the result will be pass else fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI,



This function will get all the selected values (options) from the dropdown and compare it with the

expected value. If it matches then the result will be pass else fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI,



This function will deselect a value (option) from the dropdown.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI, Value


This function will deselect all values (options) from the dropdown.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI


This function will check whether an element is enabled or not. If it is enabled then the result will be pass

otherwise fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI


This function will check whether an element is disabled or not. If it is not enabled then the result will be

pass otherwise fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI


This function will check an option (Radio button or Check box). If the option by default checked then script

will not do anything and write the result pass otherwise script will click on option and write the result pass.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI

JSA Test Automation Framework Page 9


This function will uncheck an option (Radio button or Check box). If the option by default unchecked then

script will not do anything and write the result pass otherwise script will click on option and write the

result pass.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI


This function will check whether an element (Radio button or Check box) is selected or not. If it is selected

then the result will be pass otherwise fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI


This function will check whether an element (Radio button or Check box) is selected or not. If it is selected

then the result will be fail otherwise pass.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI


This function will switch (navigate) the script focus to second opened window (page).


1. This function will switch (navigate) the script focus to second opened window (page).

2. Then it gets the actual title of new opened window.

3. Then it compares the actual title of new opened window with expected title. If it matches then the

result will be pass otherwise fail.

4. Then it close the new opened window (page) and switch (navigate) the script focus back to first


To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Expected


5. This function will switch (navigate) the script focus to second opened window (page).

6. Then it gets the current URL of new opened window.

7. Then it compares the current URL of new opened window with expected URL. If it matches then the

result will be pass otherwise fail.

8. Then it close the new opened window (page) and switch (navigate) the script focus back to first


To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Expected


1. This function will switch the script focus to alert and then get the text available on the alert.

2. Then it compares the actual text available on the alert with expected text. If it matches then the result

will be pass otherwise fail.

3. Then it accepts the alert.

JSA Test Automation Framework Page 10

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Expected


1. This function will switch the script focus to alert and then get the text available on the alert.

2. Then it compares the actual text available on the alert with expected text. If it matches then the result

will be pass otherwise fail.

3. Then it dismisses the alert.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Expected


This function will get the text through provided element path and compare it with the expected text. If it

matches then the result will be pass else fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, Expected


This function will get the text through provided element path and compare it with the expected text. If the

actual text contains expected text then the result will be pass else fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, Expected


This function will open a new url within the same window, then get the actual url and compare it with

provided url. If it matches then the result will be pass else fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Value


This function will scroll the web page to the location where the element is available.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath


1. This function will get all the elements on the bases of provided locator (xpath, id, etc.)

2. Then it extracts the actual text from all elements one by one and compares it with expected text. If it

matches then the result will be pass otherwise fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, Expected,



3. This function will get all the elements on the bases of provided locator (xpath, id, etc.)

4. Then it extracts the actual text from all elements one by one and compares it with expected text. If the

actual text contains the expected text then the result will be pass otherwise fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, Expected,


JSA Test Automation Framework Page 11


1. This function will get all the elements on the bases of provided locator (xpath, id, etc.)

2. Then it extracts the actual text from all elements one by one and compares it with expected text.

3. If it matches with expected text then it will click on that text (element) and write the result pass and if

it does not match with anyone then the result will be fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, Expected,



4. This function will get all the elements on the bases of provided locator (xpath, id, etc.)

5. Then it extracts the actual text from all elements one by one and compares it with expected text.

6. If the actual text contains the expected text then it will click on that text (element) and write the result

pass and if nothing contains this text then the result will be fail.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, Expected,



This function will upload a file through file input type.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath, ElementUI, Value

(file path)


This function will perform backspace (navigate to previous page).

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath


This function will perform forward space (navigate to forward page).

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath


This function will split the provided elements path and elements UI into array and drag the first element

path and drop it to second element path.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Two ElementPaths separated

with comma (,) and Two ElementUIs separated with comma (,)


This function will split the provided elements path and elements UI into array and click on first element if

second element does not exist.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Two ElementPaths separated

with comma (,) and Two ElementUIs separated with comma (,)

JSA Test Automation Framework Page 12


This function will wait for the next execution as per the provided time. Value need to pass in milliseconds.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Value


This function will wait till the time title will not contains expected value. Maximum wait will be as per the

provided value. Value need to pass in seconds.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Value, Expected


This function will wait till the time URL will not contains expected value. Maximum wait will be as per the

provided value. Value need to pass in seconds.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Value, Expected


This function will wait till the time alert will not present. Maximum wait will be as per the provided value.

Value need to pass in seconds.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Value


This function will wait till the time element will not be visible. Maximum wait will be as per the provided

value. Value need to pass in seconds.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Value, ElementPath


This function will wait till the time element will not be clickable. Maximum wait will be as per the provided

value. Value need to pass in seconds.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Value, ElementPath


This function will wait till the time the number of windows will not be equal to expected. Maximum wait

will be as per the provided value.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: Value, Expected


This function will refresh the page.


This function will delete the cookies of opened browser.

JSA Test Automation Framework Page 13


This function will close a tab or browser but does not break the connection with browser.


This function will quit all the tabs or browser and also break the connection with browser.


This function will click on the element.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath (Need to pass Id

only), ElementUI


This function will enter the value (text) in the textbox.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath (Need to pass Id

only), ElementUI, Value


This function will check the checkbox.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath (Need to pass Id

only), ElementUI


This function will uncheck the checkbox.

To execute this function, data needs to be pass from “TestData” excel file: ElementPath (Need to pass Id

only), ElementUI

JSA Test Automation Framework Page 14

An examples, how code works behind the Functions / Methods / Keywords


case "Fn_LaunchBrowser": Fn_LaunchBrowser(); break;

public void Fn_LaunchBrowser() throws Throwable




if(DriverScript.vBrowserType.equals("Mozilla Firefox"))


DriverScript.driver=new FirefoxDriver();


else if(DriverScript.vBrowserType.equals("Google Chrome"))



utomationFramework\\Drivers\\Web Browsers\\ChromeDrivers


DriverScript.driver=new ChromeDriver();


else if(DriverScript.vBrowserType.equals("Internet Explorer"))



ationFramework\\Drivers\\Web Browsers\\IEDrivers


DriverScript.driver=new InternetExplorerDriver();


else if(DriverScript.vBrowserType.equals("Microsoft Edge"))


System.setProperty("webdriver.edge.driver","C:\\Program Files

(x86)\\Microsoft Web Driver\\MicrosoftWebDriver.exe");

DriverScript.driver=new EdgeDriver();


else if(DriverScript.vBrowserType.equals("Safari"))


DriverScript.driver=new SafariDriver();


else if(DriverScript.vBrowserType.equals("Opera"))



tomationFramework\\Drivers\\Web Browsers\\OperaDrivers


DriverScript.driver=new OperaDriver();


else if(DriverScript.vBrowserType.equals("iOSSafari"))


DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();









JSA Test Automation Framework Page 15

DriverScript.driver=new IOSDriver(new

URL(""), capabilities);


else if(DriverScript.vBrowserType.equals("AndroidChrome"))


DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();









DriverScript.driver=new AndroidDriver(new

URL(""), capabilities);


DriverScript.hr.fgInsertResult(DriverScript.ResFilePath, "Launch

Browser ("+DriverScript.vBrowserType+")", "Browser should launch", "Browser

launch successfully", "PASS);


catch(Throwable t)


DriverScript.hr.fgInsertResult(DriverScript.ResFilePath, "Launch

Browser", "Browser should launch", "Unable to launch browser", "FAIL");



Recently, I have integrated and customized an amazing Result Report in this framework,

below are the screenshots of the same:

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