jQuery performance best practices by Sameera Thilakasiri

Post on 10-May-2015

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Described how jquery should be used for best performance with examples.

Transcript of jQuery performance best practices by Sameera Thilakasiri


jQuery performance tipsWeb should be snappy, not sloppy

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


Most popular sites using jQuery on

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast

Picture from internet


Fast: ID & Element Selectors

$(‘#Element, form, input’)

ID and element selectors are the fastestThis is because they’re backed by native DOM operations (eg. getElementById()).

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


Slower: Class Selectors


getElementsByClassName() not supported in IE5-8Supported in FF3+, Safari 4+, Chrome 4+, Opera 10.10+ so faster in these.

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


Slowest: Pseudo & Attribute Selectors

$(‘:visible, :hidden’);$(‘[attribute=value]’);

This is due to no native calls available that we can take advantage of.querySelector() and querySelectorAll() help with this in modern browsers.

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


Understand parents and children

1) $(‘.child", $parent).show(); //context2) $parent.find(‘.child’).show(); //find()3) $parent.children(".child’).show(); //immediate children4) $(‘#parent > .child’).show(); //child combinator selector5) $(‘#parent .child’).show(); //class selector6) $('.child', $('#parent')).show(); //created context

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast



$(‘.child’, $parent).show();

Here the scope must be parsed andtranslated to $.parent.find(‘child’).show();causing it to be slower.

~5-10% slower than the fastest option

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast




This is the fastest of the entire set. I’ll explain why shortly.

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


Immediate children


Internally uses $.sibling and JavaScript’s nextSibling() to find nodes following other nodes in the same tree.

~50% slower than the fastest option

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


CSS child combinatory selector

$(‘#parent > .child’).show();

Uses a child combinatory selector, however Sizzle works from right to left.Bad as it will match .child before checking it’s a direct child of the parent.~70% slower than the fastest option

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


CSS class selector

$(‘#parent .child’).show();

Uses a class selector and is constrained by the same rules as 4).Internally also has to translate to using .find()~77% slower than the fastest option

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


Created context

$(‘.child’, $(‘#parent’)).show();

Equivalent internally to $(‘#parent’).find(‘.child’), however note that parent is a jQuery object.~23% slower than the fastest option

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


The fastest option is..


The parent selector is already cached here, so it doesn’t need to be refetched from the DOM.Without caching this is ~ 16% slower.Directly uses native getElementById, getElementsByName, getElementsByTagName to search inside the passed context under the hood.

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


Why not use the DOM

element itself? This is faster:

$('a').bind(‘click’, function(){console.log('You clicked: ' +


by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


Caching is the best practicevar parents = $(‘.parents’), //caching

children = $(‘.parents’).find(‘.child’), //badkids = parents.find(‘.child’); //good

Caching just means we’re storing the result of a selection for later re-use.

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


So remember..

Each $(‘.elem’) will re-run your search of the DOM and return a new collectionYou can then do anything with the cached collection.Caching will decrease repeat selections.

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


Chainingvar parents = $(‘.parents’).doSomething().doSomethingElse();

Almost all jQuery methods return a jQuery object and support chaining.This means after executing a method on a selection, you can continue executing more.Less code and it’s easier to write!

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


No-chaining vs. chaining//Without chaining$(‘#notification’).fadeIn(‘slow’);$(‘#notification’).addClass(‘.activeNotification’);$(‘#notification’).css(‘marginLeft’, ‘50px’);//With chaining$(‘#notification’).fadeIn(‘slow’)


.css(‘marginLeft’, ‘50px’);

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


Better .append() usage

Minimise use by building HTML strings in memory and using a single .append() instead.Multiple appends can be up to 90% slower when not appending to cached selectors and up to 20% slower with them.

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


Use .detach()

Works great when you’re doing heavy interaction with a nodeAllows you to re-insert the node to the DOM once you’re readyUp to 60% faster than working with undetached nodes.

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


Better .data() usage

We usually attach data like this..But this is actually much faster..$(‘#elem’).data( key , value );$.data(‘#elem’, key , value);

as there’s overhead creating a jQuery object and doing data-parsing in the first.

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


Thank you

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast


AuthorSameera Thilakasiri is a front-end developer based in Colombo. Specialist in UI, UX, SEO, IA, IxD, RWD. He is blogging technical areas and lifestyle photographer while is leisure. He can be reached by http://www.sameerast.com or @sameerast

by Sameera Thilakasiri | www.sameerast.com | Twitter @ sameerast