Journey WfW V10 1

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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The “Journey of Women to Water” Chronicles the everyday voyage to water of the often forgottenrural women and children in deepest South Africa.The “burden of thirst” told responsibly utilizingcompassionate and factional journalism, magnificent photography and publishing mastery. A compilation of bold strokes media production, to include a feature film and iconic touch stones to bring reality to the plight of water within the context of the environment, conservationand the preservation of our most precious gift - Life.

Transcript of Journey WfW V10 1

The Journey of Women to Water

Water for Women FoundationRegistered Not for Profit Company 2012/142840/08  Auditors: Pricewaterhouse Coopers, South Africa

Sunday 26 August 12

“Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them.”


“Rivers of Living Water” by David Dodds, the Photographer for “Journey of Women to Water.”

Sunday 26 August 12

For centuries women have been responsible for fetching and carrying the water needed

by their families.

Today the village well, once a place of community gathering

and sharing of everyday life has run dry.

Sunday 26 August 12

Chronicles the everyday voyage to water of the often forgottenrural women and children in deepest South Africa.

The “burden of thirst” told responsibly utilizingcompassionate and factional journalism,

magnificent photography and publishing mastery.

A compilation of bold strokes media production, to include a feature film and iconic touch stones to bring reality to the plight of water

within the context of the environment, conservationand the preservation of our most precious gift - Life.

The “Journey of Women to Water”

Sunday 26 August 12

Journal EntryJune 2012

Our voyage began in MVEZOa small village on the Mbashe River.

The iconic touchstone bears the royal seal by “blood and custom” of the Thembu Chiefdom bestowed on Nelson Mandela.

Located in the district of Umtata in the Transkei, South Africa, it is the Birthplace of one of the world’s most respected leaders.

And our story is about the landscape, the village, the community and the everyday travails of their Journey to Water.

Sunday 26 August 12

David Dodds Director at Water for Women Foundation,

and highly regarded photographer and graphic artist will compile a travelogue and an exemplary book on:

The Journey of Women to Water

“The Great Place” Birthplace of Revered Leader Nelson Mandela - acclaimed work by David Dodds

Sunday 26 August 12

Capitalizing on broad experience in international assignments David Dodds

will uncover the great and small, the ‘grande land’ and the unsung..The campaign across the country will have exceptional support for media coverage

and world touring exhibitions to highlight the endeavors of the supporting individuals and companies, and give immense clarity to the women and children featured...

that their Voice may be heard.

“A Land Made Famous” by David Dodds

Sunday 26 August 12

“Within the context of the global water narrative the story of a Woman’s Journey to Water

may be only one of it’s many chapters. However, it is a story that is unique to rural women

and their rights to water. And one of which we must never tire in giving our voices.”

Ann Heystek, Chairman, Water for Women Foundation

“Journey To Water” by David Dodds At Mvezo, the Birthplace of Nelson Mandela

Sunday 26 August 12

Leading Africa™ & their professional team of international associates bring 21 years of highly acclaimed global experience into play for the production of

The Journey of Women to Water in video, print & associated E-media for global distribution

incorporating media partners, leading corporations, founding charter companies, celebrity support & world players in funding.

Ongoing stories, new locations, destinations unearthed, recorded live on the web to sustain interest and promote public participation.

“Ancestral Home” by David Dodds “Tribal Water” by David Dodds

Sunday 26 August 12

“The Meeting Point” by David Dodds

Sunday 26 August 12

“Water Source” Mvezo“The source of all life for the people of Mvezo.

The place where they wash their clothes, their bodies, where children swim and play and where they take their animals to drink is also the source of drinking water for this community.”

“Playground of a Statesman” by David Dodds

Sunday 26 August 12

“Water Source” by David Dodds

Sunday 26 August 12

The Journey of Women toWater Road Campaign..

As we continue..

Sunday 26 August 12

with inspiration from the Iconic Essays of the Passionate Photojournalist

& UNICEF Special Representative

Sebastião Salgado

Sunday 26 August 12

A body of work that is not judgmental or scolding, but rather a celebration of the lands beauty and the cultures that inhabit it.

“Photo Journalism presented to the world as a vision both beautiful, yet coupled with an underlined warning.

How do we prevent the loss, correct the mistakes, returning the world to it’s proper order?”

Sunday 26 August 12

“Whilst access to clean water is a basic human right it is also a privilege. As a woman of Africa, I have never experienced the burden of thirst or been denied the right of use to clean water. Nor has anyone in my family or our children been ill or unthinkably died from waterborne disease. Since becoming aware of the dilemma of the rural women and children for whom the search for clean water is a daily, burdensome and often perilous task, I have sought a way to bring this precious resource closer to their homes. But for too long I have tried to champion the cause of water rights for rural women and children from the edge

of my desk or in the offices of those I thought may be interested to take up their cause. Whilst we await decisions to assist their plight, women & children remain without a voice.

Therefore, I have decided to take my office on-the-road to chronicle the story of

The Journey of Women toWater.

It is my hope that in telling their story we will find a way together to end water slavery in our country and thereby stop the unremitting cycle of poverty and hunger.”


“Please add your powerful voice of influence to the Global Campaign and our ‘Journey’ to

bring clean water to rural women and children.”

Sunday 26 August 12

The Journey of Women to Wateris a Road Campaign into

deepest South Africa to chronicle mile-by-mile..

The everyday Journey of rural women & children to water

Sunday 26 August 12

“Where time began” Nkomazi Wilderness by David Dodds

“and to chronicle also that which we would miss,”

Sunday 26 August 12

“Heritage” St Lucia World Heritage Site by David Dodds.

“and that which we cannot afford to lose..”

Sunday 26 August 12

From Mvezo, the iconic birthplace of Mandela in the Transkei to the barren communities of the Richtersveld

and the deep forests of the Wild Coast, our Journey of Women to Water will bring their story to the globe across all available media and networks.

Sunday 26 August 12

The Forgotten Schools

and we uncover

Sunday 26 August 12

Journal EntrySeptember 2012

Our Journey takes us across Rural South Africa to chroniclethe touchstones of the pupils and teachers - what they hope for; what inspires their

dreams, their daily walk to water and school and the challenges of the 13 000 schools located here.

Sunday 26 August 12

The Forgotten Schools

Two-thirds of South African children, some as young as eight years old, who attend rural schools in some provinces travel to school on foot

up to 10 kilometres each morning.

Such exhausting conditions adversely affect the ability of these children to adequately participate in activities in the classroom.

This results in poor performance, non-attendance or regular absences. In particular, girls face the risk of sexual assault when walking several

hours to and from school each day.

Sunday 26 August 12

The Challenges

Over 19 million or 39% of South Africans live in rural areas.

80% of rural areas are commercial farming areas with low population densities.

70% of the country’s poorest households live in these areas and few of them are food self-reliant throughout the year.

Although access to basic water services has been provided to an additional 9 million people since 1994, this has been concentrated in the urban areas and, by 2006, 3.3 million people still lacked access to adequate, clean water supplies, with another 15.3 million being without access to sanitation services.

“In many rural areas, lack of managed

services means that people rely on

unmanaged local resources such as springs and rivers.

These are vulnerable to pollution and drought.”

Sunday 26 August 12

Our Invisible Children

The South African Department of Social Development found that nearly 100 000 households are

headed by children aged 10 to 17.

In essence, about 18 million South Africans live on less than $2 a day

which is far below The Living Standards Measure.

Educational disparities for girls and boys infringing the right to


With unclean water sources often miles from villages, many children

are forced to spend hours each day simply finding and

transporting water.

“The lack of water is an often insurmountable

obstacle to helping oneself.”

* You can't grow food

* You can't build housing

* You can't stay healthy,

You can't stay in school


* You can't keep working.

Sunday 26 August 12

the distressed Schools & Clinics in Carolina Town

and we uncovered..

Sunday 26 August 12

Journal EntryJuly 2012

Our Journey takes us to Carolina Town in Mpumalanga.

26° 4'35.93"S 30° 6'42.70"E

“In January 2012 heavy rains culminated in 82mm falling in two hours. Suddenly the dam that provided the town’s water had dangerous levels of heavy metals – associated with acid mine drainage – and its water plant could no longer handle the load. Locals were warned by the municipality and hospital not to drink the water,

or even wash in it.”

Here our touchstone is ACID MINE WATER POLLUTION

& “the devastating effects on a community with no access to clean water

due to a collective failure of water governance”

Sunday 26 August 12

Schools In Distress Carolina Town

Sobuza School

Sobuza School is currently suffering with the rest of Carolina town in Mpumulanga because of the acid mine water seepage that has overrun the municipal services. Trucks are having to deliver drinking water once a week, to cater for any kind of consumption.

Water For Women Foundation PlanLocation: S 26 ’04.786 E030’07.343  

Personnel to be Assisted605 School Children and Teachers

Equipment needed:300 metres connecting works,

200 metres electrical,3 storage tanks

and 120 Water Purification Panels.

Violet Jiyani Junior Secondary School

Violet Jiyani Junior is the companion to Sobuza in the regional education system. And Carolina is 220kms from Johannesburg.

Water For Women Foundation Plan

Location: S 26 ’05.030 E 030’06.595

Personnel to be Assisted260 Teachers and Pupils

Equipment needed: 180 metres connecting works,

60 metres electrical, 1 storage tank

and 25 Water Purification Panels.

Sunday 26 August 12

Zinikaleni Secondary School

Carolina, Mpumulanga

Zinikaleni Secondary School is the senior school to Violet jiyani, and has the same strategic problems.

Water For Women Foundation PlanLocation: S 26 ’05.257 E 030’06.665

Personnel to be Assisted1381 Pupils & Staff

Equipment needed:300 metres connecting works,

200 metres electrical,2 x 5000 litre storage tanks

and 200 Water Purification Panels.

Sunday 26 August 12

Carolina District Hospital

‘Medical Services are the hardest hit in terms of the Carolina Town Municipal crisis.”

Carolina District Hospital is currently suffering with the rest of the town.

Water For Women Foundation PlanLocation: 26° 4'35.93"S   30° 6'42.70"E  

Personnel to be assisted:150 Medical staff and 650 patients. 800 total.

Equipment needed: 250 metres connecting works,

3 storage tanks and 135 Water Purification Panels.

Rural Health “Is In Distress”

Rural areas, home to 43,6% of the population, are served by only 12% of South Africa's doctors and

19% of its nurses

There are 30 generalist doctors and 30 specialists per 100 000 people in urban areas, but only 13 generalists

and a mere 2 specialists per 100 000 people in rural areas

The ratio of professional nurses to the population is 82% greater in Gauteng than in Mpulamanga

Of the 1200 medical students graduating in SA yearly, only about 35 end up working in rural areas in

the longer term

Sunday 26 August 12

Add Your Powerful Voice to the ‘Journey of Women to Water’ Campaign

“By empowering rural women and children with clean water you will assist to bring an end to the unremitting

cycle of poverty and hunger.”

Sunday 26 August 12

Lest we forget...WATER IS LIFE

Sunday 26 August 12

Women are finding that they have to walk further and further to fetch water as it becomes increasingly scarce.

According to the Water for People, Water for Life, UNIFEM report

it has been calculated that in South Africa alone, women collectively walk the equivalent distance

of 16 times to the moon and back per day gathering water for their families.

Sunday 26 August 12

The daily task of carrying water over distances is back-breaking work for women & children.

Often, women carry loads of up to 50 lbs on the head, hip, or back. Over time, the strain can deform the spine and pelvis,

causing extreme pain and disability.

Sunday 26 August 12

Women And Children Are The Water Slaves..

The same women & children who spend much of their time in ill health, caring for sick children,

or laboriously collecting water at distances averaging

6 to 10 kilometers a day…

are denied educational and economic opportunities to better their lives.

Sunday 26 August 12

“Dawn Rising”

In the image that follows next,the cycle of destruction emanating from a lack of clean water is graphically captured.

“If water needs boiling, it inevitably leads to fires. If fires are needed, so too comes the consequent damage to the ozone

and destruction of vegetation. Without vegetation, there is erosion,

and disappearance of ground cover for sustaining animals and plants.

And the cycle starts again tomorrow.”David Dodds, on an aerial survey

Sunday 26 August 12

“Dawn Rising” by David Dodds

Sunday 26 August 12

Rural Women hold the key to maintaining food supplies for the world’s estimated one billion hungry people …

they are Earth’s Crusaders & with nearly seven billion people now in the world they represent

Our only Hope.


“Hope In the Young” Mvezo Child by David Dodds

Sunday 26 August 12

Women Are Our SAFETY NET

Over two thirds of all women in Africa are employed in the agricultural sector

& produce nearly 90%

of all food on the continent.

“Please Heed Their call.”

Sunday 26 August 12

Women Are The Guardians

of Food Security

Women are responsible for growing, selling, buying and preparing food for their families

Yet even as the guardians of food security, they are still marginalised in business

relations and have minimal control over access to resources such as land, inputs such as improved seeds and fertilizer, credit and


A combination of logistical, cultural, and economic factors, coupled with a lack of gender statistics in the agricultural sector,

mean that agricultural programs are rarely designed with women’s needs in mind. As a

result, African women farmers have no voice in the development of

agricultural policies designed to improve their productivity.

Sunday 26 August 12

“Impressive GDP growth rates in Africa have not translated into the elimination of hunger and malnutrition.

Inclusive growth and people-centred approaches to food security are needed.” UNDP 2012

Sunday 26 August 12

Join The CampaignThat Strives To Free

10 MILLIONRural Women and Children From Water Slavery

The solutions and systems proposed utilise green technology.

Sunday 26 August 12

Become an Angel with

theWater For Women Foundation

Registered Not for Profit Company 2012/142840/08  Auditors: Pricewaterhouse Coopers, South Africa

Sunday 26 August 12

Add Your Powerful Voice of Influence

Water For Women Foundation has instituted an easily accessible program of

support level Angels.

Sunday 26 August 12

Nature Angels Donate towards providing life-enhancing clean water for a small rural village, individual family, community center who are without infrastructure for clean water for drinking, washing and crop growing.

Earth Angels For absolutely everyone who cares and would like to help! It’s easy for everyone to participate; Donations can be made at

Your support of any amount pays towards buying solar panels and pumps, bricks, pipes, cement, soap, installation, maintenance, education, seeds, transportation, fencing, electric cable or provides a rural family with water by donating towards a life giving solution.

Sunday 26 August 12

Water Angels: Adopt in its entirety a life-sustaining project for a Hospital or Clinic medical program: This is for medical support facilities throughout rural South Africa that do not

have clean water or disinfected wash water.

Unsafe Drinking water: The WFW Water Angels protect and save the lives of those most under threat due to a lack of

access to safe drinking water. And Rural Clinics are at the forefront of this often perilous consideration for the lives of

those at risk.

Your donation will provide rural clinics with safe water from the use ofSolar Desalination panels, providing pure, clean drinking water for medical use

- on any scale from any water source.

Project exampleJust Sixty 3Metre Panels provide 900 litres of drinking water and 2100 litres extra. This is a viable amount for a sample Clinic operating with 65 patients and 20 staff.


One Panel or thousands! Your donation into the Water Angels will be allocated to medical projects across rural South Africa as they are identified according to the most urgent need.

Sunday 26 August 12

Platinum Angels: Adopt a Rural School program: This is for corporations, aid agencies, foundations or private

individuals to adopt a current project in totality. Such as the ones that have already been identified in Carolina,

where communities especially women and children have been most affected by the pollution caused by acid mine


Your involvement could provide a rural school in South Africa with clean water for drinking, washing and crop


Platinum Angel Projects will be added as we travel across rural South Africa to tell the story of ‘Journey: Women to Water’.

The adoption of these schools, of which there are some 13000 in need, is open to innovative ideas; school or community twinning can offer considerable exchange of cultures and co-operation.

Sunday 26 August 12

The Journey of Women To Wateris a GLOBAL CAMPAIGN and features

extensive integrated media coveragethat will substantially benefit the


Direct Product and Services Support

and you can participate with

Sunday 26 August 12

Products and Services SupportMedia Partnerships: with Adoption and sympathetic reciprocal media in print & TV

Branded Vehicles: Broadcast truck & Campaign 4 x 4 vehicles

Broadcast and Media Imaging Equipment Software

Communication and Internet Services

Accommodation venues

Solar Energy Systems

All of these support contributions will be branded and featured in the media coverage program,

and as Partner Ambassadors on the home website.

“The New Bridge” by David Dodds

Sunday 26 August 12

PROGRAM AND LOGISTICSThe specific program of the ‘Journey’ will extend for an expected period of 15 months, and the process is promoted ‘live’ via traditional print, TV and all the Web attributes.

It makes sense to have a ‘live’ broadcasting vehicle creating the work, with additional support research and media vehicles.

Publicity is immediate, and ongoing for all the participants in products and services.

“Water’s Edge” by David Dodds

Sunday 26 August 12

Into the FutureThe ‘Journey’ is destined to gather detailed information

to plan the roll-out of installations for Schools and Clinics.

Mini branded media featureswill be generated for distribution to give extensive

continuing visibility along the way, and well into the future.

Exhibitions and books will appear as an ongoing awareness campaign to assist the fundraising,

as the WfW program continues to provide for the disadvantaged.

As the Projects and installations are completed over time, there will be media coverage indicating all the details behind the scenes

and highlighting the results for the community.

Sunday 26 August 12

The WFW FoundationAmbassadors

Sunday 26 August 12

Undertake the Journey... Change Lives

David is a highly accredited businessman and entrepreneur with an accomplished 30 year track record in comprehensive land planning, development and construction. He currently is the Principle of American Ventures International and Insight Properties  to include  the Executive Vice President of Legacy Family Entertainment LLC based in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, David’s across-the-board expertise spans keynote developments in America such as Grand Panama Beach Resort, Florida and the development of the Asian development operations in China for the Real Estate Development Trust , where he was the President of Operations Asia. David has lived and worked many years in the middle East and Asian markets developing cultural and business relationships.

David has undertaken the role of Chairman for the Water for Women Foundation USA to bring awareness to the plight of rural women and children who do not have access to this precious life-giving resource. He brings a strong passion and big heart for the rural women and children who are most affected by this plight and is firmly committed to achieving our goals to bring clean water and changing the lives of as many as 10 million people.

"I have the distinct honor to work with Ann Heystek: Founder of Water for Women in South Africa. Ann leads the charge for one of the most critical resources in South Africa working to save thousands of lives every day in the rural communities. Through her strong faith and persistence, WFW will bring water to thousands of

women and children who would most likely never have a chance to live, learn, and love life on this planet. Ann, the WFW, and Leading Africa organizations are nothing short of a blessing from the heavens

brought to earth for the sole purpose of changing lives for ever."

David BuschmannChairman Water For Women Foundation USA

Sunday 26 August 12

Sabrina Amodeo: Entrepreneur, restauranteur, motherChairman of the Water for Women Foundation, Ireland.

“Sabrina is the cornerstone of entrepreneurship and achievement for women today. We have worked together, mentored and known each other for more than 24 years. Her compassionate nature, enthusiasm for life and never say no or can't do attitude to life has

brought her much success and given her two young daughters a sterling example of a what a "count-on mom" is all about. She has fully embraced the Water for Women project and

will do everything possible to ensure that awareness of the plight of women andchildren in rural South Africa is heard thereby adding many voices of influence to the

campaign.” Ann Heystek.

"As a mom who works close on 24/7 to secure stability, education and rights for my daughters, I cannot imagine what it must be like not to be able to turn on a tap for water that provides us with the ability to cook, wash, drink and nourish when needed. These women spend their entire lives trying to ensure water security for their families. There is no way that people who have privileged access to water across the globe cannot addtheir voice to this cause that for just a few cents a month brings this incredible life sustaining resources nearer to home." Sabrina Amodeo.

Do Good....Add Your Voice

Sunday 26 August 12

Patience Mlengana: Notable entrepreneur, women of great faith. co-founder and director of Regro Technology and inspirational mentor to the women and children of South Africa.

“I first met Patience about 12 years ago when she was just establishing her business and I have seen her develop her vision and goals with a hands-on approach that is

absolute to the success she has achieved. Patience will stop at nothing to champion a cause that she believes in with an ever present persistence and positivity

that leaves no stone unturned. Her energy and faith literally breathes life into championing the cause for the women

and children of South Africa and their rights to water.” Ann Heystek.

“I grew up with limited access to water in my village and with no water or sanitation at school. I know what it’s like to have to collect water for the most basic of human needs and my heart goes out to these women and children who are born into this routine of fetching and in some cases finding water just to survive. I was fortunate to have found the support and opportunity to build a successful life for myself and my family. These women and children deserve the right to water and to the empowerment it will provide them to bring a new and different focus into their day whereby they can start to think about education, agriculture, sewing and other means to make a livelihood. Water rights are after all part of the constitution of South Africa. With more than 40% of our people living in rural areas the rights to water is just not stretching far enough. As women of Africa, Ann Heystek and I are fully committed to setting up local manufacture to bring the technology to enable this to our shores so that we can champion the cause to bring affordable clean water utilizing local content and provide much needed job security at the same time.”

Women & Children Have Rights To Water...

Patience is the non-executive Chairman of the WFW Foundation


Sunday 26 August 12

Ann Heystek is a doyenne of local and international marketing, having spent almost all of her impressive 26-year career in the field. She has established and managed 4 highly successful green-fields businesses, and been operative as a strategic business advisor to corporates, championed change management initiatives, mentorships, fund raising initiatives, philanthropic causes, public relations, research, trends analysis, event management and go-to-market strategics - with particular emphasis on the property, leisure, bespoke luxury goods, publishing and financial sectors. Her special skill, networking on the national and global stage, has earned her a sterling client base and blue-chip pool of associates, encompassing the top decision-makers in business and media. Moreover, Ann brings to the WFW Foundation her writing, publishing and financial expertise, having produced several bestselling books on personal finance under the Worth Publishing banner. Ann is currently completing her PHD in Divinity at UMS, California, USA and is currently completing her book entitled “The Miracle Prayer Code”.

“My objective is to bring awareness to the plight of women and children in rural areas throughout Africa, which will uplift and empower through education and funding initiatives that bring clean water to prevent life threatening water-borne diseases and to enable sustainable agriculture. 100 to 150 million people will be lifted out of hunger if women have access to vital resources such as water.

The Water for Women Foundation is launching a global "Water Is Life" campaign that entails a road trip across South Africa to compile the "Journey of Woman to Water" photo journalism series. Comprising a book, feature movie and E-Media promotion to assist with the fund raising to provide one million solar desalination panels to distressed women and children in rural areas.

It is our belief that in raising this awareness, governments across Africa will support our initiative to bring valuable technological expertise to our shores to enable the local manufacture and production of the solar panels, which will make them more affordable and therefore much more accessible to those in need.”

Journey with me to tell the story of Women to Water...

Ann Heystek is the founder and chairman of WFW


Sunday 26 August 12

Join me in telling their story through the lens....

“Over the next 9 months to a year, I will be continuing our tour across rural South Africa to bring the environment and the plight of rural women and children into play through the lens of my camera.

The Journey will be one of beauty, wilderness, sadness, joy and celebration. I will be compiling a magnificent array of places to visit and explore along the route and will invite you along to join me to

write your experiences into our journal. Much of what we will discover will be sacred, tribal and part of the heritage and legacy of our beautiful country. One thing is for sure... it will never be the usual, as each story will be unique to the location,

the people, the landscape and the fauna and flora.

I look forward to meeting with you all and mostly for the amazing contribution your unique story

would bring to ours.”

David Dodds: An acclaimed photographer, graphic artist, web designer, computer engineer, publisher and noteworthy curator of causes. His photographic works are featured throughout this presentation. David designed the ‘Angel program’, the beautiful corporate identity for the WFW Foundation.

Sunday 26 August 12

Water For Women FoundationWater For Women Foundation is a Registered Not For Profit Company

Audited by Pricewaterhouse Coopers in South Africa

Ann Heystek Chairman RSA +27 82 445 2179

David Buschmann Chairman USA Public Profile

David Dodds Director RSA +27 84 706 2085 Co Tel: 044 384 1325 South Africa

WATER FOR WOMEN FOUNDATION NPC REGISTRATION 2012/142840/08 This material is prepared and copyrighted by WfW Water For Women Foundation. © 2012

Acknowledgement is given to some images from the Commons Licence of World Bank

Sunday 26 August 12

Green TechnologyManifesto

Assurance of Best Practice Considerations in Green Technology

Sunday 26 August 12

Green Technology Manifesto“The Water For Women Foundation actively reviews and seeks safe and economical

solutions that employ the best practices in sustainable green technology to bring clean water to those in need.”

Potential manufacturing of water solutions in closer proximity to reduce costs is being pursued for the

African Continent by WfW.

Large scale cleaning and disinfectantsWith a founding base of forty years experience, originating from Africa, Dove Biotech of Thailand have extensive

leading edge nano-technologies for large scale water purification. These combine with an advanced organic disinfectant, Antinfek, an environmentally safe and longer lasting substitution for chlorine.

Solar Water Purification PanelsEase of deployment, safety and affordability; these are governing factors and the F Cubed panels from Australia

achieve this for affected rural communities. Other benefits include:reclamation of polluted water, water conservation, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture,

procurement of governmental investments in water infrastructure

Power and SustainabilityAs rural communities are most often out of the reach of municipal services, attention is paid to independent

alternatives for lights, heating and electrical operation of implements. Specialised Solar System in South Africa are employing their own extensive knowledge in Solar outcomes with research institutions that are concerned with

facilities such as water pumps, lights, cooking and communications: all focused on sustainability.

Sunday 26 August 12


TM SolarBag 3L

Emergency Preparedness Disaster Relief Developing World NGOs

Sunlight Activated Reusable

Water Purifier Treats More Contaminants! Bacteria Viruses Protozoa Petrochemicals

Pesticides Herbicides Heavy Metals Pharmaceuticals

Sunday 26 August 12

Quest Water SolutionsQuest Water Lies at the Intersection of Humanity & Technology

Quest Water Solutions' mission is to create cost-effective, sustainable, and environmentally sound innovative clean water solutions. Quest Water is committed to ensuring a positive socioeconomic benefit for the communities in which it operates, while advancing its standards of corporate, environmental and social responsibility through the continuous pursuit of viable, environmental, and technical innovation.

Sunday 26 August 12

Footnote17 percent of the world's people lack access to safe water.

This is a human rights abuse of staggering proportion -- threatening more than a billion people and undermining a range of other human rights, including rights to health,

environmental sustainability, economic justice and peace.

Every year, nearly 1.8 million people (90 percent of them children under five) die from diarrhea caused by dirty water. Typhoid, cholera, and other deadly diseases are also

spread by contaminated water, bringing the death toll from water related diseases to a staggering 3.5 million people a year.

In fact, unsafe drinking water is the source of 80 percent of disease worldwide and kills more children every year than wars, malaria and HIV/AIDS combined.

Without clean water, it's nearly impossible for people to maintain good hygiene for themselves and their children.

Lack of personal hygiene contributes to the spread of infectious diseases and compromises people's dignity and confidence.

So that we never stop striving to seek solutions to their plight, and never forget..

Sunday 26 August 12