Jr., Mrs.fairfieldgenealogysociety.org/Members_Only/Weddings-Collection/W… · Prosperity, Joe Max...

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Transcript of Jr., Mrs.fairfieldgenealogysociety.org/Members_Only/Weddings-Collection/W… · Prosperity, Joe Max...

n e anon ethodist Chul'Ch Ceremony

1Miss Sandra Fellers Be~omesBrideOf Mre William Reid, JrG,June 6th

Weel in Sion Church, Sept. 12 If 5''1. .iss Irene Locketta Frazier Is theride of Mr. Robert F. Stephenson

and Mrs. Hayne D. McMeekin andMr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Beden-baugh greeted guests, Mr. and Mrs.William G. Ragsdale received themin the halt Mr. and Mrs. T. K.McDonald were at the door to in-troduce guests to the receiving line.Mr. and Mrs. Julian K. Colemanand Mr. and Mrs. Ed' Stevenson,Jr., with Mr.· and Mrs. HaroldRenwick, assisted in receiving. Mr.and' Mrs. LOcke Edwards and Mr.'and Mrs. M. F. Frazier kept the'bride's register. Mr. and Mrs. Wal-'ter W. Lewis bade the guests good-]_bye. I

Miss~ Perry Anne Cathcart, IFrances Douglas, Kitty Rice andBarbara MCMaster, Barbara Jen-nings, Norvelle > Robinson,. TinaKetehin and Douglas' Geddings as-sisted in serving.Out-of-town guests were t b e

bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.James' B. Frazier, Jr., and Mr.and Mrs. J. K. Boswell, aU of Co-lumbia; Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hud-son .of Orangeburg; Mrs. O. L.Mangum of Monroe;. Mrs. AdamGra-nt of Kannapolis; Mr. and Mrs.Joe Chaney of Monroe; Mr. andMrs. John Carroll Ward of· Long'Island, N. Y., the bride's aunt anduncle; Mr. and Mrs. Dudley H."Britt, Jr., and Miss Julia Britt ofColumbia; Roger Wilkerson, III,

,,{(}'t,,;,/{}!,:{{, of Charlotte, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs.

IIIIIIWilliam Locke Edwards of Foun-tain fun and 'New York; MissesJean Linyl and Gladys Sullivan ofLancaster; Mr. and Mrs. JohnTurner of Camden; 'the Rev. andMrs. Arthur M. Martin of Colum-bia; Mr. and 'Mrs. Francis MarionFrazier of Salem Crossroads; Mr.and Mrs. John Rhett Fpizier am}'children, Susan and Rhett, of New-

Miss Sandra Lynn Fellers, daugh- ;,-------------- MRS. ROBEmT FRANKLIN STEPHENSON berry; ,Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, the'ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Howard Cecil Edgar Ringer, cousin of _ mother of Mrs. J. R. Frazier, ofFellers of Columbia, became the the bride, acted as ringbearer. Miss Irene Locketta: Frazier and imported pearl and cut bead me- Johnston; Mrs. M. V. Griffin ofbride MWilliam Thomas Reid, Jr., The candles were lit by Richard Robert Franklin Stephenson were tifs, sheath skirt and floating panels Aiken; Miss Connie Williams andson of Mr. and Mrs. William Thom- Cooper. married Saturday at 5 p.m. in Sion that dipped slightly below the hem-. Mrs. Tom Brewer of Wingate, N.as Reid of Winnsboro, at 4:30 p. Presbyterian Church here. The line of the street-length skirt. A C.; and Mrs. Zeb Cuthbertson ofm., Sunday, June 6th. The wed- For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Rev. Robert Smith, pastor of both small jeweled' lace hat held her Monroe.ding, beautiful in :its simplicity, Fellers chose a pink silk sheath bride and bridegroom, officiated. chapel veil of imported illusion andtook place in the Lebanon Meth- dress with matching lace coat and Mrs. Thomas Sprott was organist she carried a lace-covered -prayer For trareling, the new Mrs.odist Church at Newberry, church :white accessories. She wore a cor- and Laughlin McDonald was soloist. book topped with a white glamellia Stephenson wore a hand-tailored:of the bride's gran~~ot?er, Mrs. I sage of white carnations. The bride, daughter of Mr. and corsage showered with tuberoses. Jenny Prince original of jewelAlma C. ~ellers'l Officiating at the I The bridegroom's m~ther wore Mrs. James Blair Frazier, Il'I, was The bride's mother wore a sheath green wool with pure silk blouse indouble rmg ceremony were the I h th d f bl t given in marriage by her father. gown of imported mauve lace with Italian design, matching feathera s ea ress 0 ue s ar peau hRev. Harry S. Chandler, !former . . The bridegroom, who is the son of draped organza side panel with at and brown lizard bag and shoes.

t f th brid d th R WIth blue lace overblouse, WIlth..... d M W'lli' S . , .ipas or 0 ene, an e ev.· I . . H (J Z"\r an rs, James 1 am te- matching hat and shoes ana a cor-I B th Mr d Mr St hF . B M t f L b matc ung accessories. er corsa ••e, h 0 . an s ep ensonrancis . ayes, pas or 0 e - ., phenson, Jr., had his father as best sage of w ite cymbidium orchids; . gr d te f Mt. Z· Inst'anon Presbyterian Church of' '1' wa~ of whIte. carnat.lOns. , are a ua so. Ion 1·

t. b th man. Her grandmother s dress was a tu M St h tt d d W'

Winnsboro, the bridegroom's: ~h~ reception, given ~ e Ushers were his brothers James street-length sheath of imported the. Crs~lgePfenston a en e - h m-church. I, bride s parents, was held in the .• , rop 01 e e or wo years were

I w Stephenson HI- of Winnsboro beige lace-aad-he cm:sage-was-of ~ - b th 'i'i':;.'1[l-Th h 1 b tif II d fellowship hall olf the church im-' " , hit c:hids All f th tt d t' sne was a mem er 0 e \,All ege

e c ance was eau u y eC-1 d' I f 11 . th and Joe Stephenson df Tallahassee w e or . 0 e a en an s, Dr Club d I t f' isht d ith 1 li me late y 0 owing e ceremony. 'th bride' d h ther' d ama ,an pans 0 mora e WI pa ms, magno ia, Fla and Alex Rabb of Winns"oro e rt e s an er mo er s an h' d t' t th La teb h d d 1 b twi d ith Lovely arrangements of summer ., . '" .' , . er e uca Ion a e ncas r

. ranc id canI e a ra nt. wme wa flowers enhanced the reception The bride's attendants were her grandmother s go~s were de~lgn- branch of the University of SouthIVY, an a arge cen er arrange- . I 1 aunts, Mrs. John Rhett Frazier of ed and made by Miss Jenny Prmce, Car li a Mr St h . Cl

t f bit ",.1. d' r d ell room along WIth the cand eg ow Col bi turi f' d f lOIn. . ep enson IS a ern-anthe 0 W:,He p-<-a10 a11. -r.y$. emanating from the silv-er candel- Newberry and Mrs. John· Carroll um ia cou uner and rien 0 son College zraduate and han iernums. W d f Lo sl the bride I ••• as servoabra ar 0 ng I and, N. Y., who' ed as a lieutenant in the Army. HePresenting the traditional wed-I . d d f h d h The b id ' hding music was Mrs. Wilfred M. Rev. and Mrs. Dewey Brazil in- serve as ames 0 onor; an - er n egroom s mot er wore ~ is employed in the accounting OffiCE

Mayton of Drakes Branch, Va., I vited the guests into the reception twin sisters, AIm and Fran Frazier, street -length '. dress made with of Springs Mills. .cousin of the bride, pianist, and room, where Mr. and Mrs. Russell who were junior bridesmaids. The mauve lace top and mauve crepe. The couple will live in LancasterJames Waites of Columbia so- IAddy in.troduced them to the re- senior attendants wore street-length skirt in a modified empire style

, id gowns of heavenly blue silk chiffon and a corsage of white cymbidiumloist. Mr. Waites sang "0 Perfect ceiving line. Goodbyes were saiLove" and "The Wedding Prayer." by Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Luther over taffeta made with rounded orchids.

Fellers. neckline circled with four rows of The church was decorated withProsperity, Joe Max Reid, Pendle- For travel the bride chose a blue matching silk lace, draped em- a background of palms and seven-ton, cousin of the groom, and Nor- and green silk sheath Gress. pire bodice, inset lace and puffed branched brass floor candelabra

Imall Baum 0>1' Columbia. Mrs. Reid is a 196:; graduate of chiffon cummerbund and back pan- holding white bridal tapers and hadThe maid of honor was Miss the University of South Carolina, els which floated! over the bouf· one large center arrangement of

Paula Diane Fellers, sister of the 'where she received a Bachelor of fant skirt, matching headpieces and white gladioli and asters.bride. She wore a street length Arts Degree. She is a teacher in satin shoes. They 'carried cascade The fellowship hall, where a re-dress of white lace over yellow _ the Jasper County School at Ridge- bouquets of white glamellias. ception followed the ceremony wassilk, with matching accessories, land. Th: twins' costumes were jun-ior decorated with palms and 'mag-and carried a cascade bouquet 01' Mr. Reid, a rising senior at the versions of the honor attendants' nolias. The bride's table held two'''' rot;'. J>.-' +.. University of South Carolina, is gowns and they had matching flat- silver candelabra epergnette ar-Miss Elizabeth Rtrth ~ei4; sis- associated with Columltlia Music heeled pumps and smaller bou- rangements of white flowers and

ter of the groom, was the flower Center. quets. . candles, The refreshment table held!girl. She wore a street length dress L..... ~_----'""- -1 The bride was gowned in Chan- a large center arrangement o,fof orga-nza over taffeta, in the tilly lace over silk fashioned with white flowers.palest shade of yellow, designedt empire waistline, shaped neckline ,The couple was assisted in re-with a fitted bodice and full skirt.t outlined in clippe:l medallions of ceiving at the reception 'by their

IHer headpiece was a handsome I the lace whioh were centered with parents and the wedding pa...tv.Mr.bow o.f matching fabric and color. ../


• First Lieut. John Rhett Frazie;is at home from a Lfi-months'stay in Panama, visiting Mr. andMrs. J. B. Frazier, Jr J and hisgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.F'razier, Sr. .While here he wasmarried to Miss Juanita Williamsof Augusta, Ga., and is now sta-tioned at Colorado Springs, C9~
