Journalism ethics

Post on 21-Nov-2014

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A short presentation on Journalism Ethics for Prof. Holly Johnson's Journalism 1 and 2 students at Mercer County Community College in New Jersey.

Transcript of Journalism ethics

in Journalism

Prof. Holly Johnson

What are ethics?

The word “ethics” refers to the application of moral principals in

the way that we conduct our individual or group behavior.

The word “ethics” refers to the application of moral principals in

the way that we conduct our individual or group behavior.

Morals are the principals of right and wrong behavior that are agreed upon by society. Examples of morals:

• Don’t lie

• Don’t cheat

• Don’t hurt others

• Don’t steal

Where do morals come from?Although morals are generally seen as separate from religion, most religions have strict codes of moral behavior. The morals we share as a society are often based on the moral teachings originally found in religion. Fortunately most religions and societies hold similar morals, so what is moral in one country or to one religion is generally the same elsewhere.

Journalists must obey the law

No libel No invasion of privacy No copyright infringement No advocating illegal behavior No depiction of sexually explicit

acts No trespassing

Ethics and the LawMany laws are based on ethical principles, which are in turn based on morals.

If something is unethical it is usually illegal.

But not everything that is illegal is unethical.

How are journalistic ethics different from any other ethics?

How are journalistic ethics different from any other ethics?

In journalism your readers’ confidence will erode if you appear to be behaving unethically, even if you didn’t actually do anything wrong.

How it looks is as important as how it is.

This isn’t what it looks like!

VOICE rules

You have to be accurate.

You must double check all stats, titles, names and other facts in your articles. Facts from one source have to be corroborated by other sources. When you get a fact wrong, you must run a correction in the next issue and fix it online immediately.

• You can’t report on a team or club or event in which you currently or have ever participated.

• You can’t report on a place where you have ever worked. • You can’t engage in any activity on which you are reporting (i.e. dancing with a

stripper at a XXX convention, carrying a picket sign at an Occupy rally etc.). • You can’t report on a business or event run by a friend or family member.

When there is even a remote relationship between the reporter and the story, it must be fully disclosed directly within the text of the article.


Libel = The crime of writing and printing false spoken statements that are damaging to a person’s reputation.

Jones beds donkey!Professor Pete Jones slept with a large, hairy donkey in the testing center on the MCCC West Windsor campus.

No libel, or you will get sued.

ILLEGAL Speaker has no proof and writes it so many

can read.

ILLEGAL Speaker has no proof and writes it so many

can read.

News reporting must be fair and balanced.

Keep an open mind and put aside pre-conceptions before you begin reporting. People must be treated as innocent until proven guilty. Give all sides a chance to comment.

Get your terms right!The College Voice follows the Associated Press stylebook in all references to race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and national origin. Such language reflects that conventionally considered most accurate, unbiased and representative.

Negro or African-American?Illegal Immigrant or undocumented?

Transgendered? Transvestite? Transsexual? Tranny?Homo?

LGBTQRSTUV? Latino? Hispanic? Mexican?Terrorist? Freedom fighter?Someone from Laos is a ???

Cop or law enforcement agent?


Reporters may not accept gifts, favors, free travel, special treatment or privileges as these may compromise their reporting or have the appearance of favoritism that will erode the trust of the readership.

The sole exception to this is to acceptance of event tickets. As is standard in the journalism industry, when an event planner wants to ensure that a particular event receives coverage in the College Voice, they should contact the College Voice in advance to request coverage and should provide complimentary tickets or an entrance pass for press. The provision of tickets does not ensure a “positive” article.

1. No gifts.


Use of a position with The College VOICE to gain personal advantage or to make inquiries for any other purpose than work for The College Voice is strictly prohibited.

2. No abuse of power.

Hey, I’m a reporter. I know people. I can help you out if you give me some free

dim sum.


Staff members are not permitted to use information not yet made available to the public for personal gain.

3. No insider trading.

So I’m reporting on a secret corporate plan to raise Steve Jobs from the dead. Maybe I should just buy a few shares of Apple stock while I’m thinking

of it.

So I’m reporting on a secret corporate plan to raise Steve Jobs from the dead. Maybe I should just buy a few shares of Apple stock while I’m thinking

of it.



Staff members may not use College VOICE equipment for any purpose other than work for The College VOICE.

4. No abuse of VOICE equipment.

Dalton won’t mind if I just take this camera home and

take a few photos of Muff Muff, Diesel and Mr. Frinky in their new outfits.


Staff members may not threaten sources or promise favorable coverage or money in exchange for information.

5. No threatening people to get info.

If you don’t tell me how many calories are in these

MCCC burgers, I’ll bust your kneecaps.


Staff members must fully disclose their identity to all sources.

6. You must tell people you’re a reporter.

So, President Donohue, have you ever used drugs while on the job? Why do I ask?

Oh, no reason. Just curious.


Staff members must ask sources before recording conversations.

7. You must ask to record.

Oh, no officer Flaherty. I’m not wearing a wire. That’s

just…uh…my ID tag?!


Involvement in student politics, holding student government office and service in college organizations should be avoided if it compromises or appears to compromise the integrity of student journalists.

The VOICE, its reporters and advisers may not receive awards from any MCCC campus group or organization in recognition of its coverage if such an award might create a real or perceived conflict of interest.

8. No serving on SGA or accepting awards from other clubs we report on.

Hey, College VOICE staff, don’t you want to be on

SGA with us and report on all the great things we


Hey, College VOICE staff, don’t you want to be on

SGA with us and report on all the great things we



No publishing press releases without substantiation of their claims and evaluation of their news value.

9. No printing press releases without substantiation.

Hey, look guys. The PR office just sent us this press release about how all MCCC students are going to get free cars this semester. Let’s just publish it as is, what do you think??!!

Hey, look guys. The PR office just sent us this press release about how all MCCC students are going to get free cars this semester. Let’s just publish it as is, what do you think??!!


Plagiarism is an ultimate violation of trust and credibility with our readership and will not be tolerated at The College VOICE. Any and all material taken from another source must be appropriately cited and attributed, including:-Information from press releases-Little-known facts from authoritative sources-Unique stylistic traits, devices or wording-Both widely available news and news not widely available obtained from other sources-Information from another media outlet’s exclusive story or scoop-Information obtained through the efforts of another party or source

Any staffer who is found to have committed an academic integrity violation will be dismissed from The College VOICE.

10. No plagiarism. No cheating.

Hey, I didn’t have time to get a quote from a student for my article. How about I just make up a quote and attribute it to some student I make up, or

say it’s an anonymous source?

Hey, I didn’t have time to get a quote from a student for my article. How about I just make up a quote and attribute it to some student I make up, or

say it’s an anonymous source?


Stop +Think

Choose + ACT

Consider the consequences

Consider the options

Determine the facts

Review long term goals

Monitor results

Step 1 - Stop and Think

Some ethical decisions must be made very quickly, but if you have any time to stop and think, DO IT!

Step 2 - Review Long-Term Goals

Instant gratification often leads to unethical decisions. If your long term goals include not going to jail, being someone

people respect, and being able to sleep well at night, then remind yourself that it’s worth it to make ethical decisions!

Step 3 - Determine the Facts

In the workplace, you may find someone else is cheating or behaving unethically and feel obligated to turn them in. You cannot act on suspicion alone! You must have all the facts.

Step 4 - Consider the Options

Do nothing Gather more info Do something

Doing nothing can sometimes be just as dangerous as doing something. As for doing the right thing, you may have several options to choose from and it can be hard to know

which one is best. Look at the merits of all decisions.

Step 5 - Consider the Consequences

If any of the items on your list of possible actions would require lying, cheating, stealing, hurting others, or being disrespectful,

cross it off the list. Ask yourself how you’d feel if everyone knew your decision; a decision that only looks good if no one else

knows about it, is always the wrong choice.

Step 6 - Choose

Eventually you will have to choose a course of action, and you alone will be responsible for the outcome, but it helps to find a mentor, someone with good character, who can help

you choose wisely. Talk to people you respect and trust before making your decision.

Step 7 - Monitor Results

Because we often must act with imperfect knowledge of what may happen as a consequence of our actions, some decisions may turn out


An ethical person monitors his or her decisions, sees where they went wrong, and strives to correct errors and do better in the future.

Coming soon…ETHICS outside of the office:

what do I do now?

Coming soon…ETHICS outside of the office:

what do I do now?