Jourdan (Hunter) Dekle - Effective Ways to Train a Dog€¦ · importance of dog training, the six...

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Transcript of Jourdan (Hunter) Dekle - Effective Ways to Train a Dog€¦ · importance of dog training, the six...


Effective Ways to Train a Dog

Jourdan Hunter


Dear Dog Owners: Here is my analytic report, Effect Ways to Train a Dog. While conducting my research, I learned a great deal of invaluable information about dog breeds, the life of a dog, and the lives dogs live while living in a home. I believe this information will provide a baseline of pertinent information for first-time dog owners and people who are looking into getting a dog in the future. Thank you for the opportunity to share my findings with you. Dog training is a necessary aspect of every dog’s life that will teach them how to behave in social settings and be a loving member of a family. Anyone who is a new dog owner or looking into getting a dog will greatly benefit from this information. This topic is important to me because I am a dog owner. I’ve enjoyed learning more about effective dog training methods and using that knowledge to train my dog. I intend to further my research and update my report as more information arises. Sincerely, Jourdan Hunter


Table of Contents Abstract………………………………………………………………………………………..4 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………5 Background Information………………………………………………………………………6 The Importance of Dog Training……………………………………………………...6 Principles of Dog Training……………………………………………………………6-7 Methods of Dog Training……………………………………………………………..7-9 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………….10 Summary and Explanation of Conclusion…………………………………………….10 Recommendations……………………………………………………………………..10 References……………………………………………………………………………………..11 Appendix………………………………………………………………………………………12

Figures and Tables

Figure 1 Classical Conditioning………………………………………………………………7 Figure 2 Crate Training……………………………………………………………………….8 Figure 3 Clickers……………………………………………………………………………...9


Abstract The quote “a dog is a man’s best friend” says a lot about dog owners. Dogs are our friends, our companions. Wouldn’t you want your friend to be in great health and able to hang out with you all the time? The difference between a dog and a human best friend is simple: you don’t have to train your human best friend on how to behave, but you definitely have to train your dog. Dogs do not know how to behave in our lives because they were not born knowing how to do so. Dogs that go untrained can end up in shelters or euthanized because of frustrated dog owners who do not know how to care for a dog. This analytical report seeks to shine a light on the importance of dog training, the six principles of dog training, and four common methods of dog training. Dog training is important for the dog and the owner in order for both to live happily with one another. Humans do not inherently know how to live with dogs no more than dogs know how to live with humans. However, because the human is the owner, the human must train the dog on how to live in their world. That training involves basic commands, potty training, and behavioral cues. Methods of dog training are the broad goals of how to train a dog. The principles of dog training are the specific tips each trainer/owner should use, despite the chosen method. The six principles of effective dog training are as follows:

• Be Consistent • Be Concise • Be Generous • Be Smart • Be Prepared • Be Happy

The dog training methods covered in this report are Classical Conditioning, Crate Training, Clickers, and Professional Trainers. No one method is correct or incorrect because the most successful method depends on the relationship and personality of the dog and its owner or trainer. These methods can be used individually or in combination with one another. By the end of this report, dog owners should have a more educated view of effective and successful methods of dog training.



In America, dogs are domesticated animals to provide us with companionship. The popular saying “a dog is a man’s best friend” is a small piece of the amount of love people have for their pets. However, dogs are similar to young children in that they need attention, affection, and correction. In the same way people teach their children right from wrong, dogs have to be taught right from wrong. Also, like parenting, there’s no correct way to train a dog. The most effective way to train a dog depends on the relationship between the trainer and the dog. Training a dog is vital to their survival and owners need to realize that training is no easy task. According to Dr. Boneham’s Dog Training Handbook, “lack of basic training can be a death sentence. It’s the number one reason why people get rid of their dogs” (Boneham, 2005, p. 6). Every year, more and more dogs are put out on the streets, given to shelters, and euthanized for their lack of training. It is the responsibility of dog owners to ensure the successful life of their dog. New and experienced dog owners both agree that dog training is necessary. However, there are pros and cons involved in the process of training a dog. The positives of dog training include:

• Well-behaved dog • Maintained schedule for both the owner and the dog • Confidence in dog owners when their training method is successful

Unfortunately, dog training can also be “time consuming and frustrating for everyone involved” (Hunter, 2018). Thankfully, there are several different methods for training a dog that will work for the owner and the dog. In the end, the dog will learn how to behave in its new-found setting while the owner is pleased with their new family member. The problem in dog training is that owners either lack the knowledge or the patience to train their dog, thus resulting in the dog being given away, thrown out, or euthanized. I plan to describe the following methods of dog training:

• Classical Conditioning • Crate Training • Clickers • Professional Trainers

With this analytic report, I plan to describe a few of the methods of dog training and why it is important to train a dog. Ultimately, this report seeks to decrease the number of dogs that end up on the streets or in abusive situations by showing owners how to train, understand, and love their dog.


Data Section

The Importance of Dog Training Anything done two or three times becomes a habit. Similar to humans, a dog’s habits will be taught or come from their own instincts if they are not trained. According to experienced dog owner, Linda Hall, “dogs need to be trained in order to get the level of obedience and performance you want anytime, anywhere” (Hall, 2018). Just like a parent preparing for the birth of their child, reading and research is the way to prepare for a new dog. To be a successful dog owner, it is imperative to learn as much as possible about the breed and how to keep it healthy. Once that has been established, the next step is to learn your individual dog. All dogs can be trained, but the method and success rate depends on the dog and the trainer’s relationship. Why is dog training so important? The simple answer is because dogs “are not born knowing how to live with us” (Anderson, 2014). Dogs do not instinctively know not to pee in the house, jump on the couch, chew up your favorite shoes, or bark late at night. They have to be trained. Dogs need to be trained in order to live with you and not embarrass you in social settings. Training is time consuming and takes a lot more effort that people realize, but it is worth it. Think of it as a way of saving your dog from a future full of hardships for not being able to fit in. Principles of Dog Training According to Boneham’s Dog Training Handbook (2014), there are six principles of dog training in order to be successful.

• Be Consistent • Be Concise • Be Generous • Be Smart • Be Prepared • Be Happy

Be Consistent. Use the same words and tone of voice when training to avoid dog confusion and trainer frustration. Remember, dogs do not speak our language, so they are learning commands and while learning our language. For example, when training a dog to sit, say “sit” instead of “sit down” or “stay right there.” Be Concise. When training, say the command once. Continuously repeating the command will teach the dog that they do not have to complete the command until the owner gets frustrated and uses more stern language. Be Generous. In the beginning stages of dog training, reward your dog for being right or completing a command. This will reinforce and encourage the dog to follow through with their training. However, rewards do not always have to be treats. Rewards include verbal praise and belly rubs as well. Be Smart. If your dog does not always respond to commands in training, it is not wise to expect for them to respond in a situation where you cannot immediately correct them.


Be Prepared. Successful training requires preparation. If your dog is still learning not to run out the dog every time someone opens it, prepare to hold or dog or place them somewhere where they cannot run away. Be Happy. Training is tedious and can be frustrating for the dog and the owner, but try to remain positive throughout the experience. Don’t use an angry tone or aggressive body language. Attempt to remain calm, upbeat, and happy and your dog will do the same. Dog Training Methods Though there are several different methods and avenues for training a dog, this analytical report will only cover the following four methods:

• Classical Conditioning • Crate Training • Clickers • Professional Training

Classical Conditioning. The term is simply defined as “the dog understanding a simple association” (Appelbaum, 2004, p. 32). Research has shown that this method is one of the most widely used. While training, owners will reward good behavior with a treat to teach the dog simple association (Dekle II, 2018). With this method, dogs will learn that good behavior results in treats and bad behavior does not. In order to get what they want (a treat, in this case) they’ll do whatever is asked/demanded of them. The long-term goal is to train the dog to the point of not needing a treat to behave well. Figure 1 Example of Classical Conditioning


Crate Training. This is another common yet successful method of dog training. Though it is common, many people shy away from this method because it seems cruel to lock a dog away in a cage. However, “dogs are den animals, which means they like small, cozy spots” (Thornton & Jones, 2013, p. 20). Crate training is a simple way to keep a dog out of trouble while under limited or no supervision while house training. While in a crate, dogs cannot tear things up or pee on the floor. Figure 2 Guideline of Crate Training

In order for crate training to successful, it is important to show your puppy the bright side of a crate. Dog owners should place a few toys inside the crate and reward their puppy every time they enter the crate on command. In addition, it is advised for crates to be placed in busy parts of a house, such as the living room, so that the dog does not feel abandoned or alone while in its crate. A dog’s crate should be large enough for them to:

• Stand • Move around • Lay down comfortably

The dog will not urinate in their crate because they will not want to lay in it. However, if it is too big, the dog will urinate in the crate on one side and sleep/play on the other. Lastly, dogs should not be locked in a crate for prolonged amounts of time. Young puppies need to be taken out every few hours whereas older dogs can sit a little longer. In order to reinforce the fact of the crate being a happy place, the owner must treat the crate like a happy place (Thornton & Jones, 2013).


Clickers. Using a clicker to train a dog is similar to the classical conditioning method. The difference is the tools used for association. Instead of associating a lease with outside or a treat with completion of a command, clickers are used to associate the sound with a command. Clicker training “relies on operant conditioning to shape a desired behavior without force” (Moore, 2012, p. 5). Clickers can be used to teach tricks, change unwanted personality traits, and manage basic commands. The following figure displays five essential tips for clicker training. Figure 3 Clicker training tips

Professional Trainers. The last method covered in this report is professional training. This route is effective in ensuring your dog is well-trained. Professional training can be one-on-one or in group settings with other dogs. This method is popular among new dog owners who have never interacted with dogs in the past. Professional trainers are a great way for dogs to learn behavioral cues and commands while dog owners learn how to train and care for dogs on their own. The most noticeable downside to hiring a dog trainer is expenses (Dekle II, 2018). Dog training can become very expensive, especially if it is a series of classes required. However, hiring a professional trainer can also be a great method for a dog owner who wants a trained dog, but does not have time to do so.


Conclusion Summary of Discoveries Dog training is important because dogs do not know how to properly behave in homes and social settings. Training can be tedious, but can save dogs from ended up in shelters or euthanized. Dog training can be divided into six principles: consistency, conciseness, generosity, intelligence, preparation, and happiness. Each principle should be used as a guideline, despite the method of training used. There are several methods of dog training and this report discussed the following four: Classical Conditioning, Crate Training, Clickers, and Professional Trainers. Each method has its pros and cons, but neither is better than the other. The success of each method depends on the dog breed and relationship between the dog and its owner. The process may not be easy, but all dogs can and should be trained. Interpretation of Discoveries After conducting research, I learned that dog training is much more involved than it seems. Simply having a dog is a huge responsibility in itself. Training is an added necessity that is not discussed nearly as much as it should be. In regard to training, I learned that methods can be intermingle. It is possible to use more than one method of dog training as long as the trainer/owner is consistent and patient with their dog. I believe all dog owners can learn just how much involved having a dog is and how to be the best dog owner possible. Recommendations Dogs need to be trained in order for them to understand how they should and should not behave. I advise dog owners to keep the following tips in mind:

• Be patient with yourself and your dog • Be consistent in training • Remain calm when it seems like training isn’t successful or the dog isn’t listening • Reward/praise good behavior to enforce good habits



Appelbaum, S. (2004). ABC Practical Guide to Dog Training. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.

Anderson, T. (2014). The Ultimate Guide to Dog Training: Puppy Training to Advanced

Techniques Plus 50 Problem Behaviors Solved!. Irvine, CA: CompanionHouse Books.

Boneham, S. (2008). The dog training handbook. Neptune City, New Jersey: TFH Publications


Canine Cohen Dog Training. (n.b.). Crate conditioning. Infographic. Retrieved from

Dekle II, S. (April 14, 2018). Personal communication. [Interview].

Friedman, S. (2013, February 3). Classical conditioning. Infographic. Retrieved from

German Shepard Training Academy. (2014, August 27). Clicker training for your dog.

Infographic. Retrieved from


Hunter, M. (March 20, 2018). Personal communication. [Interview].

Lee, L. (April 11, 2018). Personal communication. [Interview].

Moore, A. (2012). Clicker Training. New York: CompanionHouse Books.

Thornton, K. C., & Jones, B. (2013). The Big Book of Simple Solutions: Training Your Dog.

Irvine, CA: CompanionHouse Books.


Appendix: Interview Questions

RQ 1: Why do you think dogs need to be trained? RQ 2: What are the positive and negatives of training dogs? RQ 3: What method of dog training do you use? (Crate training, clicker, physical discipline, hiring a dog trainer, no training) RQ 4: Why do you think your method is the best compared to others? (In other words, why'd you choose that method? RQ 5: Why did you decide to get a dog? RQ 6: How long did it take for your dog to be fully trained? RQ 7: Have you tried other dog training methods? Which ones and why didn't you stick with this method?