
Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Journal2

Journal 2LIEW QIAO LI 0315671

Attitudes and Social Judgements

How is a fixed mind changing people’ attitude. For an example, in this society, people always

believe that study in a good university will get you a high-paying job in future. So, for those

parents who wish their children have a better life in future will send their children abroad. In

another way, people will change their attitudes from time to time by learning. People keep

trying to get a good consequence. When people take attention at something, they will keep in

mind and practice it by their own. This can be explained by ‘monkey see,monkey do’. For

example, children nowadays like to watch violence movies. This possibly will affect them in

real life. They will start to bully the weak just to grab attention from other. People believe in

themselves. What exactly they do is right and they hard to recognize their exact condition.

People may change their behaviours just to get into the situation but not their attitudes.


In this lecture, we have been going through how others affect your thoughts. Lecturer

uses Hitler as example during the class. People will keep going on what are they doing when

they get the orders. This is because people will think that they should follow the order and

there is no other option. This shows how people have influenced just by a word.People will

think that it is not their responsibility because it is not their willing to do that. People should

use to think before you start to do, because sometimes we will just trust or follow what others

are saying.

Behaviour in Group

People will react different in different situation neither with different people. A group

of people is much better than being alone. People in a group can take care of each other in a

difficult or dangerous situation. So, being in a group comes with many benefits. People in a

group will more efficient in solving problem compare to individual. For example, a group of

doctors will provide a better health care to patients. In making decision with a group will

have a lower probability to get wrong decision.